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Bow-Toons Adventures for 30 Minutes! | Compilation Part 2 | Minnie's Bow-Toons | Disney Junior

May 02, 2020
you are always, hello everyone, I am very happy that you are here, welcome to my peptastic furball fashion show, the show is about to start, but first, oh Minnie, the models are not ready, you take care of things backstage, I'll finish it in the crowd, I'll be right back, I don't know what happened, don't worry Daisy, I'll help you dress everyone now, now let's all calm down, please, oh, come here, doll, let's go put your pretty little dress back on, a wonderful lollipop, what? what happened to your dress oh


look oh trixie you ate the hairball trend are you ready yet?
bow toons adventures for 30 minutes compilation part 2 minnie s bow toons disney junior
I only know one song I'll play twice oh


if they come out in those clothes your fashion career will be over but I hate it to let everyone down I know everyone wanted to be in the fashion show trixie daisy go tell the audience which we'll start in a minute, but you can't have a fantastic furball fashion show without any fashions, oh daisy, we have plenty. of fashion and now we present minnie mouse and her fashion show with a balloon bow and let's hear it for our star fashion designer minnie mouse come here minnie minnie you are fabulous oh you know there really is no business like both this is you always welcome together oh um hmm oh whoopsie oh oh and nothing could be strange you are always perfect you two belong together you know, I think you're right, another hit on pet adoption day.
bow toons adventures for 30 minutes compilation part 2 minnie s bow toons disney junior

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bow toons adventures for 30 minutes compilation part 2 minnie s bow toons disney junior...

I love it when pets find their perfect match oh. don't worry gilbert your perfect match will be here soon hello girls hello roxy I'm here to adopt a pet you've come to the right place eh anyway I'll call you jerry come on siri let's go home oh remember gilbert your perfect match I'll love you just for being you hello we're here to find a little playmate that's your name that's blobby poppy we'll take him come on baby honky oh cheer up gilbert your perfect match could be just around the corner oh ladies you do it by chance you have a pet that's as stylish as Yo, Gilbert is fashionable, he even matches your outfit.
bow toons adventures for 30 minutes compilation part 2 minnie s bow toons disney junior
Nice try mate, I guess today wasn't Gilbert's day, maybe next week, Gilbert, Minnie Daisy, oh no, I'm late and now all the pets are gone. all of them julie oh gilbert come out someone's here to say hi so joey do you like him i love him i'll take that as a yes thank you minnie bye bye you were right minnie there's a perfect match for all of us you are Always welcome here girls it's okay young mousers this is the perfect place to set up camp deep in nature. Girls, don't you just love the soft sounds of nature?
bow toons adventures for 30 minutes compilation part 2 minnie s bow toons disney junior
What will our store at least be like after we set it up? instructions at chipotle how about we collect some firewood while cuco loca and I fix the temptation good idea follow me girls ah nature the fresh air the adorable forest creatures oh it's just a little gopher I knew it now let's come back before it gets dark there's nothing delicious another marshmallow please sure where did you go okay daisy we'll still have fun girls stop kicking I won't kick myself or look at me what's going on I guess now we're really sleeping under the stars well at least the weather is nice oh no our trip Camp is ruined now, girls, what does Junior Bowser say?
Never give up, that's the spirit. Come on, nothing like sleeping under the stars. This is the best camping trip ever. Here are some girls with hot chocolate and marshmallows. Yes, and nothing more. annoying gophers, how about this Figaro? Does my arch of blooming flowers tell you spring? You're right, it's just not stretchy enough. I'm so excited for today's spring garden


y. Oops, oh sorry, Figaro, oh Minnie, the girls can't wait. look at your new spring bow, is it ready? no, not quite Daisy, I've been a little stuck, stop, well what's wrong, oh Daisy, I can't seem to find that special thing that is spring, well let's see when I think about spring.
Imagine things like flowers, puppies, rainbows, rainbows, I can make a rainbow, you see, I knew it would help, let's get started, I have a lot of new ribbons here somewhere, oh, this rainbow ribbon is very careful, Figaro, I'm fine, well, this was not like that. looking very springy anyway i think we can do even better oh a very clever ladybug bow minnie figaro naughty kitty oh minnie is ruined and time is running out don't worry daisy we haven't run out of ideas yet looks like you two could use it well a tweet inspiration hello cuckoo, you know, a friend once told me that a good idea is usually right under our noses or, in my case, under my beak.
Which friend told you why you did well with Minnie? If inspiration is going to come, it better come soon. Figaro. What has he achieved? inside you so that's what you were doing in a mini why is my bowl moving? It's not your bow look. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? I'm sure we'll see you featuring your Spring Minnie Butterfly Bowl, that's the most spring-like bow we've ever had. sorry figaro we owe you everything friend of figaro even the butterflies know there's no business like the bow business daisy did you find the camera oh not yet but I know I had it here somewhere oh daisy here it is oh silly me thank you I'll be sure I'll take a good photo of you and the twins here they come, get ready, introducing Purple Posey and I'm Rosie Posey, oh Millie Melody, you look just adorable, hold that pose, pretty bouquets, oh I want to be in a photo, it seems that you are all ready for the school posy contest we are sure we are crazy, come on melody, let's show them our posey prance dance, I bake your forgiveness, welcome to our garden, did you know that water makes us grow?
Um, that's supposed to happen, we could dance, we could sing on the first day of spring, but you better make a room 'cause it's time to glue, oopsie, that balloon might pop, I guess the glue wasn't dry, I'll say, Oh, don't worry now girls, we'll fix this right now. Oh, please hurry up, Emily, or we won't be able to be in the contest. I got the glue sticky and sticky. Good thinking, Daisy, let's see this pink one goes here, this little one goes there, oh wait, wait, that's it, Daisy, I'm purple Posey. this is rosie posey oh dear oh no, you girls are there now, I'll think of something, but how is it a flower show, some kind of bowing show, maybe you can get both girls to follow me, there's no time to waste the favorite please now let's see we take a little from here and a little more now ladies and gentle birds introducing rosie posey and posey purple wow pop up posies I love it and best of all these flowers don't need blue come on my little posies It's show time bye cuckoo thanks daisy look Have fun girls they say posies, posies wow Minnie who knew you had such flower power?
Well Daisy, it's like I always say, there's no business like the bone business, guess who's back from the beach. Hi Minnie, hi Daisy, how was the beach? Girls, it was amazing. Get out the cool treasure that's awesome now before we go home, let's get you changed girls, okay, and I'd better hit the shower. If there are more mini balls, check the ribbon rack, oh thanks Daisy, what's up? They are fine? I don't know, I keep hearing strange things. noises, look at this, I'll slide over here and find those arches, okay, hey, what's going on here? I heard it again, but where is it coming from, we're ready, yeah, Minnie girls, stay here, hey, what's going on? when we come back there's something in that basket oh whatever it is I'm going to find out what you're doing oh cute little crabs they're so adorable can we keep them cute please okay but you have to take good care of them I'm sure we will oh you said we could keep them , how's Minnie?, why do those blizzard arches look absolutely perfect, oh Minnie, listen to that peaceful sound of falling snow, oh thank you baby, well, looks like someone's ready for the snowball tonight.
Kind of like what's the problem Clarabel everyone is going to do a dance called the snowflake, have you ever heard of it? It sure is fun, we'll be happy to show it to you, no, but Goofy will pick me up in five


, so let's go to the good dance it starts with good music now to do the snowflake dance we start with a little twist like this, well, here Go, I'm spinning, oh uh, now raise your arms and flow like snow, be the snowflake, oh, I'm the snowflake. oh, maybe we should start with the sway of a snowflake, oh sway, you know the way the snow sways back and forth, oh, gotcha, there you go, take your time, la dee, The doll loaded, I'm a swingin' to the music, oh dear, oh, I better call Goofy and tell him. he can't go oh Clarabel what's the point of going to the dance if I can't even dance oh this dress is sloppy and clunky that's all it's the dress is too long you think so yes and I know how to fix it well Clarabel What do you think oh why so many is this winter?
I'm so happy I could dance forever oh I have the snowflake oh how just wonderful goofy gorge hello everyone what Clarabel do you think you can teach me some of those fancy moves at the snowball tonight oh well of course I can do the silly, bye everyone, see you later and thanks Minnie, well we did it again, it's like I always say there's no business like snowboarding, I always need those pizza makers right away, don't worry Luigi, my best pizza. the cooks are on their way I'm sending you the hippo girl girls with balls that don't have luigi I'm a common with your pizza no girls with both hippo girls all that tourism made me hungry oh pizza one slice will be good excuse me Girls with bigger bones, Now everything you need to make the pizzas is here, oh, make the pizzas there.
Luigi will be back after he delivers, so Minnie, we don't know anything about how to make pizzas. Well, you better find out because we have clients. and they sure seem hungry, we can't just leave them sitting there when we're in Rome, oh that was last season, we need more tomato sauce, Minnie sauce, it's not working, how about we add more tomatoes? It seems very good to me, hmm, that's it. quirky what are you two doing, oh dear, keep it up, hey daisy, we did it, we made pizza for all the customers, what is this, crazy pizza, it's the best pizza with aroma, the pizza is fantastic, great girls, We are here, are the pizza girls girls? the hippos go with bowls, you are always welcome, well, what do you think?, well, balls, we already have three orders, I will go and pack them, come here, good afternoon, I need a black bow tie for tonight, I can make you one right now, splendid I'll be back shortly, where is that black tape?
I think I saw something around here, hey, show me the bunny, why thank you Daisy? I just saw a bunny, me too, cuckoo, that bunny is here somewhere, we have to find it, I found it, it is. Not here, here it is, oh my God, oh, there it is, here it is now, so is my bow tie ready? Well, you see, sir, we tried to make his bow, but this little bunny kept appearing here and there and everywhere. Oh, I know exactly what's going on. here enough with the funny open a puppy you are a magician why yes greenish pink the magnificent that gives me an idea eh oh bravo thank you minnie tata how did you make that magic welcome to my new boutique where each and every one of you always hello minnie oh good days daisy oh here let me help you thank you know minnie i was thinking oh the key oh no oh there it is now how do we get in oh dear oh i guess he can't hear us oh minnie look yeah, eh, oh, now what i think we have it this time, Minnie , okay, a little to the left, higher up, I think you've got it rolled up, eh, too big, throw it back, oh, if only cuckoo Loka could hear us, yeah, ready, yeah mate, keep going. working almost here almost oh now we've tried it all oh only a miracle can help us now hello ladies oh many are my buns in tow ready eh oh guess I didn't lock the door last night oh daisy oopsie

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