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Breaking Into 4 Abandoned ATM Machines and This Is How Much Money Was Found Inside...

Jun 22, 2024
There goes the


inside, oh I bet you're all wondering how I got



ATM. Well, can you guys keep a secret? I stole it, okay, before someone calls the police, that was a joke, guys, I did steal an ATM. I'm not going to be stupid enough to come in and post it on YouTube, but seriously, the reason we can get


ATMs and break into them legally is because my dad owns a demolition company and every time he comes a job, all the contents are left in the abandoned building that does not belong to it and that includes ATMs, vending


and everything else that is left inside yes, there is another layer to go through nothing strange I see a manual I see some screws, let's leave it and Let's see what happens above, the cash comes out foreign, it feels heavy, well, let's see, it's just that one lock, two, is closed, uh, nothing foreign, foreign cash boxes there, it's like locked there, although I have it, damn Wow, it feels heavy, okay guys,


is the exciting part. okay, let's go in with the curved bar so there's something there, let's not burn it with the Sparks, nothing that's there, oh, it looks, oh, man, I see green, holy, everyone's fucking, I feel like There has to be at least, oh my god, 700 800 860. oh yeah, that's what I call Payday bam, we're in this cassette is loaded with 20 bills.
breaking into 4 abandoned atm machines and this is how much money was found inside
I like the sound of that, oh, foreigner, here we go, foreigner, we have the safe part open now. Where is the cash box? I do not see her. The bills are going to rise, you just have to feed them. I hope you have a cash box. There is. Bam, let's see it's plastic. Look what he says. This cassette is loaded with 20 bills. I like it. the sound of that, okay, how are we going to get into this one, this one should be super easy. Mallet, yeah, it's just plastic, okay, cracker open, ready, give it a good whack, go, go, oh, whatever's there, oh, that's actually a lot, not that. some shit, don't take that out, that's quite a lot, that's a fucking bunch of 20 year olds, shit, guys, we're getting close, let's hit it, bam, that's two big boys, holy cow, it's more than double, I guess, what is that? 180 2080 I can't believe we


all this


inside this ATM, that's amazing.
breaking into 4 abandoned atm machines and this is how much money was found inside

More Interesting Facts About,

breaking into 4 abandoned atm machines and this is how much money was found inside...

Foreigner Foreigner. Well, we're in. There's a cash box right there. Let's see, this one will probably be closed too. I'm sitting there pretty good. you want to try it, take out that thing, oh there's the cash box, let's see if that thing is open or closed, it feels heavy, but it's steel, yeah, you never know these things, guys, money is super light , so it could be loaded or loaded. empty, it's a safe deposit box, so we're going to have to open it, grab the lever, let's open it, that's it, that's the most exciting part, guys, let's do it there, come on, all the money inside me.
breaking into 4 abandoned atm machines and this is how much money was found inside
I think that bet paid off, guys, it seems. I eat more than the other one and the other one was two thousand 2080. Holy shit I can't even grab all that wow dude that's a lot it's pretty dark guys I'm sorry but look at all that money holy shit no way . foreigner that's going to be a lot more than three grand buddy it's three grand right there and we still have all that money what's your new estimate four grand four grand and that would be crazy we could reach it it's a 3500 it looks like you want to be a little In short, it's not four thousand, but hey, you can't complain about how


is 40.
breaking into 4 abandoned atm machines and this is how much money was found inside
So what is that 38 40? 3840 which is crazy, almost done in 4K.

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