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Brookhaven Hide and Seek BUT IN A PIRATE SHIP

Jun 29, 2024
It's definitely luck. I'm summoning that lab house somewhere else and starting my stopwatch. You have 2 minutes to start. That's a long, long time. I have a great idea. Look. this, I'm going to disappear the house position right here and reappear, please tell me I have the position, I have to go here, this should work, oh, I was out, okay, one more try, one more try, disappear it and then summon him again, where is he? place, I will place the post first. I have to be here please work it worked yes that is the best place. Hello, melon, I'm finally ready.
brookhaven hide and seek but in a pirate ship
Sunny, now for my first question, are you hiding in my house or are you hiding in your house? home I'll give you a clue Do you see the clue? Yeah, I guess it's your house. Why what is it that makes you guess? Because you keep changing the colors of everything. Damn. I'm in my own house. Because I would do? Hide in yours because you're a weirdo, no, brother, I'm in my house, which is the best house. It'd be pretty smart if you hid in mine, buddy, and I can see you're not using my


out, although it's cool, yeah. no need to reuse your place, mine is pretty goat, yeah, so let me ask you, Sunny, what floor is your place located on?
brookhaven hide and seek but in a pirate ship

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brookhaven hide and seek but in a pirate ship...

I would say it's at ground level, ground level, but why did you prefer it by saying I would say because I would say I'm on the normal floor, okay, I'm looking around, I don't see much, you like it that you're covering for me right now, you could be on these servers, damn you goats, comment below if this is the best hiding place you've ever seen. Okie dooky, I really don't see you around here sunny and besides I don't even think there is an upstairs. I know that's why I said ground level. I just checked the entire ground floor, there is nothing there, clearly there is if I am hiding no you are covering up, you are literally covering up for me right now, you forgot that there is also an outside on this property, yes I asked you if you are hiding in my house or yours, what brother, you could be outside in my own house, what do you mean yes, then you wouldn't be in your house, fool, when you ask the question like my house or your house, obviously I'm going to choose my house if I'm in my garden, brother, isn't there even a garden?
brookhaven hide and seek but in a pirate ship
I never said it was in the yard, I was just saying, did you check it, bro? I'm telling you that's borderline because, first of all, that was part of my first question, I just checked in and explained that it wasn't part of your first question, yeah. It was like something could be outside and in your house at the same time it doesn't make sense you never said if it was inside or outside you said are you hiding in my house or in your house? I said it's a double question Sunny, are you in? hiding in my house or in your house if you said I'm hiding in my house but you're hiding outside, technically I still wouldn't be in your house, well the good news is I'm hiding in my house so you're okay Yes, that's what I was asking and you're clearly not on the ground floor because I've checked everywhere.
brookhaven hide and seek but in a pirate ship
Oh, believe me, I'm on the ground floor and believe me, I'm at home like it really does. that even means on it big melon man I'm on it boy did you fail somewhere oh don't tell me you failed somewhere I'm on it sunny is your secret place it has something to do with things I need to click on it. I won't be able to click because it's your house. No, you don't have to click on anything to get to my place. You just have to be absolutely innovative and inventive and the best anyone has ever been. admit defeat when you're ready I'll never admit defeat sunny because I'll find you actually you won't that's what you just won't do oh wait I know what you're doing I know what you're doing you definitely have it I have no idea what I'm doing oh , I have a strong feeling that I know what you're doing, goats, comment below if you think melon knows what I'm doing and also comment sun emojis if you think this is the best hiding place I don't see you anywhere, that That's the point, you're never going to see me.
I don't know, I want to see you in person. Well, you have 1 minute left, let's speed this up, tick tock, melon, tick tock, you literally can.


in these stairs, what is this? Yes, but I'm not on the stairs. Alright. I know where you are. Oh, the house looks great when I wear this blue color. I don't really understand where you went, how you got there. out of here melon 30 seconds left hurry up and take the L bro I'm so confused where could you be hiding I'm hiding in your brain I'm living in a tentree Did you use a sleeping bag to get to where you're hiding?
No, I am lost and you will remain lost as long as time exists. 10 seconds left melon. It was all over in five 4 three. It could literally give you 100 years. You won't find me. I'm so confused, where did you do it? Hide, come forward, I will reveal myself very confused, sunny 5 4 3 2 1 0 more times, what did you do? I'll give you a hint, you see where the colors are changing, yes, I'm hiding between the colors, you hide between them. The colors yes melon yes indeed now look at this wait what did you just do I'll do it again actually look at this how did you get there very carefully oh my god you spawned and disappeared from your house didn't you, yes I just had than to set up the house like this, get your sleeping bag out of the way, please, it's like this and then you just have to line it up, wait, it's like here, something like this and crush me, oh, I missed it, bro, that's so cheap.
I never could find you, that's the whole point of hiding brother. I had the best spot ever and I wasn't plugging. I was in my house. Admit it, melon. My hiding place was better than yours. Yes, maybe it was sunny, but you still did it. You can't find me, so technically it's one on one, so do you want to hide? Oh yes, I do. Sunny, give me my 2 minutes. Actually, I'll just give you 90 seconds and start now, what's okay, ghost, do I have to do? something cheesy just like he did something cheesy I could hide in these barrels I could hide on the roof What do I do?
I think I'm going to climb a ladder to the roof. Okay, the goats don't tell the melon, but I'm spying on him. right now let's see what he's doing ladder ladder ladder right here I might need to put another ladder oh I might have to do a crazy ladder jump hold the ladder here ladder okay this is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be I don't know if I can really do this, so I'm going to leave him there as a distraction and hide in one of these barrels, goats, look at him, he's running, he just came into his garage area, I think he's trying. to hide in these barrels oh look that only shows one pixel of my hand that's pretty good I like this green barrel a little more it's like a watermelon 10 seconds left to hide give me a second Sonic give me a second well you I have seven left, so give me seven more please tell me when you're ready oh my god goats that's pretty good maybe if I like crawling don't let me sit oh it's even worse yeah I don't know man , time is over.
I'm coming to find you, perfect and sunny because I put on amazing coats, you can't see anything in this barrel, okay, first thing I want to do is clean all my accessories, uh, no, oh how cute, bro, those were my barrels Damn, how did you know, bro? Didn't I just want to clean my accessories? Oh my god, damn, you actually won, let's go and I didn't spy on you at all while you were hiding in the barrels, okay, goats, press like on this video. And subscribe quickly, cheater, come back. here sunny

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