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Breakfast Freezer Meal Prep With Me! Fill Your Freezer!

May 08, 2020
Hello party people, welcome to another


email video today. I'm focusing mainly on


. I'm sharing a chocolate chip recipe with you because you can't start


morning without chocolate chip cookies. I have been falling in love with my


, can you do it? I froze basically everything, so let's get started. I'm sharing with you some recipes so let's get into it so we have our game plan here. I plan to make


burritos with eggs, cheese, sausage, onions, peppers, you know, the huge Pope spread a delicious treat. My God! He's already drooling out of my mouth.
breakfast freezer meal prep with me fill your freezer
Chocolate Chip Cookies can't start


day without those baked oat


sandwiches for breakfast and then a baked French toast casserole, the recipe for which I have here. The other recipes I have in my book are overflowing at the moment. a mess needs a lot of love but we'll do it another day let's start with breakfast what are these called oh ho that's a great start English muffin sandwiches you call them whatever you want it got up by any other name I started making a bunch of these. It took me exactly 14 hours to make a bunch of those.
breakfast freezer meal prep with me fill your freezer

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breakfast freezer meal prep with me fill your freezer...

I used this mini, it's a board iron, it's the best guys, and I love using this. I like how it makes the egg form a circle. nice and even shape, it takes a couple of minutes, but pretty much if you just make a couple of sandwiches at a time it won't take that long and I love using it in the morning, it's just amazing, so I already made a bunch of eggs, I have a couple more to make and I have this Canadian bacon here, nice circles, I have 40 of these and then I have a bunch of English muffins.
breakfast freezer meal prep with me fill your freezer
I bought them at Costco, there's two nine-packs in each of them and then, guys. If you have an unlimited budget, can you go ahead and use this killer bread from Dave? I bought them the other day. They are healthier for you, they have whole grains and they like good things and taste delicious. However, one of these packages for a six count was almost five dollars, so wait for a sale or become a millionaire, that's my suggestion for now, since I'm NOT a millionaire and I already bought them. I'm going to use these nooks and crannies and we're going to animate these guys.
breakfast freezer meal prep with me fill your freezer
Oh Although I'm going to cut them up first, I didn't keep track of how many eggs I use. I know there are at least 30, but I also made more yesterday and kept them in the fridge overnight, but we also ate some for breakfast. everything works I just drizzle some Pam and break in the egg yolk. You can leave it whole if you want. I don't know. Do you add salt and pepper if you feel like it? I'm just going to cut these English muffins in half and toast them and I did a little research before starting this and wondered if I should toast them before freezing them and I came to the consensus that it's probably a good idea so that's what I'm going to do .
It only takes a couple of minutes and I think the result will be much better. Okay, beautiful, that's so simple. I love this machine so much that I bought it from Amazon and the best part is that it's like 10 bucks so I'll link it below. are you interested oh man I'm so distracted I forgot Pam it's okay I'll get over it you know what a mess I am but that's nothing new I knew I would forget something and of course I did it's someone. screaming I think I have a child who is screaming or singing we don't know melted butter you're supposed to put melted butter on them it just helps them brown a little and look better so that's what I'm going to do let's go real quick Also, the Butter is delicious, you know what I mean, so we want them to taste the best they can, oh, and if you want, when you're putting them together, oh, really, you can add cheese.
I don't do that, I don't melt enough either. butter, I melted two tablespoons and thought that would be enough, it doesn't melt like a whole stick, maybe to turn the bait nice and bubbly, I have to tell you there is something about real butter that smells like home to me, do you know what i do? I mean it smells like Sunday morning breakfast, it's sure to go back in the oven when they come back out, they'll be golden brown and I'm cutting them all up so I have them ready for when it's their turn in the pan, I'm just waiting.
I have enough eggs. I really don't feel like cooking more eggs. I'm so glad to finally be doing this. I've put it off as long as I can and then I keep thinking, God, all my carbs are going to go away. moldy, you know what I mean, but breakfast is one of those


s that I don't necessarily skip because I always eat a banana, but if I don't have it ready 80 percent of the time, I just skip straight to lunch and have lunch at 10:00 am. When I get home from the gym or at 9:30, whatever, lunch is just as delicious.
At 9:30, I tell them okay, let's put these together once they are cooked, okay, you have to wait a little patience. a virtue nice and golden brown and warm just going to drop the texture of the hockey pucks right there alright we're going to do the same thing with respect to how many of these we have thirty what's 9 times 3 27 times more? Ok, we have this nice Canadian bacon, did I call it hand before? or Canadian bacon, you name it, it's delicious, the perfect size for these English muffins, look how easy this is once everything is


ared, it's just a matter of placing everything on top of one.
Another, oh my god, I'm about to eat all of this right now, when you've lost everything. I can't find a good and effective way to do this. I'm burning my hands, but I do it the other way around. the other way, I wasted my time, you know, these are probably the most time consuming meals, so to speak, that I made, man, oh, if you want, maybe save some time and don't want to cook the eggs like this manner. I should mention that too. that you can scramble them and put them in a 9 by 13 dish and then cut them into squares or holes, if you want to be fancy and waste some eggs do it that way and it would probably save you a lot of time.
God, okay, one two, it's good to go, oh shit, it's not good to go with butter, you have to have some butter, when my mom used to say that since we only have six left, I definitely made too many eggs, there are too many more than six there, which means this is my breakfast, put yourself on Apple's feet and like that, 36 breakfast sandwiches are full, okay, we'll just turn on the fan, open the back door, everything will be fine, we'll just overcome the chaos. Okay, I'm going to put all these sandwiches in, you know everything I saw, people were wrapping them individually in plastic wrap and I just don't think it's necessary or cool to do that.
I shove as many as I can into these bags. and then I freeze them, okay with the smoke alarm going off and all I don't know if I told you correctly how to cook them, what I do is I just take them out of the freezer, wrap them in a paper towel and throw them in the microwave for couple of minutes. I estimate how long. I don't know, maybe a minute first. Check it. Turn it around. Another 30 seconds. Just use your common sense. It's just breakfast. It's okay, it's not a big deal. Move on to baked oatmeal if you've never made it.
I had baked oatmeal before enjoying, here's the recipe if you want to screenshot that crap. I think it's the perfect time to bring out Big Bertha. I could use my KitchenAid, which is what I normally do, but why not? I have this. Amazing bowl, let me use it, so now it's just a matter of throwing in all the ingredients and you know, I have this amazing bowl. I don't have a trash can because we're cleaning it out, oh boy, and you know what else I can do? I don't have a whisk, I have a baby whisk, but we're going to get over it, oh, I almost broke it if you've never had any type of baked oatmeal before, you're in for a treat and this is a special recipe. because it's Amish, I got it from a couple of my relatives who literally live next door to the Amish, they are the best for this.
You had a lot of oil, half a cup of oil, but since we're doubling this recipe, I like it. Substitute half a cup of oil for half a cup of applesauce. I've always wondered how much applesauce is in a bag. Is it a half cup or a quarter cup? It looks like it's almost half a cup, so let's use it. that keeps it nice and moist since I opened the second one and we're a little shy. I'm just going to pour a little. We make our own rules here hmm, eggs, oil and applesauce, it doesn't get much better than that now that we have the good stuff.
Top up the sugar, the recipe says one cup for one batch Sir, that's a lot of sugar, but this is also a really delicious recipe. I'm using 1/3 cup to measure. I'm going to be a little shy with the sugar just because I feel like it's not necessary, so I'm leaving out a third cup that still has a little bit of sugar in it, but that's how the Amish do it, they don't care, they just love it. life. You know, everything they make is so delicious and that's why they uploaded it. here is the secret ingredient, are you ready?
I don't think you're ready. I don't think you're ready for this jelly. It is almond extract. So the recipe tells you to add 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1 teaspoon almond, but I don't measure and I really love almond extract and that's what makes this dish more delicious. I need to add more, here we go, oh my goodness, just the smell of it, the almond extract is what really sets this dish apart from anything else, I'm saying? dish a lot of oats for breakfast whatever now for the dry ingredients we are going to add the oats 3 cups of oats that's good 2 teaspoons of baking powder and I have to tell you that I don't know if it is correct in the culinary world add dry to wet , but you know, oh shit, we're doubling up.
I need 4 teaspoons, but it's like whatever, you know, that's what the recipe tells me to do, that's what the Amish do and I'm just going with it, okay, someone called the Food Network. because this has to be in everyone's house, it's okay to mix it all together but wait, we're not even done with the wet stuff, I don't know why the recipe says, you know, mix it this way, but I'm not going to deviate because it runs out. It's delicious and I don't want to spoil anything the last 2 cups milk 1 cup if you're not doubling it and then blend it as best as you can I use almond milk and find it works well Okay but you can use any cut of milk you want or have it on hand next to my favorite part to relieve pain.
My favorite part isn't actually eating, but you'll get there. I'm just going to spray a little pan so it doesn't stick. oh great, I'm out of pans, we'll make it work, you don't need that much. I'm going to get high from the fumes. The recipe says to put this in an 8x8 dish, which is great and I know I just said don't deviate from this, but we're going to do it because if I take it out of the freezer to eat it, I won't eat a whole 8x8 dish, you know, I'll eat it in individual portions, so I think I know this best, you know what I was thinking, well, one I have to preheat the oven and damn, you're a disaster in the kitchen and then the final three thoughts, the most important thought is that I should have tripled the recipe, so I have some breakfast but you know what a whole crib is what is that you know what I always say everything turns out as it should because I have little left good it doesn't look like much in this huge bowl but I'm sure It will be enough once I take it all to Funkytown and just have a small plate of a portion here a portion, how do I say that poor portion?
I don't know, words are difficult and at 6:00 in the morning, semi portion. what's the term for this single serving is what I'm trying to say I already said I don't know let's cook it and eat it okay this goes in 350 I don't know how. For a long time, I had never cooked them in muffin tins before. I'll let you know here, they are baked to perfection, nice and golden around the edges. I'm going to try to get them out. I don't know if it will work because this has the consistency of a cake, that's why I like them so much, they really taste like cake, but I've seen people make oat discs and then freeze them before cooking, so maybe you could try that, I don't know.
I'll do it this way and we'll keep our fingers crossed. I know you're all dying to know what my single serving looks like, so there it is delicious and ready to devour, so now that they've chilled for quite some time, I'm just going to cross my fingers that they just come out of here like butter like It wasn't a big deal oh no, I don't feel like anything good is happening, there's that oh guys, what are we going to do? What are we going to do? Would those who did come really look good? Look at that, okay, bag, these just have to be pulled out, uh-oh, are they stuck?
It's not flying, take them out one by one here, these will keep well in the freezer, well, we did it right, look at that, no. No, it looks even more delicious out of the pan, yes of course, now like any other oatmeal, you can take this and put whatever ingredients you want in it, it's very versatile. I like to add nuts, you can add brown sugar if you really want. sugar add a little more what else blueberries are great anything maple syrup slivered almonds anything you want really I don't have to sit here and explain what's good about the food because you already know so let's move on and you could make it in a casserole dish if you know you are planninghalf and look inside oh oh magical scoundrels you all did what you did oh my god, even the big boy oh, he tells us too.
I snuck these Eleanor We took them out put them in the freezer and now they are solid so I can throw them in a zip lock bag and they won't stick and we will throw them in the freezer so they will stay there for probably a day until they are all eaten well thank you very much for watching and hanging out. I hope you enjoyed baking with me or cooking with me freezing with me whatever if you subscribe put a little joy in your day and see you next time bye.

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