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Build The BEST REALISTIC MOD House! (Minecraft)

Jun 09, 2021
Minecraft, but today we have installed one of the most



ing mods out there. Add a bunch of new things to fully furnish a super advanced


. You have microwaves, washing machines, showers, toilets, bathtubs, even computers and televisions, and they all work. In fact, play videos about them so Meat Jelly and Korea have a competition to see who can


the most



in Minecraft and I want you to vote, like if you think my house was the


. I think we all know it. However, come on or comment if you're wrong and think one of the other two has the better house, but anyway I think there's enough explanation, let's get into the video, so we should check out my house first.
build the best realistic mod house minecraft
Well, first. All I'm going to show you is the exterior, as you can see here. I had to start my lawnmower. Wait. I'm talking about my grass crater. Well, they decided to do something down here and then down here and then they just ignore the Middle ones anyway. that's the flower bed Craner here is the bouncy castle. I'm playing a little unfair by having that. What are you doing? Oh my god, I'm going too high, wait, why brother did you break the bouncy castle? That's breaking it, okay, okay, okay. Over here guys, this is my garage.
build the best realistic mod house minecraft

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build the best realistic mod house minecraft...

Now there is a problem with this. I actually built the garage around the car, so if you notice I can't get it out the front door, but it's really nice to see. No, no, but it's nice. look no, no, I like to leave it there, yeah, sorry, anyway, moving on as you can see, it's a full walkthrough, but we should go into the house, I think we should probably go in, okay. See you at the front, okay, come up here if you look at the map, yeah, okay, this is the base, okay, okay, if you're going to break everything in my house, then you won't come in.
build the best realistic mod house minecraft
Well, welcome to my house. Guys, can I show you the house or are you just going to light everything up? Okay, so let's start in the living room if we turn on the light switch. Okay, it's on now. This is like the greeting area, so there's a photo of my logo there. Wow, it's mainly just for looking, these aren't these aren't the TV corridors, if you notice all these cabinets, you can open them up and use them. Why might I put a piece of bread there? That's right, they brought their gelatinous stuff, wait. Guys check this out I just like the smog robes on my favorite well yeah it's a meme guys I'm downstairs with the kids oh okay now here's the kitchen area this is where we check This, look at this, the oven actually. it works our house is too old okay okay okay but I'm just showing you off okay I have a microwave oh I have a jelly shuttle over here Oh trash can, it's not a trash can okay let me put some apples in Jenny's time I'm sorry Sorry, sorry, relax, I need some of them, what's the garage and then this is the basement, well, I'm sorry, okay, I can afford a basement, I mean, look at this house, okay, this is all I I have.
build the best realistic mod house minecraft
Name my neighbor, my old neighbor before I moved to this neighborhood, this was explained to me, Jelly Tony, the snail, my neighbor, so, well, if you think that's disgusting, come see my living room with The television is actually a slug with a face. I could see this. all day okay well we have a golden day we have to go here this is my game setup guys this is my game question Josh right what year are we in? Well, what are you trying to say? Are you trying to say this isn't it? a good gaming setup, jelly, no, because I don't have multiple monitors set up, we'll see when we have two doors, okay, oh yeah, this is my family, actually, these are my grandparents on the left, wow, those are the grandpa and grandma, and yeah, that's oh. he has a mustache, yeah, I mean, I have to keep the basics in here too, okay, and then here this is like a storage area.
I have the storage stuff here and then there's the bathroom. Hello Steve again. He'll see my bulge Hello friends, guys, well, oh, and yours, I use farts, wait, guys, look in the mirror, on the left, yes, mine is gone, okay, guys, guys, wait, I should wash your hands. It's okay, we don't have water. I'm sorry. About that, yes this is the library area, but you know it's boring, we'll go upstairs, this is where all the rooms are. Oh, which one would we go first. I walk in here, this is like the office upstairs and the fireplace is that Ken, I thought. you were a regular person this is Barney this is Barney we're not talking about his family we're not talking about oh yeah this is where he does laundry and stuff and then here's like another computer this is my backup setup for games no reason no there's a reason there's no no reason I don't know how I'm going to get these guys okay just ignore them okay now I think the last thing I need to show you is the master bedroom and then it's a nice private like bathroom area but I think that yeah, I think it's time we check out someone else's house, guys, yeah, I'll let you guys check out yourselves, yeah, let's go there.
I think they're right next door, guys, welcome everyone. Please specify which one is the maid in your house. I'm a big deal and all, so sometimes I have security here to make sure no one gets in. Oh wow, well I can tell you one thing: it's not working right now because I'm doing it. Josh, what? You feel it? I was looking I was looking to see if it works on both sides I don't even have anything out this is very complete and as you can see this is my first gaming setup here okay let's go princess I'm going to need I have to use that printer sometimes but yeah I have friends there, they can't play, but at least they can sit here and watch me play.
Actually, I can barely see the monitor. Many look good. I like it a lot. Look at that, but it's just. The face, this is like a library. How do you think there is so much dust everywhere? Dude, just don't ask questions. Josh. Okay, to be honest, it's obvious. Here and now, from the library, after reading, of course, you get a little tired. I want a little break oh it's under the stairs this is cool sorry guys it's the shower the shower toilet the shower toilet you can sit on the toilet while you shower something I made up ah , and I think they're really going to be great, guys.
It's OK? There won't be water going everywhere, so the water goes directly to the toilet. So, yeah, yeah, what if we're sitting on it? Well, you know, I'm going to ask questions now, as you can see if you want. to cool down after a hot gaming session, okay follow me guys. Wow, sorry, sorry, sorry, okay, this is where I sit and watch the couches eating sandwiches. That's what keeps them busy these days. So, yeah, yeah, how many hours a day do you sit here? 5050 I've actually been home, it's amazing, yeah, and in my kitchen, as you can see, I blend a lot of carrots, you have a carat weight, I'll take the slice, yeah, but that's funny.
Oh, whatever you do, no Don't knock, don't open the trash, leave it in what you know, I'm going to open it, wait, jellies, DNA, don't worry, I clicked empty assault, yeah, yeah, let's move on, Let's move on, welcome, this is my upstairs, that's my chandelier. I have a very open plan setup here, you're going to start scaring Jelly if you show it, hey, it's like we're taking a selfie, guys, look what's here, she area, oh, very thin cacti, yeah, this it's like you want to calm down a little bit after sleeping, you know, calm down, you definitely seem like yeah, you seem very, yeah.
I'm going to do a self portrait here guys which was huge for us on a daily basis and I always say stop destroying my awakening and you guys like wow that's my TV gaming setup and all the prints are so many gaming setups yeah. It is, I was myself, it was like an office building, wait, I'm sorry, I'm not going to criticize this, okay, we'll think the viewers will decide, okay, ladies. and gentlemen, let's start with the exterior before we get to the good stuff on the inside, okay, okay, you've got my quotes. Driving on Hoth roundabouts.
You see? Couldn't you afford to do the full round? Sorry, thanks, so many cars fit. here buddy way to degrade me right away this is so inflatable this is bouncing on the inflatable consoles put this here and don't expect us to watch oh and I know the trampoline actually came with some helpful help we built this house very high to get the hottest. Oh, because you're pretty sure, oh, he made a shark talk about him, Oh, oh, you had an accident, less like it, okay, anyway, we have my garage here, but we'll get there later. What you don't go in looks great because we can get there from inside of them like I said before wait a second thanks Billy's house oh yeah he likes this at yours yeah come on yeah that's okay and that Magee's jelly, ladies and gentlemen, welcome, look at this, wait, it's just Jelly, oh look, you're gentle, basically, I really like this stuff, okay, okay, you want to show us around a little more than right , so obviously you've already noticed when you walk in, you immediately come to life, it really gives you like a homey feeling, okay, you know, selling us the jelly, show us the house, whatever set of abs we have right now, it's okay moving to the left from our little play area we have my library where I put all my reading guys look I even have a ladder okay okay there are a lot of books jelly there are a lot of books yes actually there are some really good ones up here, we should probably check them out.
I doubt it guys, yes I have actually prepared my house. turn off the light no, no, I'm not getting in the mood with that, please, okay, Wade's idea, I've already had ideas for getting the bathtub. Craner, what, okay, how do I put it on, how do I plug in this microwave, we have the kitchen Oh, Josh stole my cookies Mike Buggies, wait, how do I get just one, wash your tools in there, boys. Oh, what should be really cool, okay, now we'll get to my garage, yes, ladies and gentlemen, here's my garage jelly. I don't want to talk, I don't want to be rude, but compared to the rest of the house, the squeakers feel a bit in the crater, okay, okay, sorry, that's a bit worn out, wait, why aren't they supposed to? should I go up?
However, wait, why does it feel like a crater, oh my god, what was in that cybernetic diamond, no, you gave these of this, that's all, you don't steal my diamonds, where are you talking about, how did you cut them, for what, why, why is it so hard? I mean, look at everything, wipe the floor in an 18-year-old environment for you, okay, okay, but this moped is actually oh wait, oh God, your head, are you listening to Jell-O right now? Then he said it's from 1874 and the moped belongs to the original owners. I heard this is this moped is from a city 7460 are you telling me this moped is from 1874 okay okay holes in most of the jellies saying this is moving up we have a beautiful view of the hills it's like the whole upstairs outside one room yeah, it's Wow, shiny new game here, this is where I do my sleepy waiting, this is how you make jelly here it's like a little tutorial that you never forget, you never forget, wait, I go, yes, it's a good level, oh yes, come on. make my visor sit more, not as much as crater did, but it's like the cool friend can't compete with me when it comes to sitting, look at this ballroom, yeah, a much needed area, no one knows the bathroom, not bad, no, it's a double shower, it's very private. one, this is cool, oh, okay, queer night party, you're a guest in my house, man, well, there's two of me, oh yeah, well, there's three mirrors here and they're all at a little bit of an angle, okay Oh, the whole route is very gelatinous.
Cool, realistic houses, but I mean the comments tell us yeah, competition, guys. It's good if you enjoyed that video. There are a couple more videos on the screen. Let's have a competition. Let's see if you can click on two of them at the same time. I bet so. do not do it

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