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BONANZA | S2E16 | The Courtship

May 05, 2020
there and another for me, little lady it seems? having changed you is already cute, I have seen one of them before I wish I had never seen it he took $20 from me last week oh I know thanks very funny I wonder if you could give me a little more money oh you just won there you already spent that, Oh, but I know I'll make it worth it again. I just know, oh thanks honey for the house, total hungry beggar, oh damn, I was so sure I was going to win a can't. I don't understand that China has much experience making lemonade houses.
bonanza s2e16 the courtship
Is there anything you can do alone for about an hour? Yes, I have to talk to a couple of people about the wedding arrangements. What are you going to do? It's nonsense. Yes, I'm going to finish. Well, I'll go with you and talk to them later, Hoss, you know there are some stores where women shop alone. Yeah, I think I thought about that. Keep going. Oh, huh, I hate having to ask you to run. Oh, well done, this. We start how much you need, but it's hard to say. Well, here you take it all. It's $300. You get what you need there, that's not enough.
bonanza s2e16 the courtship

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bonanza s2e16 the courtship...

There's more where it comes from. Thanks love. Well, we need how about the merchant store downstairs? the car Oh, that will be wonderful and you take these packs and put them in the buggy and I'll meet you at the wrecker in about an hour, but a six pack for your eyes cost you $100 to keep, ma'am. I'll look at it and raise you 100. I'm afraid you don't have enough money, ma'am, but I think the future madam's credit. Cartwright is good enough for us, thanks Hey, hey, Bawa, that's really nice of you to decorate the place, celebrate my return from San Francisco.
bonanza s2e16 the courtship
Adam, it's good to see you sound good to have you back. I received the message from the telegraph office. All, the case. I did not do it. I think I would go back so soon, but I'm certainly glad you got here when you did well. I've had enough of the big city bar. What do you think of the decorations? Hey? What is the occasion? It's because we won the case. Well, that's right. not exactly hidden, yeah, well, if me, little Joe, tele husband stays all night, the horse is getting married, why she's a real beauty and I'll tell you all about it, just make Adams respect the stable to heaven, damn it, oh yeah, hey, well, tell him. him about the thing, an arrest, in fact, I think you know the girl I know mmm don't tell me that girl at the Mormon cross and she finally got to him with those currant pies, now it's heaven Layton Josh Layton is with him yes, quite a surprise is more than that, I know how you feel as a slightly unusual assistant after the death of your husband, in fact, I felt the same until I spoke to Helen, she told me the truth about Josh, What did she do now, what's the point of talking about that and they're genuinely in love with each other ah she never loved anything in her life except a deck of cards are you talking?
bonanza s2e16 the courtship
She bet her last penny on Josh Layton if he had spent $27,000 on one night at a club in Sacramento and that's what made him start drinking, she told me why didn't you tell me this before the last time I saw Josh, she was dying, now what good would it have done for you to tell him? He wasn't even cold in her and her grave. She had met another man to buy him expensive jewelry and dresses and pay off her gambling debts. He set it down firmly. I am and I won't tell the horse. I'll just do it all.
I don't know, at least he won't. Mary Ellen your beauty always takes my breath away I'm still the same sycophant as always it's good to see you again Adam are you surprised oh yes I was surprised listen let's go get this stroller I love it we can visit the rest of our lives horse why You don't leave Adam with the buggy waiter. I would like to talk to you about something for sure, which is Hoss, can't you see that your father wants to talk to you alone? Yeah, right now Paul, if you don't mind, son, he's no good for you, mr.
Cartwright, just keep him busy while I come in and change what happens, a pause that will bring home some bad news or something good in a way, what's bothering heaven? Okay, whatever, but the worry of telling them turns me on. I'm going to listen to him, it won't be pleasant, what's wrong with us? You don't know Helen very well, go ahead, say it, Paul, so when you're done, I want you, Adam and Joe to keep quiet about Helen. No, okay, here's the news, Adam. brought back she will miss him Helen is a gambler a compulsive gambler before Josh died she gambled every penny he had very true yes there is more Josh Layton was barely resting in his grave when she started running with another man to get more money For playing with Paul you said enough I'm not done horse you can't think about getting married she'll ruin your life she's no good Paul don't talk like that I'm not going to listen with my eyes Adam was there Hoss saw Josh Layton drink himself to death for her where are you going?
I'm going to go talk to Helen. I want to tell her what I'm saying behind her back. Adams is telling the truth, it's not a lie. It's a dirty line. I'm going to make Adam Eve a dirty word. Helen has an explanation for this now. I'm going to get him to be my horse. Wait a minute, honey, come in. I couldn't resist putting it on. This is what I wanted. buy when I sent you away from home don't you like it yes so unique of us all Helena I have to talk to you about something oh darling it's so wonderful to have someone to talk to I'm afraid not I really feel like talking right now with your arms around me and Mr.
Assad, it's been so long since I was happy like this, if you only knew how miserable last month was with Joshua, how I twisted the truth until I believed my closest friends were telling horrible lies about me, then you came along and there was no more of yesterday just tomorrow but people will still talk I guess they just have to be cruel and turn everything into a horrible black lie yeah I guess they do you wouldn't believe what you ask them you wouldn't believe what they tell you I don't feel it doesn't make any difference even if If it were true it just wouldn't matter what's done is done and I don't want you to worry about it anymore to hear that you're the kindest and most understanding man alive Oh Hoss, what was was It's that your father wanted to talk to you about that was nothing, just Forget it, well, son, I know you didn't have any bad intentions, I'm sorry, I lost my temper.
I didn't mean to say that I'm a liar as far as I'm concerned. I know that maybe some of what he says is true as far as I am concerned Helens and my life began the day we met. I'm not interested in his past and I don't hear any more about it. What is at stake is your brother's. happiness Wow, don't you think I've considered that look? I told you what kind of woman she is. I don't know what kind of woman she was, there could be a difference, maybe Hoss is right, people can change, ha, yeah, Joe Frank.
So to see Frank a little out of your way, aren't you right? Adam, now don't tell me one of my boys gambled away the Ponderosa, none of your boys, Ben, so I'm a businessman just like anyone else. I took it into account. In good faith, I thought you would honor it well, it's not some kind of test, so what I said, right? I wish I hadn't lost so much weight. Things are. I can't forget about the $5,000. I'm sorry, I'm sorry about what happened, Ben. and I don't talk about my clients' private affairs, that's why I left here thank you, Frank, thank you very much, do you want to tell it, I don't have to carve it out, Ben, uh, I guess I owe you this, you should show us the truth.
Not a word of what you've seen here Neither of you should have uploaded He was just thinking about the horse, that's all we're thinking about We all have to do something about it, we put an end to it He also gets hurt, but I'd rather see who in power tries to pick up the pieces for the rest of his life, you are right now, what do we do about it? Where are we going Virginia City Virginia City whatever because I heard about your little experience at the Sazerac yesterday afternoon oh you mean those dumb coin machines weren't that horrible no I mean the $5,000 note the dealer presented it last night for the payment what are you talking about do you know what I'm talking about I will pay it in full and now you are going to send me out of the country to protect your little brother, it's just that no, it's not like that, the horse doesn't know anything about it, so, what are you doing?
We'll take it back to Sazerac, I'll give you a chance to get that $5,000 back, you mean you really bet me, I'll bet you Adam Cod, right? I like your thinking, it's 5 10 10, make your bet 100 and 100 kings over two. they're making a bet Jack Deuce it's a high bet, do it, I'll go with you and a hundred more Falyse won't kill you, you better have a title to get me here, this is Layton, it'll cost You have a hundred more to see if you can improve them. Mrs. Conn. Layton, that's time on these, they beat a colored man how much he lost, well let's see five ten fifteen $20,000 don't worry boss, they're good, I signed for every one of them.
I'm sorry if anything offends me. is any display of violence curiously I was thinking the same thing I wonder if it would be asking too much to ask you to get me out of here dear lady nothing would please me more we could even have dinner together dinner oh that would be wonderful, I can't think of anything I would enjoy more, I think that Joe and I enjoyed doing it, there was no other way, I know they meant well, maybe there was no other way, well, House is the only one who can decide that, friends. I'll sit here and be depressed.
You will go out and work with me.

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