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Buying The Most Customizable Products On the Internet!

May 14, 2024
I realize how sad your face is. I also didn't realize that it's like you really have sad eyes, yeah, sorry, I didn't mean to postpone that or anything, but it makes you cuter, she would say. You move on to American love with this Mexican love, I guess they're like uh, these are my guns, dude, are you going to open this or what? No, man, it's Vince, no, or he's perfect, no, they're men, no, man, he's worth a lot more in the package. No, you're ruining it. I don't want to give you a spoon. much more, okay, a little more, wait, do they spell your name right?
buying the most customizable products on the internet
Woodlands, they put Woodlands on Mars. I always wanted my own personal Woods. I don't know what I like, think about this. I want to say dumb because it's me. Yes, what are you doing? All I did was bend my legs and everyone started going crazy. Hey, what are you doing? What are you doing? Matt has a tendency. Here you give this man a doll. He does strange things. What can you say? Finally we have to look. his feet Oh look, his feet really articulate, will you use them right? I wish the knees were always snacks at some point in the rest of this video.
buying the most customizable products on the internet

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buying the most customizable products on the internet...

I'm going to hit that and it'll be gone forever. I say no, it's a no for me tenor you can't take this home custom logo earrings tiny logo earrings I'm thinking about making something special for Tanner to put in his only ear. I'm going to select the option of whatever it's going to be It hurt his ear the


, uh, probably your voice, the one you've ever Rocked someone is very loud, yeah, you know what I'm going to do. I pray because he is a classy guy. He adds a cart. The guilt really set in after he said.
buying the most customizable products on the internet
No, are you ready for this Danny? uh no, actually I'm not, can we go and wait? Okay, I don't know why you would wait because this is the sickest thing ever. I'm disappointed because this is really sick, look at that. How cool is that guy Tanner, should I wear it? Yes, wood, can you help a sister out? You have to get your hands out of there. What helps all my earrings? You have to take your hands out and you also have to wash the back of your ears. bro, no, I'm just throwing it away, wash the back of your ears, the back of your ears, I do it when I get in the shower, buddy, trust me, my ears are getting hit with water, why what do you lean?
buying the most customizable products on the internet
No, how would you do it? Not that work in your mind, they are huge, they are trapping water. I never realized that he was making fun of myself and he was also trying to make fun of me at the same time. I'm literally going to murder someone. Dude, I felt like in my face, where is that hole? This is the third earring that is put on alone for clarity. I put so many earrings. I put every earring she has on. I don't have a mirror right now, by the way, you need a mirror. oh you got it, yeah I have an earring, I don't know you, okay let's see, let's see it on camera, show me you're worth it, it's 18 karat gold, show me you're worth it, I don't just buy.
Julie, to any man who has been so sweet, may he be tight, thank you man. I'm going to save it and since I don't know how to put it back, I'd say it's a joke, it's great. I like the sword I got. the other episode dopenop more, why would you say that friend you should have given it to you oh, I'll just give it to you again? It was very painful, okay guys, this is a custom cover for a golf club, can you answer me? Because? I need to cover a golf club, it's like this idea that I don't want anyone to know what's under that until I take it out and they say I didn't anticipate a golf club like that, so here's the thing. the metal on them is much easier to damage, so wait, these things that are designed to hit the hardest balls on the planet are delicate, usually the face has weight behind it, like in a specific spot, so it's softer of hitting, but they have In some ways it coincided with the art of making the rest relatively light so you can get swing speed.
Check this out, oh my gosh, dude, that one looks like you're going to have your name on your golf bag and your face on your face is a little bit cooler. Faces like this guy really hit home. I like how even in the illustration they put bags under his eyes, yeah it would be like Woods had shadows no matter what, oh wow oh they really just put his face in, yeah that looks like a torture doll or something You know, he looks like this guy's son, can you recreate that photo for me? Yes, as if his son won the tournament.
This is amazing and more than I could have asked for. I asked Richard to do a cover of our son. for my husband for Father's Day it's exactly what I ordered and my husband was so excited oh he's not that excited look at his son I'm going to be honest with you if my wife understands I've been like what's wrong with you? I would say: Where is our son? He's here, where did you put our baby? I did it on this anyway. I'm going to take one of my own and stick a golf club right into the bottom.
Add the card. They are ready for the face of my dreams. revealing my mom Tanner on all feet actually looks pretty good compared to the other one. I like how your name is again. That's what professionals do well. I'm going to cover the face and only show the body at first glance. They gave it the dopernope logo. Jersey's face reveals that up or down, yeah, good job, so this is a photo from when he didn't have a beard, which is an interesting choice. I never really had a good jawline, so now I have a beard to act like I have one. to look like Pitbull a little from the side like pitbulls Mr.
World Mr. 305. There is no doubt that it is a wearable sock, do you want to see my feet? It's that one, yes, he wants me to get the dogs out of him, let's do it one last time. I want the dogs to come out of the pen, no, you just say yes or no, I'm going to put it on, okay, as a stranger, let's bring you a photo there with your son, give me a kiss. Mathis punches back, he's like a training dummy. Okay, let me go put on my golf clubs, let's take it off the driver.
I feel like I'm dressing a baby. Wait, here we go, boy. This really feels like something you would take to the field. I'll probably do fun, unique things. It's always fun to have things like that on the golf course. I mean, yeah, golf stuff is always like that because golf is so boring. Anything will lighten it. How about you shut your mouth? Let's recreate the photo real quick, here we go. Alright, cut it out guys and Photoshop it and do something with it and we'll put it on this screen in a future video, post it on Reddit by the way and the best ones will get your upvote.
Is this a job or a choice, oh that's cool, get in the tea box, your friends are there, get out of your own club, so these are just custom Converse. Ironically, today I wear vans, but I usually wear my Converse. I'm going to customize these guys to my If you like them, you might not like them, but I might also not like them, but we'll see why I might like them. It's always an option that we don't like them, but also that he doesn't like them either, so we'll spend 185. that's another emu in it there's a bird in this look I swear mate, if there's a bird in this I'm going to lose head ok so these are hand painted someone has peeps Peeps are gross peeps people really like them Peach Peeps are candy corn Spring candy corn is really good dude you were going to make me gag if You think candy corn is good.
I'm going to customize them after Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon, let's figure it out, oh, what size shoe will you have once I'm ten and a half ooh, okay, okay, buddy, I like these, okay, Woods, show me your stinky shoes, you're actually going to wear these, bro, yeah, those are cool, they're threaded really well. I just like the fact that someone customized them, it makes them tough. I would do it. I mean it would be better if they weren't both identical, if one was different from your bands, then I'm like, okay, yeah, so that feels personalized, yeah, like one is Dark of the Moon and the other is like the Bright Side of the Moon I like symmetry so I agree with it but I see what you're saying it's the rainbow thread that does it it's the rainbow thread I don't like the rainbow thread I think they are cool to me those are, they're actually really sick Woods, they're a great choice, I think they're cool, I don't like the rainbow thread, oh okay, but I think they're cool, have you seen that video over there ? because if you wouldn't probably like it because you watched this one until the end and they are very similar but different, so if you like this one click on that one if you didn't like this surprise, stay until the end, but? then click on that one because you'll probably like it because YouTube may know you better than I do, but I doubt it.

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