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Britain's High Dependency Psych Ward (Prison Documentary) | Real Stories

Jun 05, 2021
Broadman, the world's most famous




iatric hospital, is home to some of the country's most infamous criminals for the first time, and after years of negotiation, Broadmoor has allowed our cameras to meet its patients and show a lot of what they It


ly happens behind these walls. of the things I've done and bad mistakes and opportunities are often missed for a second. I just remember, man, here at Bank, and you think about playing against each other, it's the worst, worst experience I've ever had before, that's what my life has been like, like obviously you. I know when I was in


I am alive in six months today and I have been here for 13 years and I am going to the fun farm I said I would go now I knew that I would come out of the bathroom I would come in acceptable men o Because they suffer from serious mental disorders and many have committed violent crimes , they are considered too dangerous to be treated anywhere else.
britain s high dependency psych ward prison documentary real stories
Many think that Broadmoor is simply the dumping ground for society's most notorious criminals, a final destination with no hope of return, so Luan being here because of the attempted murder of her mother isn't very bright. The weekly neighborhood meeting gives a summary. the type of men who stay here the last thing he did was take his mp3 player and two pieces of cable and a I took off a metal ring and tied it around his genitals and he did it in the middle of the night. Only when he felt a lot of pain did he manage to tell the staff member and it is not very clear why he did it.
britain s high dependency psych ward prison documentary real stories

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britain s high dependency psych ward prison documentary real stories...

Good ice cream man. In


it became clear that something was wrong with this guy. Broadmoor is home to two hundred men, each carefully assigned to one of 50


s depending on their mental state. He is 33 years old. In the next offensive kill has become extreme. A type of borderline personality disorder. Antisocial personality. Disorder is in this hospital because in a medium security unit he sharpened the handle of a toothbrush and tried to stab a staff member in the face. The identities of the patients have been protected at the request of the hospital. Cranfield is the intensive care


for the hospital's most acutely mentally ill patients. sick patients, the men here are unpredictable and violent and the simple act of serving meals has to be carefully tailored to each individual.
britain s high dependency psych ward prison documentary real stories
I think one of the biggest misconceptions is that those who have serious mental illnesses or those who end up in a place like Broadmoor are like you're destined to be sick forever or risky forever and that's just not true, mental disorders that we treat are very amenable to treatment, it is hard to believe that men locked up like caged tigers and only allowed out one by one can ever make any progress, but every room at Broadmoor is a staging post for your breakfast of recovery. I'm in Epson, a



ward, the risk here is a little lower.
britain s high dependency psych ward prison documentary real stories
Patients here are allowed to associate with each other with lots of staff and waist-deep assistants Lianne McGee is the director of the hospital whenever she can she returns to the floor I love being in the words I have seen the patients I am a nurse you never lose this is where you


ly want to be just butter and your day goes on much faster, it's better to spend it with people you're paid to care for than to sit at a desk, you know, which sometimes seems kind of pointless, but there we are right. I hope it's okay, Trevor, yes, come with me to breakfast.
I think there's a difference between being mentally ill and not being mentally ill and I think if you're mentally ill and you've done something that maybe you don't have full control over at the time, certainly society owes you a break if you're hopeless, fools are 18-7 sorry, doing very well once the risk of violence towards themselves or others has been reduced, a patient can move on to the greater freedom of an assertive rehab ward Adam has been in Canterbury ward for the last four years before spending nine years at Broadmoor, in a high


ward, six feet by three feet to walk to the toilet, the only problem we had there is that we also have our cloakroom there, Found guilty of arson, he served seven years to life in prison.
When his self-harm became so acute that he was moved to Broadmoor, the situation escalated to the point where I was putting my life on the line daily because of the tendons of technology, it's like my hand is totally constricted and pulled back because I have a wound. here well I cut all the tendons I had a very traumatic childhood the reason I found out is that my parents did not love me as much as they should, I was not sexually abused by seven people outside the family and through sexual abuse I began to self-harm. It took place when I was about eight years old.
I started with nails and things like that. I was a dissector of his father and he used that well. Did you grow up hating everyone hating society? 18 life, self-harm was far from me escaping all that Adams The journey has been long and has had many setbacks, but the end is finally in sight. You will be allowed out on a probationary license to a medium security unit 30 miles away. The constant noise and vomiting of patients in this ward may make one forget about embroidery, but there is always remember that this is a high level of security for men capable of committing violence when patients take turns cooking.
Everyday household items should be carefully considered, especially those that could be used as weapons. Dylan is 49 years old. It's his second time at Broadmoor. This is how Dylan remembers his childhood. I got into the lord. The Tannen family is very, very violent, in some cases even better to have killed me than to allow me to have this abominable life that I have had. My father, my friend Felitti, died a homeless alcoholic, so he was the Bonebreaker. You know, he can break my bones and leave me. in the other I could simply not paint too quickly my father raped and beat my mother so his twisted thought that he could raise a demon out of himself a kind of help by representing the way they made me when I was born she gets scared what she said although your eyes are evil you are evil and that was it she is just hitting me she once made food for many cats all the time she doesn't keep me locked in the attic she wasn't allowed to talk to my brothers and my sister, she wasn't either She suffered sexual abuse and was adamant that every avenue of my statutes was going to be destroyed and she kept the bestseller, all those fins.
I'm still my food, it was the fire that eventually took me away from the house. When I was five and six I would love to see the red on the wall about what I did to light the gas oven, so I took a handful of them to school for the first time. I was about to go to kindergarten and I could smell the food box, you know, I've been spreading it around, oh, then Scott took my face off in a big way and set it on fire. Dylan was in care from age 7 to 18 as an adult he became a homeless alcoholic oh I'm an arsonist there's a violent criminal a lot of drug abuse oh yeah unfortunately I've kept up with a couple of very kind we have never done any harm very very drunk a bottle of vodka in front of the place I saw that had guns on me if I didn't put a good knife in a basin it was enough to kill me you know, keep him safe that wild alcoholic and out of control it's like I'm inviting them to do that and they, you know, do we have everyone around?


iatrist is currently evaluating whether he has recovered enough to be released. Leaving Broadmoor is a slow process. Birthdays come and go with no set date for his release. Broadmoor has 800 employees. Many have been here for years despite the daily risk of a hospital. It may be a hospital, but staff here must have specialized training and equipment to deal with anything from medication enforcement to large-scale riot control. It is unusual training for nursing staff. This team is deployed about 30 times a year to administer medications and disarm patients with weapons. Not everyone at Broadmoor is outright violent, but their behavior can cause serious risk to others.
Antony has been in an admissions room for five months. He is at the beginning of his journey at Broadmoor. An arson attack has led to Anthony's imprisonment at Broadmoor. His mental health began to deteriorate. I deteriorated in college when I was 19 and started eating large amounts of cannabis. Yes, I got a glimpse of what I thought cannabis was things that could solve problems for everyone. It became very great. I think the sum of the total energy. in the universe there was God and therefore you were God, our God in this bed is effectively God and then nothing, just strange and unusual things.
I surf the net on trains and they take me back to the hospital because I walked past a police car when Anyway, I was high on the pavement, join that beard, he just broke into my apartment, knocked down the kicked the door and threatened me with my fat, the door wiped my face. He wasn't banging or making music on the windows. He had been an annoying neighbor. but I wasn't scared the night we stood with our backs to the door and lit a fire in my window to try to get him help and send him to a medium-security psychiatric unit.
He again became psychotic and started a fire there. This took him to Broadmoor, where he formerly was. I have been taking preventative antipsychotic medications and now his psychiatrist wants him to go back on them. My introduction to the mental health system had put me on medication that when you wake up you feel absolutely terrible. It can't work. I can't communicate. Can't. do anything Anthony refuses to go back on meds my doctor is saying "ok" right now, however he was pointing out that the MoJ and probably the public and general won't accept me in the med community so I say no.
They medicate me and they may never come out. Many of the patients here have a history of substance abuse, often related to their mental illness. Therapy is intended to give them the skills to resist temptation, so what we want to do is expose people to some substances today, okay? 41 Michael, one year old, suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, hears voices, it was incredible, I couldn't believe it. I walked around the house because I was scared. I mean, if something speaks to your head, you know, it's unheard of for me to understand, my team. He had been drugging Jews because he was smoking a lot of cannabis at the time, but is God deeper than that, like a living part in my head?
The type of money is, you understand? I just called this declarant a fool, they brought it up while I was talking, I didn't say anything and then I mentioned that I thought of anything, call me and yes I know it's hard to believe unless he lives with just having a conscious being in your head , let's live while the medication has decreased Michaels. voices, he hasn't eradicated them how sure are you not to use Mukhtar has been at Broadmoor for two years, it's been the most stable period of his life so far. I've never seen my mom, I've never seen my mom, you know she's supposed to. being in America, seeing, knowing, my whole life I've tried to figure it out, but that's the hard part because I don't even know the full name.
Moctar ran away from foster care when he was 16 and became involved in street gangs and began selling drugs. he didn't realize that he was also becoming mentally ill. I have had a lot of stress. I kept hearing voices and I kept attacking people. I went on to say that he had erratic behavior. A rival gang warned him to leave their territory. Mukhtar says his drug supplier gave him He gave him a gun and told him to deal with him by holding the gun, not first with resistance and he fell Act now, go to a certain point, he felt that he knew I am dangerous, no, but on the other hand he felt that I am vulnerable or that I am not armed.
The gamma made fun of our return to the farm. My intentions were to fire a gun into the air. They certainly kicked me out, but these people did not run away. Chase me to the apartment block. No, I'm cornered. Tell me he moved his knuckles. One he never got. a gun like that and I pulled it out to try to get it out of my hand. I was afraid. I was thinking they were going to kill me there, so he grabbed the gun and walked away from me. I only remember hearing wrong and thinking more. of pulling the trigger is the worst worst experience I have ever had it is just a staging on January 18 found guilty of involuntary manslaughter mokhtar was sent abroad further by order of the hospital I did not know the place I did not know anything about it I was there when they told me about the medications and everything I'm going to take I said I don't need medications after my first dose I understood that my voice starts to become numb and that's when I realized look, something is happening now no, there is a difference, it was different Mokhtar is focusing on his recovery and hopes to go to college one day listen, it was a long time ago and I can't even remember how I got to the streets, but I rememberto the eldest shina when I turned on the other children, he is ruthless, he is diabolical.
He's a born killer If I knew what I know now I wouldn't be ruthless I wouldn't be a sinner Forget I beat a born winner They locked me up when I was young It was a deal for a mistake I made But all is not lost 'Cause I'm here now I'm going to rise by above the clouds I'm going to what's my dream I dream of reality So why are you mad at me? I'm just trying to reunite with my family like everything in Broadmoor. Getting in and out takes time and follows a strict protocol suits or seeds that nurses can move to school Adam has gone out to visit the medium security unit which he hopes to move into in the next two weeks so that there can be no movement, stayed here for 13 years, thought he would be gone in a week, now it could be months, yes thank you November 5th please move on, health and life, that's a big disappointment, yes, not a very good day.
The more I did it, the more depressed In the end I didn't get a no, I walked in here and then I ended up screaming, crying, I started, so do you think my daughter's way of saying that walking in there because I'm about to do something but I still feel They shout, they shouted quite a bit, there we go normally with a fee, everyone get up, pick up the pieces and do something with it, you know, I didn't do it just now, sir, another thing that shows how far away the car is. I mean you use the bits to listen to yourself, it's not normal for a forty year old to do good things, but I had to do what I had to do to get my head out of that situation and show that I was suffering and hanging green .
Things like that weren't, but you didn't expect to have done enough damage. I have a lot of praise so if Adam self-harms it will jeopardize his chances of being transferred out of Broadmoor, it's up to the staff to know his patients. well enough to be aware of what's going on in his head, they call it relational security. This patient thinks the hospital is trying to poison him when they give me something and what is it, where, if it's food, no, okay, but watch how they give it to me. flowers a musky smell they do the same thing seeing the same people they are just crazy the thing is it was with you all they talked about is RC RC RC every second every minute every day the exit from Broadmoor is usually down a winding road that eventually leads to a secure regional unit or RSU are found in cities across the country, so you're doing well, you're a future.
Simon has been moving between high and medium dependency walls at Broadmoor for a few years. Say something about the difficulty of being here some of them I also made weapons. I went to the office, yes, a personal army a block away from a filing cabinet. I just trust the office and I don't know why this bathroom, that's one of the reasons why me and one in it. How come you're not funny at all? You understand, calm down, it's laughing, there is inappropriate love, yes, if someone shares a few weeks later, Simon attacked a nurse in his medium dependency ward, he should go back to high dependency, it's a step backwards, but he says, look here.
He likes to train staff and he likes to structure, so he wants to come back some days, for example, you'll see him say that today at the circus and the next thing you'll be grateful for is that now you'll be able to laugh about it, which is good. he's one of the funniest ones right, they're collecting Simon from the holding area at Chepstow ward where he's been held since the incident. He has threatened to attack more staff and brings down the restrictive regime of a high dependency ward. It is a tour through 10 closed doors to move. to another room in the same building, we don't like anyone coming back, but it's a quick fix.
I mean, we got him back to the structure and restarted his medication, stabilized him again and then hopefully just back here for a few weeks and then we'll take him back to Chepstow and the Alby road route overseas one, no , it's tight advice, so aunt strangles, although then, for many walls abroad, patience, stability is found in the strict routine of an institution it can also be the first time they are cared for they have regular meals and constant interaction with others it's easy to go back to the rules to prepare a billion rules to be good Bob Dylan was a homeless alcoholic for years and ended up living in a forest looking for food he's been in an assertive rehab ward for four years he hopes his psychiatrist allows you to move forward.
I think you still need hospital treatment. He is fine, with respect. My opinion is that you still have a mental disorder. The thing is the team, yeah, we don't think you need to continue this treatment in high security. I'm still in the caucus. I think I still believe that you retire, money conditions, security, yeah, anything, you don't have time for that, what do you mean someone? who is young life, I mean, and what I'm saying is that I'm not the only gay in town. I know who I am. I know I've done it inside. You know I fought.
You old gay man living in a mental hospital, people can't accept that. because of who I am and that's a problem that's not mine, you know, I'm just trying to make lemonade eleven the best situation out of a bad situation. Adams still awaits a date for his transfer to a medium-security unit if he stands in the way of your departure. here taking medication, what would you do right? medications, which I personally am down and still stuck in the admissions room. Anthony continues to question his need for medication to make sure the person giving me the medication I think is one of the worst cruel situations in mental health. conditions like psychosis is that often the first thing that will go away is the understanding that your own behavior and your own thoughts are actually being impacted by your mental health risk to the public and without that understanding it is very, very difficult to persuade someone that you need treatment, so if you can imagine in a situation where someone tells you that you are fine even though you don't believe it and then they are trying to persuade you to take a medication that might sedate you or might make you gain weight that is not an easy conversation to have with someone we don't force people to take injections just because we have nothing else to do that day there is no, but there are many other things we look into, thank you - do you agree which medication please to start some patients just as a prophylactic just to stop the camera well I'm not going to go there but it doesn't happen I'm saying there are times when we have to give people medication because they become a risk to themselves so what What if mental health deteriorates?
But I'm not talking about other patients, witnesses, okay, thank you, make sure everyone else is okay. Adams received word that he has been waiting for his bed in the medium security unit. finally available GLaDOS enter is my strength enter a website is the world of science because he watches live he would probably get angry at the CDs it is his last night and time for one last movie with his friend there are many movies unfortunately yes, I will miss it This place It has been my home for almost 40 years and has had people who don't like us call home, but it is home.
Anthony's condition had been stable, but a few days ago he was forcibly medicated following an incident in the ward when he refused to return to his room and lay on the floor chanting prayers. His brother and his lawyer are attending a meeting to discuss his care, then they stripped him and then they medicated him and all his symptoms of yes, yes, the conclusion, relaxing decision, I think criticism is uncomfortable, it is torment, it is the . debilitating effect of not being able to communicate, being able to have internal anguish and breathing and no longer being able to talk to people, that means that when you lose all your friends you isolate yourself and then you have its physical side effects that you don't You don't want to look good your head your head becomes flat and greasy your skin goes away before you gain weight you are sterilized everyone knows your medication and I have summarized it as discomfort I think it is a little maybe not, I know You are distressed about the type of medication that everyone can hear, but the The problem is that we have a certain ability to dedicate so much time to that that we lose time to help you with other things and we need to listen to what you want.
I say about that because it's important that it's not the only thing we talk to you about about your lack of cooperation that will likely prolong your time at Broadmoor after a second psychotic episode. Anthony began taking medication and was allowed to move to an assertive rehab room. Following his psychiatrist's recommendation that he be kept in less safe conditions, Dillon will go to mental health court to see if they agree. I got Toby from being a Bulbul. He's fine, I've taken some medication. I don't want oops! Done, if you think you will see the next stage, now you know, give me a little hope, so I am a one man band, I have no family, I am not a sergeant, so if I give up, no one will choose me. above, say what happens unusually, the court ends quickly and with everyone agreeing, well, I don't go in expecting anything, but I was allowed to be discharged conditionally and I miss you.
I leave as a ten times better person and I have ever been and that my friend is something that all those people who did bad things to me in the past will never see. I have talked about the chain and both served their purpose better. Adam is finally leaving Broadmoor and the hospital director has come to say goodbye Oh sowwy Adam is now on probation Lee from the hospital in case of an incident he could be removed at any time this has been the first and possibly the last chance to see the interior of Broadmoor Hospital in its current form, the lives of today's patients.
It will continue nearby, where a new hospital is being built. These old Victorian buildings have witnessed the troubled lives of many people throughout Baltimore's 150-year history. Now there is talk of converting them into a hotel.

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