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Brené Brown Leaves the Audience SPEECHLESS | One of the Best Motivational Speeches Ever

May 13, 2024
Foreign has been my strongest advisor throughout my life. I discovered her probably 30 years ago when she was in college and I gravitate toward her work. You know, when you find those people who just aren't inspiring and honest in their work, they bring you in too. Joy and comfort, she is that to me and I love


ything she does except that quote which has pissed me off for decades and I n


understood this idea that you are free when you don't belong anywhere and as a social scientist I know that belonging . I know this for sure, if you ask me the only thing I know for sure, 200,000 facts I know, in the absence of love and belonging, there is always suffering, I know that for sure, so this quote from her about belonging everywhere, which is actually nowhere.
bren brown leaves the audience speechless one of the best motivational speeches ever
It's what makes us free was very concerning to me, but then I started digging and I started trying to understand what it means to belong and I never thought about the concept of belonging. I thought belonging was like we had a crew and belonging to something that was negotiated with outside groups of people, um, but that's not what I found very quickly, the rest of that actual quote is part of an interview she did, um, where he ended up with Bill Moyers, where he ends up saying you know he ends up. Pushing a little further and saying that, are you saying you don't belong anywhere or to anyone and she said I belong to Maya and what I discovered is that true belonging is a spiritual practice and it's about the ability to find the sacred in both beings? to be part of something but also the courage to be alone and people for those of us who struggle to have the courage to be alone, especially when we know that we are at risk, we are risking that feeling of being part of something because we don't agree , Yeah. because we have a different opinion because we love something different that is the mark That is the mark of true belonging to be able to say yes I am part of something bigger but I will also be alone when I need it you belong everywhere in nothingness and that is liberation work of foreign leadership I talk about understanding your personal values ​​and my two personal values ​​are faith and courage and that's why they say don't talk about faith, it's inappropriate, it's an organic corporate corporation so I just have to do it.
bren brown leaves the audience speechless one of the best motivational speeches ever

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bren brown leaves the audience speechless one of the best motivational speeches ever...

The point where I've stood in front of thousands and thousands of people for the last two decades of my life listening to the most difficult things you can imagine and the two things that everyone has in common when they talk about them. those things are cursing and praying, if you don't want me to curse and you don't want me to pray, that's amazing, ask someone else because what I'm not going to do is get up and you know, there's a million people. in this space who are better than me and know things different than mine I invite you if you need me to wear a suit I totally understand I'm not going to do that when I speak in public I don't go up there to talk to myself, you know, to speak from my brother Brooks to your brother Brooks.
bren brown leaves the audience speechless one of the best motivational speeches ever
I get up there and when I get on stage I'm going to talk about things that 90 of the people in the


have never thought of. and they're afraid to listen to me and they need to see me as a person and I'm just that person there's this part of braving the wilderness that really changed me is the practice that came out of the book and that's not walking around the world looking for proof that you don't belong because you always do. You will find Don't walk the world looking for proof that you are not enough because you will always find it Our value and our belonging are not negotiated with other people We carry them inside our hearts and that is why I know who I am.
bren brown leaves the audience speechless one of the best motivational speeches ever
I am clear and I am not going to negotiate that with you. I will negotiate a contract with you. I'll maybe even negotiate an issue with you. but I'm not going to negotiate who I am with you because then and this is I think the heart of the book so I may fit for you but I don't belong to myself anymore and that's a betrayal that I'm not willing to make. I already spent the first 30 years of my life doing that. I am no longer willing to betray myself. I just can't do it. Overseas is about trust and probably three or four years ago in a lot of my leadership work.
Probably and this is something people don't know about me. I probably spend 90% of my time within large organizations working with senior management teams, that's what I do most of the time and so in working with leaders, one of the things that kept coming up is building trust. trust in teams building trust in a culture the difficult thing about trust is if I work for you and you call me and I'm really upset because I was passed over for a promotion and you tell me look Renée, you We're doing a great job, but there are some problems trust the moment you say something that I can perceive as me no longer being trustworthy.
If you don't trust me, we become completely limbic and completely stop listening with our prefrontal cortex to listen to you. know how to fight freeze fly defend because our trust is our integrity is who we are so I was wondering when we talk about trust what are we really talking about what could you call me in your office and tell me that? be more useful, more impactful and productive than having trust issues or not trusting you, so we dug into the data to find out what trust is, what we mean when we say trust and what I discovered is that there are seven elements that we are talking about when We talk about trust and these are observable and measurable, this is what we can talk about with each other, so brave is the acronym we use B are limits, you set limits when you don't know what they are, you ask yourself Are you clear about what is right and which is not, which is, as you know, very difficult for people.
Boundaries are really difficult. Trustworthiness is when you do what you say and say what you do. The hardest thing about reliability is that you're not trying hard to achieve it. dignity, so you don't commit too much and you don't deliver, that's the reliability problem, it's responsibility, you don't support the channel and blame, you hold people responsible in a direct way, what I think is really interesting is the Vault, what people don't do. I understand about the Vault, what's also very interesting to me is that you're a foreigner, you say, look, we have some trust issues that we need to specifically resolve.
I want to talk about confidentiality in the vault and I look at you like Marie. I've never done. You shared only one thing that you have told me in the 10 years that we have known each other and you look at me and say yes, but you come here regularly and share things with me that it is not your place to share, it is the The other side of confidentiality is not just that don't talk to each other outside of school, don't come here and say, hey, look, I know what's going on with John Baba, you know this is what's going on with you, you know, because when I do that and I do it to connect with you.
I do it as a bid for connection. Let me tell you what's going on that you don't know, but when I leave the office you trust me less because I'm using stories. that's not mine as currency, so we get the Vault and then we go to I Integrity, which is choosing courage over comfort, practicing your values ​​and this one is very important. I think we have this in common. I love this about you, it's choosing right over right. fun, quick and easy, you know, we have a culture of fun, quick and easy, we have a culture of people who don't feel discomfort.
I've never accomplished anything in my career or in my life comfortably and then we're not going to finish it all at once. -judgment: you can ask for help without feeling judged and I can ask for help without judging myself and then generosity, which I think is probably the hardest for me sometimes, which is when something happens, I assume a positive intention, so If things go wrong between us. I'm like, damn, Marie, I'm so angry that I go and say, Let me assume the


, help me understand what happened, Marie. I thought we had a plan around this, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt before launching.
In my anger, you know, that's human nature that is wired and the absence of data, we will always make up stories, so I think to challenge nature, the idea of ​​Nature being those moments when we are alone and those moments when we go out. In a limbo the times we move away from what we know, our ideological bunkers and our beliefs, challenging is the tool that helps us manage nature. I'll leave you with this, there will be times when being alone will feel too difficult, too scary and we will hesitate. our ability to make our way through uncertainty someone somewhere will say don't do it you don't have what it takes to survive in the desert this is when you reach deep into your wild heart and remind yourself that I am the desert

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