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BREAKING NEWS: United Boeing 777 Flight 35 Emergency Landing at LAX After Wheel Loss Incident!

Apr 11, 2024
If you're just joining us, this is United 700 that took off from SFO heading to Osaka when it took off from Runway 28 right there. SFO lost one of its rear


s. The left reports that possibly that tire landed could actually see this cross. about us here LAX will possibly take someone to take a look at the tire situation. I think that's what we'll see here. Reports that the tire fell on an employee's car at SFO unconfirmed, but that's what we're hearing, in fact this Triple 7. now crossing LAX will land here on the south side at 25 left, so it's a left side rear tire make sure the folks here at LX are around are you ready at the end of 621 621 R now Docker when 260 at 9 on 25 right? to take off of course to take off Docker last of 621


on two 5 on the left come on, pass the building yours is still the same you just want to wait there yes sir, we would like to enter GE in the good old building, but I will I'm glad That everything happened perfectly,


without problems on March 1st, we will be here on Bravo 8 on 25 on the right.
breaking news united boeing 777 flight 35 emergency landing at lax after wheel loss incident
I will ask R2 to do an inspection La Tower from AR 2 waiting near runway 25 on the left at alpha 8 permission to enter the runway to check the plane stf R2 from alpha 8 continue Runway 25 on the left, there is R2 Runway to the left R2 358 okay, so it's the rear tire on the left side of the plane that's currently blocked by the building, we should get a better shot from R now at 9:00 uh, we'll go around your plane here and take a look look and we'll see if we see anything, thanks to the two United 35and yes, absolutely no charge to the pilot to get you down safely, absolutely, there's the toe that will tow you to the door and take you to United 35 heavy we're not showing no abnormal indication from us uh yes sir uh so right now it looks like the tire is missing and


number 10 uh it doesn't look like There is some damage to the aircraft other than the missing tire.
breaking news united boeing 777 flight 35 emergency landing at lax after wheel loss incident

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breaking news united boeing 777 flight 35 emergency landing at lax after wheel loss incident...

Everything we show on our heat sensors also shows up as normal. Okay, we agree with the indication of the heat sensors. Thanks for the update on the R2 tire situation. as always you are the best, yes sir, any time, we will stay with you, we will stay at 6:00 and we will follow you back to the gate just to make sure everything is still fine and at two o'clock we will coordinate with tower by tip for the rest of the way Roger, who will be at your six if you need it, I appreciate it very much, excellent for a 35 heavy a 35 heavy, okay, let's request the from this position heavy Roger 03 continue Hotel 9 in Lima keep short5 right 9 right city3 exit via Skyway exit to 537 9 01 at Fox Crossway 25 left keep short at 25 right 2 left 2 right heavy Ops 03 in Lima cross mi 25 have your s in Bravo here in just one sec 188 contact exit 183 cross to the right see the tire the place where it is but the place where it went all this turn here we will see better Al was the outside left side r two on Lima Cross for 25 on the right 03 do you know which door that one is going to plane, 77 St 03, you can stay with me and continue with Bravo and Charlie 7 until that g bravo charlie 7 up, so head to Terminal 7 here in South Victor, forward 6 Victor in Quebec, cross 2 right cross 2 left left in Al cruz 25 right and 25 left in quec and left in alha six Roger thanks Sam 120 Arna Docker wi 2501 0 with 25 right in free kick to take off
breaking news united boeing 777 flight 35 emergency landing at lax after wheel loss incident

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