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Brewstew - Blockbuster (ft. Mustache Wax)

May 04, 2020
Okay, so when I was a kid, Blockbuster was a special place to me. It wasn't just an abandoned building, where people were shooting like it is today. No, back then it was a haven for all your video game and movie rental needs. Now, my family didn't have much money when I was growing up. So when we went to Blockbuster, it was a big deal! I'd be like, "HOLY HELL! LET'S BLOCKBUSTER?!" "What is it, my birthday?!" "We took out our house for a second mortgage? What the hell's the occasion, Mom and Dad?!" It was like a mini vacation for me.
brewstew   blockbuster ft mustache wax
I would like to take photos there and make a photo album "My vacation at Blockbuster" "Here is the cashier and I" "Here is the parking lot" "Here is the syringe I found in the parking lot" Now, my most memorable visit to Blockbuster It had to be the time I bought Pokémon Pokémon Stadium Pokémon Stadium For Nintendo 64. I remember my friend Michael telling me about this Pokémon Stadium game "Dude, IT LOOKS SO REAL!" "I THOUGHT A DAMN CHARIZARD WAS GOING TO COME OFF THE SCREEN AND GET MY LITTLE SISTER!" *WAW* I was like, "Hell yeah!
brewstew   blockbuster ft mustache wax

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Give me some of that shit!" Because this was a big deal. It's Pokémon in 3D, for God's sake! This was around the time when kids were selling their bodies on the street for Pokémon cards. Then, a few days later, a Christmas miracle happens. And we can go to Blockbuster. So we stop, we get out of the car. Prancing around the parking lot like a vegan showgirl, I walk into the video game section and of course... All the damn copies of that Pokémon Stadium are gone! There was like a tumbleweed bouncing across the ground and I was like, "Damn!
brewstew   blockbuster ft mustache wax
I'm going to be stuck with Pilot Wings 64..." "...or some shit, like I always do" "No one wants to play." Pilot Wings, what the hell is that shit?" But that day, the Lord Almighty decided to throw me a bone "LET THE BOYYYY HAVE HIS POKEYMON!" I check it from the beginning to see if, if there is any chance, it will be has returned a copy and it hasn't been put on the shelf yet And lo and behold, there it was! BOOM! SCORE! But we're not out of the woods yet. Because now I have to listen to my dad argue with him. cashier About our triple-digit late fees we've acquired over the years Because my dad never returned anything on time We'd have movies out for weeks They'd have like my dad's picture hanging on the wall You'd have to sneak in, wearing costumes and shit “Yeah, it says you guys had Chitty Chitty Bang Bang fooorr… uhhh. ..36 days!" "Okay, look, I'll give you two dollars to cover the late fee, okay?" "That's all I have" "Yeah, you have to do better than that" " Ah, for the love of God!
brewstew   blockbuster ft mustache wax
What do you have in your pockets?" "Uhh... I have a Skittle..." "Two dollars and a Skittle, how about that?" "Well, if that's all you can afford..." " ..they'll have to go for something a little worse on the rental, okay?" "'ve got the Pokémon Stadium here, I mean...that 3D Pokémon, for God's sake..." "I can rent yourself like a...Steven Seagal movie" "Or...this...AirBud...plays racquetball" "Oh, you can kiss my ass with the AirBud!" "I'm not going to watch that AirBud movie, am I?" Do you hear me?" Then, somehow, my father convinced me to get the Pokémon Stadium that night.
It may have been through sheer violence, I don't know, I don't remember, but I got it! I remember sitting in the back seat, Passing out like an idiot: "Holy shit! I can't want to come home and fight my fake animals with each other." I came home and played that game for like... 16 hours straight. I didn't eat, I was like shitting in a bucket in my room. Like I said, it's Pokémon in 3D! What a time to be alive! So a week goes by and I still have the game. Now, either my dad forgot to get the game back, or he just didn't care, probably both, if we're being honest with each other. another.
Anyway, I wasn't telling him. I was going to travel this way as long as I could. Another week goes by... And then a month goes by. Finally, we get a letter in the mail from Blockbuster and everyone says, " Hey, you better give us our shit back!" "Or we're... going to... do something... about it!" Now, what is that something? I have no idea. Are they going to send a SWAT team to my house in the middle of the night? Try to recover the game? "WHERE IS IT? WHERE IS THAT POKEMON STADIUM FOR NINTENDO64?!!" "Did you hide it in one of your Furbies?!
Open the Furby!" *cutting sound* My dad comes into my room and says, "Hey, do you have a Blockbuster game in here?" "Some... uh... Poke... uh... Pokemon Stadium? What is it?...Pokey...Pokeytron? Pokeytron Stadium" "WHAT THE HELL IS IT'S NAME?!" I said, "Yeah, Dad, I've had it since fourth grade." "I don't even know where it is now." "I think you've been using it as a coaster for your beer." the last two weeks" I really didn't know what we were supposed to do right now. We've had the game for so long. Should we leave it in the middle of the night?
Like we're abandoning a baby at a fire station? But to my surprise, my dad said, "Oh, well, to hell with this! Looks like we're going to keep it!" I was like "Oh hell yeah!" We high-fived, confetti flew from the ceiling. Looks like I got a Pokémon Stadium for practically nothing. Years passed and I kept that game. And do you know what Blockbuster decided to do about it? And do you know what Blockbuster decided to do about it? NOTHING! They closed! Netflix killed it! *shoots* I still have that Pokémon Stadium. Now, sure, I guess we pretty much stole the game, if you look at it that way.
But I don't care, I would do it again! And do you know why? Because it's Pokémon in 3D, for God's sake! How many times do I have to tell you? https://www.


.com/ Special thanks to: And all the other sponsors!


I just wanted to give a quick shout out to Mustache Wax, he helped me on this video. A very fun channel, very underrated too. He let me do some vocals on a couple of his videos. Besides yours. The animation doesn't look like a bunch of garbage, like mine. So go check it out!

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