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Bruce Meyer: The Warren Buffett of the Classic Car World PART TWO - Inside the MotoMan Studio

Jun 03, 2021
could prohibit combustion. Will you have to watch my recent Bob Lutz episode? He has an answer for that. Does he believe there is a future for cars with combustion engines? He says that private ownership of cars will disappear, but not next year like in 30 years, you know, Lutz is like a savant, he's a savant, he can read the glass, yeah, so I would be, you know, and now You know, a friend of mine says Bruce, you should sell this and you know what I am. I'm going to keep this done, you trade like, are you going to, you know, buy it and sell it?
bruce meyer the warren buffett of the classic car world part two   inside the motoman studio
I have sold two cars. I saw Dennis Barney, my type D jag, you're big yesterday because I thought I always can. I had it for 13 years. Yeah, I thought you know when he was restoring that silver Testarossa. I thought he didn't have the room or the one here. Yeah, you sold that to everyone. No, nothing. Okay, I'm done selling. Yes, I sold the speech. Your back is to Steve McQueen. Yeah, and I'm not really selling again, we're changing your name from the Glass Car Emperor


to Beverly Hills. Not now, now you are the Warren Buffett you buy.
bruce meyer the warren buffett of the classic car world part two   inside the motoman studio

More Interesting Facts About,

bruce meyer the warren buffett of the classic car world part two inside the motoman studio...

I told you to buy good things, yes, the best. example and you keep it well on that note now we need to recap here you've seen my episode so you know what's coming you've had Bruce Meyer on an incredible journey I think and I would say time is a big


of this but which are? Three aspects that have led to the success of your life could be people. I mean, whatever put my parents first, it's okay, that's a great answer because I'm not sure it's okay, so all three of you already know. my parents the moment and and how my family has endured it they know I wouldn't know they have been I have a big loving family yeah well it's a great testament that you've been married for 50 years yeah That says a lot, especially in a city like Los Angels.
bruce meyer the warren buffett of the classic car world part two   inside the motoman studio
I mean, you told me you had friends. I have been married three times in the time you were married once and I have tried to set the example of doing the right thing. What you know, I think what does that mean for the team to be enriched by example? Oh, I agree, but what does that mean for you in terms of doing the right thing by living modestly within your means in a God-fearing way I'm very spiritual I didn't know this about you I didn't know your Bible so yeah, I'm kind of person who goes to church on Sunday That's interesting because I, my parents weren't religious at all, well they were all religious, my family would say I have more Catholics than anything else in my family, my wife is Presbyterian and people say Well, what religion are you?
bruce meyer the warren buffett of the classic car world part two   inside the motoman studio
I said, I am the religion of gratitude. I prayed several times a day mm-hmm, what does that mean? You feel like a Thai for a long time. I do. They simply communicate with God. I am and I thank God for who I am and where I am in my life. Wow, that's it. It's just that I probably spend more time expressing my gratitude than anything else, so would we count that as one of the three aspects of your success as Bruce Meyer? Let me see, so I tell it like I definitely have to be a 100% parent. and now you have two more, you can put it.
He said time is time. I have been one of them. I think the time. I don't think I could have achieved what I did at any other time in history. Not that. And then I would put. I mean, as trite as God is, you know he would put God, I know, okay, it's cool to me that you're the first guest on this show that has acknowledged God and that means a lot. I'm a Sunday church guy, yes, actually. In fact, I talked to our mutual friend Craig Ekberg, doing a domestic flight over my church, so my church is the only Church in the


that has its own air force.
I can't thank you enough because I've known you for a long time. Many years, Bruce, but I didn't know probably 50% of this story and the time is right, parents and God, I love the answer. Thank you so much, oh thank you George, and you know we've been friends for a long time. I have admired your style and your warmth. I mean, we've been sitting here for a long time and it seems like just a few minutes because you make it so comfortable and you have such a sincere approach and you're a really special guy to me.
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