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Building a LEGO Star Wars Set from EVERY Year to make a HUGE Battle!

May 07, 2024
To celebrate 25


s of existence of the Lego


theme, I'm creating a massive


and filling it with


sets, but from the challenges I can only get one set each year and it's hard because some of these years are incredibly difficult. I don't want to spend all my money, so I'm setting a budget of $2500, which may seem like a lot of money, but I have to buy 25 sets, so let's let the challenge begin: buy one Lego Star Wars set each year, the first day. If you've already watched the short series, you may want to skip ahead or take this opportunity to catch up on any days you missed, as I've conveniently timestamped each day so you can see which set we picked.
building a lego star wars set from every year to make a huge battle
Along the way, Lego released 13 sets in 1999 and eight of them were from episode 1, which also came out that same year. This is the lightsaber duel. The first Lego Star War set ever created. You have Qui-Gon in Darth Maul and this was it. The first time this villain appeared both on screen and in Lego, there is a small side that builds a speeder and our two minifigures in the scene, Cidus ordered Darth Maul to bring the queen back to Nabo to sign the treaty , but he was a bit of an impatient guy. and I rushed Quon into a 1 V one Quon, wait, I'm tired and tired and for the next 24 days I'm going to build each year's Star Wars set and create a big


at the end, so try to guess what I'm going to do.
building a lego star wars set from every year to make a huge battle

More Interesting Facts About,

building a lego star wars set from every year to make a huge battle...

I'll build in the video below as I continue the second day of the 15 sets released in 2000, the gungan patrol remains the only set that has never been remade in over 24 years, except for these Technic builds, which are rare and not they tell them. includes jar j Binks and a gungan soldier with unprinted head molds and two of these mounts called kadu pulling a Boomers card, don't expect those kind of Boomers, a couple of blue cylindrical pieces are included to represent the boomas, the energy balls and this Flex. Unfortunately, tubes are used for these decorative saddles. Lego never released any other creatures or builds from the Gungan side of the conflict, making it very difficult to amass a Gung an army.
building a lego star wars set from every year to make a huge battle
I mean, this set was only $10 back in the day and these minifigures aren't it. very expensive but new, this game costs $110. I was lucky enough to use it for $38, but we still have 23 more years of Lego Star Wars sets to cover, so try to guess what I'll build on day three while I keep shopping. a Lego Star Wars set from


third day of the year, this is Lego's first battle droid carrier from 2001, it has seven droids and used to cost only 10 dollars, but now sells for almost $200 new. I bought this used for around $42 and Even today, this Droid is still exclusive to the set, it is compatible with the MTT that came out the year before, but these aircraft carriers known as Droid platoon attack ships are barely visible in episode 1, which


s me think Lego just wanted to


Droid battle packs. this front piece is printed, which is crazy for such a cheap set, there is a place for the pilot and two bars to brutally distort and attach these six droids, oh no, his hand broke, although I think this design is super ugly and would make way.
building a lego star wars set from every year to make a huge battle
It makes more sense to have two levels of battle droid, but be prepared because on the fourth day we take on a new era of Star Wars while I still buy a leg of Star Wars setron


year, the fourth day is 2002, an attack of the clones. with 24 Lego Star Wars sets, this is the Jedi Duo, the most epic duel in episode 2 between Master Yoda and his old padawan turned evil, Count Dooku, this was the first time Lego made a lightsaber curved Hill and because this figure is very expensive for his own I had to pay 64 dollars to get this once set $10 this is the speeder that the GN escapes from it says Arena and there are printed elements and this is the little side build that doesn't I'm pretty sure what it does, I thought it was to spin Yoda since he's a short King, but I think it's supposed to be a crane for the speeder, the 2013 remake includes a lot more scene and has legit gameplay features to do an actual lightsaber duel, but hey, not bad for 2002 because we still have 21 more years to cover, so follow along as I continue on day five, just one year after the release of Attack of the Clones.
Lego only released three of their 21 sets based on the movie and since we may have the chance to acquire them in Years Later I bought one of the most elusive and unique sets of all time that uses Lego's ring elements largest ever created. It has 681 pieces and all I had to do was put the wheels on it. I'm bad at Technic. It has a It has a whopping 30 missiles and it has this cool rim on the front and the wheels are locked with gears that actually spin. I am fast. Lego has never made a Star Wars vehicle like this since, and despite my disdain for Technic, I was really impressed with this model.
It sold for $50 and I bought it for 114 which puts our grand total at just under $290 with 21 days left as I continue on day six, the year is 2004 and the Lego company is on the brink of bankruptcy after opening several theme parks and not being able to diversify Being in Lego set Hasen in the river in Lego City Star Wars and other licensed themes helped save the LEGO Group making them profitable again and of the 15 sets of this sad excuse for a Lego catalogue, I bought this mini Sith infiltrated because I didn't like anything else but in an epic plot twist Not only was the set incomplete but it included another incomplete set this is part of an atte I got so angry that I reported this game where to return it that's right I'm in the wrong been and I'm angry, angry face, they asked for six photos, so I hope to get my 22 dollars back, but even for $7 I probably wouldn't buy this today, at least not without a mini figure, although these mini sets have some appeal. since they are reminiscent of the mini kits from the Lego Star Wars video game and the packaging is fun and you know what else is fun hit the like button on this video as I continue on day seven and what a wonderful year it is to get Revenge is for the Sith, this is General Grievous Chase and this is the first Lego minifigure of General Grievous with this super cool printed cape to distract the eye, the chilling white of his body without any other color or detail, then we have Obi. -Wan, who looks good and is sitting on top of Boga, a female verao with a brick-built midsection and a molded head.
The wheeled bike isn't the best, but the printed discs are a nice touch and hard to come by. I might add, can we? just look at these alternate builds for a second, like Obi-Wan and Grievous becoming friends on a little Safari anyway, this was such a memorable scene for me so I had to get this set for Pure Nostalgia reasons and I can It's safe to say that it only gets better from here, so try to guess what I'm going to build next as I continue. Day eight was a dark time for both Star Wars and Lego fans, as only 11 sets were released in 2006, one of them being this turbo tank I made.
Instead, I didn't buy it, I settled on this first V Way scene in episode 3, escorting the emperor ship with Anakin's burned remains. The ship's design has some similarities to later developed Thai Advan models and is crewed by a single clone pilot and an astac just ahead. Although the V-wings are super fast and highly maneuverable, as seen on the bad batch, they actually replaced the Torrance v19 as the ship of choice, and despite Lego remaking this set in 2011 and 2014, we've never seen it since. then, but if you were. flying in the Clone Wars, would you rather be in an arc 170, a Jedi Star Fighter or a vwing?
Let me know in the comments and come back tomorrow as I continue on day nine and the year is 2007, you know when the first UCS Falcon was released and Don't forget about these bad guys, but as you know, this challenge has a budget of $2,500 and after the Today's purchase of the Clone Trooper Battle Pack, our total is already over $510, with some great sets for my favorite year, this Battle Pack, although it just received a remake of sorts that includes an OG Shock Trooper, a 327 Trooper and two Rags, all with black heads under those helmets, there is a small bunker and a speeder which makes these sets very similar on the Clone side.
Some people prefer these old style Phase 2 helmets but I'm a fan of the updated ones so make my comments section look like a poll between which one do you think is better tomorrow you know what I'm going to do on the 10th and we have our first big set. I got this for $218 under budget. and only 2 and a half times its original price, this HTE has been on my wish list as it includes a phase one Captain Rex minifigure and the one and only stinker from the Clone Wars movie. Hello, I'm Paul, he was captured by an SJ Ventress. and a rescue team consisting of Anakin and Ahoka was sent to bring him back, so of course it includes the padana, so Kanano, a normal clone trooper and a droid in one of these Speeders, being only the second atte launched, there are so many.
Improvements in this walker compared to the 2003 model, you can place this clone trooper in the pilot's seat, there is a gunner seat on top and there is plenty of room in the back if only we had more clone troopers, so take a while, guess what you think. I'll continue tomorrow as I continue on day 11 on today's agenda is to acquire more clones so if you guess this set you are absolutely Mad Dog this would have been a


guess but I got out of the deal but here we have possibly the best battle of Clone Trooper. ever-made pack, prove me wrong, includes this Clone Captain with a heart-shaped puldon comma and visor, a Clone Gunner, and two rags.
The walker's construction is simple but it powers two Troopers and its retail for $12 meant you could get clones for $3 a piece in 2009. the birth of a new era, the era of the Army Builders, and since then, Crazy obsessive maniacs have been


armies of plastic men in hopes of getting a girlfriend or breaking a world record, so stay tuned as I continue Clone Madness as I continue on the 12th. Now, in 2005, we missed that Clone Turbo Tank, but now it's 2010 and I spent $250 to get my hands on my favorite Clone Turbo Tank Legos ever made. This one has Anakin Skywalker pwin Ahsoka Tano AA Sakura, a normal clone trooper, and a clone Captain.
In addition to the first CAD Ban minifigure, he also came in this power set and I love the hat on him. Nice hat. Nice hat. This set is roughly based on the Jedi accident on Meridan when they rescue AA Sakura, but Anakin is injured, however, the cat ban. He doesn't appear until the beginning of season 2, at which point Ahsoka should wear the red suit of his that Lego didn't make until 2013, but what a great set, just to throw them all into the tank hallway, you can remove this little one. Atrt construction and a command station, there is more room in the front for drivers and this tank suspension makes it quite versatile for carrying troops into battle, so try to guess what you think I will build tomorrow as I continue on the 13th, we are about half way.
Throughout the series and the 26 sets to choose from in 2011, I had to make a difficult decision because the one I really wanted to get was too hard to get. I accidentally ended up with two sets. It's crazy how the deals work and I got the G fighter and Ocean Starf with phase one commander Cody Kiotti Mundi and this Geonosian who pilots the needle shaped


fighter. The other set is the Battle for Geonosis, which includes the only Separatist proton cannon ever made. Comes with this powered crust slider. by luminara unduli with these silly looking doggles and has the other Captain Rex from phase 1.
There are also two droids, one of which handles the cannon and a Super Battle Droid with the rocket arm. Adding both sets to our grand total puts us exactly in the middle. of our budget with 13 days to go, so try to guess what I'll build tomorrow as I continue on the 14th and 2012 was another great year for Lego Star Wars with sets like Java Palace, Palpatine's predictable starfighter, Arrest the malevolence and the queen herself. of which cost over 200, maybe even $400, but the Clone War animated show was getting really hot in season 4, so I bought this Elite Clone Trooper and Commando Droids Battle Pack for 65 bucks.
It has my favorite ARC Trooper minifigure of all time. a piece of cloth for shoulders and waist, an AR very often called Rancor ARF and for the first time these commando droids first appear in season 3 of the Clone War, there is a small ab7 cannon build that has been improved slightly in this 2023 battle pack. These flip fire missiles suck and I would also love to see an updated commando droid where the legs aren't glued on, but let me knowwhich 2012 outfit is your favorite and while you're at it, guess what I'll do? build tomorrow as I continue on the 15th is 1 bux art is colorful and so are these sets.
I mean, are you kidding me? Picking just one set from 2013 was an impossible task, but there is one set that means a lot to us Clone Wars fans and that's the Bark Speeder with Sidecar that features the coveted Captain Rex from Phase 2 and while it's possible that Lego has remade this figure into the UCS venator, this version was unique for over 10 years and is still my favorite to complete this set. we get this exclusive Obi-Wan Kenobi from Clone Wars and two more commando droids with their own speeder. This sidecar is really cool because it can turn and the fact that this set that once cost $30 is now worth almost $400 new is mind blowing even if used.
I had to pay over $275 Q Rex is one of my most expensive minifigures I own, so let me know what your most expensive minifigure is and while you're at it, try to guess what I'll build tomorrow as I continue on the 16th Star. Wars the Clone Wars kept the Lego theme alive since 2008 and everyone loved it, but in 2014, Clone Wars season 6 was cancelled. Star Wars Rebels took its place later that year and in my opinion the Peak theme, after much contemplation and budgeting I put this ab7 cannon up for grabs for just over $200, it's one of the few sets where all the minifigures They remain exclusive to the set and, to this day, the only way to get Wolfpack Troopers from Phase 2 who, of course, are led by General.Plun, who has a plastic head mold instead of one rubber?
This droa is kind of the default design and I prefer it to our latest version of 2024. What is this cannon used on Kristoff? This is as seen on the box art, but I remember it. It is mainly found in the Lego Clone Wars video game and for that reason I love this set. Unfortunately, there is no Phase 2 version of Commander Wolf despite his reappearance in the bad batch, but maybe that will change, so guess what I'll be


tomorrow? continues on the 17th and today we tackle the year 2015 when Lego loved the Vable micro fighter figures and the sequels, the force awakens and the rebels, they got some decent sets but there are still three Clone War sets to choose from and I selected the Geonosis Troopers, which purchased for four $40, has two regular Phase 2 Geonosis Troopers with those silly launcher guns and two of the Airborne variants, a positive from the end of the Clone Wars, although it means there will be no more stylized facial prints from the cursed Clone War and the previous year's all Clones.
I got these updated facial prints. The side build in the set includes a small atrt build that fits two clones, so I guess the rest have some serious walking to do at this point. This cannon item was new at the time and allows you to lose all your bolts in about 5 seconds, it's crazy that we haven't seen new Geot Troopers in almost 10 years and I really hope to see characters like Waxer and Voil in the future, but let me know which named Clone Trooper you want to see next and try to guess what. I'll build it tomorrow as I continue on the 18th and I think you guys are starting to pick up on the topic here.
The final battle involves clone troopers and to build this army evenly I need a little more firepower, so I chose this guide. Spider Droid, which was literally the only option, we already have a turbo tank and we don't need this janky HTE and since this is from episode 3, it includes a kashik clone trooper, Master Yoda, and 2 B1 battle droids, there is also a dwarf They are actually Seen on the planet of Kashik, these Walkers first appeared in the Battle of Geonosis, but are not actually visible in the Battle of Kashik in episode 3. Lego released two different models of the Homing SPID Droid and us we lost one in 2013 so I had I'll pick it up while I had the chance but what we really need is for Lego to make a dwarf spider droid and a crab droid of the right size but let's see what next year's options bring me as I continue on the 19th and I really wanted this outfit, but no.
There were too many awesome outfits to choose from, like Luke's landspeeder, this resistance pod, and this crab ride. It was a tough decision, so I chose this Republic Battle Tank because it was the only real option. This is my favorite of the three battle tanks. which Lego created as its size is more comparable to her appearance in the Battlefront video game and includes a new AA Sakura minifigure, there is a Gunner clone and two battle droids, unfortunately there are always two as this tank is so small that only It fits on a figure and has those shooters on the sides, but compared to the 2022 model, I'll take this version any day.
Also, this kit was steel for only $25 back in 2017 and I was able to get it for $60 which brings our total to almost $2000 so comment what you think I'll build next as I continue on the 20th and obviously this It's the Lego set I would never buy. Things took a sharp turn after episode 8 and the Solo movie, but it's not about some good sets here and However, I chose the most expensive retail set at the time with only 157 pieces. He has an updated, white General Grievous from that earlier tan version and if you add these two clips then you can get a lot more POS capability in his arms.
It also includes a Mace Windu who is clearly chasing Grievous, who loves to run away to abandon ship. I bought this combat slider for $54, it has sliders on the bottom and clips to hold your lightsabers, but this would have been a much better representation in Lego doing this. more like a $15 set this thing is very big and these big pieces will be featured in tomorrow's video as the 21st continues and I finally got a new set for double the retail value. This is the third version of the Droid Gunship most remembered from its appearance in episode three in Kashik, so we have two Kashik droids, Master Yoda and the Wookie Chief.
The Separatist must have had a thing for round, alien-like spaceships, but despite transporting troops in the Battlefront 2 video game, this heavy missile platform is just a destruction saucer, there's room for a droid on the head of the ship and eight firing missiles on the bottom, man why do we still have these things? There are also shooters on the sides so they can fly and bomb. Ironically, this is almost the same size as the Grievous speeder and despite all this firepower, we still need a little more, so try to guess what I'll be building tomorrow as I continue to buy a Lego Star Wars set every day of the year. anus. 22 and this is our last chance to tie these clankers so I'll add the aat that I bought retail for $40.
Lego has made four play scale armored assault tanks but this is an updated version of the 2009 blue separatist model as seen in the clone


and this tank is almost perfect if it weren't for this extremely unnecessarily long barrel, that Better yet, this includes season 7 Ahsoka, a 332nd Ahsoka clone trooper without the helmet holes, and two of these kic-printed battle droids. I think if Lego had introduced the new one. Super Battle Droid mold in this set to combat the three that came in the previous model. This could have been the set of the year, but that first five-battle pack was too revolutionary and it turns out I already have a few of those, just not as big.
Clone Trooper is the same so try to guess what I'll build tomorrow while I'm still on a 23 and today we'll be adding a special forces team to the Republic with this Havoc Marauder which I'm still sad about from the bad batch of season 1. started on May 4, 2021 and has taken us through the darkest years of both the Empire and our emotional damage in real reality and yet this and the justifier are the only two outfits on the show at the end of season 3 , which means it is the only set. with all Clone Force 99, including Hun Rea Crosshair tick and Echo, yeah, it just doesn't sound right without the accent, but you'll have to get proof if you want to get Omega.
I still think the bad shuttle should be gray. although it seems more blueish in recent episodes, I'm still not sure and it's annoying to answer because the hatch pops open, but you can put two figures in the middle and two in the front, the cockpit also has a printed piece, which is nice . and there are two extra Speeders to build a Chase, one for Hunter and one for TR gong, obviously gonks need Speeders too so comment G and try to guess what I'll build tomorrow as I continue on the 24th and I actually contemplated adding another atte, but then I remembered that I actually turned this into an atot and made a delivery ship out of this set, so instead I grabbed my super secret stash and selected one of my Clone Trooper command station accessory packs that were for sale for $15 and it's crazy to think that the small bag cost 15 dollars, more precisely, this handful of plastic.
These packs were so in demand that only five could be purchased per household and they could never be found in the store because they were always out of stock. Has two upgraded phase one clone troopers. with leg printing and more accurate helmets and we get this yellow Clone Trooper that you will remember from this team, oh your fire on the nearest starship, but the only thing we really remember is the yellow Clone Trooper, right at the command station to The side construction looks very good. and there's also a section to store some extra weapons and I really hope Lego makes more accessory packs for Star Wars, but since there's only one day left in the series until the final battle, make sure you've come back and liked all the videos.
I commented for the best chance of winning the giveaway when I finish purchasing a Lego Star Wars set each year on the 25th and for the last day of this challenge leading up to the big battle, I chose the Corant Gunship for $107 oh no , the box is no longer damaged, this is the first corusant color scheme gunship in Lego and despite being roughly based on this scene with Commander Thorn laying boards, ironically the set includes Captain Fox and yes, the print red on the white torso turned pink and this is A problem in the community there are also two clone troopers from the Corusant guard and an updated Clone Wars costume, Padme and, of course, Palpatine, the elegant sheep.
This set features a dual tailgate cockpit system for easy loading with open doors, wing blasters, and a carry handle, yet is very compact. and sturdy, you hardly need one. I was really impressed with this game and would highly recommend it, and that ladies and gentlemen is our final game and we came in under budget after compiling 25 Lego Star Wars games, it's crazy how many. Minifigures we collected and the disparity between light side and dark side characters. Looking at all the clone troopers we end up with a whopping 3 four compared to the Separatist droids only 19, but then what about the characters with lightsabers for the darkness? side we have Darth Maul Count Dooku Grievous and an updated Grievous for the light side we have three Yodas three Ahokas two Anakins two Obi-Wan's two AA sakuras luminara kiotti Mundy Mace Windu and Qui-Gon for a total of 16 and as for senators we have we have Palatine and Padmé, unfortunately we couldn't choose any separatist leaders this time for other characters, we have two gungan warriors and a w warrior and we will compare them with this Goan cat Bane and R of the Hut, now the disparity of minifigures can look Stark, but I really tried to get the same number of vehicles for both sides of the army.
I may have also picked up a couple of additional battle packs to enhance the clone side, but hey, if we had to compare the power between Republic forces and Separatist forces, which do you think would win first? We have the Republic Gunship against the Droid Gunship and I think the Republic Gunship is going to win, then we have the turbo tank against this rolling Devastator and I know it's not to scale but you've seen what one of these missiles can do against an AT and there are 30 of them. Next is the ATTE against this little spider Walker and I think the heavily armored assault tank is going to take twice as much, then we have the AB7 cannon against the Geonosian cannon and although they are both very comparable in size and power, I will have to go with the ab7 in this case we then have the republic fighter tank versus the separatist tank and you guys let me know in the comments who you think would ultimately win the vwing versus the geosan starf fighter both highly maneuverable vehicles but it could depend on the pilot during the rest of the build, almost everyone still has an opposing slider or some kind of Separatist Force, but we have a couple of additional side builds and there is no direct opponent for the bad bat flyer and now it's time tobuild our final battle, so I'm going to set up this background.
I'm done, it's going great a few moments later, I finally did it. It was actually a little short, so I had to add a little more and now let's stack all the base plates and start the base work, now someone says they're doing the base work, or this is what they say does. the base work literally looks like I added light water from Dark Water and then quickly built up the Sandy area using every dark tan plate I had, then cut some grass and grabbed these leafy elements and heard this so satisfying. I added more water and then decided this landscape was ready to support plant life so I quickly built this tree that may not win me any awards but we definitely do its part to look like a tree and then I grabbed a ton of vines and I added them to these muddy trenches and decided that rock section looks like this so I quickly planted my trees and added this fallen branch and then cleaned that rock to give it a change of life and then decorated it with these leaf pieces to hide my inability to do beautiful rock work with that done.
I thought it actually looked pretty good so I added all the vehicles to see how much space they took up and even with the ships on stands I still couldn't fit it. Everyone, so I focused on my favorite ships and started putting minifigures into action. I used the gunship as a droid transport and made it look like Grievous and Maul had just double-teamed the Walker, like in Battlefront you can flip a battle droid to make it look like they're getting hit and you can use these power effects on them. gun barrels to simulate firing. I used clear pieces to boost the Jedi storming the beach and make it look like they were jumping over the trenches and then filled in the rest of the scene with clones in action to put this scene together in about 3 hours.
I'm super happy with how it turned out and this whole project was a lot of fun, but the fun doesn't end. I'm here because it's time to give away a new UCS tii Interceptor or any Lego set of your choice for under $250 and the winner will be announced on my social media platforms. I think this person commented on every single video, so congratulations. and thank you all very much for all the comments, especially those that point out my errors. Don't forget to press the Like button when you leave and may the room be with you.

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