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Britain's broken welfare system is leaving our community on the brink

May 30, 2024
You're in sunny Rochdale, although it's not as sunny at the moment. The idea we have is to look at the benefits


. Basically, they have your life in their hands, one wrong move and they can be gone... A little knowledge of the area and we know a lot of people in the area, we have a lot of ties, we can get to certain places. Where can't we? We can find out what's going on. It has, but it has also contributed to ruining me. I think we need to find people who are really going through something with the benefits


britain s broken welfare system is leaving our community on the brink
We need to go to the places where the people are who are being impacted by these things. So look, come on, let's talk to them, let's find out. Has anyone heard this melody? This melody. Yes. Most of the time when we hear that tune is when we are on hold and we really feel that the DWP and the system as it is set up at the moment is putting people's lives on hold. The DWP represents the department for work and pensions and causes a lot of misery to people in our


. I'm Paddy, I work for a project called Elephants Trail and we're trying to use our lived experience of things like addiction, mental health, domestic violence and things like that to change the system.
britain s broken welfare system is leaving our community on the brink

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britain s broken welfare system is leaving our community on the brink...

I've been through addiction, homelessness, in fact, I used to beg where I am to get money, so I could eat, do drugs, get drunk, whatever. I want to change the system, because it is not the system, but how it is run. We're trying to engage the public, you know, we're trying to inform them about some of the things that we saw that are wrong with the DWP. You think it's quite shocking the way they treat people. I went to the employment office a few months ago. You go in there hopeful and you come out depressed and mentally ill.
britain s broken welfare system is leaving our community on the brink
In reality, you leave with more trauma than you had when you entered the building. We've been collecting people's messages and what they want to say to the DWP, because we want to get a message across to them. Expecting people with small children to work all hours without childcare and to be penalized if you don't keep your job because of this is harsh, it's a joke. Also see what people are saying, know their stories, because the more voices we can gather, the more it adds up, doesn't it? It's not just unemployed people who struggle with the


britain s broken welfare system is leaving our community on the brink
How are you Pete, are you okay? I'm fine Pad. I went to meet my partner Pete, who was oscillating between


benefits and precarious employment. What are we really talking about? Have you been struggling to make ends meet, Pete? Yes, big time, it's just difficult. I mean, I try, but it just doesn't work, it's hard right now. It's been a hard, hard year. Which way? Just like surviving and gas and electricity, gas is going around like clappers, it's just not good. Do you want a Paddy beer? I'd love a beer Pete, that would be absolutely amazing.
I'm doing everything I can to get a job, honestly, doing the best I can. I have never stolen in my life, but I know many people who steal food and cannot survive. Butter now costs like £5.50. I bought it behind the counter. What do you feel? He bought it behind the counter. Did you buy it behind the counter? Yes, ask how Paddy is. Everyone is stealing butter. My sleeping patterns were ruined. What about gas and electricity? No, just surviving and I just... I want to get a job and that's just not happening. What type of jobs are you looking for?
Well I just want a chance, I'm good, I'm very confident, I'm not shy, I'm a hard worker, I don't disappoint people, I always show up. So I just need someone to give me a chance to do something. It was Saturday, so we went down to a food pantry at the local library for lunch. In addition to cheap dinners, they also run a food bank. This started five or six years ago and we provide food where we can at cost price and we build a


around us and people do things in the community. By chance we ran into a familiar face.
This is a form we ask people to fill out and we choose Saturday for people who work. Because the people who are working are also struggling, but because the food banks operate during the week, they can't really get there. My sister had recently had her benefits cut while she was in a psychiatric unit. Its on? While she was there, the DWP had assessed that she had no mental health problems. There are pantries like this throughout our community trying to help people who are being failed by the system. While people at work use food banks to survive, people like Pete want meaningful employment but can't find it and vulnerable people like my sister have their benefits cut when they need them most.
I wanted to go and visit a group in Ashton who had a campaign about injustices in the benefits system. I say it's very discreet, look at her. Anyway, what we're going to do is experiment with one of these scenes we're doing to show the system as it currently is. They were using theater based on their own experiences to drive systems change. It would help a lot of people with mental health if they could survive with a little more wealth. In addition to the campaign, the group also held boxing classes for people in the community. They invited me and Nick told me that they had just been sanctioned by his campaign.
Last 10 seconds as fast as you can, come on. It's not just boxing that I do, I've set up my own community center in Ashton and run workshops. It really helps me because we all have similar stories and we are all in recovery. A big part of my recovery is giving back to the community; It makes me happy to see other people doing well. It's really heartbreaking because he's talking about the shame and humiliation of, you know, wanting to be a good father but feeling like you can't do it. You are actually putting yourself in a better position, you are helping others, and you are helping yourself.
And that kind of thing should be celebrated, he shouldn't be punished for it. You should try to encourage it, not discourage it, this all seems counterproductive to me. Back in Bury, I get a call from Pete, who tells me he has a job. Pete. What are you saying? You have to work, you have to work, no matter what it is. So I don't really like to work for centuries, because they give you one day, two days and all that and it's not good, but they told me that it's continuous work so we'll see. Yes, a luxury to take the bus.
We can get this one. Do you get this one? Yes. My Aunt Jean, this. Well, is this your Aunt Jean? Yes. A job is a job, isn't it Jean? I need to get a job. I can no longer live on that universal credit. Shocking. Yes. Get off here. There's the door, there. Oh Lord. Paddy, I have to go. Alright, keep going buddy. Take care. See you in a bit, bye. I could see the gratitude in him and how desperate he was to make it work and how he didn't want to get fired. He'll have to bike here every day, you know, he has the luxury of getting buses and stuff.
I still hope that today goes well and that it doesn't affect his confidence. and you know it and that they take good care of it. Another positive news is that the council has given my sister a flat, but she is still fighting to get her benefits back. I have to post this today. What's it for? Do you want me to read it to you quickly? Kerry is a 43-year-old woman who has a diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder, bipolar affective disorder, and functional neurological disorder. She then she only indicates that I have my conditions. Angry. Angry because and shocked because at the end of the day I spent 24 years in the largely sectioned system.
If I'm honest, in and out of sections my whole life. And they turn around and say: 'Look, nothing's wrong with you.' It's like saying my whole life has been a lie. It's a nice area, isn't it? Yes, it's really nice, I landed in this apartment, it's a nice apartment. This is the intercom to let people in and out. It's okay, it's okay. You know, at the bottom door? It's just about finding the money to do everything, because I have nothing, I have no furniture. It has to be a new beginning and it feels like one, yes it is.
Key, you got it. It's okay here, isn't it? Have you seen the garden? There is a bird feeder there. Obviously, this story has taken on a personal element for me. It's really hard to see my sister fighting a system that is meant to help her. What are you using that lived experience? Yes, to help people quit. Because I think I'd be good at it. When you give people encouragement and not coercion, they are more likely to succeed. Shortly after I receive a call from Pete, who tells me that he has lost his job. Unfortunately, due to low demand, the shift has been cancelled, he did not attend work today.
I set off, got to work and they just told me there's no work, that's it, you're going home. Having said this for the last three days. You're trying to get back on your feet and it just knocks you down again and again. You're doing your best, you get up to go to work, and then you get a phone call like that. I hope you're not too sad, Pete. I feel a little depressed. In making this film we have seen that the benefits system is simply not doing what it is supposed to do. Communities need to be empowered to flourish and this cannot happen if they are penalized.
I think it's important that we tell them stories, because we live in the communities, we see it every day. The system can be intimidating, but we will continue to make films about the things that affect our communities most. Definitely. That's a wrapper. Without hope, without security, then you are fired. They are going to imprison people just because they are trying to feed themselves and their families. What do you think it is? Any guesses? Going around in circles, it's a revolving door. We should have awards for that.

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