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Cambridge Mathematician Reacts to 'Animation vs Math'

Jun 20, 2024
extra part is that okay, don't use it like a bow and arrow, oh, he's encircling the radius now, yeah, okay, okay, oh wow, okay, so he's in, he's increased the radius of the circle and Pi Theta R is the definition of an arc, that's the definition of an arc in


ematics, so this is for when yes, okay, when you increase R, this circle will increase and in the same way, if you decrease R, it will decrease , which yes, it makes a lot of sense that he's trying to move. Thea isn't going to give in, that's great.
cambridge mathematician reacts to animation vs math
I like that the soundtrack to this is great too, okay so shall we come back? Shall we return to unity? Are you fencing? Is he fighting? What are you doing? He's a very aggressive stick person and how cool that he produces the signal is that the sine wave, I guess that's the sine wave, it was yeah and then that's the cosine wave, so we're getting. the wave function basically corresponds to waves that appear when we take the formula of oa and the identity of O, that's really cool, nice, we're back, oh, there's Oiler again, we found him and we're wand fighting again and now we are fencing. this is so aggressive this is a very aggressive stick person we have the arrow back the arrow is back we are fighting oh whoa okay whoa whoa whoa whoa rewind we have some we have some series here so each one IP e the iPie became this power series and this power series we can normally represent e to that we have the series and now this is going to start triggering things, oh okay, it's triggering the term, the first term in your equation every time, that's why n is increasing, okay and then that becomes real .
cambridge mathematician reacts to animation vs math

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cambridge mathematician reacts to animation vs math...

Number, my God, it's like a robot, it sounds like a robot, okay, okay, we're using it. I have no idea what just happened here. Now we have a cylinder. Great, great, so okay, so this circle, this arc. now more and more extremely sick people are trapped inside this


it's actually great to fight again he's going to jump F that fence isn't going to do you any good okay, that was good, that was very good POA, we're back to OAS ah, good , okay, the amount of times I say nice in this video is ridiculous, I keep saying, oh yeah, well, so the Oiler formula has become the equivalent of what these two terms can be represented in terms of exponentials , Yes, we are. doing a lot of things like this is a lot of


cambridge mathematician reacts to animation vs math
I would like to see this. You need to know a little math. formulas and now the equivalent in exponential, you have this huge army of numbers, little Stickman has taken Pi, okay, so we get nine, this is nine, so from Pi that he put in place of Pi, he is putting an i in there, like this that now that's so unless it's just Pi tan nine Pi tan and now he's going to shoot he's going to use the function he's going to use the function as a weapon okay, of course and he's shooting well, so he's shooting Tans, why do zeroes appear there?
cambridge mathematician reacts to animation vs math
I feel like I'm missing everything, so wait, so zero will appear. I guess that makes sense because if e al I Pi goes into tan Pi, then it will be tan minus Pi, which is zero, so I guess. Maybe that's why a zero appears here, but I didn't know why the zero appeared last time, so there are so many Oilers, okay, so the circles increase, notice how R is added here, notice that it's now at 39 and 40 , it's just getting bigger and bigger, the stick person is probably going to die, okay, now we're crossing higher, oh, where did they come from?, where did they appear from?, oh, poor little stick person, he won't have any Possibility, oh, they stole the infinity sign, okay? oh well, okay, so it's the infinity function and yes, it makes you do it an infinite number of times, so it's killing all the ease.
Wait, we have the span, oh who? That takes me back to my first year of uni, okay, I keep rewinding this, so we have, oh, are we moving into a higher dimension now because we had one, are we going to move or is this going to become multidimensional? in R to the four r four dimensions, okay, so time is going to play a role in this, surely oh, resume positions, resume positions, oh my God, there's so much going on, okay, now we have a Transformer, like this that we have a war in mathematics. this is great, this is fantastic, I'm not sure how the suit person is going to defeat the powerful Theta symbol on the mats, okay, so he's adding nine, so he raised nine and continues to do that. drop the transformer drop it no, we're just going to use the gun again oh whoa Okay, so we've moved well, the dimensions have moved and now this beam was created using the amplitude of the S and cosine waves, I guess, and it's se It comes back as a three-dimensional thing due to the change in dimension.
I guess I missed it, but this transformer doesn't seem like a possibility. Now increase the beam, make it bigger and kill the transformer. It is a comprehensive. I just realized that, oh my god. there is also a registry there. I was using an integral as if it were a stick. I don't even know. I can't believe I missed the integral. I love making whole grains. Person with the right stick. No, it's making the beam bigger. Transform me. Dont do it. Have a chance, okay, now oa is moving towards an imaginary world, I guess I hope I caught that correctly, go, move quickly, you're both going to go to the imaginary world, right? yeah, okay, so we're in the imaginary world now, no, we're breaking down, oh, it must be the imaginary world because look at all the numbers that are, it's like the square root of negative numbers that are obviously imaginary.
We're in the imaginary world, okay, that's good, that's good, but we're breaking it, so the imaginary world, oh, it's swimming, Stickman is swimming. I'm going to assume his name is Stickman because I've been referring to him as a stick person, but then. calling him him, so we're going to be with Stickman oh, we'll be friends again oh, he's apologizing, okay? Do you think he realized that the imaginary world is broken, so he can't go back there now, so he has to make friends with people? in the real world, which is Stickman, that's what I get for doing an English literature level, so just ignore the analysis, okay, so they're talking about something now, oh my god, wait, they're looking for an eye, yeah, okay, now they're leaving. to go to the imaginary world oh oh, I actually don't know what's going on right now.
I think they are trying to find a way for Stickman to enter the imaginary world or to fix the imaginary world. There is a circle now. Well, it's ok. the gamma functions appeared out of nowhere oh wow, Stickman is now in the imaginary world too. Wow, so he's in the imaginary world now. I think he wait, wait, I feel like I don't really know what just happened there, so that's the end of Stickman. Okay, and now the IP is equal to minus one. We know it, it's good, we have learned it. Okay, okay, let's get more Greek symbols.
Are they his friends? What is that deep down? What's that? What is moving. with them oh that was the end I still want to know what that is although on the left it's moving let me know in the comments what it is because I can't adjust the brightness on my laptop can't you just show me something that is? slightly moving oh okay, that was very nice. I like that it isn't either. It was not. I don't know what I expected for some reason. I thought he was going to be like the stick man explaining math like he was the teacher and I was.
I wasn't expecting an all out war in maths so it was quite refreshing to see, different from someone teaching on a whiteboard but I really enjoyed it and I really want to see all the others now so I'm quite tempted to just make some separate videos about me looking like those in physics. This is great. I really enjoyed it. Thanks to everyone who asked me to do this. It's a little different than teaching math, but I really enjoyed it and I'm excited. Maybe make this a little series. Thanks for watching and I'll see you all next time.

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