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Bonsai For Free - Using Seedlings

Jun 05, 2021
harvest that we managed to get out and let's just say about 20 minutes of digging and we will look at all these beauties, all


, all


, so let's take them in sequence. While we were digging it, the first one we made was this silver birch, believe it or not, I can't even believe it's only five years old. Look at that almost complete


, five years of growth and there are enough roots there, so there is a lot of root, there is a thick root there and what I would do in this case because don't be in a hurry, many people are in a hurry to get a perfect


right away, there's no rush, we have all the time in the world, so it's not even worth putting it in a bonsai pot if it's not necessary, because I have so many that I can probably use it, you can always put it, say, as a bonsai pot training, let's see that it could fit quite deep, that it would fit, I know it's not at the right angle, cutting some root, it hurts, I don't want to cut too much root out of the silver birch wood. very soft, there it is, it fits perfectly there, so it's going to go there, fill it with soil and you can see it, look at it, very respectable, it has to be on this side because there is a big long root on that side until it develops more roots.
bonsai for free   using seedlings
I won't move it to the center until more roots grow, so there you have it right away. I have a respectable bonsai. Next were these large oak trees. There are so many. Watch this. Now this. One, although there are some roots, there are not enough roots, but what I tend to do with most of the things I dig is not to leave too many branches because if you leave too many branches it puts excessive demands on the root system and if it puts too much demand on the root system , the tree will not have the opportunity to grow properly and could therefore suffer.
bonsai for free   using seedlings

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Now I have to make a decision. I can cultivate him in this angle and make him the leader, let's see there are so many. many options, at least we have the option, if you don't have the option, that becomes more difficult, more problematic, but look at it right away, it starts to look like a nice tree, so we can make it this high without going too high, let's do it So why have everything so big? You know, we have enough big trees, so I'm going to bite the bullet, I'm going to choose this one as the new leader, there you are, I made it short and there you are.
bonsai for free   using seedlings
They are a nice tree and I'm going to plant this one in a pot because there aren't enough roots so let me pick a pot and show you the type of pot I'm going to use so now as tempting as it is to put in a bonsai pot. It's not ready yet, there aren't enough roots, so I can plant it in a pot like this, although it may be a little small, maybe plant it in something like this and let it produce more roots and next year we'll put it in a pot training for bonsai now let's look at the other oak trees that we dug in that same patch, there were quite a few, there were three of them, so now this one is like a big person up here, that's the taproot and all the trees produce a taproot especially oaks and as I told you before, threaded roots are produced by trees to keep the tree stable as it grows, so that as it grows it sends the taproot deeper so that when it gets big the wind doesn't blow it down, but we are already growing them in pots, we don't need a taproot, there is nothing to blow out, so there are quite a few fine roots here and again.
bonsai for free   using seedlings
I'm going to put them in a pot, I don't want too many. branches because that will put excessive demands on the root system, you see how fine the branching is and this is due to the constant pruning while it was growing in the ground, every time I passed by that tree I used to cut a little, cut the ends and That's right How do I get the branching so I let it grow in the ground but as it grew I kept cutting it so that's another topic but we'll probably plant this one in a pot like this and hope it produces more roots.
I'll explain them all now, this one, for some reason, has a nice informal upright shape because I didn't actually do anything to it, so I don't want it so tall and this taproot because there's not much of a root. I'm going to keep it so I'm going to plant it in a deep pot or pot and let it grow so I'm hoping you get more roots from this part rather than the bottom so I'll look for another pot for that now. This one is quite straight again, the root is like a very long parsnip, but I will plant it deeply so it produces more shoots, so I will cut it there so it doesn't overtax the root system.
And hopefully that should go away now. Holly trees like this, although they are only two or three years old. Look, the trunk is already very respectable and what can we do with this instead of continuing to grow absolutely straight? I'll just put a piece. of wire and give it an informal vertical shape. I have so much leftover wire that it doesn't make sense to use a good wire, so I have a selection of leftover wires and I'll see which bigger wire will help bend this little tree, let's see for the So you know, you get aluminum and in clear or anodized aluminum, they are all aluminum wire.
Some people like the clear wire because it reminds them that the wire is there. They all do the same. They are all very flexible. This is the ideal stage to bend the tree. there it is, so it's folded like this and let's put a little piece of wire to water the branches. Cotoneaster


are very easy to get if you have a cotoneaster plant or your neighbor has catonias to plant, the chances of finding


in the pavement are very high, you will always find it. Look, I'll put it in a small pot. That pot is probably too big, but a smaller bonsai pot would make a nice bonsai and then let's see what we do with this one.
There's already a beautiful curve, but you don't want all that height, you know? So I would cut it there and I would probably cut it there and I would probably wire the branch that way. Let me do it just to prove that I'm not cheating. I'm just making an anchor on the main branch or the main trunk and then I connect it to this one branch, that trunk I can't really bend so I leave it as is and then I'll plant it in a pot at that angle and hope more come out branches from there so that's the second one and then there was this very very small one oh there's so many there's a nice one here and let's see what we can do with this one so it just shows that there's no excuse not to use whatever material you you can find around you and this is all scrap wire when the lockdown ends I'll announce it and I'll probably give away some of my old scrap wire because I have too much and That's what then let me find another piece of wire.
I'll put all of these together and show you the finished product. You see one is this wide. I'll hook it up like this and put it in a small pot. and I'll show you the final result now this one was to cover honeysuckle just the seedling this seedling is probably only like two years old I haven't even wired it if I put it in a small pot how cute is that that would make a nice bonsai so I'm going to put it in a pot and show you what turns out and then we come to these cotoneasters that are quite pretty, they have quite a few roots and a nice trunk line, so what?
What will I do with this? So I'll look at it from all sides. There is a branch here that could be used. This is dead. They are so prolific in producing branches that you don't have to worry if there are no branches on the trunk. Produce branches very, very easily, very quickly. Look, I have so many options. I could make him the leader too if I didn't want to make him the leader. You know, I'll probably choose the other option. It's quite difficult and I'll probably cut it. Back there, oh, the wood is pretty hard, I think it's a pretty old tree.
I think I don't need it now and I will grow it and then we will develop the branches and that will be the tree of the future because they have so much. many branches I can put in a fairly shallow pot to be the future tree and this one is again like a parsnip root, so I will have to plant it in a deep pot. I can leave this branch and make it a cascading tree at a future date and have a little wreath on there as you can see there are a lot of possibilities for this so I won't cut too much off and I hope this gives me options for the future so everyone They will be planted in flowers. pots to make potential trees and there are more, look at it, there are so many things, let's see, this has quite nice roots, many very nice routes, so with this one you can use this one as a leader or you can use that one as a leader, but I think I will choose the other one side as a leader, which may seem more interesting.
These pruners are a very useful tool, very useful, so we will use this one as the leader, so that will be the leader like this, so the tree is grown that way, so these are all potential materials, very hard wood, God. mine so that will be the potential tree and you can keep the trunk short because the roots here keep the tree so tall or you can turn it into a vanity item so all the options are there. in fact, because there are so many fine roots, I don't need this thick root here, so just play it by ear, so there are so many possibilities.
There you are, so that's another possible tree. What else do I have? I have that little cotoneaster over there. I don't want to waste anything now let's put a little piece of wire in there and see what we can get out of this now let's see after this now I'm going to go get some small bonsai pots and I'm going to put them in. And when I planted them in pots, I will show you the final result of what we have done in just 45 minutes. We produced all these nice little potential trees, there it is, so now we've planted these little plants.
We have one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, eleven, twelve, a dozen trees that we just dug up randomly walking around the nursery, so the first one we showed you was at Silver Birch and that one has at least two or two and a half. inches in diameter of the trunk and that is the future direction of that tree and then the oaks that, since it didn't have many roots, I put it in a pot, so it will be a pretty nice tree and this one too I estimate that it is no more than five years old because I have seen the acorns grow, that is another oak that grows in my orchard garden, some of the smaller oaks, that has a natural shape without wiring and this is another one and this is the cotoneaster that we have dug up so that it can be a future cascading tree and these little roots will form a nice canopy here with a very thick piece.
Same goes for this one, look at that trunk, it's thicker than my thumb so they all have a lot of potential and of course these little hollies I dug up and they're probably only two year old seedlings so it looks great with a little of wire, this one just has a piece of wire on it, so it looks like this and then the smaller holly that's probably just over a year old. I have it like this and then I put this honeysuckle seedling in a long pot because let me see if I can find a piece of rock to put it in because if I can put a piece. of rock will make it look better.
I could have put it in a smaller pot, but I wanted to put a piece of rock in there, so if I put a piece of rock in there and then cover the rest with moss, I guess something no bigger than that. as we say you can let your imagination fly and there you are in that lovely little tree everything for free everything for free you didn't have to spend any money except for the pots there you are so there is no excuse not to do botsai so these are free bonsais there you have it

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