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British Highschoolers UNCUT Reactions to Korea!!

May 18, 2024
Okay, can I focus you a little? I feel it this way, just a little bit, imagine this is like, oh, yeah, there you go, center seal, please, you look natural. Jaden looks good, no, I'm fine, he's fine, great, you guys should just. Adele you need them yeah the first thing we had was the duck book yeah that was the first thing we had and then we did it again so it was a perfect way to start our first meal yeah because that meal was just what happens with the lung, oh. yeah, you gave us too much too yeah, okay, okay, you're not fast, three three big plates, okay, we'll save it for later, let's clean it up a little, let's clear it up a little, there's no later, grab a stick. yeah, the first thing you remember is the first thing we tried, it was called exactly how angry are you going to get when I tell you that's the last thing we're eating today no, okay, then you took us to cry basically a mini tuna.
british highschoolers uncut reactions to korea
Kimber, how about we dive in there? You love your sauces. She died a foreigner, a foreigner. Bring me one, bring me one, bring me one. Oh my goodness, you're looking for a big salad. Yes, please go now. Are you OK, friend. I really got excited, here you go. Ray, very nice Legend, give us Pro, hey, okay, you can smell it, what the food looks like, all the smoke, so that's good, it's fake, it's that plastic, yeah, that's the fake version, it looks alright, so yeah, I mean, I thought that was real, yeah, that's fake. Yes, how do you do that?
british highschoolers uncut reactions to korea

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british highschoolers uncut reactions to korea...

Yeah, I mean, there are places that make fake food. Yes you are right, how does this compare to toast in the UK? The sandwiches you make at home. Next level, what we do is hit white bread, ham, cheese, done, yeah. Yeah, that's me, that's me, that's me, come on, it's practice, how's it going? It's breakfast. Wow, they are very well grouped but very low, do it again sounds good, sounds good, how are you? Yes, you're right, Harvey. you're here, well, don't you shoot while he's there, oh, you hit two tens in a row, you look strong, Harvey, look at that group, I'm ready, very nice, very nice, Robin Hood over here one, two, three, four, five, okay, okay, seven for our month so this is my beautiful cartoon face and this is my name in Korean so in Korean they do it in vowels and my name in Korean has three vowels well, are you hungry?
british highschoolers uncut reactions to korea
Yeah, let's eat seafood, like guys, what is this? that, what is that, oh, that at the bottom will be radish, radish, yes, it is huge, yes, wow, it has been stewed with all that sauce so that it absorbs all the flavor. Just amazing, yes, very good, lots of good food from time to time. camera and radish oh yes, yes, I have a lot for radish. I thought radishes were little things, yes, but at the fish restaurant in Jeju they had pieces of radish, so I'm eating it and I think it's potato because you know it was huge.
british highschoolers uncut reactions to korea
Huge pieces of radish and uh, yeah, whatever you went to, whether it's little discs of radish, pieces of radish, there's radishes everywhere, they love radish, yeah, yeah, very good. I recommend. I recommend some radish, yes, yes, I'll join the chili, no. I'm fine bro, anyone, it's okay, it's okay, Bobby, you'll turn red as an apple. Bobby is the last person to actually be, oh my god, dude, that's big, that's probably pretty spicy. Okay, he seems fine. I think he's in shock. I think he is. okay, no way, five games of water, give him some water, why is that spicy man down man down there's Uriah oh oh no Bob is a legend Max just woke up he laughs absolutely amazing £10 at that price Carnival Are you a biter with ice cream? oh yeah, I don't like your legs, your teeth don't hurt, you developed a tolerance, okay, I bought my ice cream, I'm tough, okay, and then you can't open it despite the packaging, I think this one is a bit yeah, yeah, You're going in, it's too cold, it's too cold, thank you, I told you not to, I've never tried it again, come on Bob, I'll open it, no, you need Jaden's skills, there you go.
I'm not going to teach you how to do it, okay, how would you do it, casual, thank you, people like, okay, it looks like poop, let's make it like corn, no, make it like corn. Well, I like it, but what's inside is like vanilla. It really looks like it's corn-flavored ice cream with chocolate that's why I don't like it. It's corn-flavored ice cream. It wasn't obvious. No, it wasn't. I thought it was like corn because it was like corn. So it's the fish. It didn't taste like fish. Yes. yeah, okay, okay, moving slipperily forward we have a lot we have a lot of day enjoying life happy guys who would have thought about it and I met you when I was 18 19 years old. well many years later you are sitting in Korea we have a bunch of kids from my school on Jeju Island and they are the age we worked practically when we met oh wow like the Next Generation because we don't cook ourselves there is no way I want I mean, I mean, this is hot, come back here, stop here, oh, that's nice, okay, we just finished, yeah, Harvey, I'm free, what are you guys doing here?
Can you blame them? We just finished eating and you're here. at the staff table eating more Sorry guys, don't we look good after you after you after yeah so my favorite part of the trip is actually interacting with the Koreans themselves so for example after from the um Pizza photo shoot, are there any images of it? but I went to the basketball courts. I participated in the game with a couple of Koreans. Really? Yes, you didn't. Yes, that's amazing. What is this? It's radish. Radish with lemon. A strange lemon slice. I love radish. I never thought.
I guess that's the high school over there, come on, absolute chaos, absolutely, what is this? Bobby, who's crazy, yeah, from South West London, he's famous, he's usually pretty good, so he's rude, too unbelievable, that's not rude at all in Korea, it's very traditionally normal. Are you married? What do you do for a living? We are very common questions. What is your blood type? Well, no, but people ask that all the time. You know that? Or were you just guessing? Were you making a joke? Yes it was. That's a very common question: Does anyone have abs? Ence in Korea, everyone knows their blood type.
I don't think you just said that. I was like, well, how did you know Aldi is there? Where is she? Where is she? Because? Put the bathroom in front of those two because it's Korean, that's a Korean drama. This is one of the best guys we've ever produced and can't stand a bit of revision. What a disappointment. What an absolute disappointment. Not in Korean, I can't. They are not honestly enterprising young men with a positive attitude, yes, absolutely, I understand what I'm doing, do we have? I don't know if we have these in England, where if you need it, you have an umbrella and you need to go inside. just go, we definitely don't know how sick that is, okay, that's cool, yeah, why don't we have this?
Do you want to emphasize something Korean? Just throw ginger in front really delicious. A job, yeah, yeah, I mean, there's a lot of things. You could totally say that, yeah, how's Korean going? Ollie eating his ribs and then at the end of the hour we're looking for Kerry to come out okay, well, I want to make sure they have fun. I'll just tell you. Do you know if you want to go back to the hotel or you want to go bowling and everyone says obviously we want to go bowling? Our time and our career are running out.
We are trying to do everything we can. Yes, I don't know. when will we be next, if ever will we, we absolutely love that cheerleader, we love them oh so cool green brown one of my favorites came up to us and said they wanted to take you out no way let's go to choose a superior, choose a passive. shot, choose some flip flops, shoes or a bad accessory. I need new shoes, what do you think, Max? This is crazy, too many trees, yeah man you're rocking it. I have to chat on the phones and then I'll lose Max. through t-shirts, okay, yes, I'm going to hold the strike, should I hold it?
That's my name, bro, look I'm a vlogger, bro, oh yeah, stingray, oh that's scary, man, that's creepy, man, how much is it? I don't know, man, that's scary, but you run it through the metal detectors at the airport and you're done. I swear to God, it's scary to touch, oh, what is this? Oh, that's latte in a bag, yeah, that's classic American style. I used to have this in my elementary school like it was like milk in a bag, really milking a bag was like classic milk in a bag, yeah, have a refreshing drink, pick a drink too, uh, yeah, what what what what fruit. are you thinking that I'm thinking like Apple like this I'm thinking this would be a review oh this is it but this is not normal Apple I can assure you that it will not be a normal application you see, you see, I think let's experiment, but let's experience it anyway great, let's see , let's come back again, what did you say when Sunday comes?
I want to spend a whole day here you're enjoying this yes, you wanted you wanted some more culture Max, yes, this is, this is Editors at the beginning if we go back I wanted to immerse myself in the culture this here is Sesame this is again uh I'll try I'll try the chocolate one is one but even though it's not chocolate I know it was interesting uh what's interesting a little red bean in the middle oh, you took the right one oh that's delicious, it's so good mmm this tastes like green ash no, I said green ash , how about a little red bean in the middle, yeah? in churches the smoke is not very sweet, no, no, I love this, it's probably good enough.
Your tank is so soft, yes a small amount, not my cup of tea guys, they took the Napoleon, not enough, then once again. They took the Nephalian style of Neapolitan pizza. Oh come on, okay, they took the Neapolitan style of pizza and threw it out the window. Yes Yes. Can I hold the camera? Thanks, Dave, Dave, what do you think of the pizza? I love sweet things, it's amazing, yes. obviously you know sorry you can only read the lighting sorry yes lovely it's great isn't it it's so thick cheers Dave this is actually heavier than I thought you're tough I'm high, thanks, there you go, this is my next, this is my future, find out this is my planned future, okay, yeah, come on, no, no, look at it, look at this little angle shifter, you hear me, here we go , the boss, the captain, security doesn't like it, you don't like me.
I mean you guys are really like people have said in the comments. I'm sure you've seen it, yes, really, although you guys are very open-minded about everything except the long and the liver. What do you mean you can? We don't have something where we can What is Counter-Strike? Just ask me what Counter-Strike is? Yes, they were even born when that was. Do you know what type of Strike it is? Yeah, no, don't say that just because there's a couple of years I don't know how to split Among Us Do you want to teach me? It's like Mafia, yes, but why did you walk?
You walk, you do chores, if you're a civilian, wait, he doesn't know how to play, he's never played. I've never played monster grandpa brother before, I'm telling you, I'm in it it's a grandpa brother, do you know what I'm talking about oh hello my name is lost yeah well you deserve it guys so how do we eat this? together take it like this and eat it well I didn't mean to be rude no friend it's not rude oh my God we're going crazy come on max thank you oh sorry wow so guys one two three foreigners

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