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Jun 29, 2024
I've been testing this


sorting system contraption for a while and have come to the very scientific conclusion that this is about as useless as a chocolate thermometer so far, it can't do either of the things it's supposed to do. To do at the top, this requires choosing between black and silver


s, but as soon as we introduce the black marbles, the system stops, apparently the black marbles add too much friction to the system. Who knew the marbles would be so high? maintenance and eventually I will fix that problem, maybe I will repaint the silver black marble, who knows, but in this video I will focus on the screen part to solve the problem of quickly exchanging the digits.
building a marble clock that shows seconds   pt4   bonkers it is
I had the clever idea of ​​using the marbles themselves to swap one digit for the next, you may remember that I had to turn the end of the ramp a bit as the marbles falling from above Trace would occasionally end up hitting the marbles when trying to get off the ramps. lowers ruining the


forever because if one of the channels is empty it will stay empty forever and that solves the problem because after extensive testing I realized that even with all those tws this works most of the time and that is not ideal for a watch, the best watches work like all. the time, so ideally we need to make this watch work 100% of the time, at least 100% of the time we're looking directly at it and it seems like I'm too into this Marvel watch idea to give up now, so what?
building a marble clock that shows seconds   pt4   bonkers it is

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building a marble clock that shows seconds pt4 bonkers it is...

What I'm going to do is go completely crazy and design the hell out of this marble


until we can make it work 100% of the time we're looking directly at it, at least that much and let's be realistic. of a marble clock is already absurd and who is going to stop me? So crazy. I'm going to stop relying on gravity to do the marble swap and started using brute force to teleport the marbles out of the way, leaving room for new ones and to prove that I did this, the single marble teleportation test, the marble selection mechanism will leave a new marble to display here and then I'll remove the old one and voila, there will be a new marble in its place for each one. of the five rows of each digit I need to swap three marbles at a time to test that, just in case, I built this before the triple marble swap test and although it requires moving the marbles a lot more, it seems to work.
building a marble clock that shows seconds   pt4   bonkers it is
Well, look at me making small scale prototypes and everything. I don't recognize myself in these tests. We've been using linear motion because it was easier, but after some doodling I thought it would look much better this way. This will rotate on this axis. here and you have two Matrix sized Matrix, one for the digit on screen while the other removes the marbles from the second one above and to test this concept, I have built this frame. I can attach the Matrix plate to the frame. and add an entrance ramp that lines up with the Matrix so you can place marble on it.
building a marble clock that shows seconds   pt4   bonkers it is
Now I need a way to toggle these two Matrixes once a second so I have this lever here that I can connect to the Matrix and now I need a way to move this lever back and forth this took a while to get exactly right so now I'll show you the first thing that crossed my mind an eccentric wheel this is a really bad print and when I say bad I mean bad 260° is definitely too hot to play with but I think it will be enough to prove the point. This is optimal, to say the least, as it moves the arm back and forth constantly, which for one thing doesn't leave the on-screen digit still for any period of time. to be seen and on the other hand it doesn't change the Matrix fast enough so that the marbles fall long before the empty Matrix is ​​in place, causing a disaster and we don't need disasters.
I think the movement follows something like a signal wave. but don't quote me on that, so clearly we need a better wheel than this, but before we do, a quick comment from today's video sponsor, Sall, this is the new Sall sv8, a Corx 3D printer that costs around $500 and works with Clipper. It is quite easy to assemble as it took me about an hour to put together and it is a fairly fast machine reaching speeds of up to 700mm/s. The SS V8 was inspired by the Von project and to appreciate this open source, the SEL community donates $2 to the bom project for every sb8 sold SEL also provides accessories for the sb8 such as HDMI display nozzle kits cabinet panels or an MMC module and will soon launch new smoke absorbers and drying boxes based on PTC shocks and has therefore reached an agreement with coint.
OBO, which means the sv8 supports multi-color printing and enjoy obico membership services at a discounted price. If you want to know more about the S sb8, check out the link in the description and now let's line up those marbles so an eccentric wheel doesn't work. and after playing with much more complex designs on paper I came up with this which is a simple cam wheel but has everything we need. This wheel has a constant diameter throughout this section which is the part where the lever will remain stationary and the digit will remain on display and this is the section where the Matrix plate will oscillate from one side to the other and therefore we can change the how quickly the digits are swapped by changing the slope of this transition and now that the wheel is on the machine.
You can see that throughout this section nothing happens to the Matrix, but as soon as this section reaches the bearings, there is a quick exchange of positions of the two Matrixes. I added some legs to the frame so the machine has the correct tilt. the marbles flow through the channels into the Matrix, but again I discovered that gravity works against me half the time when the marbles pass through the channels into the Matrix, it's cool, but once the Matrix gets out of the way, Gravity makes the marbles stay in place. so I had to make some modifications and how to say I got carried away I made a new Matrix plate with new groups in the front and then I added a couple of combs in front of the Matrix plate and changed the entrance ramp for a much more complex part that combines the entry and exit ramps so I can control the marbles and now we have this monster here, as you can see, as I turn the cam wheel, the channels line up perfectly with the Matrix and these communications that I added. in the front eject all the marbles from the dies 100% of the time no marble will get stuck there and there is still a piece missing in this design because I'm not going to turn this by hand so I made this little Spore gear in here that I need connect to the back of the cam wheel so I can turn it on its own and with the big gear in place, the last thing is this huge 3 Kow motor with an old Drive S1 that I can control precisely because I think I can do let the whole watch run on a single motor, no solenoids, no servos, nothing, but for now let me connect the motor to the frame and see how all this madness is justified.
The big gear here has 100 teeth and this one here has 10 teeth. which means that for every 10 rotations of this one here, this one rotates one and the cam wheel here makes two movements of the arm for each rotation of the cam wheel, since obviously we need the arm to swing once per second , we need the cam. the wheel has to spin once every two


, which means this one here needs to spin five times a second or 300 RPM and with the output driver it's just one line of code, this marble swapping mechanism will fail if the Matrix doesn't. sways.
Fast enough, but once the arm returns to full speed it recovers on its own, so it's not a permanent failure like with the system we had before, so let's see if this brute force over engineering approach really pays off. the sorrow. Yes, it worked exactly as I expected. I would do it and first I would try it first, first I would try not to count all the changes that I already made to the machine and then this is the third version of the system, you know, and yes, there is a fun fact: this whole contraption just replaces it. this extreme boost here just this little WR here, but it works 100% of the time, so mission accomplished at this point.
I can only display three digits at a time because that is the number of digits I can fit into the RS input, but in the future here will go the Marble Selection Mechanism that will adjust the marbles for a new digit every second to the RS input. Hopefully it will keep it running continuously as if you weren't subscribed. I'll do it right now because you don't want to miss what's coming behind and to the sides. That's all for this video. I can't wait to show you what's coming next. Thank you very much to all my patreons and members.
Thank you and now please go and do something.

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