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Boom! The Deadliest Knockout Machine EVER - Buakaw Banchamek

May 07, 2024
In more than three decades and through 300 battles in the ring, Buaka Banch has established himself as one of the greatest Strikers in the history of martial arts and single-handedly altered the course of Sports Development formerly known as Poor Pruk. He forced K1 to ban the prolonged clinch with his dominant infighting making him the organization's first two-time middleweight king and then setting out to conquer the world stage. Today we will recount the legendary journey of the White Lotus from a regional champion to a mythical icon. In addition, the 41-year-old bua will soon return to the big rings j s buncha Mech was born in a small Thai village in the Serena Province on May 8, 1982, as usual, he entered the ring at the young age of seven and was nicknamed the black demon because of his dark skin.
boom the deadliest knockout machine ever   buakaw banchamek
He foreshadowed well his future fearsome reputation even by exceptional local standards. I saw the fight for the first time and fell in love with Muay Thai. We gathered a group of kids and started training. You had to pay to perform and my mom gave me 100 bot. The last amount of money, the entire Village came out to support me, that's how it all started Now, in no time, the robot's charming charisma was on full and captivating display, attracting the attention of female onlookers who were happily watching its relentless work through of the ropes. 12 years old, he approached.
boom the deadliest knockout machine ever   buakaw banchamek

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boom the deadliest knockout machine ever buakaw banchamek...

He moved to the capital, Bangkok, and joined the poor Pramuk gym, enthusiastically diving into an intense training regime. Zambot adopted a new name that, according to traditional beliefs, would protect the wearer from the evil eye. From now on he would be known as buaka, which translates to white. Lotus, poor Pruk's last name, comes from the name of the gym and was suddenly feared more than any other curse. By 2004, the Tie Fighter had claimed a critical number of belts and casualties internationally, among them were notable Japanese names who paved the way for White. Lotus will join the world's Premier organization as early as April.
boom the deadliest knockout machine ever   buakaw banchamek
Bua entered the K1 World Grand Prix at 154 pounds, a new weight class for him in the round of 16 of kickboxing's most prestigious tournament. He effortlessly tripped up his opponent occasionally adding low kicks early on. in this the first one, but once the impudent guy decided to bite Jordan TI and put together combinations with arrogance, otherwise this will be to the detriment of Jordan under the poor pruk. He unleashed his fierce true Jordan TI self. Tai has to get out of trouble, they are so hard. The only achievement of the opponent in this 9-minute long beating was not testing the court, the tie takes care of business relentlessly and Jordan Ty needs to cover.
boom the deadliest knockout machine ever   buakaw banchamek
Truly the tire is finished, as a result, the White Lotus advanced to the final stage of the annual Game of Thrones was a one-day tournament in July where eight of the


kickboxers on the planet competed for the title of the Undisputed Monarch division first. , the 22-year-old Bua faced John Wayne and the renowned Australian was part of the sporting nobility who had seen it all in the ring and was one of the favorites to win the Grand Prix, it is not surprising that the beginning of this confrontation was It turned into a display of mu thaai beauty with many exchanges of kicks, how


, around the halfway point the pair changed. to the boxing combos and managed to take the initiative in response po pruk changed his tactics to keep the enemy at bay by throwing kicks, the new approach paid off and the third leg ended on unequal terms, no one was willing to give up an extra round nor nor a wave.
The amount of adrenaline allowed Bua to go on the offensive, which lasted until Bell scored a high-profile victory, Tai Prodigy then clashed with Takayuki Kumaki. Kara had OneTouch demolition power, could deliver solid knee strikes, and even managed to defeat Mike Zambus before. At the beginning of the night, the Japanese athlete disrespectfully removed his tie from his feet, smiling, returned the favor, and then thoroughly punished him. Undisputed air and ground supremacy lasted 4 minutes of Doom until Coru Maki finally learned her lesson after dismantling takayuki and speed running to the finals. Poor Pru ​​came across the Japanese schoolgirl's wet dream.
Kobayashi, the silver wolf, as they called him, was one of the best kickboxers of his generation with an extensive resume, plus he was the current K1 Grand Prix champion and came in as the Kobayashi favorite. considerably beaten to the end, how


, his indomitable samurai soul left him no choice but to engage in fiery retaliatory shootouts. Poor Prok began kicking frontally, which gave him a distance advantage to avoid the exchange in the pocket. He also happily participated in Rivets and Mado's only hope. It was reading the Lotus Sutra that sparked a parade of emotion that continued to gain momentum once the Japanese striker's prayers took effect.
Po prok's total dominance turned into a hand-to-hand fight even though the Challenger was ahead thanks to mu Thai's patented moves. The intrepid masado. he had no intention of giving in as they approached the finish line bua had full confidence in his victory unfortunately the sensitivity of the Japanese judges was shown bua had to win the extra round in which his enemy was gifted, fortunately masado found no antidote for the tie. The previews at the end of the 12-minute long fragment of the year, where fans barely had time to wipe off their sweat, the poor promotion left no doubt about the name of the previously unknown champion outside his homeland, the Thai Prospect instantly became into a global star. show the power of mu Thai to the world.
I am grateful to K1 at least because after this, our sport was heard everywhere, this Grand Prix had far-reaching consequences for K1, to quietly avoid the hegemony of bu ca, the organization imposed a rule. in all weight classes, limiting clinch strikes to one per matchup, now Ty Phenom could not use not only his elbows but also his knees consecutively, the effect of this taboo was shown against Koo Teada, where the White Lotus was seen forced to keep a distance during battle. Teada proved that he had fought against Tai's boys often and successfully capitalized on the situation.
He had to adapt on the fly during the intense encounter. The winning formula was discovered in the fifth, adjusting to the new set of rules and ringing the Te bell twice in 2005. Poor Prok continued. To clash with the world champion from Belarus, his opponent did everything possible to earn the respect of the tough rivals, but Bow's kick sounded like an explosion at a construction site and he had no intention of waiting until time will expire. own idea of ​​Muay Thai until they took a hit from a real eliminator they restricted me I had to evolve and train in boxing three times more than before in July the White Lotus faced one of the elite ber Krauss the winner of the first middleweight 2002 Grand Prix Despite being considered one of the most skilled kickboxers in the promotion, he definitely trains hard, has right hand skills of the greats, was not averse to spinning the deadly windmill and crushing his enemies , I wanted to knock him out, oh. that's it, it's over Krauss and bua had crossed paths before that moment the Dutchman shone on the counter and left the tie poor Prok enacted revenge with a series of artillery knees he kept the accelerator full until the end winning points in multiple collisions, however, the judges did not appreciate his sportsmanship and rewarded Krauss with a controversial victory in the promotion.
He drew conclusions from the 2005 Grand Prix rematch and became the one who always had the last word in the exchanges. Albert never managed to reach it while bua was high. dopamine rained down with Fury's hammers the fresher eliminator got ahead in the closing stages and comfortably took a decision for the second year in a row poor Prok made it to the final where he was met by Andy sour it was his first shot at the belt for The Energetic Dutch coach, but his ability to send the boys to the realm of shadows was beyond doubt. It was a game of contrasts from the first seconds.
Po Cow delivered his trademark explosive kicks and did whatever he wanted in the draws. Andy, on the other hand, stood out. In strong flurries of boxing at the end of the first, the contestants found the pulse of the battle in the second frame. Poor Prok recognized Sour as a worthy adversary to trade with and tried to trap him at Bear Hugs. The Dutchman realized that securing was inevitable and he fired. all barrels wherever possible in return, bua tried to build an Advan to avoid any risk of theft and challenged his plans at times when the dust settled, many believed that poor Prok had done more overall, still, the Japanese judges clearly didn't like him and gave him There was little chance that the Warriors would remain inside the circle for two more rounds, where the action didn't let up.
There had been plenty of wind in the ring so far, but now the stormy sky was crackling with lightning at the end of the fifth leg, the fight was completely even. At this point, victory could go either way after a 15-minute massacre in front of 18,000 spectators. The Grand Prix championship went to Andy. Poor Prok, disappointed, immediately left the stage, but everyone knew that this Revenge would be legendary. All fighters have performances in which they need to give more, but. It's too late this was just one of those days as part of the retaliation campaign that began in 2006 the White Lotus faced Hiroi Shishido the Japanese Maverick tried to corner the lasso against the ropes with flashy combos but he pushed the annoying enemy and he knocked him down by nailing his man with a left hook just 15 seconds from poor Prok he blew up the kamakazi with a single detonation that same year buaka crossed paths with Mike zambus the wrecking ball of Fury and Kratos' Reincarnation in one person the Greek bullies Los Knockouts were so chillingly terrifying that the rumor about how he trapped four bodies in the ring circulated for years, although not true, there were certainly grounds for these accusations in the ballet of bua violence despite Iron Mike's unusual agility, rare Once he managed to land in the tie, while poor Primo aimed at the legs and bombarded the rival. with body kicks and occasionally rising to the top even in the second round, the Spartan warrior was still desperately stuck in first gear.
Zamb Beas' only successes were sporadic attacks on the midsection, he simply couldn't turn the tide and succumbed in all respects to the world's second-ranked player. best middleweight with this convincing decision Victoria the White Lotus joined the lineup of the 2006 K1 World Grand Prix held in June in the quarterfinals he was welcomed by Yoshihiro Sato the best muai practitioner in all of Japan fuaa had significantly improved his boxing since the last tournament something the enemy reluctantly acknowledged oh one p one two the counter landed on the money it wasn't time to write a will yet and the energetic Sato went for the broken bow he put a bow on the second after getting kicked front the Uncorked White Lotus a left hook that took the Japanese fighter to another universe the same night that Gagod Drago was waiting for him in the semifinals after his sensational victory over Albert Krauss.
The Armenian loser immediately hurt the ti. Pride wow enthusiastically jumped into close combat and took the initiative throughout the entire round. Without giving the opponent even the slightest chance to become competitive, Gago surged forward in the second, which suddenly helped matters. The night before was far from boring, but now there were fireworks everywhere and in all directions, under the bloody moon, the White Lotus bloomed like the old one. mu classic thai a forearm frame a right hand over the top and Drago is already inspecting the canvas despite Gaga's obvious willingness to keep going until the end bua had only strengthened her dominance ultimately, the public's sympathy and of the judges was undeniable with the tie a blow of Luck in the final was the old acquaintance Andy Sour in a streak of two dozen victories, the Dutchman had already caused a sensation with a spectacular


and a victory over Masado.
In short, the rematch between two surprising Wizards could not leave anyone indifferent. It was not his first rodeo for both the champions and the battlefield, it was hot iron from the gate. Sour assumed the role of the aggressor early, but after remembering that revenge is best served cold, bua unpacked the special fluga giman showing incomparable composure and attempted to return to the field. competition for which he paid a high price there was no escape for the Dutch batsman shaking the hemispheres of Sour with two collapses the White Lotus ended the bloody Carnival with a cruel blow at the age of 24 poor pruk became the first two-time champion in history of the k1s middleweight and a national hero at home, would soon open the doors ofhis aonomus gym, something quite bold in Thailand, but he would also transform into a movie star and his deadly mustache would remain a hit for many seasons in local barbershops, all thanks to the KN of Cracking Chins 2006 Edition.
It is worth noting that After the tournament, K1 Overlord got a little cocky showing off his invincibility. Roy Jones caused discontent behind the scenes among the top brass. Victory in the next Grand Pre 2007 would consolidate Bua as the best middleweight. of the 21st century that's why the organizers paired him with masado, the only top key1 contender he hadn't faced in the last 2 years, the meeting started with relentless pressure from the tie and yet the silver wolf was moved forward with a brilliant play, suddenly the White Lotus couldn't keep up with his dynamic Japanese counterpart because Pruk decided to revert to his proven Rockham sakam style, but Kobayashi had already found a hit in his armor taken down by the Swift combo and trapped under the bombing because the cow refused to give way in the second section.
The versatile ring soldiers continued where they left off, then bua started punching and slowed down the Japanese fighter by throwing low kicks, only half a round later masado started to restore the balance and the ending went in his favor according to the rules, poor Prok . He still had a chance to win the decision, however, the silver wolf sensed blood and was unwilling to share it. The loot did not believe his eyes but he was forced to retreat under the relentless attack of the Japanese predator. Kobayashi was making history in the live television and P Prok had to accept not being in the driver's seat oh overcoming the very long odds masado delivered a fantastic performance surpassed Bua in areas where others crashed and burned, earning praise in the locker room.
Thailand's favorite son did not want to stay on the sidelines and flew to Soul in 2008. Korean zombie girl next door Rose From the Ashes after a kick to the head in the cemetery. Pramuk gave him an encore and added some blows on top. The opponent asked for more and Bua began to question the boy's sanity. A strong sedative seemed to be the only option to save the patient. However, Ty Phenom subjected the Korean without medication to the left Hook check and the pull counter cross were the final arguments to stop the beating. The annual K1 Grand Prix began with a battle against Krauss, the Dutch butcher initially aimed at the torso to kill the cow B regained control in response J outside met a kick from Bo gal oh.
He broke the tie and kept Albert Hest throughout the fight there from Bo for another three rounds and cornered him against the ropes for the sake of variety five in a row now by his right hand kicking him so consistently, very effective. oh, Krauss frantically tried to find success late by rising to the top in the second round oh, but by pruk he held the lead all the way to Bell, the pretty CH of the unpredictable judges somehow saw it as a tie, a tie, the inspired dutch forced himself to restore the parody and that's what he's doing this week because bu doesn't sleep up to the head the headache that lasted until the end of the extra round K good right hand a guy in a Bo cross shootout could have taken this for once Karma was turned on by prok's side, Albert, although Albert openly disagreed with the decision despite the favorable outcome, bu ca's relationship with K1 soured and he lost motivation, this It became evident in their rematch with those previously defeated at the beginning of the rematch.
Because Prok was confident in his invincibility, he brazenly countered Yoshi Hero's left-handed attacks with his right and fired crosses down the pipe. The trademark left hook was no less heavy. The skinny Japanese counterpart absorbed the impact like SpongeBob SquarePants and held on. standing, he rightly emphasized body blows in the process counterattacking ferociously sat down gradually depleted the Tai's gas tank, this allowed him to spice things up in the third and turn it into a war of attrition put under unbearable pressure by The immortal Japanese buaka was finally stopped in his tracks and during dozens of precise offerings he exhausted the star and nailed him with a right hook po vaca knocked out now you've seen it all opa returning 3 months later faced an Indian kickboxer nicknamed black mamba poor Prok demonstrated having steel not only in your heart but also in your fists.
It didn't take him long to close the deal. Black Bamba's hopes for a Tarantino-style happy ending were shattered along with his conscience. Buca's 5-year K1 journey culminated in the 2009 Grand Prix semi-final against Sour, the tie dominated by Dynamo. In all aspects, he trips his foe in a shower every time and by throwing sharp knees, he sees him fighting the good old inside front kick from Po Pru constantly mixed in. Targets the signature kick of his, it's just continuous frustration here, too much in the hands, here, put him on the ground. High. round kick and he used it well, plus he had great success intercepting shots sour oh nice even the commentators were shocked at the verdict oh come on let's go for an extra round at the risk of sounding like John mckr you can't be serious.
The lasso curse took effect from then on and things weren't as clear in the extra round as they were before the body shot, good high s control, but hate that the front is backed up here, this beautiful left hand dipped in the left thigh, oh, pretty right hand, they met. the final bell neck and neck yes I mean now this round cross turning towards the mid section trying to steal it cpto maniac and really impress the judges we do the right thing give it to bua once the final result was announced bua was done with K1 En That moment, Bua is disappointed, he should be disappointed because he was robbed.
I'm disappointed, this is ridiculous because I want to put these three judges to bed with a wet fish. He would only return to K1 4 years later for a couple of guest appearances. Nice hit. As his relationship with the Japanese League ended and he launched a second strike after a scandalous breakup with the promotion, Buaka had no intention of slowing down, in fact, he became the boogeyman that haunted the nightmares of other kickboxers. First, Tai, 28, ventured into shoot boxing to face Toby Imada, although the rules allowed takedowns, it did not save the all-rounder from an onslaught of low kicks and a visit to the hospital on crutches approaching 30.
Po Pruk returned to his Muay Thai roots or issuing beautiful


s and volume as if they were for sale, he captured several major belts, it is not surprising that starting in 2011, bua also participated in two tournaments of one of the main Asian leagues, clearly indicating that he was still the alpha that the White Lotus won both times. It was the turning point for bua. arrived in 2012, while in Italy on a shopping trip, for pramuk he faced Jabar Aerov, a rare breed, a Dastani striker who loved to stop opponents with leg kicks, but could explode with his hands when necessary, triggering their fuse boxes and opening the match. the reliable way in which a large number of kicks to the body, a good B kick is transferred to the head, each technique is scored in the same beautiful kick to the head, both from obligatory sweeps with the feet and from punches on special occasions .
Nice, Skov was aiming low, nice look, good job, midsection gone. kicked and looked to catch bua with a missile to the head, go to Broke ja from the big left, the veterans of the season kept the pace until late, becoming like a baseball b too, every time he crossed the ribs or arm and gave a competitive finale satisfying the f with a great show without Japanese judges the White Lotus came out triumphant well there you have it however when he returned home a scandal broke out dissatisfied for a long time with the professional exploitation attitude of the owner of the gym the champion of the town left poor pruk jym it turned out that for years they had withheld his profits and booked fights without his consent the absence of contracts is a common problem they can hide a third of your profits and divide the rest so that you get only crumbs the division was followed by a Demand for $3 million, but the government intervened to defend the Beloved National Treasure.
Later he took up his original surname, now acts as bua banch and opened his own gym of the same name. I swore I would be honest with the Fighters and what happened to me won't happen. Again, other teams take half of their purse, we take only 30% for administration and training, it's fair that the rebranding and Fallout with an influential team did not affect Bua's shares, so he continued to perform in Thailand , Highlight Reel continued to expand with new gems. That would make even Bach blush. The bonam X disk continued to swell with extraordinary demolitions. His collection of prestigious titles continued to grow respectively.
For 5 years undefeated, the White Lotus signed with a football club, it is a side mission and played a couple of seasons in the At regional level, his old friend and prankster sshi also jumped on the bandwagon in the mid-1990s. 2010, bua had established connections in China by signing a deal with top Chinese promotion Kunon Fight, his debut opponent Guie had his dome shaken out of the gate, the woou sa champion was subjugated. to a heartbreaking beating after back-to-back humiliating landings, lingered carelessly in the knee area after dispatching the organization's homegrown star half a year later, but delighted fans with other signature moves that got things moving with a blown up and went to hunt the enemy. scalp, oh and I caught him with a Picture Perfect combo kicking off the new chapter with a bang.
Bua spent several eventful years in China laying waste to the loon-fighting aristocracy, soon the promotional landscape began to resemble a graveyard and Bona Mech received a coronation fit for an emperor. The world champion Golden Bells, his best work in the league was against Maruan Tudu in 2017, fearlessly participating in an exchange with Morocco, the tie was scored by him over guard and added a soccer kick. No, the Wild Ride was about 4 minutes, get out, get out. a sinister left hook caught two slipping and fell like a lead balloon the doctor had his hands full bua once again did not disappoint the former and reigning Kings of Thailand whose photos he always carried when visiting another Chinese promotion in 2015 bonch participated in A memorable two-part series with the so-called Shaolin monk and the gold at stake.
The self-taught warrior's only relationship with the famous temple was his bald head and yellow pants, while his popularity came thanks to a viral YouTube clip and yet he is incredible. The one-man impersonator was ready to take on anyone. There is a lot of power and fighting spirit in this guy. The memeable Chinese Daredevil got the ball rolling in a truly unforgettable way. Buaka was perplexed and soon regained his composure and yet things got much better. Yong refused to give up answering that at times the draw tried to cool his artery with foot sweeps and he almost regretted accepting the fight in the end achieving a miracle.
Yong survived three rounds in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, surprising that world victory was not on the line. However, in the title's sequel in 2016, the monk was as bold as ever jumping right into the thick of things, but found a way to slow the frenetic pace and then launched a counteroffensive, the party resuming at the halfway point when rhythm of flying blows. in both directions bch reintroduced the throwing tactic oh, El Long's response was to jump at him from a running start and drag the champion into a chaotic hand-to-hand combat after that, the tired dog Maverick lost the last leg on the board , you know, yeah, look, even though he's brilliant, the Monk.
The moment of fame seemed fleeting, but the judge's verdict made it everlasting. Bua was not interested in regional confrontations at this time in 2017, he starred in a new action movie where he played the lead role. Sex symbol status was now just around the corner. To coincide with this significant event, Bu returned home and signed with the All-Star fight promotion just like before, the opposition could not compare to the living martial arts icon in 2019, Bnam Mech faced Chris and gimbe a renowned champion. and a knockout artist with a tendency to fly, oh my goodness, still, he also proved no match after a couple of knockdowns.
OH, a body shot combined with a high kick wasn't enough, so bua finished him off with consecutive uppercuts after another takedown of 37. A two-year veteran realized there was nothing left to prove and withdrew from the professional sports, allowing him to focus on helping the younger generation in his own gym. Among the bua students was the young super Bond star who remains playful with Sensei but turns away. become a savage in thechampionship cage, in addition to his coaching duties, bua organized Muay Thai tournaments in his own backyard, no one dared to disappoint the White Lotus with cautious game plans in retirement. bonac entered YouTube and began developing a very popular channel with a wide variety of content for all tastes his production team is always extremely motivated boa's girlfriend also unconditionally supports his efforts and does not shy away from participation headshot now everyone Muay Thai fans know that Bonch is a man of unlimited talent.
The White Lotus maintained his physical shape with exhibition outings. Not even his appointment as executive director of the Thai Kickboxing Association in 2021 did not save his opponents in 2022. tireless buaka returned to promote thailand's second best stadium the rajad dam narn and an exhibition match the japanese glory seeker evoked more pity than an abandoned kitten, although bonch put some weight behind his punches only towards the end, The humidity in the arena continued to increase as the Tie Fighter tried his best not to cut the opponent's pretty face instead of exploding. a couple of lethal bombs bua faked a fierce final sequence for the show successfully introducing his dance partner as a tough Macho to the delight of the female audience bnch Mech got his long-awaited encounter with Sato oppa first worked the crowd and then came back things as usual. levels and wrote a check yoshihiro couldn't cash removing his hand from s bua planted a right hook from hell the beauty of mu Thai as she is the White Lotus is busier than ever these days he is ready to have a boxing fight exhibition in 2024 with the Retired icon Manny Pacquiao before that bonch is in a Muay Thai fight with bare knuckles and special rules.
Now against Sanai, an undisputed legend and possibly the best boxer in history. Oh, ask, Mar, we will soon find out what will come of the battle between eight. Meanwhile, liim-style virtuosos bua continue to rebuild their old friend outside of the ring throughout their decades-long career, bua earned fans' unconditional love with his badass charisma and unwavering determination that remained unchanged. Regardless of organizations and weight classes, although the White Lotus had reached the top of the sport two decades ago, he continues to test his opponents even at the age of 41. His official record, which is far from complete, includes 241 wins with 74 knockouts and 24 losses, many of which were highly discussed if you enjoyed the video and want to see more K1 icons, hit the like button, subscribe to the channel and vote for

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