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Building @LDShadowLady's Dream House in Minecraft!

May 30, 2021
Ali on the third floor. Oh, I was wondering who it was when I saw the purple door and wouldn't I have guessed Olli, you have a very purple door. topic so far oh, his wardrobe is even cuter look at this, he has like a Snickers bunny there very cute, very cute uh and his file cabinets yeah oh love fire miles yeah yeah yeah for the Carl even more we have Callen's room he has like a very strange one, has a great view, yeah, okay, Allen, to the world, we should play hide and seek if he gets lost, this is Scott's room, I should have known from all the teal, I have all these like beds and things, He has his basket of eggs here, which he loves, what a basket of eggs, what do you have by yourself, a basket of eggs?
building ldshadowlady s dream house in minecraft
Okay, let me see if I can guess who it is by looking at the color of the door. Lauren, yes, good job, Lauren. decorated and then this is just a little chess room again well it's so strange oh this could be the linen closet yes this could be the linen closet it's right next to your room Lizzie oh, I forgot, I would need a room, I have the best. You also have PC setup, you have free monitors, oh yeah. Wow, your bedroom, the only one with a private bathroom. I love this bad, it's so pretty, oh you're in it, what a panoramic view from outside.
building ldshadowlady s dream house in minecraft

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building ldshadowlady s dream house in minecraft...

I love it, this is my favorite room and then. of course you also have a balcony because this is the main base, wow, in a hot tub and in a hot tub, look at that, wow, you're into me, wow, this is amazing, nice view, that's good , now you can see outside. I'm It's sad that it's not real, yes, we still have three more floors, here's just another bathroom for this floor, pretty standard, yellow, wait, okay, yellow, Joey, no, Megan, so she has a very yellow, your favorite color. I don't know otherwise, although who is she? Light blue Joey, yes, but his head is brown, yes, but he has a light blue cap.
building ldshadowlady s dream house in minecraft
I had no idea Joey played the harp, yes it's a great harp, yes this is just a game room, very nice, another staircase, yes this place goes on and on. and we have a Korell room, who is Stacie? I forgot about Stacy, it's Terry, oh, you forgot about Stacy. Stacy doesn't have a room. I'm so sorry, Stacy, yeah, I forgot about it, maybe I can share it with Stacy, yeah, maybe I'll have it and then. here's Mary's room, you made a room for the dog, what a Spacey, we have a lot of rooms, I forgot. Stacy Stacy, could you stay with Mary?
building ldshadowlady s dream house in minecraft
She loves dogs, there should be little pieces of fluff everywhere, yes, and then to the next floor, which she could offer. No one can buy this, which is my friend's entire room, she has a jukebox, would you know that she has great taste in music and has a cat clock that moves? I love the cat clock, it's adorable, I love it, I need it, oh, they're so cute Oh, oh my gosh, okay, there are a lot of cat clocks everywhere. I love it so much that I don't like it. Too many mice, man, gone in ten doses, which I love.
It seems sim. Nintendo Switches, yes, he loves them. He did not have. idea and then upstairs you have the music room, which is just for when we start our band, what do I play? I'll say on the drums, what do you want to play, anything, no triangle, oh geez, well you can just be the audience. It's actually your private band, we come to play here, you just stay here and look at what I have on a chair because you jump up and down with excitement because it's okay, you get tired of jumping up and down with obvious excitement, just lie down.
How about you? Oh my God, Lizzy, well there you have it, there are seven floors of your


. I mean, honestly, it's actually too many stairs. Can you remove some of these few stories? Well, I was going to ask you, is there anything? would you change the


there is a yes I think maybe two stories would be better two stories are you kidding me? You wouldn't have our room, yeah, no, I love it, it's perfect, it's okay, I can't take some of it off. Featured Stories If that's too many rooms, you have to hire some people to come look at them.
I already have a chef, oh yes, that's right, that's me. You'll notice I don't have a room, I just sleep. on the kitchen floor, so there you have it guys, I tried to build Lizzy's


house, maybe in the future I won't build it with so many floors, even though she asked for seven floors. I will do everything possible to make it seven stories. Long story short, it's a very long house, but thank you so much for watching Mitchell. Leave a like and a comment. Go check out Lizzy's channel and also subscribe to mine if you haven't already and I'll see you another time.
Bye bye.

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