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BTD 6 but only using Monkeys that have RICOCHET.

May 15, 2024
legend of the Knight. The strongest Tower in the game has Ricochet, which is awesome, yeah, that's pretty wild, man, that's pretty wild. I can't put this guy anywhere, bro, there's nowhere to put him here. I'm going to place it so that you can literally teleport. him anywhere on the map you want oh yeah oh yeah I forgot about that nice laser shot okay I think it's time we start skipping a few rounds to see how far we can go. I'm down, friend, I'm down. Let's see, we don't


the definitive strategy yet, but we're pretty close, okay, let's see if we can beat round 140.
btd 6 but only using monkeys that have ricochet
We're getting there, you need, you need to get yourself, buddy, get the bananas, what do you mean, where, what? there are no Banas open trees open trees what are you talking about bro op trees bananas all these bananas right here are not on my screen I'm telling you bro, move, please move the mouse, I'm moving it all over the place. the tree is friend, there are no bananas on my screen, friend, they just disappeared, they just disappeared, I say it now that there are bananas and I just picked them oh M sable, you make me so sad not on my screen, okay, well, just We are in the Oh, now there are bananas again.
btd 6 but only using monkeys that have ricochet

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btd 6 but only using monkeys that have ricochet...

I just picked it up again, bro. There were no bananas when you told me to pick it up, brother. Did you see those bananas right there? Guys, did you see those bananas right there on my screen because they were? No saber? You need to fix it. I'm tired of this prank, we're really looking for each other in this whole old married couple thing, yeah, that's really funny, we're, uh, we're definitely about to lose, oh, I accidentally used adora. How dare you use that? That's not Ricochet. I know you disgust me. Thank you. Thank you. You are welcome.
btd 6 but only using monkeys that have ricochet
Let's see. I think we're actually kind of waiting. It's kind of crazy what we're doing. I'm fine. I send all your messages. You


no money I literally have no dollars to send you brother I want okay I want to put something to the test I'm selling this monkey village I'm leaving this is just an experiment okay okay let's see what experiment you do Speaking of what you're doing, Dark send me more money. I want Dark Champion. I want to try Dark Champion. I have no money. I'm broke. I'm literally sending you my pennies right now, bro.
btd 6 but only using monkeys that have ricochet
I'm very upset. With you, what are you trying to verify in cash deliveries? I want to see if this thing really has Ricochet, okay, let's see, we need, I need to decide, I need to figure this out there, go, go, try it, get it. laser blast or whatever so we can see the color, okay, okay, okay, let's see okay now we have to let something happen apparently now we're just killing it so that not even balloons come out here yeah, yeah, yeah , Yeah. yeah yeah yeah yeah dude our monsters I'm so dude your dude your giant actually has more Pops now that's funny oh so that location was really better that was better damn that's it savage, brother, it's okay, no wait, no, it doesn't. not right so we were right we were right also I think the reason mine has more Pops is simply because it's literally closer on the track like my ultra dope it's closer on the track so which hits more balloons faster, well, it can also hit the corner, you see where it has that, that's right and then it bounces right there, yeah, yeah, yeah, it can see all of that, which is very, very nice, we are killing, bro, we're actually doing pretty good right now, yeah, yeah, yeah. round, okay, let's go up to round 150, okay, 155 honey, now that I have all my money back, I can get the primary again.
It's a little crazy that drug addicts have over a million sodas, although, yeah, it's pretty wild. Out here, bro, it's pretty wild, that's pretty wild, what else do we have? We can get it? He's going to go crazy. Monkey Village is also in a million pops. Yeah, I like how you have this town with no primary experience. experience quickly I have primary experience what are you talking about why is it just a base village on my screen bro it's the main expert uhoh okay now it's probably because you skipped a few rounds actually for my part we're about to lose it all. these evils, so, yes, I am on my side that we are about to lose, oh, well, actually, the Legend and the night ability will activate, so yes, we are around 155 and without Legend we lost, oh, It doesn't matter, we lost, that's all.
Well, uh, I think that's what I think we've proven our point. Do you think we could have continued commenting below, how to subscribe, use tuber creative code in bt6 ND battles 2 and see you tomorrow? Peace goodbye

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