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May 30, 2021
No, brother, butter, the elite skin, he's playing this Adolf Drippler right now. I don't know, I'm not alive for you anymore. My stg44 just stuck when you said that, who will win the spindle power? Adolf Dritler Drippler or Joseph Stunton Benito I. I want to die, I am so glad that the sector artillery has wiped me off the face of the earth, thank God, I am dying, welcome to the


, the game that really makes me feel like a marine in the Pacific, I swear to God if I get bombed. for one more plane, man, oh god, oh that's funny, that's so funny, don't get me wrong, it's a shitty game, a lot of it is horribly flawed, but we wanted to see for ourselves how bad it was and if we could squeeze out a bit.
bumbling idiots storm iwo jima battlefield v
It's fun, no matter how much of a disaster a rising start can be, so rest assured the whole video won't just be a


, okay, people say in the chat, badger, I was inspired by you playing bf5 to turn on bf5 again afterwards. 15 minutes I stopped because I remembered it was battlefield 5. because for all its flaws, there's a lot of fun to be had if you haven't touched it in two years, like running at people with an anti-tank mine on a stick, sign me up, oh . right, I got it, I got it, you were the closest to that, oh my god, about to get rid of that cavity, no sir, I'll get rid of the cabbage, oh, and how you'll spend a lot of the game bleeding out. floor waiting for a resuscitation hey hey lift my butt you use the mechanics please never why don't you check out the sponsor of today's video?
bumbling idiots storm iwo jima battlefield v

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bumbling idiots storm iwo jima battlefield v
Download Warpath via the link below for free to support my channel. Get this free bonus and take part in the action of World War II. Thanks again for sponsoring this video which takes us out of the battlefield assault class 5. it's just bananas because unlike previous games instead of getting a bazooka or dynamite you get a bazooka and dynamite to disintegrate targets based on meat and metal. I'm going to use a bomb as a bazooka, oh I got another one, two in a row, baby, oh I missed that one. I missed the easiest one in the world I'm real trash I'm real water trash You're washed like a plate brother brother he's hanging brother oh hello sir this is c4 let me introduce you oh that man disintegrated that man doesn't run anymore finish and you say: hey, I need the mouth to come in a sleeker pantsless solo plus access to the m1 garand to maximize style points and kill potential, which I like to pair with a 1911 to make it so damn American it should come. with a side of serious heat, eat that sucker, keep my 45 boy, yeah, get out of the spawn oh, you thought, riley, you thought, just spam, just spam, it doesn't matter if the shots are on target, it's a goran, will hit it as active. tank, active volcano or not, watch me carry this, I'm going, I'm going the suicide route, I'm going the hot route, hot rap, oh my god, I hit him in the jaw, oh, I hit my thumb, I got a little egg Easter recharge, look. that I got them eight rounds of 30 odd sexes in your Koran eight rounds of 45 in your 1911 three rockets in your bazooka two sets of dynamite a fragmentation grenade to throw and two more fragmentation grenades to stick on the end of your garand because America america america your body ragdoll the japanese boy oh my god you you too I'm going for 1911.
bumbling idiots storm iwo jima battlefield v
I want more I'm thirsty I'm thirsty wait have I run out oh I've run out of bazooka whoops nah gimme gimme gimme gimme 1911 double death okay look this nathro everyone eats that's cash that's a potato stick right there is a potato stick right there two give me a third give me a third I need the third for the kill streak give me four no, I have to reload four 4- 4 there's four, give me five, give me five, give me five, I can't hit the head, I can't hit, that's it, I've got five, all of you, double kill, triple kill, I've got it too, oh God, it's so. many deaths seem much more dramatic when they die from double kills, oh I have a triple, that triple spray with a garand and if being a one man army wasn't enough, you can incinerate people with the rear explosion of your bazooka in In case you are not familiar with rocket launchers as a home defense weapon when they are fired obviously a giant rocket comes out from the front to kill the thief but there is also a rear shock wave behind the gun that could turn your wife into soup This is why you sometimes hear clear explosions in movies to make sure no one is there.
In this case, we are intentionally overusing explosions to fool unsuspecting players for fun. Just the fact that the dice include this in the game is an impressive attention to detail. I I I you ready are you ready how many shots do I have yes I have it I have it with the rear flash his body went flying you just whipped the fattest one 180 and blew someone through the roof yes I have another one I have another one in the barrels that's it Disgusting, that tank is not going to see me, he doesn't exist, right? I think no matter your opinion on the game using the classics as a new player is guaranteed fun like garand 1911 setup stg44 luger setup that's too iconic to pass up I'll let you guys that's the rest yeah you're clear you want no he'll shoot you in the head oh man that's disgusting now you got double spray please yeah the luger I can't see where you are.
They are, but I'm going to do it. Oh, I'm sure the same goes for the trench gun. It's too iconic. You can't have a weapon in your game that the German government, which by the way used chemical weapons and flamethrowers, called so opaque and inhumane. They wanted to ban me and didn't expect me to use it. How many seconds do I have to return? Oh, there's a guy right next to me. We had the same idea. The same idea. The same idea. The same idea. Oh my god, I need to recharge. that one uh come on no three four four wait wait I only have five I only have five shots dog tight tight tight tight I got you buddy I got you buddy oh my god I just fell between the guys and I did a barrel roll what the hell was that? he shot in the head way way way way way way wait three three reloading I'm still on that ass turn around turn around there you go oh god just kidding smash just smash that guy's balls in real time in real time chet oh his balls They're destroyed oh I've got a good flank I got through if you can spawn on me please do one two no three four oh we're in business guys if we don't completely kill the top team oh man the reanimation mechanic is another big one and it's simultaneously hilarious but tragic at the same time hilarious because you can just nail someone in the head with a bazooka and as long as his friend gives him a high five he's back in the action watch his bazooka kills, yeah baby I got it right on the spot. the dome was worth gluing just so I could see it he's going to be revived you're revived after you smack him in the face okay my dog ​​brother it looked like you tried to touch me but you did that was terrible you mean you know when a white man makes it tragic because it is a characteristic that kills the main leader of the game.
It's incredibly annoying to get shot and then have to spend another 10 seconds waiting for a reversal that will probably never come because three of your assholes your teammates are ignoring you can you help me can you help me okay I think there are a lot of ways they could fix this . How about allowing you to automatically skip reactivation to get back into the action faster? How about it allows you to crawl from 8 to 10? meters from the inevitably dangerous place where you died, so reviving is not a death sentence for the guy who picks you up, don't pick up your friend and, if that weren't bad enough, once you're back in the spawn screen, they don't let you spawn on teammates in combat where they need you most and sometimes even when you do a crouch spawn they reject you back to the spawn screen anyway backtrack backtrack backtrack backtrack thank you thank you thank you thank you You, I'm fine, oh, he denied me, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, even if you dodge all that nonsense by respawning in the deployment, a lot of times those spawns are also complete by being too far from combat or in the enemy's sights, how do you wait? me to win here what was that spawn what f what spawn did that guy do combined with a lot of the game modes just randomly changing what's in and out of bounds basically running you in five seconds as you run towards the target oh we've got the gang of objectives, oh my god, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, why do you just keep running and suddenly you're abandoning your part of this game design?
It's as bad as they ever made it. He ups his game, Luke finds the game itself a lot of fun, then bam, 20 to 30 seconds of reviving and spawning where they waste your time and then take care of you so hard instead of letting you run your At your own risk, that just ruins the entire flow of the experience and don't even get me started on the servers. You know you should give them a break. I'm pretty sure these things are designed to be half full, but I'm not a stupid whiny baby anymore, it has to be said because, on the bright side. of the game, rush and advance can be super fun game modes, especially when abused type 2a or trenchco, got you, oh that jump shot, I'm actually crazy, I'm actually crazy, I'm out of my mind way, I'm crazy, I'm crazy out of my way, oh, kill one of you twice, please do it to him, do it to him now he's going to explode, I'm seeing it, hey, something came in the mail today, oh my gosh, yellow, wow, I didn't know we were. playing this game against some babies oh i can't it looks like the gun you get away with in california is like an lmg but it's a gun see this isn't a heavenly stock this is a brace that's why I'm allowed to have this magazine 450 round case and interchangeable barrels in case something overheats in the middle of school, I mean in the middle of a deer shoot, no, no, if you put a legit stock on it, it turns the gun into a rifle and in a serious crime.
This screw will turn a normal firearm into a felony and regardless of your opinion on the game, have they ever made a breakthrough in the Pacific like 500+ tickets on Wake Island or Iwo Jima? This could have been one of the best battlefields. ever played if you checked out some core mechanics that hold the game back oh my god who is that weaving squad, weaving squad, weaving squad, you know what makes me respect the soldiers of Japan in the 1940s, They didn't know what anime the Bible was? just manga christian wow that's it let's not bring that like zoink scoob maybe we shouldn't go with ned king thank god he came to me thank you for doing that I'm going to achieve the goal this could be good this would be good follow me, follow me, Follow me, I got it, I got it, I'm on my side, please breed on me, make Dempsey tank proud, raise the flag, all the nukes, oh, here it comes, here it comes, guys, be careful, oh, that guy definitely died, that guy definitely We made him holy, we made him by grace in the fight, it's okay, it's okay, we all got it, stay back until the nuke drops, it's coming, let's see it, please Please help me, I'm behind you guys, no, no, no, no, no. no, no, let's see, let's see, let's go, oh, oh, I'm pushing this hill not surviving now that you have PTSD, I watched my do I hear another nuke coming, yeah, oh yeah, push, get on, get on, get on, what's my hashtag let's get it we gotta get it go up on down go up on the flag go up on the flag let's go on the flag go up on the flight cactus cactus please wait wait wait wait here I can't they bombed us again no that was so damn close I think we've lost it now yeah, they're going to limit it, they spawn too close, forget it, you can't even see what's going on, the last man goes up that hill, damn it's soHorribly balanced. that's such a terribly balanced dog if we could call in four nukes and not understand that this is an ambush that's stupid they should have equipped a helicopter gunner to top things off I don't think battlefield 5 failed because of all that of women with prosthetic arms and people getting I'm annoyed by the realism, personally I find that stuff pretty silly but hilarious and in no way game breaking.
Japanese woman running with a goran. Japanese woman with garand in World War II in North Africa. Yes, all these things continue to multiply. I think it was the mistake. of a new version of the battlefield gameplay, it's too similar to previous titles with a WWII look, the major changes they made ruined the entire gameplay loop and they refuse to make any significant improvements or fix it like a clerk Fed up with Burger King who no longer cares about getting fired, go ahead and restart the fire before it's legit. You can't display the letters. God, why is this funny to me?
Why does it hit so hard? You really are an idiot. I wish ea would shut up and give us the battlefield bad company three we don't need prone anymore we don't need realism we don't need seriousness we need nonsense and bad I have company again, but I guess saying that nowadays makes me sound a little crazy. Why the hell is this so fucking funny, so stupid. My sense of humor can't be saved if I don't stop watering my voice and move loudly and that's it. I don't know how the hell Battlefield 5 was so fun, but I guess it is so fun.

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