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Can 2 Strangers Fall in Love with 36 Questions? Dani + Andrew

Jun 02, 2021
Are you totally nervous? Oh yes, I'm dying. A viral New York Times article featured 36


that can supposedly make two people




. We wanted to see what would happen if we asked these


. To complete


on a blind date I'm Danny, I'm single, I've never been in a relationship, but what I'm looking for in a person I don't know, I'm just fun, no, I'm actually very scared, but I'm excited, nervous, Hello. I'm Danny Andrew and so am I. I'm Andrew right now. I'm just trying to meet people and you know, I have a general idea of ​​what kind of person I'd like to meet, but I'm not trying to put blinders on, what can I do?
can 2 strangers fall in love with 36 questions dani andrew
Me, I'm excited and nervous, yes, I would like to be famous too and how, no, never, actually, I don't think so. I feel like it would be a lot of pressure to have to like be something for everyone, you'd have to be something for everyone, yeah, no, not really, I mean, I wouldn't feel obligated to anything else, oh, I guess I'd be famous for myself or for something I did that added value. I mean, it would be great to have talent like that, but no, I wouldn't want to change for people and feel obligated to be who they wanted me to be, they like you, they like you, if not, they don't like you.
can 2 strangers fall in love with 36 questions dani andrew

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can 2 strangers fall in love with 36 questions dani andrew...

I get it Oh, some tea, yeah, it would be great if Steve knew if it tastes like pepper, Minnie, it's just plain water, you just want nice warm water, you want to pour it back in, it's that weird, I don't think so. so everything will work again just understand are you totally nervous? oh yeah, I'm like dying right, okay if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you like to know? I want to know I would like to know who and when I like to marry.
can 2 strangers fall in love with 36 questions dani andrew
Really. Yes, you would want to know that. Yes. What about you? What do you want to know? being surprised by life and I wouldn't want to know when I'm going to die, no, I feel like some people sometimes might like that if you know you're going to die you can actually live because you know you have like a limited time, but I'm not sure to choose that, I think I would change too much, I would live as if no, you wouldn't really live, you would be as focused on doing things before, yes, yes, you as I could.
can 2 strangers fall in love with 36 questions dani andrew
It lights up okay, I'm one last try to do this again look, oh, here we go, here we go, crushed. I like your little sayings. crushed, it's really cool, it's very San Diego. Greetings, what role do


and affection play in your life? I get a lot of love and affection from my family and my close friends, so I don't know, that's weird, that's weird, what roles do they play? I guess for me, because I'm in the moment. I'm so new to LA like I don't have anyone here, yeah I know that right, but it'll be fun.
I don't open up easily, no, it's difficult, I mean, it's not difficult for me to meet people. I get to know people very well quickly but it's hard for me to really get to know people, yes it takes a while exactly, yes I get it and I work all the time so right now yes I'm a personal trainer in the one I work Beverly Hills is too salty, that's fine, getting people to the point where they


in love with themselves, aha, that's better than any desk job, it's amazing, it's really cool, like you're finding fulfillment and not, Yes, why not. a lot of people can do that, you know, yeah, I find the satisfaction that comes with it and I'm young enough to be able to figure it out, yeah, totally, what was the question.
I don't remember completing this sentence. I wish I had someone I could share blank probably just my life with, it's like someone who is always there for you and you can come home if you've had a bad day at work like this happens and they're just there for you , like the good and the bad is that I like that, yeah, what about you? My kitchen really, oh my God, you cook. I am a great cook. I cook all the time. What is your favorite food? Chicken paprikash, that's a Hungarian dish. Are you Hungarian? My father's family was yes, but it is.
I eat a chicken like a pepper, I eat sauce or I love pepper, come on it's so good now I have to figure it out I can make it for you sometime I'll be down, let's do it, let's do it, let's have a cooking contest, we should do it, no Don't have fun, I have been blessed, tell your partner something you like about them now. I feel like you have a very calming presence and I really enjoy that, it's like I'm not as stressed, that's good, yes, I'm very nervous. it definitely comes out more I feel very good I feel like my face is like it's paralyzed because I'm very nervous no, you seem very calm and I like that yes, I was going to say that you seemed very relaxed and calm, which is It's not something I've ever dealt with Bound in Los Angeles, really after the first few weeks I thought it wasn't going to be them here, it was going to be difficult, yeah, you're very genuine, that's what's cool, it's genuine, it was nice.
I really don't know what's so hard because I feel like La is the city that loves everything and I won't use anything, yeah, oh God, final task without talking, staring into each other's eyes for four minutes, four minutes, that's a lot, oh God. Oh my goodness, looking at you for four minutes pretty easily, we can't talk while looking at each other for four minutes, it's a challenge, I'm always up for it, oh my goodness, I don't think anyone likes four minutes. She was definitely really very very very very very very nervous and I got a lot less nervous and it was very different than I expected she was really great, she's super pretty.
I feel like a lot of that was. I was like wow, this guy is really attractive, sweet. -down to earth she's just a good person in general, so I was thinking wow, no one had ever looked at me for that long or so, I think, and it felt really good, I felt like everything, but she was real, I liked her, she wasn't . so good, she's beautiful, so there's that aha, I mean, she's so nice, so I thought, really, it was really fun, they'll probably ask us if you'd go out again, but yeah, should we ruin it all for me? it's like you want to go on a second date, sure, yeah let's do it and then follow me on Instagram, cool here's my name and then never talk again, like your photos from time to time, but I don't have a feeling like that.
That's what's going to happen so we'll see. I may be completely wrong for reading this completely wrong, but we'll see if you want to date again. I would love to, yes, I have a day off Saturday night, Saturday off, do you want to do something, yes, we. should we make the walk to the Hollywood sign oh yeah sorry I feel like that's like hey welcome to roll it okay hello so this is our first date second date second date technique is the first construction, a second. date, okay, technically second date, you're going on a hike to the Hollywood sign, but it was like 100 degrees so that couldn't be done, so I went to the beach, flip the camera, do the flip, I'll just spell , okay, them.
I have them in California apparently they told me we're supposedly not sure yet anyway yeah that's it here we go thanks guys thanks bye

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