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Bullies Don't Realize That The Guy They Are Bullying Is An Elite Fighter

Apr 27, 2024
At the beginning of the film, we see Frank, a wealthy club owner, calmly walking through a rival nightclub. The Establishment features live music performed by Tito Lariva. The club is full of rich men, beautiful women and alcohol creating a vibrant atmosphere. Suddenly a fight breaks out that catches the attention of our protagonist James, as the club's head of security, James quickly approaches the fighting men urging them to calm down while his team of bouncers work to subdue the violence. We're just having a little fun, he's fine, sorry, but he unexpectedly reaches for a knife to stab.
bullies don t realize that the guy they are bullying is an elite fighter
James Arm, fully aware of James' formidable reputation, this man boldly challenges him to one-on-one combat seeking to test his own medal against the renowned cooler with a determined gesture. James accepts the challenge ready to face his opponent head on as he leaves the club. James calmly turns and walks back, leaving the opponent outside of him, cleverly tricking him into leaving without further escalation, returning to the club unscathed. James demonstrated his ability to resolve the situation peacefully and by carefully observing the entire incident. Frank, the owner of the club, approaches James as he tends to his injured man.
bullies don t realize that the guy they are bullying is an elite fighter

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bullies don t realize that the guy they are bullying is an elite fighter...

Arm impressed by James Frank's skills offers him a tempting offer to take charge of security at his own establishment, the Double Deuce, after a persuasive discussion and the promise of a substantial golden handshake of $55,000. James succumbs to the offer and accepts the job opportunity immediately. Due to aerophobia, James rejects the ticket purchased by Frank and states his intention to make the trip to Missouri by driving himself. Arriving at the Double Deuce, James is greeted with a chaotic scene in the parking lot filled with rowdy bikers and men violently breaking bottles. altercations that arrogantly evaluate his new Ferrari wherever he goes.
bullies don t realize that the guy they are bullying is an elite fighter
He witnesses the open sale of drugs within the club premises, leaving him to reflect on the seriousness of the situation he has willingly entered into feeling a mixture of apprehension and uncertainty. As James begins to


that he is going to really have his work cut out for him at the Double Deuce, he notices that his old friend, a blind singer named Cody, played by the legendary Jeff Healey, is performing at the scenery. Disorderly visitors periodically throw beer bottles at the musician, from which he is saved. the wire mesh surrounding the stage James watches a large bouncer at the club settle every dispute with a fist to the face, the large man then tells James to order a drink or leave the bar without realizing who he is, one of the waitresses introduces herself as Maryann and her mouth drops open in shock as James introduces himself oh my god I heard about you James then continues to greet Cody, the blind singer of the band playing that night.
bullies don t realize that the guy they are bullying is an elite fighter
Cody tells her that the double Deuce is worse than any club he's ever worked at; word spreads when Maryanne tells the bouncers that the medium-built blonde man is the infamous James Dalton. One of the bouncers tells the others about a story he heard in which James supposedly ripped out a man's throat with his bare hands. Visitor offers his drinking buddy to kiss his girlfriend's melons for $20. Are you kidding me? Astonished by the proposal, the man begins to squeeze his balloons. Hey friend, what are you doing? Are you going to kiss them or not? I can't, what do you mean you can?
I don't have 20 dollars so a fight begins between the two that turns into a massive brawl, the entire Club goes into a frenzy with bottles flying overhead like New Year's confetti. The next day, James visits a nearby dealership and buys a beat-up car so he doesn't drive around this Outback in his new Ferrari. He heads to a farm. There he meets the paramedic. An elderly farmer renting a well-kept room on the second floor of a barn. The state of the barn surprises James. Given its meticulous maintenance, the EMT farm is located next to the lake, in front of a prominent businessman named Brad who resides in a large mansion,


see the millionaire fly to his mansion in a helicopter at very low altitude with the purpose of scaring away to the farmer's horses and appreciate the peace. friendly environment and behavior of the paramedic James agrees to rent the room, eager to settle into his new home the next day.
Frank sits everyone down and instructs them to follow and obey every word James says while, as a matter of order, he dismisses Morgan, the big bouncer he's hitting. anyone with a face the big man threatens him and leaves with his check James fires one more person for selling illegal substances and sets the tone by telling everyone left to listen to him or leave as James enters his new environment, sets three Important rules to guide your actions The first rule emphasizes the importance of never underestimating your opponent, recognizing that appearances can be deceiving and anyone can possess unexpected strengths The second rule states that all conflicts must be taken outside of maintaining peace and avoiding unnecessary harm to others.
The property finally James highlights the importance of always maintaining a friendly and cordial demeanor when dealing with clients. The bouncers get annoyed by the fact that


have to be courteous when customers are rude to them, but James reminds them that his job is, first and foremost, to check things before they leave. Hand in hand, James ends the orientation by telling his men that he wants them to be nice until it's time not to be nice, how are we supposed to know when that is? You will not do it. I'll let you know the next day.
James follows closely. At the club, one of the bouncers takes a couple of girls to the club for free. His gaze also falls on the waiter who hides the profits in his pocket. Moments later, a woman climbs onto the table and begins to dance. James orders Hank, one of the bouncers, to remove her from the table, but her friend punches him and then pulls out a pocket knife. At that moment James lunges forward and slams the man's face into a table and tells his men to escort him to the back room. He finds a bouncer with a girl who brought him to the club for free, of course, for doing those things during work hours.
Steve also gets his ass kicked by The Establishment. your story, but I'm on my break, stay there after work shift. He approaches the waiter and announces that he has been fired for theft, the waiter is insolent in response and will not accept such news from the head of security. Then the club owner, soft-spoken and uncertain in his tone, repeats James' words. Exit, the insolent waiter calmly leaves the establishment while James heads home and discovers that his tires have been flattened and a rock has shattered his windshield. He strangely takes it all in stride without letting it affect his mood with a smile on his face.
He walks home seemingly unfazed by the prank, however that night James finds him. He finds it difficult to sleep as he listens to the rocky sounds of a wild party happening across the lake hosted by none other than Bradley. The noise echoes through the night, disrupting James' peace and increasing his restlessness. James wakes up to the loud call of Maryann, who somehow tracked him down. She went to where she lived and brought him breakfast. Maryanne then tells him that she shouldn't have fired the waiter and makes a tired joke about James being a dead man walking.
It seems like everywhere I go, I hear the same joke about James driving to a car part. The parts garage and the owner read jokes. New windshields will cost you more than Nal beaters. It's worth my advice. Beast shit in the store he stumbles upon. Brad and the two men meet for the first time the next day, when James goes to Frank's office. He met with Pat, the recently fired bartender, and his


, they put pressure on the bar owner and intend to give the bartender his job back. Mr. tman has changed his mind. One of the men reveals that Pat is Brad's nephew, who supplies the liquor to the double Deuce.
James is unwilling to budge, so Pat pulls out a huge knife and starts waving it in James' face. A fight breaks out during which the main character is stabbed, but in the end the Double Deuce bouncers manage to sweep up the uninvited guests and throw them out of the establishment. James goes to the hospital to get stitches. She is treated by the beautiful Doctor Elizabeth, who jokes that the double Duce sends her a lot of business. The attraction between the two is immediately evident when they start talking and James invites her out for coffee sometime when he's available.
Brad's men return after being beaten by James and his bouncers. Brad sees the bloodied men and beats up one of them to show his disappointment later that day. James goes to Red's auto parts store and sees Brad's men leaving with happy faces, he walks in and sees the place trashed. He also notices Elizabeth's photo on the wall. James asks the old man how much money Bradley accepts and Red tells James that he and everyone in town pay 10%. James calls his old boss, Wade, from whom he learned everything he knew about the business. James asks Suade if she knows a man named Brad and warns her not to mess with him.
One night at the club, a woman named Denise approaches James and tries to tempt him into going to bed with her, but one of Brad's men drags her into the parking lot and gives the order to the people to her to act. Four thugs stumble into a bar, but upon noticing a knife in one of the man's shoes, James calls them out. Not welcome here, the man tries to stab James with a knife in his shoe, but manages to break his leg, after which he drags him out of the bar and the entire bouncer team successfully beats up the uninvited guests.
All this is observed by Elizabeth, who came to James, after the fight, the two go to a restaurant and talk over a cup of coffee. Elizabeth takes him back to the club where her car is parked. They immediately notice that James' car is totaled once again. James Smiles kisses Elizabeth goodnight and goes home. The next morning, James is relaxed like a cat on the hood of his car. Brad's people approach him and tell him that his boss wants to talk to him. He happily jumps out of the hood, scares the


and goes with them to Brad at the Millionaire's house. he sees Denise trying to tempt him last night with a battered face.
He walks into the kitchen where Brad is having breakfast. Brad gives a speech about how the two are alike and mentions that he heard that James had killed a man in Memphis. Brad alludes. that although James had left because he was in self-defense, he doubts it was Brad and then asks if James would work for him if he owned the club. James immediately refuses and leaves saying there is no amount of money as the club's reputation improves. The line stretches down the street with people eager to get in and this time the parking lot is full of luxury cars instead of cyclists, there are plenty of well-dressed people inside and the stage is no longer fenced with chain wire, although the business is growing, they need help getting liquor, since Brad controls distribution in the city.
James tells Frank that he will fix the problem and asks a waiter to pass him the phone. When James leaves, he sees Elizabeth waiting for him there. Brad's people are watching them. The two drive back to James' house and James learns that Brad is Elizabeth's uncle by mentioning the photo he saw. Red raised her after her parents died, she went to study in another city and returned to this Outback only because he took care of her. Old man James asks why a woman as beautiful as Elizabeth is not married and discovers that she is divorced. As the night progresses, the couple goes to bed and spends a passionate night together.
Brad is watching this. The Pervert is very offended by This show, the rumor that James is dating Elizabeth has already spread and at the club Cody warns his friend to watch his back, after all Bradley had a thing for Elizabeth when she left town and went back. Crazy a few hours later a truck arrives to deliver alcohol to the double Deuce, but Brad's men interrupt the unloading. Chaos erupts when James becomes embroiled in a fight with four of Brad's men and struggles to hold his ground. As James's friend Wade parks his bike in front of the club, he asks how to find James Wade's.
The intervention proves crucial as he quickly joins the fight, overpowering the thugs one by one together. James and Wade effortlessly defeat Brad's goons and fire them. James then introduces Wade to Elizabeth and the three spend the night drinking and partying at a bar until morning. After closing the nightclub they go to the restaurant while Elizabeth went to the bathroom. Wade brings up what happened in Memphis and tells James not to beat himself up over something that happened years ago and we learn that James had killed the husband of a woman he slept with. Not knowing she was married that night, James took Wade to double Deuce to show him how he was doing at the club, however, their night takes an unexpected turn when the Red's Auto store suddenly lights up and explodes into flames, the eerieevent disrupts the atmosphere, casting a dark atmosphere.
A shadow of apprehension falls over the night, shortly after Brad enters the bar accompanied by his entourage, exuding an air of audacity, he boldly orders a drink, seemingly daring James to act, as if provoking him to take the next step. in their ongoing conflict. Brad tells his girlfriend. To go on stage and dance for everyone, the blonde goes on stage and dances a striptease. By the way, you can find the uncensored summary in my telegram, link below. James pulls her off the platform and tells Brad if you're going to do it. have a pet, keep it on a leash Brad then orders his men to start a fight Jimmy Brad's right hand punches the gorillas and even manages to defeat Wade before James intervenes as the two men engage in a fierce fight which Brad he breaks up the fight by firing his gun ending the commotion and instructing his men to retreat as the town's businessmen gather discussing the situation as Red prepares to leave town packing his belongings.
I can call a friend in Springfield who works with the FBI. You're going to take a stand against him, word spreads about the impending Rebellion, prompting Brad to retaliate by attacking one of the businessmen who owns a car dealership. , destroying your business in a matter of minutes. I never thought you'd turn on me too, this is my city acknowledging the city's deep-rooted problems. Wade suggests to James that the two of them should leave town together to escape the problems, however, James rejects the offer feeling a sense of responsibility to confront and address the problems head-on. Wade says goodbye to James and admits that he treats him like a son. and then leaves town later that night Elizabeth visits James at her house and begs him to leave before the situation gets out of control.
She thinks you're going to save these people from Brad Wesley. Oh, you will save him from you. A sudden explosion shakes the area originating from the house and paramedics react quickly. James Springs springs into action running towards the chaotic scene with determination and bravery, he manages to rescue the old man from the remains of the house risking his own well-being to save his life while James witnesses Jimmy fleeing from the burning fury of the house consumes him. forcing him to chase the man. The two engage in a fierce altercation with James momentarily gaining the upper hand, however the situation takes a dangerous turn when Jimmy reveals a gun in a split-second decision.
James quickly uses his signature move. violently slitting the man's throat and killing him instantly Elizabeth, witnessing the gruesome act, attempts to help the victim upon realizing that James had killed him, she flees home in disbelief and horror as James, driven by revenge, screams at Brad to confront him directly while Wesley does the next thing. In the morning, Brad nonchalantly contacts James and asks who he wants to see die, whether it's Wade or Elizabeth. James replies that you are a sick man who refuses to participate in Brad's game Twisted, Brad mockingly flips a coin jokingly that he will inform James of the result, however at that moment Wade bursts onto the scene injured but alive and says that three men They stopped him on the road and beat him appropriately.
James lets his friend rest and have a beer and runs to the hospital to pick up Elizabeth, however, Elizabeth after what she saw last night doesn't want to go with James and sends him to hell feeling heartbroken. James decides to return to the club only to discover that Wade, his friend, has been stabbed and consumed with rage. James drives to Brad's house using his car as a distraction to get inside without being seen. the mansion Stealthily kill one enemy after another reacting quickly James stabs one of the men using the other as a shield when Brad's nephew tries to shoot him with a DEA knife, he quickly neutralizes his enemy ensuring his own safety and eliminating the threat . posed by Brad's nephew, he crushes the chubby guy with a stuffed polar bear and in the end only Brad is left.
James takes the gun from him and begins fighting the old man one on one as he tries to make up for his lack of athleticism. skills with a spear after a long fight James hits Brad and prepares to deliver his fatal blow, but ultimately decides not to kill the old man Elizabeth comes running James is distracted by the girl at that moment Brad grabs a gun but the businessmen arrive to time and shoots the villain with red weapons picks up the weapons and takes them in an unknown direction the police arrive and seeing a small disorder ask what happened all the businessmen unanimously respond that they didn't see anything you see nothing Pete no, I don't I see something in At that moment the chubby boy came out from under the bear understanding the whole situation.
He also says that he didn't see anything. You do not see anything. Terer ho. The bear fell on me. Everyone is incredibly happy that they've finally rid the town of the bad guy. In a pivotal decision, James chooses to remain in the city finding solace in Elizabeth's arms, the double Deuce having finally become a thriving club with excellent music performed by Jeff Healey. FOC, you can see the uncensored summary of this movie in my telegram, the link. Below write in the comments if you are waiting for the remake of this film starring Conor McGregor and Jake Gyllenhaal I am very interested in knowing your opinion thanks for watching see you soon

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