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Camila Mendes' Guide to Effortless Glow | Beauty Secrets | Vogue

Jun 07, 2021
Hello fashion, I'm Camila. I'm so excited to finally make one of these. If I have plans for the day, this is my


and skincare routine. Okay, let's dive in, so my first step is always, of course, washing my face. I like it. use Tracy Martin Purifying Cleanser three pumps and then mix with water, Burt's Bees Rosewater Toner. I feel like an influencer right now. Toner is really good at balancing your ph. The next step is the serum. I use Walm Young Inner Glow Moisturizing Serum from this brand. He introduced me to a likely gurung um who took me to the Met last year and I feel like every time I work with him he always sends me products when I'm young, that's how I heard about them and fell in love.
camila mendes guide to effortless glow beauty secrets vogue
I haven't always been a skin kind girl, but I never wore that much makeup before Riverdale um and right before I worked as an actress, so now I feel the need to learn more about my skin because I need to make up for everything. the makeup I wear on set, so obviously I had good skin when it wasn't clogging my pores, but now it's a 15-hour day clogging my pores, so I'm learning a lot. Lilly teaches me a lot. Lily, my co-star. She teaches me a lot about skincare, she's like an expert so I definitely go to her a lot for advice so after the serum while it's setting I like to use a little


roller after massaging my face and I choose the moisturizer that I recently started using. rene rolo skin recovery lotion I guess not everyone applies their moisturizer at nakayo makeo um, it's a puffy and firming eye cream quinoa uh, I find my eyes swell a lot, especially if I'm doing a scene on set where I'm crying. a lot or some um, I'll wake up the next morning with very swollen eyes.
camila mendes guide to effortless glow beauty secrets vogue

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camila mendes guide to effortless glow beauty secrets vogue...

My eyes definitely don't adapt well to intense crying. I don't think anyone likes it, but Madelaine Patch, who plays Cheryl on the show, has an incredible ability to, like a tear that just falls out of nowhere, it's like not out of nowhere, but it's so impressive how it is. like that perfect tear running down the cheek, she just blinks and looks so beautiful, oh my god. I wish I looked so pretty when I cried. I keep looking at this thing here and I can't wait to cover it. My first step. Radiant Primer Serum for True Skin.
camila mendes guide to effortless glow beauty secrets vogue
By Ilia Beauty. The serum will help get that


. It comes off after you apply foundation and stuff, and it's also a priming serum, so it helps makeup adhere. I like to use a beauty blender to apply foundation and the foundation that I use is of course Ilia Beauty um True Skin Serum, foundation after foundation that I put on. eye concealer I apply it immediately and then when I go to cover the blemishes I let the product dry first or I just leave it set so that when I go to blend it it's a little bit thicker, if that makes sense how many Small blemishes , I'm going to put some here because I get really red under my nose and that kind of thing, so for the next part of the video you're going to have to look at that, okay, but it's going to blend in, you just relax.
camila mendes guide to effortless glow beauty secrets vogue
No need to worry, the next step is the highlighter. I'm using a lot of Ilia products, but listen, when you find what works, just stick with it. I hate when you can actually see the makeup, especially when it comes to face makeup. This is when I get. my blush slash eyeshadow is multi stick so its multi use it matches my shirt anyway i bought this and put it on my eyes its really creamy and light so the more i blend it the smoother it disappears that I like them I just like things to be convenient I like something that I can stick to and that works for everything um I feel like it's like the way I dress, the way I do my hair and makeup It's all about trying to Minimize the amount of effort, but still be special and unique.
I like three strokes on my cheeks. He looks really strong, but then I get this guy. I love this little buffer brush. And then, so that it is not too heavy. I'll go through it with the Beauty Blender again. I definitely don't like to see where the makeup ends and the hairline begins, so I go into the hair a little. This guy was already very red and then when I got um. I blush and it starts to turn red again, so I'm going to put more concealer on it. The next step would be to focus on the eyebrows, they go a little crazy while I'm doing my makeup so I have to brush them out.
There's definitely a phase in middle school and a little bit during high school where thin eyebrows were common and people plucked them a lot, um, so I used to be a little self-conscious about my eyebrows and also like I didn't pluck them for two days. I would definitely start to get a unibrow, so I have to be very diligent with my eyebrows. I am constantly maintaining them. I'm going to use the Benefit Cosmetics Eyebrow Contour Pencil and I'm really just going to fill this part in because this part tends to be a little empty trying to grow it out once I'm done filling them in with something that I love to do and that I learned recently and that helps to make it look like you just finished your eyebrows because it defines them, if I set it in the definition section, I would like to do this, it's definitely like I have more time to prepare, which I have to be honest, I don't always have time, I get a little late, as if everyone in the cast was making fun of it.
I because now they know that if they say you know between 10 and 10 p.m., I won't get there until 10 or 20. Um, I usually need something that's quick in terms of makeup and you just mix it up and just like make that part. of your eyebrow be a little bit lighter around it, it looks like they're very clean and defined and then I'll use the highlighter, this pen is amazing and I go there and then I just use my finger one. Final review now they look like they just came out of a brow bar. This is the "Get It Together" eyeshadow palette. like eyeliner, but I don't want it to look like eyeliner and I don't want it to look like it's there, it's almost like I just want to bold my lash line at the bottom.
I feel like there's always a side that's a little bit harder wherever you want, but you can't get the angle to be as good. I never went through a face with dark eyeliner or anything like that, but I definitely went through a scene phase, um, and that's when I liked raccoon eyes, like they're It won't be very thick, but I would like a black eyeliner here and then here. I would smudge it to make it look messy and unruly. Now I'm going to curl my eyelashes. The Shiseido eyelash curler. I am very picky about mascara. I feel like I need something that really gives me a defined feathery look.
I don't like it when mascara is too heavy and clumpy. I want it to look like I'm not wearing mascara. I like to use just enough when I can see the lashes through the eyelids, if that makes sense, that's really all I care about. I just want them to be a longer, tighter mascara for my lower lashes. I'm super obsessed with defining my lower lashes because it feels weird to have them. They're like the only bare thing on my face, like they need something just a little bit and this is so lightweight and it's small so it's easy to get to the top of the lashes and it's so subtle it's like you notice it. more than anyone else will, but that's all that matters.
I think this would be the point where I would mix it up with this guy, let's see how he does, so I'm still not happy with how this is covered and that's usually when I come. with another concealer, shiseido concealer, it is thicker and i feel like it really stays. I feel like it does a better job of hiding it, that already made a better difference. The downside to these types of blemishes is that they are raised and catch light very easily, so it's hard to hide them because of their height, but usually I'll get like the top of my ilia powder and I'd like to get one of the small traces of dust that are there. and then I'm going to pat it here so it stops looking so shiny.
Look, sometimes I put another layer of concealer under my eyes. I feel like they look good now. It's always like she still wants to look human. Know? It doesn't look like I've been touched up. I don't want to lie to people and say that I sleep a lot because lately I haven't so Lily always makes fun of me and that's why they have a mirror face but everyone has a mirror face I feel like I'm turning empty and lifeless i just look like there's no personality inside it's like i don't know what that is i alternate between this charlotte tilbury a bright lipstick or this pat mcgrath one that's a little more nude let me see which one i'm going to do today i love it like Staining my lips just makes it look like your lips are fuller without drawing them too much or anything I don't have big lips, but I'll tell you one thing: I will never fill them up and this is my official announcement that I feel more beautiful when I really take care of myself. mentally and physically when you are working too hard. yourself or when you are putting too much on your plate making your schedule too full of things to do then you become the last priority in your life you know that everything else is important but you are ignoring yourself my last step in the process I'm just spraying the tatcha dew mist on my face like it's very light, but I think after all the powder it's nice to give a little bit more by doing this again and then a little bit of Marc Jacobs margarita that I literally have been using. since high school well, thanks for watching Vogue, this has been very fun and interesting.
I've learned a lot about myself through this experience, and I hope you've learned a few things too, probably not because it's pretty basic what I do until we meet again, bye.

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