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Mar 06, 2024
Today we are going to break as many


as possible, but if we get caught we will have to face serious punishments, such as not allowing motorized vehicles on a skateboard. Oh, um, I broke the steering wheel. Why is this a rule? Skaters work very hard and sweat a lot they need food and drink, catch Nathan bro that's why you don't have food or drink on the skateboard, next rule no glasses in the skate park, this is a dangerous rule, catch, don't let me catch, there's no one around. Let's clean this up. The main event does not allow them to bring food inside.
breaking 1 000 rules in 24 hours
I'm going to slide this beautiful gourmet taco in here fragile. We just need to get a game card. Do we do it here? You guys can do it at the kiosk we got two here okay cool we got in and my taco too yeah that guy looked broken he's broke man I wanted a bite bro I can't believe how easy this was to get in secretly, there is an employee. right there, so I'm trying to be discreet, aim for vital areas, you're not supposed to wear heels on the dance machine just, that's when I roll down, don't step on or place objects on this platform, hey, you're supposed to no to throw them so hard I got you on fire yellow player well you're obviously doing it wrong you're supposed to be like that oh okay that's it that's fooling the ladies on the phone bro I think he's calling to the police, I found the Carts aren't supposed to be in it, but it's like tearing up another piece of paper at Walmart, is your arm really broken?
breaking 1 000 rules in 24 hours

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breaking 1 000 rules in 24 hours...

Yeah, buddy, like I have it. Oh, they won't yell at me. I have to play the part. Wait, there's an employee right there. I'm going to look at the toys. What are the


? Can we break up? Well, I'm going to return the bike. Now I broke a rule. Come on grandma, do you want to sit in my basket. Yeah, don't step on my soap. I'll buy it. Go grandma. Grandma Grandma Grandma didn't take the old pill she never gets off she feels good 10 out of 10. Why do we do the most childish things to get kicked out?
breaking 1 000 rules in 24 hours
Selling goods or services is against the rules, I know we're not supposed to sell anything here, but have you ever heard of the rhino shield? What is that rhino shield? Makes tons of protective cases and they just release their new grip. Oh snap, take this for real, oh but wait, I got more, bro. The designs on these are sick. Look at these. the ones that are cats but look like moons and then you also have the extra large one, even with a kickstand so you can place it on your table or throw it on its side to watch some movies, you can have it completely flat and flush with the case or you can spread it out and use it as a grip it's pretty sturdy I approve it's very comfortable on the phone and it fits very well in your pocket and they are made from 85 PET bottles no way 85 yes they are all recycled these are for iPhone but they also make them for Android as well what bro are you trying to get one or what's up just if i could take this one this one is sick okay get out of here hurry up before we break more rules in the first week you guys can get 20.
breaking 1 000 rules in 24 hours
Delete them using the link in my code in the description but after the first week the discount drops to 10 so I would recommend buying one right now so we're in the park. I have my dog ​​here and one of the rules is not to do it. Don't let your dog loose, be good, boy, come here, boy, come here, gully bean, OMG, not in the park, there aren't supposed to be motorized vehicles


the rules. One of the rules is that you cannot let your dog ride a motor vehicle. I don't need a leash anymore please don't feed the ducks hello is your name marvin oh you are so gentle hey stop chasing my ducks this is the challenge if one of you ducks can catch this I will give you five thousand dollars Suck, oh no You're Mr.
Beast, that's why they didn't catch him, so we've been riding around in this go-kart and feeding the ducks and there's a guy here who's like he's watching us, I think he works in that kind of house. club. there he's on the phone right now so I don't know if he's calling the police no way he's calling the police bro he was just feeding a duck people are definitely watching us right now but we're gonna keep going


this. rules I'm a menace to society oh look gabe another scroll oh yeah you're not supposed to go diving or swimming oh my bad leave me I'm swimming there's another broken scroll here there it is that's better now that we're in a library and we're going to try to break the rules.
We're not supposed to play video games on the library computers. Play games at I know we're in a library right now, but I want to scream so badly if I lose this game. I'm going to scream he was so fascinated by himself that one morning he fell into the lake and drowned you alone could contemplate his beauty up close oh god my heart your shores that he knelt down every day to contemplate himself finally he said I cry for Narcissus, but I never realized Realize that Narciso was beautiful, yes we are a good man, yes thank you, sorry, thank you, I got the top by breaking a rule and this means I have to face some serious punishment at the end of this video, we should probably leave.
I made a video a long time ago about hiding candy in a movie so this should be easy bro no one will ever know oh wait you can see it bro put it in your hat that's where the potatoes go will it fit in your hat? come on now start it up come on excuse me excuse me scooter eight this one here oh snap bro we're the only ones in the theater wait hey did you get it? It worked, oh yeah, chips, so we broke, we bring candy. We're on our cell phone and we're making noise and we're recording oh, bite of food, food fight, we're throwing food, I was born, coming to kill, it was a full night, your life just said yes, oh here I come.
I think we've broken enough rules here bro and we didn't get caught that's how I caught all the fish you're terrible at your job your water dog help me bro yeah yeah I'm not going to be your personal trainer anymore If you don't try harder, keep going, keep going, no, I don't want to do it, I want to scream for help, oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, come with me and James got caught, so we have to face punishments at the end of the day. This is my office and no one is breaking the rules here. What will we film next year?
Oh no, they're having a meeting too. I have to run past them as fast as possible so they don't see me. What was that? You're going to wash that, I did it, what do you mean you walked bro, I washed it, I still see crumbs here, stop freaking out, ah, why is something wrong with you, buddy, you just got caught, you wash the dishes over here, Gabe has cops breaking the rules, this means he has to face punishments at the end of the day. What's happening? Oh hey, what's up? I'm just popping in to say hey cool hey yeah I finished the video yeah it's working there's so many pictures yeah yeah it's like that man you're doing a good job. work thanks james I'm here for you always I think we broke it I think we broke it what do they do take something what do I'm going to find out what they did and when I do you'll be dead this right here is the longest bridge in Minecraft it has over thirty thousand blocks bro i'm trying he's busy he's in the office recording what the hell is that noise is it even your birthday james we got caught breaking the rules get ready for punishments guys a rule? of golf bring the appropriate equipment to play the not-so-appropriate game I see workers here and there that's actually very clean my turn whoa whoa that's not the right clip yeah, I know, I'm careful about this, these guys are looking at me now You're looking at me, I want you to hit a home run, that actually wasn't bad, bro, it was better than your previous golf show.
You're never supposed to drive on the green, but I have to get my ball back. I also shouldn't use the wrong club and I'm breaking a third rule, don't move the ball, I need a real damn club, someone who works here is coming, go, go, go, go. I'm not supposed to drive on the highway. Green is fine, I think we are fine, they are going in the opposite direction James, I have a proposal, if you can make a hole in one right now, you can get away with one of the penalties in this video, but another rule in golf is like a library you gotta be real quiet you suck come on bro you're dog water earphone dollar tree and golf never touch another player's ball uh he's trying to find my ball for me that's good one of the rules is you're supposed to use the proper footwear, those are trucks, bro, we'll see, you're going to slip, if you had bowling shoes, you would have gotten a strike, don't get in other people's lanes, another rule is don't use two balls, another rule, no Don't throw the ball, don't cross the line, get up when you throw I thought you were at least going to run.
The three of us were caught breaking the rules, which means now we have to choose our punishments. Gabe, you want to go fill the balloons first. with paint thrown at you, okay James, go ahead and choose yours, dress like a piñata at a children's party, what's left for me, have eggs thrown at you, so now you're ready for the piñata, the right For all the sweets, oh, whose birthday is it?, oh. Oh my god, you're okay, James, you already broke the piñata, so this is Nathan's punishment. We have eggs thrown by former professional baseball players and we have one more theme here, hit me with the scrambles.
Okay, okay, okay, no, no, wait, oh, keep hitting them, no. I want an egg, oh I heard the wind, oh my god, that egg is so shiny, you almost hit me with it, the balloon is full of paint for Gabe, subscribe.

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