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Buster Changes Color - Learns Colors! | Go Buster By Little Baby Bum | Kids Cartoons & Baby Vid

Jun 06, 2021
Oh look, it's Buster, our favorite yellow


, but wait, you don't look as bright and yellow as usual. Oh, Buster, I think you need a new coat of paint. You look a


disheveled. Great idea, a trip to the paint shop will do the trick. trick looks like a happy customer


can't wait to get a new coat of yellow paint it will look like new oh god what was that that made you jump didn't it


oh no buster got the paint cans mixed up? I don't think he realized that that's going to be the right


buster changes color   learns colors go buster by little baby bum kids cartoons baby vid
Here it goes, a new coat of yellow. Oh no, that's not yellow. Buster has been sprayed red and I don't think he noticed. Look at you, Buster. a red bus rushes back to the paint shop oh dear, you've knocked down all the paint how will you know which color is which? Here goes oh no, that's not quite right. Buster is now blue. Jesse seems very surprised. Yes, it's because. how blue you are, buster, maybe this time you'll come out yellow, it's not yellow yet, now buster is green, look how confused Tony is, the fourth time he's lucky, close his eyes and wish for the yellow buster, oh no, jessie and scout still don't seem to do it. i recognize you buster buster has now been sprayed pink wait buster i'm not sure that's the answer buster the rainbow colored bus i'm not sure if robin approves which paint can to choose one of these should be yellow moment of truth there we are Come on, that's the buster, the bus we all know, with a shiny new coat of yellow paint, which was quite a colorful adventure.
buster changes color   learns colors go buster by little baby bum kids cartoons baby vid

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buster changes color learns colors go buster by little baby bum kids cartoons baby vid...

Hi Tony, truck, hmm, Tony doesn't seem to be paying attention to the road. Oh look, it's Frankie, the frog he came to. say hello, watch out Tony, ugh, that was close oh no, it looks like Tony has lost some of his packages. You have to be careful the next time Frankie Tony almost hits you. What a cheeky frog look. It seems that Tony has left behind some of his packages. like a bottle of bubble bath looks like frankie has had a great idea look at him see where you're rolling now there are bubbles coming out of the bottle hey look it's Buster the bus I think Buster wants to see where Frankie is rolling there it is Even more bubbles now it looks like that you have a couple of glasses of bubbly.
buster changes color   learns colors go buster by little baby bum kids cartoons baby vid
Hey explorer, why don't you come along on this bubbly adventure too? The explorer wants to play in the bubbles. Bubbles fly everywhere. Oh, I like your hat. Explore you. he looks funny with a whisker destroyer, frankie looks like he might be running so late, i think this cheeky frog had an idea in the lake, he rolled around, look at him, bubbles are going everywhere, wow, he made a bubble bath, look all the bubbly bubbles bubbling, come on. in buster and scout jump they are having a lot of fun playing in the bubbles it looks like frankie is the bubble captain of the bubble lake here comes scout with a giant splash of bubbles so many bubbles everywhere oh where has frankie gone there he is It's the moment?
buster changes color   learns colors go buster by little baby bum kids cartoons baby vid
To go, I guess goodbye Frankie, thanks for a bubbly adventure. Hello, Buster, what a pretty flower. What a sunny day. Buster is very happy today and look over there, there is a nice, juicy red apple. You better hurry, Buster, or you'll be late for school. the lesson has already started quickly, oh dear, I don't think the teacher will be very happy with you being late, you better pay attention now to the lesson, it looks like today you will have to drive through the cones, here comes Robin, pay attention attention. Buster don't get distracted oh my the teacher doesn't look happy at all it's time to go through the cones the orange bus goes first slow and steady that's all the teacher seems pleased now it's your turn buster good luck slow down buster you're knocking down the cones try to stay inside the cones oh boy that's not what they told you to do that will teach you to go too fast the teacher is very disappointed it's the end of school time so everyone can go home I think Buster is sad he didn't do it what they told him in the lesson hmm, he should go and ask the teacher for forgiveness.
The teacher looks very tired. It's been a long day for her too. I think she could use some encouragement. What could you do with the apple? great thought buster that's very nice of you and you've encouraged the teacher come on buster can you do it this time slow and steady that's right, you're concentrating and you're doing very well buster you did it good job buster well done hello Buster oh wow look what you're in the wild west and look at your cowboy hat that must be the sheriff with his shiny gold star oh look at a lasso great job buster now you're a real cowboy there's a plush tip on your cowboy hat and say hello i don't think terry looks like very impressed wait is the bandits bus and what is that on his back a sack I think he has robbed the candy store what villain is he you must stop him buster quickly buster is running away chase him wake up sheriff there is a thief on the loose they are speeding along the tracks from the fastest train destroyer you can't let the bandit escape wow bandit jumped in front of suki the train waits for the train to pass and where did it go oh no, it goes to the other one That's how he was clever after him Buster Bandit is trying to lose Buster in the field of cactus, watch out, Buster, those are very pointy, you almost caught it, watch out, are you okay, Buster, oh no, the cactus has punctured your tire, oh no, you'll never catch it? him with a flat tire, wait of course, lasso, tie him up, buster one, two, three, and go, great, you did it, you caught the bandit and here's the sheriff, the bandit is in jail where he belongs.
Oh wow, sheriff buster, what an exciting dream, those were happy trails. buster woohoo buster the bus has come out to play be careful with that red paint buster oh buster has gone through it look buster you have painted some red lines with your tires I think buster has had an idea good job you have painted a circle the circle is round it has the same shape as your breaker wheel now you've colored the circle in buster it's a red circle oh hi explorer come join the fun we're learning shape what shape is explorer paint it's a square a blue square a square has four equal sides hey, digger digger has come to paint shapes with buster and scout what shape will it have digger paint digger is not as fast as buster and scout it's okay digger will finish soon it's a triangle a triangle has three sides a yellow The triangle digger took so long to paint a shape that Buster and the explorer have fallen asleep, wake up you two, what other shapes can we draw a green rectangle?
Great job Buster, a gold star that looks fantastic. The explorer and a lovely pink heart. The excavator is painting a diamond. Wow, look at all the


, it's a wonderful rainbow diamond. There are so many different color shapes. Learning the shapes was a lot of fun. We made a circle square, a triangle, a star, a heart, a rectangle and a diamond. Well done everyone. It's nap time in Buster's garage. Have a good dream. but who is it? It's a robot bus, oh no, it's come to cause mischief, it's made itself look like Buster, oh hello scout, she's practicing her ball skills for the soccer game, here comes the robot bus, I think which Scout thinks is Buster, not a robot bus, oh dear robot bus. he has crushed the scouts in football what a disgusting thing to do the poor scout is very upset it's jessie g she's waiting for the green light there she is oh that was close it's the robot bus up to mischief again oh no jesse thinks that's it the real destroyer oh


robin be careful the robot bus is not very friendly oh poor robin the bad robot bus hey excavator he is having fun with his building block oh no robot bus has come to join , has ruined the excavator block pyramid, the robot bus is causing chaos, here is the real destroyer.
The bus wakes up from its neck, oh dear, everyone is mad at you, Buster, they think the robot bus was you, how can you prove that you didn't do all these bad things? The robot bus has come to cause more chaos, quick digger, there's a switch on its roof, oh. look, they have prepared it for bathing, change it to good excavator, well done, excavator that seems to have worked, it seems that the robot bus is back to normal now, oh, well done, everyone who was around, the hum of the robot could having terrorized the entire city, goodbye.
Hello everyone, Buster, it looks like you're all covered in mud. You had a lot of fun splashing around in those mud puddles. Buster looks like he could use a wash. I'm not sure if he thinks that. Here comes the city bus. My God! He doesn't seem too impressed by how dirty Buster is, it seems like Buster has finally realized how messy he looks, that's right Buster, you're covered in mud, it's a sign for a car wash, great idea, Buster, He goes to the car wash to clean. himself upstairs oh poor thing he's too scared to go in it looks very scary isn't he going to continue? you can do it you need to clean yourself you're so dirty he's going for it buster is being very brave in fact one two three oh no, you were so close, buster, oh, he sounds very impatient, buster, take a deep breath, you can do it, but the sounds are so scary, keep going, buster, you can do it, you're almost ready, ready, ready, you're doing it, buster hits tickles.
That's not so bad, is it and it comes out? That wasn't so bad, was everything shiny and clean, looking good, wow, well done, Buster, nice and clean, that car wash wasn't so scary after all, oh wow, Buster turned into a rocket and he goes to space five four three two one take off look at buster look good you did it buster you're in outer space what a cool place to be I think buster wants to go explore space look it's a red planet, let's go To see more of it close Hello, little space friend, I bet that alien has never seen a bus before.
Where are you going now, Buster? Oh, a yellow planet. It's so beautiful with that huge ring around it. Look, that Buster is going for a ride. the ring, let's see how fast you can go, whoa, that was fun, what's the buster scene? It's a purple planet now, isn't it huge? Whoa, round and round, the planet buster circles around the purple planet, the yellow planet and the red planet, but wait, oh no. The destroyer of the blue planet is going too fast I think it's going to hit it oh thank God it was just a dream you're okay buster look explorer she's using her telescope to look at the night sky take a look buster there's the purple planet the yellow planet and the red planet hello little space buddy it's a very windy day at the farm look I think terry has something he wants to show buster hey it's monty the hot air balloon is an old friend of terry's say hello buster it must be a lot of fun being able to float on the air like a balloon, but uh, oh, the wind is picking up, I hope Monty doesn't get blown away, oh no, the rope broke and now the wind is blowing Monty away, quick, you gotta chase him or who. he knows where they're going to take him flying monty he's so high how they're going to bring him down look at a rope i wonder what buster has in mind hurry up guys you have to get ahead of monty what's buster going to do oh of course a lasso tie them cowboy ah so close but monty's still there floating there has to be some way to rescue monty what's buster's scene now it's iggy the ice cream truck with lots of balloons i think i know buster's plan look buster tied all the balloons to himself and now he's floating in the sky, keep going, buster, you can do it, grab monty almost almost almost, you got it right, buster, you saved the day.
Monty looks very grateful, uh, Monty is safely tied up again, now he's not going to do it. floats like that balloon good job buster look it's jessie the jeep she has a cake wow that looks delicious but here comes the bandit bus he looks naughty oh no he's eating jesse's cake that's not fair poor jesse there's buster the bus and there are bandits driving too fast look buster has gone to play with scout he gave him a soccer ball as a gift look at scout look look digly is building a colorful tower but here comes the bandit I wonder what that horrible bully is up to oh no , has knocked down digly.
The tower bandit is a threat. Uh-oh, he's seen the scouts fall. The bandit is stealing the ball. What a bully wants to do something. The poor explorer is very upset. The hunter wants to help his friend. He will confront the bandit and get him to give him the ball back I don't think bandit will listen to buster he is going to intimidate him instead it's not fair but wait jesse is standing next to buster scout is also here to help everyone they're sick of bandit being a thug there's otis the police car enjoying an ice cream Oops, the bandit has gotten into otis otis looks angry, he's right to be a bandit, he's mean to everyone now, Buster Scout and Jesse can play to football in peace.
I wonder what Buster and Digger are doing. Wow, who painted that? Looks like you guys want some ice cream. Digger, that's a big ice cream cone, oh look, here comes Iggy the ice cream truck. The destroyer and Digger want Iggy to help them prepare the giant ice cream. Now let's see, oh cherries, mmm, that's a delicious flavor, let's choose that one, look at all that ice cream. Right next we need a blue ice cream, blueberries, perfect, it looks very good,well, yellow, next banana, good choice, you want more, okay, this has to be the last flavor, otherwise it will be too big an apple, it will be a tasty ice cream. cream one last effort iggy that ice cream is looking pretty wobbly as you go digger has come to look for explorers so he can find out what buster and digger have done for his birthday you better follow robin's explorer happy birthday explorer that's the biggest ice cream Ever time have I seen, oh no, digger, watch out, explorer, that was close, blow out the candle, explorer, now everyone can eat the ice cream, yum, yum, hey, buster, looks like another day for fun, oh no, it's a bandit, the buster, be careful, you will crash. wait what's happening oh wow you're floating in the air oh this is amazing buster i wonder if you can fly oh wow you've become a superhero you're so fast super buster is here what's the scene buster is otis the police car i wonder what's going on looking for otis inside the tunnel wait he's banned on the bus what's this doing he's not looking right oh no he pushed the rock to the edge and trapped Otis in the tunnel you have to save him buster you can't let the gang on the bus get his way, that rock looks really heavy, okay, buster, you're a superhero, now you can save him, oh, break your eyes, wow, you have laser vision, well done, buster, you freed otis, now let's grab that naughty bandit bus, there's a bandit who looks like he's up to no good again.
Explorer, beware, poor explorer. Look who he is. you're in trouble now super buster is here buster can you stop him super buster is too strong for bandit that should stop him now buster just needs to help him explore outside the pond look bandit is now trapped oh it was all just a dream I don't think the professor is very happy Hello, Buster and Digger too, that's a great sand castle you've built there. It's Sandy Siegel, watch out, Sandy, don't stand in the sandcastle or, oh dear, poor Digger and Buster. That's it, Sandy, you cheeky bird, what have you seen?
Buster, is a red shape sticking out of the ground. I wonder what a good job will be. Excavator. It's a triangle, it's not that cool. And look, Sandy has also found a yellow shape. Is a circle. Can? find more sand here's another one this one is blue take it out quick it's a square it has four sides whoa there are so many shapes triangles circles rectangles hexagons sand wait no oh dear oh dear wait a minute i think buster has an idea buster and the digger are collecting the shapes me I wonder what they are going to do with them, they are stacking them, they think they are building a tower, just one more piece to go to the top, that's it, gently, gently, there, perfect, wow, buster and The diggers have made a tower with the shapes , what a great idea.
Now they can build their sandcastle again and look sandy. It has a place to stand that won't collapse. Good job. Look, she's a scout, she wants to play a big kickbreaker, good scout, who's that driving down the road? to be more careful be careful with that pin oh no, buster's tire is flat look explorer tony the truck needs help i know who we need oh yay amber the ambulance good job explorer it sure is an eventful day hope you feel better soon tony oh buster That sure seems painful, don't worry, now it was just an accident.
Tony is in good hands and Amber will be back shortly. Buster look, it's Amber, let's take you to the garage. Buster says oh wow. Tony looks great. Buster is buying a new tire. I'll fix it, oh Buster, accidents happen, be more careful next time. Big kick Buster, oh no, not again, Buster is being more careful. Look to the left, look right now, that's more well done, Buster, over here, Buster, hey, look, it's Buster, the bus he's having a day on. The beach, doesn't it look beautiful? Oh no, buddy, your wheels are stuck in the sand, that wasn't part of the plan.
Oh look, the digger, it's not getting stuck thanks to the tracks on it and who's so gritty? The seagull, I wonder if Sandy will do it. be able to help, I think she wants you to follow her, that's all, if you move one wheel at a time, you won't get stuck again, the digger is digging a hole, oh, watch out, buddy, what's that? a bucket and a shovel, I think Sandy wants you to help her build a sandcastle just a little more sand turn it over and support a well-made sandcastle, isn't that a very good job?
Oh wow, the digger's sandcastle is amazing, it's much bigger than yours, he's a weight buster, be careful. hole at least digger is here to dig you out again i think digger is very proud of her shiny sandcastle oh no sandy don't land there you will destroy the sandcastle. I don't think Sandy realizes what he's doing oh no it's just a big pile of sand now and what's that noise a wave watch out guys poor digger but wait not all the sand castles have been destroyed Buster's little castle it's still standing and now it's the biggest and best thanks to sandy bye everyone hope you had a great fun day at the beach

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