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BONANZA | S1E24 | The Stranger

May 02, 2020
city ​​for you, it's okay Ben, your word is enough for me, come on, I was hoping to find you here, I thought you'd come, I wanted to say goodbye, son, you're not going anywhere, I have no choice, well, there's always a choice here is the choice between running away or facing what happened, what happened in the city, well, I went to see l duuk despite what you promised, I promised I wouldn't hurt him, I didn't say I wouldn't see him while I was talking to him. Cole came in, we got into a fight, he pulled the gun on him and I killed him.
bonanza s1e24 the stranger
The problem is, the sheriff wonders why you ran away. I had many options with Inspector Luk, the only witness. Well, it's your word against his people. from Virginia City we know you and me I know they trust you P that's not the point what's the point luk told me what he would do at trial he said he would stand up in front of that whole city and tell all those dirty lies about my mother, you were running away to protect your mother's name, yes, that's all, your mother begged me to stay in Orleans regardless of the consequences for her, I can't do it, I made a mistake, Joe, I can't allow it .
bonanza s1e24 the stranger

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bonanza s1e24 the stranger...

You make the same mistake, you come home with me now and tomorrow morning we will go to the city together. Son, you have always trusted me and running away will ruin your life and won't help you get back home. I am asking you. Sherff, I brought you prisoner, thanks Ben, what do you have to say? Yell at him in self-defense. Cole's gun was in his holster. That's impossible. He served first. He was there. Why did you run away? Maybe I thought he would be framed as what is happening. Now you know better, Adam, you'll get a fair trial, I'll lock you up, sons, boys, wait here.
bonanza s1e24 the stranger
I'll be back in a few minutes. I saw you coming to the city with your son if you have come to plead for him. You are losing your time. You didn't come to Virginia City for my son. You came for me. I'd rather admire you for bringing them. Show some respect for the law. I respect. My son tells me that he saw the shooting. M. he also tells him. me, you can clear him for all the crimes, he claims that he is innocent, do not call my son a criminal and let's stop beating around the bush, you came to Virginia City to close the Larush murder case, while I will give you the opportunity to do precisely that.
bonanza s1e24 the stranger
Are you offering me a deal? I'm offering you a deal. Make it clear, boy, and I'll go back to New Orleans with you? Well, I don't know, are you asking me to purge? I am an officer of the law, the truth is not open to whim, but now suppose I make this commitment. Would you come back to me unarmed, yes and alone, just you and me on horseback? Yes, I would and you would give me your promise. word that you wouldn't try to escape I give you my word how long it would take you to prepare the horses and provisions one hour doing an hour and a half I will have time to get equipped I will see you in Get out of jail and we will get you out, son, we will get straight out of there and Cartright, you should feel relieved.
Each criminal is always the one who finally surrenders to Justice. P., who is coming, Inspector Luk, you have agreed to tell the truth about the shooting. He told the truth why. I'll go back to New Orleans with him now I'll be back I'll be back soon H Sheriff's Inspector Ben says you have something you want to tell me, yes, about the death of my partner, Mr. Tom Cole, come over the desk. Please, you see, he was quite stunned by what happened, so I prefer to confuse the facts. UNC confuses them well, as I remember that now Cole was drunk, he took out Joe Cartright first and fired in self-defense.
What's up with the gun in Cole's holster? He put it there. himself before dying a kind of reflection Lord, he really was confused, wasn't he? Maybe strange weather Rarely spoils events like this in New Orleans Sir, stay in New Orleans from now on, we need you around here like we need the plague. I belong in that cell instead of little Joe. Oh, sure, if everyone makes mistakes, I ask Ben. All I want to ask Ben is if he will accept my apology. Thanks Sheriff. Don't let the little jaw come out of the cell until it's okay.
Why not where are you going? Do me a favor and see when I return. Well, little Joe will be up very soon. Poor thing, I know you told us not to, but how come Adam and I can't go about 10 miles and intercept you? a couple of outlaws approached you it wouldn't be your fault you'd better get it C well at least we can travel with you he can't object to that oh he does object I said I'd go alone well why? that's so important what his motive is I don't know anyway have my word I'm waiting for Adam I'll bring you the package before I call you you're not a bad cook you know it reminds me that something happened recently there was a case where a convicted man wanted to cook his last meal and didn't have time to eat it, so you knew it was very good.
I'm sure he was the Duke. Why did you wait 20 years to come after me? I am a law enforcement officer I am subject to the orders of my superiors I just can't believe that his superiors suddenly after 20 years decided they should bring me back. Well, I made that decision myself because I had to become an inspector before I could do that. The fact that it took 20 years is your fault, not my fault, yes, I already told you that a man with a physical disability does not dry out so quickly in police work. I told you before, I am not responsible for that accident.
It was an accident that happened. in the performance of duty. Now, when you became a police officer, you must have thought that you would have to take certain risks. Well, strangely enough, I used to use those same arguments with myself. He knew my hatred towards you. It could become an obsession. I wanted to control it. I wish I had succeeded. Oh, I did for a while, but then, as I watched inferior men get promoted above my head, I began to wonder if I wasn't being too charitable in my thoughts about you. That when you started thinking about revenge instead of justice, well, didn't I expect it after all the misery you cause me?
I don't think any man is justified in wearing a badge to satisfy his personal hatred. So cold blooded on your thought card, right, no, I have hated men in my time, but I have been able to control myself and not allow that hatred to influence my life. Oh, why not? You are a rich man. Do you have any children. I have loved women and been loved by buying them. Oh, that broken knee of yours, it's really been a help, hasn't it? What do you mean by the way you use it to lean on as a crutch to explain your little personal failures? and your police work with women and your relationships with other people, stop it, accept it, it's not your knee, it's you, stop it or I'll shoot you now, that's true, isn't it?
You never intended to take me back. to New Orleans, did you understand everything? Don't you know how it happened? They were going to kill me while I was trying to escape. Do you want me to say yes? No, then you would be free to break your word huh, I don't intend to break my word, I don't intend to try to escape because I'm going to get to no orans in case you have any idea of ​​killing me first, no, no , I. I don't want to kill you Good night I'm not going to sleep tonight Ben Cardr I'm not going to sleep any night while you're alive It seems like a war today What are you waiting for?
Ride up, get away from me, you hear me, get away from me c I think I'll put a bullet in your leg so you know how it feels, okay, get over it, you have another gun, this will do it, they've had enough, that's how it was . They're not looking for scalps, they're looking for horses. How far is the well near a settlement? There is a way station ahead. How far is about 20 miles, 20 miles over those hills without everything and without water? Come on, stay in front of me, wait, wait, wait, let's rest. for a while I have to keep moving his son will kill you I can't walk anymore I have to get to the water let me help you just walk away I don't need your help well let me help you now I said walk away keep going pull the trigger waiting 20 years for this oh let me get you some water easy easy that's enough you brought me why didn't you leave me out there to die I couldn't let you die out there why isn't it better for both of us when is the next stage?
Go east, uh, due sometime tonight, where are we going? New Orleans, there's nothing in New Orleans for you, you have a warning for my arrest, right? You were right, I'm telling you to kill you before we get there, but you. I can't kill without hate and now the hate is gone. It's a kind of relief. This wish was never good. Were you acquitted 20 years ago by everyone except me? That letter the judge sent you. I intercepted it. Why didn't you leave me? out there to die can you get some food for a couple of hungry men?

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