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Brioche Bread Recipe and BIG NEWS!!!

Mar 29, 2024
Hi, I'm John Cannell and today at Preppy Kitchen we're making a delicious, buttery


, so let's get started on making this


. First you need all-purpose flour, milk, granulated sugar, yeast, eggs, salt, butter, and just a little water. we are making the cake this is like the starter for our




is incredibly delicious it is like magic and to make these dreams come true there are a couple of extra steps but they are totally worth it I want three quarters of a cup of milk that is 180 ml, but It should be very warm, between 110 and 120, so we are going to put it in the microwave very warm.
brioche bread recipe and big news
Everything must be at room temperature or warm for this


because you have to mix a lot and very carefully so that the cake is like a starter that it will give. us a head start 120 grams a cup of all-purpose flour a tablespoon of sugar just to give that yeast a start and a packet of active dry yeast which is two and a quarter teaspoons if you're measuring it, let's go To whip this up, now I'm going to add my warm milk whenever you make a nice, rich dough, like monkey bread or cinnamon rolls. I like to start by adding a little bit of the dry mixture, like flour, beating it. a soft batter like this looks like pancake batter at this point, that's okay, this will be set aside loosely covered and can be kept at room temperature or somewhere nice, warm and cozy for about 45 minutes until becomes nice and frothy. we'll be right back, guess what that is, the number one question I've been asked over the years is do you have any books coming out and I can finally say the answer is yes.
brioche bread recipe and big news

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brioche bread recipe and big news...

Thank you all so much for supporting my dreams and letting me do what I love, teaching people how to make delicious food and having fun in the kitchen. I am very proud and excited for this book to come out. It has been a lifelong dream to have my own cookbook gracing people's kitchens. It's nothing more than delicious seasonal recipes you can make at home that showcase much of our life together on the farm, as well as some fun seasonal projects. My book is available to pre-order today, click the link in the description box below to pre-order your copy and be sure to save your receipt for some fun giveaways and contests we'll be announcing soon.
brioche bread recipe and big news
Now go back to the recipe after 45 minutes, we have a nice foamy starter. Look, our yeast is awake. We are happy. Now we can add everything delicious. delicious stuff starting with six whole eggs these are room temperature I don't want to add frozen stuff to this dough at all two so


if you don't know it's super versatile if you've ever had the most hamburger bun delicious. It's brioche, monkey bread, brioche, lots of cinnamon rolls, brio, it's like any delicious baked good, it's going to be this and it's really magical when you make it at home, I want two and a half teaspoons of salt, now we didn't. add the salt at the beginning because that can kill our yeast which would be really sad and by the way this is kosher salt in really big granules.
brioche bread recipe and big news
I want to show it to you so you can see it if you look at that in the palm of my hand. You can see that they are like little stones of salt. If you use fine table salt, it would have the amount because you really put a lot more salt in each tablespoon, the rest of the sugar will go, now it's five tablespoons one. two three four and five here we go, I'm going to zero the scale and add the remaining five cups of flour. The traditional way to make brioche, which of course is a French recipe, is to use a marble countertop and it's like punching the dough down and like it's a very complicated process that requires some skill and some strength.
I'm using the mixer, it's much easier to do it this way and it also saves a lot of time. Well, speaking of which, let's get our mixer. and a dough hook, place that bowl on the dough hook of your mixer. We're going to beat this on low speed for about two minutes until well combined, definitely scrape down the bowl as needed at least once in the meantime, I have to talk about the butter. is the magic in brioche, we have a cup and a quarter, but here's the deal: we're going to add this slowly as it mixes, the fat in the butter will wrap all the proteins in the flour so that you have a gluten network that It makes the bread, but because the fat covers much of it, it will be very airy, expand, be light, and melt in your mouth.
If you make a lot of cakes, it's the same idea that goes in reverse. Crumb method where you mix the flour and butter and then add the other things. My point is that we need to have soft butter for this, so if you open the butter, it has been on the counter all morning but is cold. It should be soft and spreadable and this is not spreadable at this time so we are going to microwave it in 10 second bursts at 50 power until it is on the softer end of room temperature, no melting, although we'll scrape the bowl just to make sure there's nothing lurking. at the bottom and now we're going to continue mixing for 10 to 12 minutes, the dough is coming together but it looks horrible, you can't see it, you never want the dough to be gnarly and lumpy, it should be silky smooth and very elastic. so close it up and we're going to mix on low speed for 10 to 12 minutes or until it's nice and silky meanwhile clean up watch some videos do something fun so now we've been mixing for about 10 minutes I want to show you where We are what is this? it's like it's jabba the hut is on my hook the dough is very tight right now and it's a lot of dough for this mixer let's make it work although if you want to use the larger mixer you may not have this problem , but a couple of times during the mixing I just dropped this down and dropped it back in, just let it mix, but if you want to see where we are at the 10-minute mark it's softer, it's springier, it's almost there, giving it two more minutes, but as I add the butter it should start to relax and since we're towards the end of our mixing and our butter is nice and soft and spreadable, I can now cut it in. cubed so it's ready to pop.
I'm going to cut this into tablespoon sized pieces. This is the part where it's a labor of love because you have to add the butter slowly, it's like you're making Italian or Swiss meringue. butter cream, but even a little bit slower because it takes longer for the flour to coat with the butter, okay, so let's take a look now, this looks, look how it looks, how much better it looks, it's much more relaxed, already It is a delicious dough once. We add that butter, ooh, it'll be nice, look how stretchy it is, get a good book, have your phone ready and we'll just add a tablespoon at a time of our soft butter as you add the butter to the dough.
It will start to relax and not stick to the hook as much, but at first it will happen for a while. I'm waiting for the butter to disappear before adding the next bit. You have to spend a few minutes between each one. My mixer is really doing the work, which I love from time to time. I keep taking the dough and giving it a little volume because the butter tends to want. just to go as an aside, this looks so silky and amazing now and if you're at home you can add the butter a little quicker than me.
I just want this to be the best brioche for you, taking your time helps me. I've also been putting the butter right in the center and just pressing it into the last tablespoon of butter. This has been a journey that I've really enjoyed because it involves butter, delicious things and noticing wonderful textures happening, the dough smelling amazing and as this butter mixes. I'm going to increase the speed to medium-low, that's two for this and we're just going to blend it for about eight minutes or until it's really silky smooth and stretchy and I'm going to show you what it looks like because right now it's soft, it's very soft because to all the butter in here, look at this, but it breaks when I stretch it, so we really need to knead this for at least eight minutes right now.
Alright, about eight minutes later, let's take a look at our beautiful silky dough, so right now it's not sticking to a clean finger, but it's still sticky and that means it's ready for its almost first rise. The first one didn't count, it's also very silky and OMG the buttery smell of this is heavenly. all I want to do is just scrape the bowl down, we're not going to put it in an oiled bowl to boil, scrape, scrape, scrape and then we'll cover it and this will be in a nice cozy place to rise for about an hour or until it doubles in size and remember it's a good amount of work, but it makes two loaves and you can freeze one of them to enjoy a delicious treat later in a cozy place, go and my brioche has risen, look how big.
It's amazing, it smells so good before you hit it. I'm buttering my two loaf pans. These measure eight by four inches and you don't really need to butter them that well because this buttered bread comes out pretty easy. You already know this, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Alright. It's ready. Put this aside. We are going to lightly flour our work surface. I feel very sad about doing this, but let's hit the dough with the yeast. It's like we work very hard. We have to work harder. It looks good now I'm going to place this on my surface I'm going to divide the dough in half this is a bench scraper and it's very useful you should have one it's great for decorating cakes and making dough okay?
The beauty of this recipe is that it makes two loaves, one for now, one for later, or two for later. Now I'm going to cut it into three equal pieces and it's time to learn some basic braiding skills, so we'll roll out our dough. Three little nine inch logs now we're going to braid it and I'm not the best braider but we're going to make it work well, that doesn't look horrible, this is going right into my frying pan, you want to tuck the ends in. underneath, okay, that'll do, we're going to cover them and give them another hour for your second loaf, third rise while your buns rise, go ahead and preheat your oven to 375 Fahrenheit so it's nice and toasty once they're. ready to go in, look at these, they are so puffed and amazing they also still smell good, this whole process has been a symphony of deliciousness, okay, one last step is to wash the eggs so they are golden and shiny on the top, an egg in a in a small bowl, a tablespoon of water or so and we're just going to mix it together.
Gently brush the bread with the beaten egg. It makes a big difference. It really gives it that beautiful finish that this bread deserves. We've been through a lot together. My brain. which is ready to go in the oven 375 for 35 minutes after 25 minutes, you can cover them loosely with aluminum foil if they are taking on too much color, that's it, once the bread is out of the oven, let it rest in the pan to let it cool a little. for five minutes and then we will transfer it to a rack to cool completely. It's time to make a cut.
Wait until you see the inside. It's like a beautiful cloud. Look at that piece. It's soft as silk. You can see through it. It smells amazing, you can enjoy it however you want, oh my goodness, smooth, buttery, light as air and delicious. I hope you get a chance to make this recipe and if you like my videos check out my bread playlist.

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