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Calm Kids Sleep Story - Capn' Dreambeard | Relaxing Story to help Children Sleep #SleepStories

Apr 02, 2024
Oh, friends, and congratulations, be one of the lucky listeners to include things like you've never heard before in a




about me, your old friend, Captain Dreambeard. Now I've received many letters in a bottle from you listeners asking Captain Dreambeard how. Did you get your splendid dream beard with the stars and the milky way and all the dreams of the world inside it, guys, this is supposed to be a dream


? Where was it? Ah yes, the dream beard, that's a very good story, but first, curl up in our cozy hammocks, unfurl our sails, raise our anchors, relax every muscle in our bodies and take three deep breaths as big as the ocean in our ah.
calm kids sleep story   capn dreambeard relaxing story to help children sleep sleepstories
Now that's breathing like a pirate, isn't it better? Well, I think we're better off starts where all great adventures start from the beginning, so get ready for a beautiful story, captain


and the sea of ​​dreams, cast a spell and I'll tell you the story of how captain


came to be. It's a story of bravery and courage a story of adventure and daring about the magic and mystery of facial hair and dreams a long time ago before I became Captain Dreambeard my crew called me Captain Stubble and to be honest I found myself in a depression, I sure could see the world and ride the waves and feel the salt wind through my stubble, it happens from time to time to those who sailed too many legs on the high seas, don't get me wrong, I loved being a pirate-loving pirate. the fun it wouldn't, but after a while, the waves kept coming and the days just blended together.
calm kids sleep story   capn dreambeard relaxing story to help children sleep sleepstories

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calm kids sleep story capn dreambeard relaxing story to help children sleep sleepstories...

I looked at the horizon wondering if there could be more to this seafaring life, something beyond all the gold and the maps with the a small bottle floating on the waves, it squawked at me and its wings didn't seem to be in the best shape, poor thing, I


ed the seagull up I climbed into the boat and offered him some of my freshly made stew. He swallowed it, then stretched out her wing, and I could have sworn the guy winked at me before flying away. I figured he wasn't that hurt after all, so I pulled out the bottle.
calm kids sleep story   capn dreambeard relaxing story to help children sleep sleepstories
It had been out of the water and I was surprised to see a small piece of paper rolled up inside it. It seemed to be what I had heard called a brochure from an island I had not plundered before reading: Has Luton lost its luster? wind in your sails come to a quiet island where you can relax and recharge in a private pirate paradise it seemed like nothing I had ever seen a place where people went to do nothing just lay on the beach buy something called a timeshare so I took out my compass, I turned the wheel and they sent me to this magical place and what do you know?
calm kids sleep story   capn dreambeard relaxing story to help children sleep sleepstories
The brochure was really accurate. It was a pirate paradise. Crab buffet. Sword fighting contests. A swimming hole with a diving board and slide. of other pirate captains like me at night we all gathered around the fire to babble jabron we told each other classic pirate stories captain cannonball told the revenge of the kraken the brain burned captain remembered 12 stormy nights, which was not so exciting like 11 stormy nights but then again sequels are rarely as good as the original i told my favorite the rainbow pearl then it was captain moonbeam's turn as the embers burned she spun a fantastic thread that I had not heard before, the legend says that a long time ago, before the moon, before the stars, our dreams were not hidden in our dream, they were alive with us all the time and lived in what was called the sea of ​​dreams From this magical sea, the dreams of the world flew everywhere filling the world with magic and wonders, but in time as the world grew old the people lost their passions and the lands separated the sea of ​​dreams was lost and hidden much.
Beyond the farthest corners of the earth Now dreams come only while we


And it's not easy to hold on to them Dreams have become harder to have and harder to keep This sounded a little like why did I follow that pamphlet, but some They say it's not too late for the mystical sea of ​​dreams to still be out there, beyond our reach, not on some map waiting for some lucky sailor to find it. Well, no one was going to top that story, so I retired for the night hoping to dream of this hidden ocean where magic lives.
The next day I strolled through a market filled with trinkets and treasures, trinkets, junk, and robes of jewelry. hanging rugs ropes hanging from nuts and rice simmered in pots fruits and spices filled my eyes and nose bumblebees mangoes a favorite banana pears cinnamon coriander cardamom and cloves I drank the best tea and felt the softest silk a one-woman band I was playing viola, harp and booty, all at once, then I turned a corner and saw a very peculiar sight: it was a small tent with a sign outside saying wonders of the unknown, come in if you dare, I thought to myself, I already knew about the known but the unknown. ah-ha-har that's what Captain Dreambeard is about, so I opened the door and walked in, it was huge, I mean bigger than a whale in a teacup, it seemed to last forever, the light from the lamp flickered through the mountains of treasures, diamonds, cups, golden grails. a two-headed turtle a ruby ​​skull a giant pearl this was my kind of place I walked and weaved through the maze and then I saw it hiding under a book on a lonely shelf there was another message in a bottle but not this one Hold up a pamphlet , was filled with a white paper scroll surrounded by a strange, glowing purple mist, I heard a


and reassuring voice, excellent choice, young man, the shopkeeper stepped out from behind a stack of books, revealing a long gray beard that almost touched him. the ground hanging from an ancient face with wise green eyes, do you know what's in that bottle? he asked, I nodded, no, it contains a map of the sea of ​​dreams, now I had to laugh at the sea of ​​dreams , that's just a ray of the moon, fool. old pirate myth the rumor of a fish sure is a good story but it wasn't really real was it that he saw my doubt and reached into his sleeve to pull out a shiny gem like he had never seen before?
It was filled with the same bright purple mist. as the bottle and it was hot I could feel the heat coming out of it this he said washed in that bottle and for a mere twenty shillings this secret of the seas can be yours well they sold me I paid the price and went out to see my hidden reward but when I uncorked the The fog came out of the bottle and the parchment that told me absolutely nothing the paper was blank like the shores of the islands of nothingness scammed by an old and rotten scoundrel for the second time this month that decoder ring was plastic I turned around to say something of what I thought to that big bearded merchant and wouldn't you know it?
The tent was torn apart like the wind. Well, I sulked back to my sunken ship in my bunk with that empty map in my hand feeling sorry. For me, wondering if the purple gem could fit into my equally useless decoder ring to lift my spirits, I reached for an orange. Oranges are a sailor's best friend, treating all manner of ailments, from scurvy to hunger and homesickness, and this may not be the case. They will be well known but they are delicious so I bite the orange and a splash of juice drips all over the napkin which coincidentally was the useless map that had come out of that cheating seller's bottle and you wouldn't know that something strange happened photos appeared in my On the napkin was a map and at the bottom was the strangest little poem, you who seek ancient dreams, you who always wander, raise your sails to the sky and reflect on this, far beyond the sandy shores, beyond the things we know beyond. the storms and the bright stars where the magical gardens grow the sea of ​​dreams is not a myth nor a simple legend I will tell you where it is if that is where you want to go to find the mystical sea of ​​dreams turn your heart towards the horizon Sail towards the north winds, don't stop until you're flying, and so I did, raised the anchor, hoisted the sails, checked my compass and headed north towards the horizon.
I probably forgot to pay for my timeshare on the quiet island, but I guess. them, since the business risks are running a pirate resort, well, I sailed north for 20 days and 20 nights in search of the sea of ​​dreams, I sailed past islands and inlets, islands and icebergs, the days were warm and cool nights, there is nothing more


. to be rocked to sleep by mother earth herself the


of the waves back and forth back and forth back and forth I kept following my compass north until suddenly I no longer knew where north was, my compass was spinning in circles like an octopus in a ballet I thought it must be broken and I stopped to think that the sound of the waves crashing against the bow made a small rhythm that calmed me it was then that I realized how calm they had become sea ​​waves.
I relaxed into a still, quiet calm and the water stretched in all directions like a perfect mirror a hundred leagues wide. A crystal clear sea of ​​silence but not a sea of ​​dreams. How was I going to get there with Mary? A little burst to


me all out. Suddenly one, two and then three small fish started splashing in front of my boat, that's when I heard a voice from the port bow. Hello, who is that up there? I thought surely one of my crew had fallen overboard. Who is that down there? Pete. Did you slip on another sturgeon?
To my great surprise, an orange fish jumped out of the water, hovered in the air for a moment, and looked me right in the eyes as little words came out of its fish lips. Ahoy, nice to meet you, sailor, he said. The minnows haven't seen one of you around these parts in a while, which brings them to these waters further north. I stared for a moment and said, I beg your pardon, sir, I have never met a talking fish before or one that floats. I'm trying to find the sea of ​​dreams through the north wind. Do you know which direction it is?
The fish called his friends. You hear that he is looking for the north wind. The other two fish came out of the water and floated to the right. next to it oh said the green one we have a riddle for that now how did it start I thought you knew it said the orange one a dot on its little fin then the smallest pink one speaks calmly and softly I remember it she says follow your dreams you must find me I'm half the sky and half the sea I am part of the sand and part of a wish I am neither a star nor a brave fish his friends cheered swimming in small circles is a good riddle but fortunately I heard something before: half the sky and half the sea , part of the sand and part of a wish, it is not a star or a fish, it has to be a starfish.
The fish flapped their little fins and nodded. approval suddenly a gust of air swirled around my boat small waves that began to lick the sides once again in a constant pattern could it be was this the north wind that would take me to the sea of ​​dreams the orange fish spoke the wind from the north is often sought but rarely found those who find it go towards true north, which is up, the north wind caught my sails and my boat began to rise out of the water, I got up and climbed again, I sailed past a flock of frigate birds, me curious behind their big black wings.
I said hello and they cocked their heads before smiling and flapping away. My ship continued to rise until I was sailing over a sea of ​​endless clouds. cotton waves there were clouds of all shapes and sizes I saw a horse cloud with a tiny hat a milkshake and a castle I saw a cloud like a tree and a cloud like a giant leaping across the sky and disappearing with a puff then I saw a cloud I looked exactly like a mermaid but then the clouds spoke goodnight the mermaid said goodnight madam I bowed politely hat in hand I didn't know you were real I have come in search of the sea of ​​dreams I would appreciate it very much if you could show me the way when I am lost I am lost , I just ask the stars, have you tried it?
I admitted that I hadn't. Why I looked at a star and asked for a star, but never asked for one. She explains once the sun starts to shine. fall and dive behind the waves ask your question to the stars and one can point the way with that she moved her mermaid tail and swam through the clouds surely speaking mermaid clouds meant that the sea of ​​dreams would not be far away I saw the sun set and the sky turned dark and filled with stars I looked up and said good night to my old, twinkling friends I wondered if they knew where I could find the magnificent sea of ​​dreams they responded with a glow and a hum almost semen to chat and murmur to each other finding out who might know the way, then one approached and burned a deep, sparkling blue as if to say: follow me and you canbet your jolly roger it does.
I followed that bright star until the clouds beneath me parted and revealed a sea of ​​swirls. colors, it was like landing in a painting sailing through waves of purple, yellow, pumpkin and blue. I saw gigantic glowing jellyfish pulsing beneath my boat and an emerald dolphin leaping out of the water in a large ark, a forest of kelp rising from below in great tangles. of blooming flowers that made the air smell salty and sweet with every breath, another fragrant dream, then a school of a million flying rainbow fish swam in the air above me or would you call it a flock, well, I had been all over the world and I've seen things that most people only hear about in bedtime stories, but I've never seen a place like this.
The sea of ​​dreams. I created it. I saw an island shining in the distance and headed towards it to give these sea legs a much needed rest. I reached the shore and entered a beach, sands swirling like milk mixed with chocolate, a jewel-covered crab tipped its little top hat toward me as it passed, and I sat in the shade of a feather tree watching the multicolored waves. Then a seagull landed on the ground next to me and started talking, it's really something isn't it? I couldn't help but agree. That's true boy, where I come from, the waters blow, the fish swim and the birds. don't talk it's not real anyway but here the water is violet the fish fly and everyone has something to say welcome to the sea of ​​dreams it has all that and much more then the seagull winked at me a very familiar wink and I realized it was exactly the same seagull with the injured wing that I had helped not long ago and that left me that message in a bottle that took me to the island calm that led me here.
It's funny how things are connected in it. "I'm so glad you made it," she said with all the smile a beat could muster. Then she stretched her wings and transformed with a puff of smoke into the mysterious shopkeeper with the long gray beard she had met in the market. How long had it been? He's been watching me. Why did this shape-shifting wizard bring me here like he read my mind? He responded because I need your help. I've been watching the sea of ​​dreams for eons and frankly I'm getting too old to be about a thousand years old too, I don't think I can last another eon but you've got what it takes I guess hmm I wasn't sure what I wanted to say, surely there are better captains for such an important job, I told her that you want the bravest captain, moon radiates the choice, she laughs in the face of danger, there is no one braver, you want strength, Captain Cannonballs won all the races. battles he has fought and even the ones he is not cunning the captain with brain burns knows 20 languages, six of them ancient and one of them whale you want success captain dabluna's treasure could fill the fleet the galleons I don't see why you would choose me to watch the sea of ​​dreams simple said that you are very brave, strong, cunning and tough but you are also curious thoughtful, attentive and kind, you wouldn't believe how many captains chased me away when I played the old wounded seagull trick before you showed up and really tried to help the sea of ​​dreams is made of magic and wonder of miracles that come to life is where our dreams live where they are born.
I cannot entrust them to any old sailor driven by greed or glory. I thought about it for a moment, but shook my head. This is a very kind offer, sir, and I would like to help. I really would, but I'm a little lost. I don't know anything about sailing in these seas. If you don't know the first thing, then that's the first thing you'll have to learn. He pulled the glowing purple gem out of his sleeve. that he had shown me in his shop in the market and placed it in my hand as I closed my fingers around it I felt a wave of warmth and purple mist spiraling up my arm and down to my toes spreading an effervescent light throughout. through my fingers and even up my nose and then the strangest thing happened.
I looked down and discovered that I had grown a magnificent shiny beard that sparkled with the crackling light of all the stars across the galaxy. I was gifted with the magic of the sea of ​​dreams wishes hopes starlight jokes, riddles, objections, comets and sweet little melodies, all in my magic beard, I wondered what magic I could possess, I looked at a ripe coconut at the top of the tree in I rose high and summoned the power of the sea of ​​dreams, my beard glowing a deep starry purple. When I reached out to the coconut, it flew from the tree like a butterfly and took on a series of wonderful colors before landing like a dream in my arms along with a hundred others, I opened one and drank deliciously and then walked along the beach. and I saw the little crab in the top hat that I had met before, he had snuck away to his corner cove to sleep, but he couldn't seem to get comfortable, the poor thing, I realized that maybe I could help him and I summoned my dream .
Magic again this time my beard glowing and aqua blue as I sent waves of peaceful dreams of stars in the heavens to the crab who now finally fell fast asleep. I drew patterns of colorful light in the air with glowing fingers and even managed to float some feet off the ground, I laughed, smiled and turned around. I had never felt so good in my life, but when I turned to thank the old man for this gift of magical power, he had already transformed back into a seagull in a cloud of smoke and flew to the top of the tree, called down, oh and one more thing, drop the stubble into the captain's beard, I think Captain Dreambeard sounds better right?
He winked at me and then flew away. I returned to my boat and set course. for far ahead and slightly to the right with a flick of my wrist and a fiery blue beard I surrounded my ship in a cloud of dream magic that lifted it into the sky as I looked across the sea of ​​dreams I closed my eyes I thought of how far away had arrived and I paused to appreciate the moment of embracing the beautiful and unknown and listening to the tide. My life was born again as Captain Dreambeard. Since then I have traveled through the sea of ​​dreams seeing and doing things you could.
You wouldn't believe I've played pool with a lot of purple penguins. I have discovered fish the size of islands. I climbed mountains as high as the moon. I found magical treasures. I even sailed in and out of a whale. I have helped countless anxious people sleep safely. and they sound and spread the most wonderful dreams everywhere, that's why they wrote me a song, what does it say, hey, captain Dreambeards, here to bring us dreams when the dream draws near, soon we will close our eyes when Dreambeard takes to the skies, so rest up , young pirates. We have a hole tomorrow ahead listen to the waves hiss and wash everywhere and the gentle rocking of the boat take a deep breath and count them beautiful dreamy twinkling stars one two three four five six seven eight nine you

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