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Busting 100 Minecraft Myths in 24 Hours

Apr 06, 2024
bucket of water, that's so cool it'll be a totem. of the immortal work in the void so let's just fall into the void and no the immortal totem doesn't work in the void unfortunately apparently Iron Golems don't take fall damage so let's just push this guy and see if he falls. damage no, he didn't actually take fall damage this is true I guess that's what happens when you're made of iron you're just invincible can you mine lapis lazuli ore with a stone pickaxe so we have normal lapis lazuli and let's just break it? with a stone pickaxe and yes, he actually dropped the lapis lazuli, this is true, but now you can also break the deep slate lapis lazuli with a stone pickaxe.
busting 100 minecraft myths in 24 hours
Yes, this one works too. I guess you only need a stone pickaxe to collect lapis lazuli, it's a diamond and a turtle. egg has the same texture so we have our diamond right here and we also have our turtle egg and yeah, I can see the similarities like they have the exact same shape and the shading is pretty much the same as well. I don't know, let me know if you think they are the same texture or not in the comments I'm pretty sure apparently they are, if you dig directly at the spawn location of your world there will always be diamonds so let's start digging directly from where we spawned and there was no sign of diamonds anywhere, unfortunately, this is fake, can you?
busting 100 minecraft myths in 24 hours

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busting 100 minecraft myths in 24 hours...

Survive a fall by landing on a watermelon, so the logic behind this is because it has water in the name and no it's not true, it was pretty obvious, it's not true, to be fair, apparently you can run over a space of one It fits, so let's go. just start running from back here and no i fell into the lava ok let's try it a few more times and wait actually i just ran over the lava somehow this is true but it only happens sometimes like this which would still be Careful, if there is a lava block like this, apparently you can survive four anvils falling on your head, so we have four anvils up here, as you can see, and let's break the block of wood that holds all these anvils and yes, I somehow survived four anvils.
busting 100 minecraft myths in 24 hours
They fall on my head, although I'm stuck on the anvils now, so I'm not really sure if this is a good idea. Apparently if you throw a diamond armor into lava it will turn into netherite, so let's throw in a full set. here and yes this is definitely not true if you fall for this you deserve it to be honest apparently netherite armor can survive lava so let's throw our netherite armor in netherite armor I actually swam back this is right, can you combine it? two different types of stairs by placing them on the edge, so let's place our two stairs like this and we will put a piston behind them and apparently this will combine both stairs, yes this is true and it's so strange. on the two staircases blending together here, I'm pretty sure this isn't supposed to happen, apparently turning a shulker invisible will make him lose the show, yes this is true and it looks so weird there's literally just this little head here, apparently you can it will generate a giant slime, so apparently by using this command I will generate a giant slime, so let's try it, oh my goodness, this slime is huge, yes, this is definitely true.
busting 100 minecraft myths in 24 hours
I wouldn't want to run into this slime in my world, this guy is huge and along with a giant slime apparently you can also spawn a giant magma cube and yeah it literally works just like the slime and I actually have no idea where it went I just It flew away, look when it jumps, it disappears completely. It's definitely true: zombie pigmen crush turtle eggs, so we have our zombie pigmen here and yes, they are literally crushing turtle eggs, that's kind of bad. I don't know why they would do that. Will a skeleton become a stray if you catch it in powder snow, okay, it's shivering and yes, it became a stray, this is true, can you make the Wither visible?
Okay, let's splash it with invis and no, we can still see the Wither and honestly, that's pretty cool. Wither would be absolutely terrifying if you could make it invisible if you sniffed a wet sponge and put a bucket underneath it it would apparently fill the bucket with water. Yes, this is really true. I guess if you need water and you only have a wet one. sponge, this is a good way to do it, can you put a shulker box in a shulker box? No, You can not. I'm clicking as you can see and nothing happens. This is false, apparently you can extract a dragon egg if you put it under water.
Well, as you know, you normally can't extract a dragon egg, so let's see if this works. Well, no, the dragon egg just teleports. This is not true if you throw a trident loyally and then apparently fill your inventory. will chase you so let's throw our Trident really far away like this and now fill up our entire inventory quickly and apparently the Trident will just chase us and yeah the Trident is just flying around me this is so weird look what it does when I stand still this is really funny apparently you can't blow up a nether star so let's light this TNT and yes this is true the nether star just flew away but it didn't explode will lightning turn a red mushroom into a brown mushroom similar to how it does with the cows, okay, let's just summon lightning and no, this one is not true, the mushroom is still red, looting will work if the sword is in your left hand, so let's just put this sword. right here and we'll take out another sword and kill the mushroom cows with our diamond sword.
Okay, that one just dropped two meat ones and one leather one. What's up with this guy? Okay, one beef and one leather. I do not think that's true. Apparently, looting would go further if you excitedly type Z on the crafting table, change your language, and yeah, wait, everything is completely different. I'm pretty sure it changed my game to the pirate language. What is this? Can a fire start a campfire, so just have Blaze shoot us, okay, yeah, he hit the campfire and actually lit it. This is true, apparently you can make towers infinitely with powder snow cubes, so if we place one like this and then stand on the top and then place another one, we can take the first cube from the bottom and then build it like this and then we can keep doing this and as you can see this is true, you can build a tower infinitely with powder snow.
This is cool, apparently there is a game rule that will completely disable guardian spawning and yes this is true, there is a game rule called make guardian spawn and if you set it to false the guardian will no longer be able to spawn in your world . Can a bee survive a hit from the Guardian, okay, I honestly have no idea how this could be true. I mean, how is a bee going to survive an entire Guardian? Okay, it looks like the Guardian found him, oh and he's getting angry and no, the P didn't survive a hit from the Guardian, this is false, will a camel protect you from taking damage from a Ravager?
So let's saddle our camel and we will just survive like this and no, this is not true. The ravager will still hit me if he jumps on a cactus, you can jump two blocks high, so we've placed our cactus on our two block jump and I guess I just have to do this and hopefully I can jump two blocks, right? I don't really know any of this, but I'm pretty sure it works with fire, so let's keep trying. Come on, he'll probably let me skip two blocks. I don't know, maybe I'm just bad, but I'm going to have to say this is fake, it doesn't work for me, apparently the skull can't propagate in water, so let's have our skull catalysts right here and let's kill this skeleton and As you can see, the skull extends, but apparently there is water here. it won't spread so we have to try this okay let's just put water all over the skull and we'll put another skeleton and this one is not true.
I'm pretty sure I saw it spread. Yes, this one is not true. apparently it's spreading underwater, if you give it an object it can't explode so we have our lay right here and we'll give it a diamond and now let's put a ton of TNT all over it and we'll just put some diamonds. Here, so we can go find them and we'll turn on the TNT. The TNT didn't really hit him, but I didn't see him take any damage, he just went flying, so I'm going to say that apparently this is true. if you finish the pearl and then go to the end, it will send you back to the Overworld, okay, and we'll just throw a pearl up here and now let's go to the end and it should TP us any second, okay? this is false, he would have already told us that apparently all the cats in a witch's hut spawn as black cats, so as you can see, there is already a black cat right here and we will spawn our cats in the witch's hut and yes, they are all the black cats, that's crazy and as you can see if I go here they're just normal cats so it's literally just the witch's cabin.
Wow that's so weird, apparently in the new update you can summon the White Enderman with a command, so I'm typing the summon command and I don't see anything for White Enderman. This one is fake, apparently the ancient rubble looks like an old warped log so we have a warped log here and as you can see this is what it looks like and here is an ancient rubble next to it apparently it's supposed to be an old log warped, it doesn't really look like it on the sides, but the top looks pretty similar, so I don't know if this is true, guys, let me know if I think this looks like a warped log or not.
Honestly, I don't know. Apparently there is a secret room beneath the village. Well, I'm pretty sure these village walls have been in Minecraft forever, so I'm pretty sure I'd know about this if there was. a secret room and extract the blocks from below. I mean, there's a cave down here, but I'm pretty sure it's not a secret room. This is false. apparently there is a new secret dark villager so let's spawn a villager and no this is just a normal villager there is no new deep dark villager in this game. Sorry, apparently there's a secret room hidden under the igloo, so if we tear up this rug here, there's supposed to be a hidden room somewhere underneath, wait, there actually is one. trapdoor and there is a ladder to the bottom what is down here and yes there is actually a secret room down here and it looks like there is something for cira zombie villager down here and you get this chest with golden apples so all you need is a potion of weakness oh wait you can actually get a potion of weakness here too so you can literally heal this villager here that's so cool apparently trackers can detect seeds at the end so we have our tracker here and see if you can find some. seeds, okay, he's sniffing the air, this could be true, okay, he's been sniffing for a long time and hasn't found anything yet.
I don't think this is true, apparently there is a new bat in the new update, so let's spawn a bat here and yes, it's actually a new bat, it looks cool, apparently now you can put items in a decorated pot, so we have our decorated pot here and let's right click with these diamonds and it will be doing something right, now let's go to the right. click on it to see if they are in the boat, ok I don't know the boat is just moving maybe we have to break the boat and yes the diamonds came out of the boat this is true you can put objects in the boats now.
Can you break pots with arrows? Okay, let's shoot the pots and yes this is true, but it only throws bricks, it doesn't drop the pot and just to be clear, you can break pots with every projectile, not just arrows, can you give us? The snow golem's fire resistance is okay so we have our snow golem here and let's just splash it and yes it has particles but this actually works and yes the snowman just swims in lava and doesn't die this is what Strangest thing I've ever seen. Does an evocator turn the blue sheep red? So we have our blue sheep here.
I don't really know why it would work, but let's spawn a revoker and he's doing something and the sheep actually turned red. Why not this guy? as blue sheep can you survive a 50 block fall with feathers falling four boots so let's just put feathers falling on the boots and now let's just fall down this 50 block platform and no i died apparently putting a pumpkin on your head prevents Enderman attack you? completely, so we have our Enderman here and let's put a pumpkin on our head and now let's fight the Enderman. Okay, yeah, he's hitting me. This is definitely not true.
The Enderman still attacks you when you have a pumpkin on your head. It's just good. for looking at them

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