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Cali BULLIES Little Sister at LEMONADE STAND, Instantly Regrets It

Jun 24, 2024
Hey babe, guess what Kiki wants: to have a



, so I have the lemons. I'm about to squeeze some lemons for you so we can make


, but I need some cash, so when your customers come, we've changed to give them back to you and go ahead, you know, like a fully functioning baby business, do you have any money? cash? Uh, his first lemonade


, I know, sure, of course, baby, okay, let me see, you know what, just take it off, ah, take it off, I'll let him know that as long as you have the cash, okay, I'll go Let's start squeezing these lemons, oh, can you bring me the lemon squeezer?
cali bullies little sister at lemonade stand instantly regrets it
Yes, I can, okay, oh, you're going to love this lemonade. Kiki, your lemonade is ready. I'm coming ah it's going to be a perfect hit kiki it's a good day it's time to drink it hey hello guess what your lemonade is ready yeah now all you need is some customers yeah so I'm going to put your lemonade right here okay and I'll be there watching, okay? Okay, okay, what do you want to do this weekend? I don't know, maybe it's good, then Kira will have a lemonade stand today, so we should all make sure to support her and buy her lemonade.
cali bullies little sister at lemonade stand instantly regrets it

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cali bullies little sister at lemonade stand instantly regrets it...

Okay, okay, so give it to them guys. Some guys with money go there and buy her lemonade, whatever she's selling, Kelly, whatever she's selling, make sure you go to your


's lemonade stand, okay, guys, ready, come on, be the one. First customer, okay, hello, can I get some? lemonade please yeah okay here you go thank you have a nice day hey you know how your lemonade stand stinks. I don't even want your lemonade. They probably taste disgusting, it tastes so good, oh okay, I'll try it. Oh, she's a baby. What was that you said? What's happening?
cali bullies little sister at lemonade stand instantly regrets it
Cali was mean to you. What she did? OMG, why would I say Camaro told me your lemonade tasted so good? Did you know? Don't listen to her if she is being a bully. I'm I'm going to go talk to her, okay, and then when I get back I'll buy you some lemonade, okay, don't worry, okay, don't let her get to you, your lemonade is the best, okay. , I'll be right back. I don't even give him the money now that I have free money hmm, now I need to think about what I'm going to buy. I'll think about it later.
cali bullies little sister at lemonade stand instantly regrets it
I'm going to keep swinging and why does she have a lemonade stand? I never had one when I was her age. It's not fair that she always gets what she wants, but I never get what I want. Cali, yes, I need to talk to you. Get off the swing, please. Alright. Kira was very sad and she told me that. You were being mean to her and her lemonade sucks which I never said. Callie, you have to tell the truth. She was very, very sad and I don't think she made this up, mommy, I promise. I love lemonade.
Wow, oh yeah, you love lemonade so much, so why do you still have the money in your pocket? Callie because she said the lemonade was free Callie, I'll give you one more chance. What happened? Okay, I'm sorry, I told you so. the lemonade stunk and she gave it to me and i made it spill on purpose and i didn't give her the money i'm sorry callie why did you do that that's so bad don't tell me you're a bully now i'm sorry mom but why did you would you do that to your



? She's so proud to have a lemonade stand.
It's the joy of her day. I'm sorry. I just don't know. I'm really sorry. Mom, are you jealous, Callie? I get it, I get how you know you'd feel like maybe you want a lemonade stand, but guess what, you two can share the lemonade stand together, you and Kira, right, but you have to go and apologize for bullying your


sister. It's very bad and we won't tolerate it in this house, it's okay, so please, no more bullying, be nice to your sister and you guys can do things together, it's okay, no need to be jealous, I love you, you should love to your sister and show her that you love her too. okay, go and apologize and you can have as much fun as her, okay, come on kiki, i brought


, she has something to tell you, i'm sorry kiki, and i won't do it again, do you want me to help you?
Clean up the mess, okay, let's all help clean up together. Thanks for apologizing, Callie. Alright.

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