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Calling My Fiancé The "C" WORD To See Her Reaction... *NEVER AGAIN*

Jun 07, 2021
Yo boy it's Pataca her shameless Beyonce


s nobody it's not a Tomy dad joke if you're watching this it's too late it's not funny I got a call I'm not crazy get it right it's out of the JD family, welcome back to another vlog yard. I know what's about to happen today I know you watch a ton of this video, your guy shouldn't call him Beyonce plus the C


, not just any C word, it's not cute, it's not crazy, I don't know any other key words except C word, boys like it. Don't do it, this is happening today guys and I know what you're thinking, John, don't do it, don't do it, please don't do it if you're watching this, it's too late, it's already been done. team Josh and all, but the reason I'm doing this is because you guys love when I call Katie B the B word.
calling my fianc the c word to see her reaction never again
I was like I have to do this, I have to call her this C word and I know what you think it is. Same as Josh, why would you call her that? And I wouldn't normally call her that. I know this as a man. There are like two words you


call your girlfriend or


é: it's the b-word and it's the c-word, I've already called it the B-word so we might as well call it the C-word and yeah, before I subscribe, click in the notification about crashes in the IDE because we gave it away. I'm going to love it, why would I?
calling my fianc the c word to see her reaction never again

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calling my fianc the c word to see her reaction never again...

You're getting wild on this channel and without further ado we're going to prank DB. Alright. Your guy set up his laptop and everything in here to make it look like I'm working hard, but I'm really not. I work on Prank Wars guys, you know what the other side is like. I'm in my zone, baby, you're riding that daddy pig, yeah, and I'm dude, lipsticks, real quick, let's go over that. Oh, okay, so I have like maybe 50 and these are possible, but I'm not even close yet because I feel like I want to stick with the color scheme.
calling my fianc the c word to see her reaction never again
Can you open the yoga network? I look so great, thank you, I love it, no, you're going to that. In this way, Bochy and I color coordinate everything, no, but I want something to be like what I wear less than somewhere, as well as what other people, yes, after we need very quickly, I will move on and miss to the boys with Jeremy and Georgie. Is the time? What time will I arrive in the minutes? Yes, 12:30. Okay, I just ran on the treadmill, but are you coming? Yes. Okay, why do you know what I should go to?
calling my fianc the c word to see her reaction never again
You want to be like that if you say you taste like me. I don't think I know the guys, okay, do you want to come? Well, yeah, because I don't want to just sit here after I'm done working and they don't do anything. I mean, I could go home if you want, but. That's the way so far and then we'll be fine. I'm going to spend the rest of the day so you want to call me head missing the other guys. Well, I was going to make mine. You won't go crazy. You're just asking. yeah, maybe crazy, maybe I'm totally calm, don't call me crazy, I mean I just want to be with you real quick, you don't have to hide like crazy, I'm not acting crazy, I just wanted to hang out with you.
I'm sorry I want more with you or just well you have a crazy head and position but good luck doing it give me that leg


guys stop it yeah you're acting crazy what's the date today was the day? today why are you going to have fun like that yeah but that's not what I'm not acting crazy no no I don't mean crazy so I know I'm crazy about you you know you could be that crazy I don't know I could be Crazy yeah Don't come because I would love to work with you. It would be crazy if you didn't come.
Crazy because that hurts my feelings because I just wanted it. It just didn't make sense. We always fight together and it's okay if you don't want to hit me. I'm fine. I thought we wouldn't say more, so don't call me crazy because I just told me that you want to go out with the boys and that's why you think. you guys just stop acting crazy and I won't call you crazy, don't call me crazy, stop being crazy about you laughing, it's not funny because I know I can tell, so yeah, can we talk about some products?
Gracie and That's not nice, you don't call someone crazy, you


really called me crazy, no, you never liked it, oh, that's crazy, yeah, that's crazy, seven o'clock somewhere, yeah, That's crazy, don't you know? I don't like it if you call me that. that's not funny that's not a joke don't call me that no I think it's funny although it's not a problem I just think that at a certain time in a month sometimes you would be acting crazy that's all I'm saying I would love for you you go at that certain time of the month, see what it's like and I haven't acted anymore Elizabeth is not there like a machine that simulates this or that, a baby pregnancy or it's period day, it's crowded so it's a contractions of everything , you should put one on a youtube video that lets me say you get ready to know what trick is different, hormones are different than cramp hormones.
David actually hurts my feelings a lot, but I didn't even call you baby, I don't. I don't think you're crazy sometimes just sometimes just sometimes whatever Barbie is crazy once in your life no, but how can you be so contradictory like she just doesn't understand? How can you call me crazy and then say oh I did it? I don't want to call you crazy, you look so sexy, Shani, look, I'm sorry, sorry


, call him, I should be acting crazy, so I have to be honest with you, right? I have to be honest with you, right? ?
Are you going to call me, okay? You're acting a little crazy, right, you'll move like I did. I really think you're crazy, but are you any good? I'm trying to work here and you're being annoying like it's rude, right? call me crazy, a quick disclaimer, we're putting up a cool JT Beauty sign right here so that's why it looks like this, we're also putting it up like a dope sign, I know we're putting the sign there, okay sign there. wallpaper here I don't know, we don't work, right, decide it baby, yeah, crazy, yeah, like your girl stole his water.
Crazy, that's rude. I knew it when you said something about the boom. I thought wait a minute to even say the f-word like you're a real monster I'm sorry you're a real one yeah really crazy sometimes the truth is okay I'm just kidding you're not you know I should say like 'cause "is it ever okay" I call you the c word, yes or no, was it ever okay, crazy, yeah, oh no, she said what you can think, that's crazy, but not about me and how, and you mean to me like i feel like if you call someone crazy then they?
I'm going to say that just


you crazy makes you crazy. I don't know, yeah, because I think so because I've never seen you act like that, but I wasn't acting crazy, give me the look you made, crossing your arms. I want you to see. From my point of view, because I had them hidden like I don't know if they could see it, but it's very scary that they get, yes, yes, brother, that's a look if you're a man,


é, boyfriend, whatever you want to call yourself, never never. lie in your life like one more time one more time when you see that face okay you counted 3 in your head you turn around if you and you never look back what's going on and I'm crazy okay I'm the crazy one you made yet Here, what?
How about Janie's pink frame? Guys, we are selling them now. We are now selling them on a DVD. Don't worry and Josh is the first to notice. Okay, guys, look at all these samples. I'm going through so many news talking about news, but so many speeches in pink, purple, oh, and these are not what they will look like, they are like the sample, so the colors were passing, oh, the packaging is so pretty, I'm a, I'm a boss, he's a she's a boss in this online class she's a boss take the boss boss your favorite oh thank you let me feel this bad boy I'm not going to do that I'm actually going to go boxing with the boys until make it fun Fat JD I always said I'm going to go hang out with the boxer guys bro you know I'm saying what I guess you are about the guys so crazy is the definition of a good time to go guys relationship advice , 4k TV.
I was here tomorrow. Guys we love you, we are at the Genie Beauty headquarters, we work and we also work in a tank, guys we don't have many so only you know how things were almost outside of C, well I want to let you know like this. it's the loyal people looking right now like these are the originals if you're looking right now comment below loyal oil is coming down to a boil okay anyway just wanna say we're selling these JD glasses now PS, also JD Beauty and Water. The jokes are almost out of stock, they're so close to out of stock so make sure you get them before they're gone because it'll be like two months before we get new ones and what else is out of stock, oh the sports bras and leggings I think there's only 20 30 left so that makes you guys support them as soon as possible and anyway that's all I want to tell you we'll see you in my studio and in the iPhone giveaway you know what to do.

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