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British Twins try Korean “Egg Drop”: The Best Sandwich You’ll Ever Eat.

May 30, 2021
After our adventures in the Korean military, we returned to Seoul because there are still a few places we really want to take the


while they are in Korea. Today we're going to try a slightly different version of one of our old school favorites. specifically one of ollie's favorites oh we're getting isaac what i was going to say is isaac nice we're getting a new version of isaac's toast called pink


how do you feel about this ollie? do you feel a little? Like you're betraying, no, I feel like I'm going behind the enemy line, okay, I've n


been here either, so it's an experiment, shit, look at that, look at that, that doesn't seem practical, that's awesome, wow , Alright.
british twins try korean egg drop the best sandwich you ll ever eat
I'm really excited now, yes, yes, yes, I've always been a fan of the Ice Touch, but I'm open to improvements. Well, look, they're


ping the egg there. This is the eggplant. It's like a drop on an electronic music track. the base structure and then it falls and


yone goes crazy, Memphis exactly, I make Isaac toast every morning, really why because my son demands toast every morning and your son's name is Isaac and I say who is that, no I spoke, no, not you. I'm not saying that, yeah, and I said, "Look, God, I'm going to take my garlic, this meat, how do you eat this?", you guys go first, wait, Chris is his breaded garlic, I forgot, who is he, That's phenomenal, oh, that's phenomenal.
british twins try korean egg drop the best sandwich you ll ever eat

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british twins try korean egg drop the best sandwich you ll ever eat...

Seriously, oh my god, can I try it? Let me try it. It's amazing what garlic is. Oh, it's a phenomenal flavor. I've never had a


. Let's try this. It's really good. Ollie, that's well done. Wait, everyone eats mine, yeah, because. You did such a great deal, so good, we may have to order more of that. Wow, how is it so good? It's legitimately the



I've ever had. Are you serious? I didn't have high expectations because mine is ruined, I mean. let's get sandwiches, great deal, this is really good, I'm actually legitimately impressed. Literally, can we get another one?
british twins try korean egg drop the best sandwich you ll ever eat
Yes, we have another one. We're going to have to do it. Can we just look at this yolk because I feel like this is crazy? a raw yolk in my sandwich that's going to explode oh oh my god oh that looks good okay I'm going in, I'm going in, I'm done, oh right Josh, I need to try yours, I'm just pouring some yolk out of the box again in the sandwich because with the egg yolk it's unreal look at that, really good, that's also good, right, the fried bread too, yes, the bread is very soft, very soft, but they haven't exaggerated it, very heavy, not heavy. fat or anything that's well done, you want to get that, can I try the teriyaki?
british twins try korean egg drop the best sandwich you ll ever eat
I'm not even that, if we had this in the UK could you get it? This would be Chris's McDonald's every day, yeah, that's how I feel, that's how I feel against. Isaac is right, but this is a toast place. You just said it was the


sandwich you ever had. What's better than a chicken sandwich with milk. Yes, better than a salad mix. Better than a quarter pounder. Wow, that's a different burger. I can't compare it, but. Chris, yeah, if you were comparing it, no, don't make me go down that path. Okay, it's funny, it depends on the situation.
Okay, if you offered me a quarter pounder with cheese now or that sandwich again. Yes, you'll probably choose that sandwich. Oh. Wow, this is the easiest question for me to accept. Can I get another one? Yes, yes, without garlic, with garlic, you like garlic, yes, it was the garlic that did it, I asked you for that, yes, you did it, yes, good shout. It was really good, it was good at first bite. I thought: What is that? It's phenomenal. I didn't expect that and then we ate it. Everyone hates mine because everyone likes it. Is in the gym.
This is incredibly good. Well, this is it. It's not sponsored or anything, no, it's not like we have to say this every time we have to play on the island, but Korea delivers very well, yes, they really do, very, very well. I think it's just a revelation because it's something we eat so often. That's the thing about toasted sandwiches, bacon and we like it, I think unlike fried chicken, yes, toast in England is popular, yes, but it's nothing like this, it's just not as good, yes, the Fried chicken in England is like it's considered guilty and it's too greasy, you know?
It's already toast, it's something that people are standard every day, people love it and you come here and say, oh great and you're like toast, hold the damn phone, this is a different career, this is biblical, okay, he's disappointed. I'm not disappointed that they didn't give him a biblical name. Okay, okay, we also never had a garlic sandwich, salad, bread, garlic bread. I thought this was going to be like a breakfast place. We are here for dinner and there was a huge line afterwards. we get there, it's popular, yeah, well, if you find a diamond mine, you don't walk away from it, you keep mining it, even though I still feel like I'm betraying a lover, yeah, well, you know, yeah, I can't relax, I don't approve adultery It's a sin sandwich adultery, honestly I've been told how you think Isaac's toast feels about this you took your dad back to Isaac's time your parents knew Isaac's toast my photo is on the wall my parents yes, second round oh here we go got the avocado one, yeah, he went for the avocado, like that was a mistake, I'm curious, I feel like I don't know, oh, there's no cheese, that's a mistake though, it's probably okay, look at that, It looks so good it almost seems made for Instagram.
You know what I mean, like a perfect picture, so Ollie, I think you need to take a bite and decide it's the forbidden bite. Who would you actually give it to? Yeah, wow, you're having a big bite, big bite, Ollie, how's the avocado? Yes a bit. cheese, this one's not so tempting, I need some cheese, oh, that's really spicy, yeah, oh my gosh, dude, yours is exploding, yeah, oh, milk, milk works on it, milk is great, I'm telling you, milk is great, period, can I? saying we've had two is probably not the best idea why I feel a little sick because I definitely can't I feel a little definitely also do one more like I've never had two eyes touched by Isaac is kind of the perfect amount that's true weighing against this is something like maya costa yeah that's what they should call it my toast up, yeah what's that drug drop, drug toast, drug taste, this is addictive, they'll do a drug test on you when you go?
Back in the UK, they'll say: Have you been to Egg Drop? If so, congratulations because it's very tasty, yes, to me, this feels like something different, although yes, it's Isaac's more modern brother, right, but the thing is, you don't really want to hang up. Go out with a very modern person or sometimes you want to go out with just Josh, right, Mr. President, Isaac is like me, he's always there for you, he doesn't have any frills, he doesn't look particularly amazing, but you know he's reliable, always He's there for you, oh, him. back, he's got a friend who wears sunglasses, lots of cool shoes and trendy outfits and he's actually married to Masterchef, so he's got culinary seriousness, yeah, a little closer to the bone, yeah, so the egg drop Josh's egg drop, Isaac is okay, can we say how much? toast we have eaten there are many this table is covered with empty boxes I really haven't been so surprised by the food for a long time I don't remember the last time I really want to see my action because it came from the depths of it I was exhausted, it was biblical, it had proportions, okay wow I mean y'all literally just leave yours that's true and look it was so believable I thought whatever you're eating I mean exhausting well I want to take action don No I have more than one because I feel free.
This has been a Korean dose. Thanks, a drop for that. Thank you. The egg fell out. Well, you know, Chris, you're always talking about your


tournament. Yes, today we are going to the sports monster. shot left oh oh

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