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Bus crashes into van boot and smashes a window and blames me calling me a stupid kid when am not

Apr 28, 2024
boo hey and J5 there a Joe Dodson bus hey and lovely way from Joe Dodson I wonder how many fans have said I wonder how many fans have said oh my god I know you from YouTube and all that how many subscribers do you have now? I'm about 90 19 or 90 90 about 100, you know, subscribe. No, yes, you know


you're late. Oh look, don't run over the BS. Is this bus leaving again now? Are you in it and find out? he'll tell you oh oh oh now that won't come out again now oh my god oh my god I can't believe I just can't believe I just witnessed that I can't believe I just caught that on camera idiot, what an idiot, what a


boss, driver, you should have waited to ship these clothes, they're moving, oh well that's out of commission for a while, oh god that's the


by the wheelchair.
bus crashes into van boot and smashes a window and blames me calling me a stupid kid when am not
B, I can get out of the way of the bus. I'm going to have to go back now, is that right? Yes, because you cannot perform another CU run. That would be illegal. I have to call 999 and report it, oh what is this F driver doing? He has nowhere to move, oh God, oh. D It's beat up but sturdy and the truck is damaged, it'll just be the rear, well the beat stops there, a bit of G panel off the roof. I take a closer look at the truck in a minute, oh, there it goes, I wonder. how we did it, at least it's a lot better than that bus with a


in it, but that's how easy it is for the bus to go nowhere, now it's going straight back, I wonder if it's still there.
bus crashes into van boot and smashes a window and blames me calling me a stupid kid when am not

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bus crashes into van boot and smashes a window and blames me calling me a stupid kid when am not...

I wonder if I could get it. another one, hey, show it, can you show Nick through the window? Yeah, I'll show it to Nick.
bus crashes into van boot and smashes a window and blames me calling me a stupid kid when am not

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