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Bonanza en HD _ Temporada 6 - Capítulo 09 + 10 (Episodio Completo en Español La)

May 11, 2024
ah ah ah Ah ah you're fine dad of course Forgive me I'm sorry I woke you up I had a nightmare you don't have to tell me this happens to you very often Now I don't understand what's happening to me do you want to eat something and discuss this matter when I wake up I don't remember what I dreamed I don't Can you remember later, nothing. That's what surprises me. I just know that I'm afraid, it's gone. Of course, it's nonsense. Go to sleep peacefully. Well, go well. Sleep well. Yes, well, there. There, there, there, there, there.
bonanza en hd temporada 6   cap tulo 09 10 episodio completo en espa ol la
There, there, there, no, that's it. that's it, you can win, that's it, that's it, that's very good, I'm still the champion, whose turn is ebright, the only thing missing is now, why don't you try today, yes, why not, no, friends, there's nothing to prove, you're afraid that mit will beat you. I haven't come to look for fights. Hey, I'll be back on Friday and I'll fight whoever you want, except with Joeb, and I haven't come to look, but I'm not going to run away either. Hey, practice a lot to see if you win. Wait for me here on Friday.
bonanza en hd temporada 6   cap tulo 09 10 episodio completo en espa ol la

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bonanza en hd temporada 6 cap tulo 09 10 episodio completo en espa ol la...

Hey, let's go and drink. I invite you all. So until Friday, okay, I didn't like that Ken spoke like that, it seems like he's trying to antagonize me with that guy, I'm already fed up, let's not go, you don't have to bother, that's why our friendship will always be the same, yeah, and don't be afraid because you'll always beat us by clicking, yes, but Don't let the fumes go to your head, you saw, es, boom, he killed three of your best cattle, ah, I'll hunt him another time, and Oh No, now hidden in the undergrowth, he could surprise us.
bonanza en hd temporada 6   cap tulo 09 10 episodio completo en espa ol la
I hope he's there, I know where I can shoot from. I'll go up there. Alo de water is very high it won't be easy to go up That doesn't matter eh I yo Jo now I threw at the puma and I missed but it will be easy for you from up there go to your area so turn your head to the right below you don't let him escape I can't tell you it happens are you okay yes yes am sorry he kept running away to clemens Rich why didn't you shoot when I told you I dropped my rifle go back up there to look for it forget it I'll come back for it tomorrow eh Hey but you're going to leave leaving such a good rifle in the monte is my rifle forget it okay it will be as you want me until friday invite me to work the sun shines the birds sing sleep like a dormouse and I'm hungry pass me those eggs what's wrong with you Yes why so much joy Why do you feel so happy before breakfast I don't know you don't make an effort to try to understand me Today I am a different man but pass me the eggs Thank you and where is Sophocles from the Ponderosa this morning if you mean your brother ad he's already gone Oh to cut the logs I forgot well I'm ready I'm going to prepare the cart to leave don't be late Hey someone bought the Dickinson horse I met hari yesterday and he offered it to me it will be fun to take that colt I bet it's a good deal with those colts you never know you know a good horse just by looking at him Well Sometimes they deceive and you don't really know it's like with men They're good and awake.
bonanza en hd temporada 6   cap tulo 09 10 episodio completo en espa ol la
At this rate we won't get there well J I'll go quickly now we'll go faster Ah let's go slower I'm going to dump what are you laughing at what the hell is wrong with you and what's happening to you isn't it because you've been afraid for 10 years You're very strange I don't understand what's happening to you Oh let's continue we wasted a lot of time I won't guide anymore I'll go Well I'm going to bed Do you want to play another game that's fine Good night good night I should let him win from time to time I just came to see you today no I stopped by his house before coming back here, what did it matter to you?
Well, he told me what happened yesterday. It was stupid. Don't pay attention. He realized how the puma and the rifle affected you. You did the best you could. You shouldn't feel bad. Just that. He said there's more to it than that and no I'm not going to go to bed and it was your favorite rifle and I'll get it back don't be afraid Good night good night son I can't why have you been there for a long time I arrived now dad is looking for you Hey what were you doing standing there nothing goes by way of answering why do you like to know everything?
Hey Jo, you disappear and when I come to look for you I find you standing here and then you answer me like this well J enough what does dad want talk come on I don't know he told me to go alone I will never hunt that Puma if he doesn't Leave them alone, what a strange way to hunt. What's strange about it? You don't have a r. You sent me to look for Yes, what's going on here? I bought the colt from Dickinson. He's a very strong horse. He's ready for you to start breaking in whenever you want. surprise Well it surprised me That you would be very happy I'm happy I thought you wanted to start taming him right away esar was about to climb a mountain to get my rif back and they made me come here for this you got it I didn't get it he said you were looking for me and that's why V calm down, remember this, do this.
Dear, of course, I'm not as changeable as me nor am I afraid of the colt. I'm sure he's not afraid of me either. calm down, calm down, I'm afraid that's what you think. I didn't say that, you'll never take it the same as me, so don't even try it. You don't want José to ruin that colt, let me tame him a few minutes ago, you had no interest in taming him. I don't want to see you destroy a good horse or for you to think that I'm afraid, whatever you want, brother. Oh, stay still, I don't know what's happening to me, dad, the same thing as the Maybe you don't even know how to treat him well Open up I can't wait I'm going to fall if not Every time he speaks he seems like a volcano erupting it's crazy I don't know who he shows his value to I don't want to witness it and there That's enough for today Dad, I said that's enough.
I can take it with that mood you have. You won't hurt the horse and yourself too. Why don't you let me do things the way I want, my way? Why don't you let me be in peace? Hello, Hello, sir. car How is everything What are you doing I'm busy V such a beautiful colt they have got I'm busy it doesn't matter I'll wait for you to finish whatever why to talk to you And that's why, well you won't talk about what you said to my father aer stop getting involved in my affairs but And what's happening to you now why do you receive me like this when I came to give you a message that I wanted messages from no one If you don't want trouble with me Shut your mouth and go away Oh Oh how stupid you are you don't have to go up and you're not obliged There's no need to prove that you can, I know what I'll do.
I just have to shoot, I don't have to go up any more than do it with What's up, fall from there d d you won but I'll be back you won but I'll be back Joseph, were you waiting for me, dad, no. Hey, I'm not a child anymore, it's true that I'm not. But it's a little late, tell me at last. Did you talk to him today, he came to tell you, I don't want to know what he came to tell me, he lied, he came to tell you that they killed that Puma yesterday, everything has already been resolved, the matter of hunting the Puma has been resolved, I can rest assured.
Yes, and The rifle issue was solved No, I haven't had time to go look for it, something is bothering you, wow, dad. Don't try to complicate things, nothing is wrong with me at all, you don't have to look closely to notice that something is bothering you. Until now, you confided problems to me. I have nothing to tell you Josep there are things that one has to solve just to feel like a man in front of oneself you have practiced what is necessary if you don't practice you will never beat the champion Shut up Now Hey, as long as I earn that money I have the right to say whatever the next person wants who take a risk let's go have a beer what's wrong guys no one dares a beer Hello how are you Come closer so you can see how much I'm earning today Ah yes I'm glad to see you with me Now did you hear that guys Jo's going to try Yes that's what he said Everyone heard it, he even bet his money, now, I bet and his money is as good as ours, it's true, you're afraid that they'll defeat you this time.
Hey, I'm ready. Stop talking so much and start, start, I tell you, shut up, otherwise you'll end up very bad. Ken I said I'm ready Sure why so many detours I start pu new champion now we have to beat Jo in leave me alone you won't let me explain you don't have to explain everything is over we always said we would never face two but you failed I don't see why you are different I don't know I don't understand it is that I needed to do that you needed it it's probably but and I you knew well what this was worth to me we spoke several times and you yourself have encouraged me aenc felt pride in being the champion and also dignity s they respected me And knowing how I felt, you eliminated me.
I never expected it from a good friend. You don't know how much. I'm sorry. Don't say this and everything you say is useless. Good morning. I didn't know you were up. I wanted to leave early. I thought I'd leave you a note saying that I'll be gone for a few days. without saying where you're going and why I was going to help Adam Adam I'm bringing people I don't think anyone else is missing I want to be alone for a few days You'll let me go very well Why don't you run away to St. Louis or Africa or Better yet at last from the world why don't you run away where no one sees you Far away from yourself if you can I don't want to argue anymore It's been a while since I noticed this is my problem and I want to solve it alone at least tell me one thing What makes you that way is I don't know I have seen well that you suffer a lot, you are always alone, you barely sleep and when you do, you have nightmares, I spoke without thinking, when you talk to people, you offend, you avoid talking to me by all means, you are going to leave now and you still don't know your problem, so it must be that you don't know what It's just that you're afraid to find out Who were you talking to when you're awake?
There's no longer a doubt something's happening to him. What do you think is happening to him? I don't know what's wrong. He's taking a lot of risks for the pleasure of it these days, almost sailing the cart near Mount Eagle's Nest before yesterday and yesterday. When you sent me to look for him, I found him in that same mountain. Only when he saw me, he became furious. Eagle's nest. And why he went there, I don't know. I found him looking at the mountain. He said he was looking for a puma. The rifle he lost. You finally hit the nail on the head.
I don't know I hope it's not too late and you want me to accompany you it's better that you go alone k m josep and listen to me Go go and do what I tell you go down carefully I'll wait for you go slowly and don't look down I can't Try it dad I can't Why I'm afraid I'm afraid and I don't know why I'm afraid nothing is going to happen to you I know why I act like a child when I'm not one You don't know how many times I've returned to this mountain to look for my rifle How many times I've been crying in front of it because I'm scared and I don't understand why I know why Hey this is good You left home once while you were still very PE everywhere Until I finally got you crying scared I had gone up to where you are now and I had to take you down in my arms but dad Now I am a man, you must think that there are times when one's past is reflected, these are things that we cannot control in a fearful way, especially now that you can see clearly.
What was his reason, you do not convince me with your words, they have not worked. In fact, I know what I have to do and I'm going to do it, I'll do it In my own way, just now Leave me, leave me and come home, Dad, I'll do it alone, without help, I can't and right now I'm going to go up and help you, wait, you want to help me, but with it I feel worse I'm going to get to where he is and let me do it I'll do it Just help me I'm falling help me Jo wait I'm going to help you dad won't be able to lift me up You need something r hold on to him bring the r now I'm going hold on dad I'm fine I'm okay I'm coming dad I'm coming dad hold on hold on there thank you I thank you Thank you that rifle was there you didn't need help your fight is over if I can go home now pay it carefully 24 once again that's it and this cart is getting something heavy yes but you have to suffer like a champion You think I should train this way I don't have the slightest doubt let me think do you want 25 one more time let's go Oh that's it that's good very good fart on the ground now slowly Oh I told you How slowly I hurt my back Ah I'm sorry and don't worry you don't think you've improved Ah Well you did lift it more times than yesterday yes you're almost ready Yu you haven't thought that maybe this idea of ​​yours isn't so good Ah you're not scared right Oh no Of course not but since it occurred to you that I should fight you have me bending everything you find lifting that cart and running down the ponderosa that is called exercising exercising yes This way you will be in shape soon with the exercise program leave it all on me and you will see Yes you are the one who directs me Yes but the hard work is my turn Jo J I plan to give you a good share if you win Ah yes yes thank you and that's fine you are ready for the exercise with the board let's start well prepared here Let's do something different today to continue your training okay ready very good you're improving I think so you can her win I'm sure What's going on here Oh dad I practice with Jo What does that mean why do you practice Eh Well tell him administrator come on Well you know that the circus is about to come, right?
This time a wrestler will come who will be the attraction, his name is berat Samson, the owner of the Circus will give $ to whoever throws berat to the ground and keeps him there for 5 minutes and you will be serious. Of course, yes, I agree that you are stronger than a mule Yes but that man must be a professional fighter he is going to hurt you wait jost has been practicing daily for more than a month No one can match j you know the strength that he has always had Hey the truth is that You don't know that job, it's a dangerous thing.
You don't know. Oh, I don't know what to say, dad. I wouldn't want to lose all my training. I'm almost ready. That's the truth. If you think that's fine, I won't talk anymore. Thank you, dad. Don't worry. I'll put them back as they were before. Do it now, of course, I'll do it before I go to breakfast. I want you to do me a favor. It's dad this afternoon. Mr. Ram will arrive. He represents the railway company. He wants the train to pass through these lands. All of your nonsense is hereditary. Accept any challenge. You can come in, gentlemen, hurry up, the show is going to start, go ahead, Adel will fight with him, come on, hurry up and decide to win $, come on, come in likeYou all know the circus that is willing to pay $ to the man to fight with Samson and keep him on the floor without him being able to get up for 5 minutes Hey, I think he knows his job well Who is he Aha, you are better than him 20 times Let you come closer, liberated, that's what you think We'll finish it, we'll be champions Let us prove how strong we are, why are you included in this, tell me, do you think that you would be here if it weren't for me, no, I wouldn't have been able to come.
Thank you, I'm your brother. Aha, and as Berard Samson's opponent for the $ prize, I hope I'm wrong, but he's going to destroy all of my brother's ribs, he's working out, which makes me even more distrustful, but even so, my son has given you the month's salary. The truth is that I shouldn't steal your money like that but I'm going to accept okay now the fight of the year will begin prep your two know the rules how to spend minutes on the ground to win their money let's go very hard ahead with what do you expect agate as you know so it's fine because you'll work for a month so you haven't won let them go and what's wrong with you let it go and let's waste your time I already know what I'm going to do with that extra salary If you had followed the rules I wouldn't have lost the money it's a strong boy that J if he had won today but he didn't obey the rules lasl you don't get annoying because I will give you rules to follow my ribs I think they are broken I am very sorry sir I just got carried away with enthusiasm with that is the story you bring It's just that you didn't hear that you had to put him on the floor because you didn't do what he said, you mean that we won't collect the money according to the rules, not all my training was lost, I'm very sorry about what happened today, Ed, I think it's better to take him to a doctor, come on. having broken his ribs And that we lost our everything because of you did what you feared he broke four ribs We didn't do it with bad intentions You know I haven't told you that but lately everything I do goes wrong and now it doesn't she will be able to work maybe in two months and I don't have a sh she is old and tired she was the best thing my Circus has Well I am very sorry Mr.
Tedy consent to it you I will not keep my Circus afloat nor will Berc heal and neither will he feed the five children he He has five children and a wife. I wish I could do something to help him. Thinking about it, son, I think you can help. How could they even think of doing it, but we only promised Mr. Fidy that I will take Bcat's place in the circus for six weeks. That he was getting better was the only thing we could do to help they wanted to help him And what about me I need you here I need people to fulfill the contract I signed with Ramsey Oh I'm sorry about what happened but there is no more How to avoid it we signed the contract with twi did you say your contract or I didn't hear correctly eh Well that's right we had to help berard his children and his wife yes oh there are five children you will have to let them go Let them go out to see the cruel world Yes you Shut up Adam with that the contract with tdy is more important than mine with Mr.
Rams he pays them AC case more than me, be surprised by this he will pay us 2 for each match that I have with whoever I want to fight and he will pay them that amount Even if you lose he will also pay them well One thing is that we will always win, as long as we fight. We have worked the agreed time and it is fine and he can go back to fighting in the circus like before. Give us the 400 he owes us and we will leave, guys. When I look back I think I rushed too much. by offering them employment What does it mean, well, the expenses in this circus are many and the profits are few, the truth is that I can't pay them Of course I know very well Why don't you pay us, you played poker and you're penniless, we already know you, wait, wait, wait.
Let us finish what I say is true, you did not give us any of what I won but you played it and I am going to force you to pay me yes you will have to wait for me to win Oh sure very well and we will never get our money what we want is that you pay us And now Oh we are here waiting but you don't understand there are children who will suffer with this and a poor mother listen to me Fox and I were honest with you and we fulfilled our part of the contract So now you fulfill yours and pay me Hello I'm glad to see you again we're back and we're both glad to be home sweet home dad we learned a lot Well I'm glad to have you here Amen one more month with this tyrant of a father who made me his slave and I have that I should go behind you already heard it like that think to me the older brother I don't blame him he had all the work on his own Well Let's see tell me you beat me eh and well eh it was a matter of luck Oh luck it seems that no one in the world can beat him and he learned to put them all on the ground no don't pay attention to him and he always exaggerates and he wrote that they both won 00 so it must have been a great victory Yes but you already told us once that a few percent is better than nothing It's not true the sad story will begin now we will not return empty handed Eh don't believe it you have no reason to worry There is some cause for concern No it's not that we think that maybe Money is not as important as a useful animal is Here yes a Sometimes it turns out to be better, you already have knowledge of livestock And you know what to buy Where is the good thing in the stable Let's go there, what are you waiting for I want to see something other than railroad ties Although I suspect that something is wrong if I I would fight like you manage I would be in the hospital I say you don't have to worry Oh many many many many many many many many Hey hey dad wait wait a moment that we dad wait Hey first we want to tell you that we know we should have brought the money Oh no guys yes the cattle are good I think that then they are worth their weight in gold I always said it you are going to see something wonderful wonderful eh But first I would like to tell you that what I and I had I will not repeat that I taught them to recognize an animal when they saw it and I trust you okay listen the old shiva is very tame and we can teach her to work in the field This is what tdy gave them instead of money she couldn't pay us How did they think of bringing an elephant It will be very useful You will see plowing no They will match her.
You have to admit it. I wasn't expecting this. I can't believe it. I just can't. I will never understand that two intelligent and reasonable young people have accepted a job for this. What were they hoping to do with her? She is meek and intelligent. She does what you tell her. Let me show you what. ago you'll see You'll like it come on sh come on shelo what you know how to do walk you'll see you dad down sh down sh very good shiba up sha let's go down down you're behaving very well up shiva up take her What's wrong You don't like her monster she must leave before Last night he will plow all the cattle and eat the eleno.
I have no doubt about that. Well, he tricked them both into not paying them. Now take her and have him pay you with money. Dad, we can't handle it and why don't we sign a paper accepting it? the elephant instead of money Hey, I want that elephant away soon because I'm capable of killing it if you leave it here, I'm going to go to town when I get back I hope you followed my orders and that I don't find that here, I already cut the railroad ties but I haven't taken them down the mountain yet, let them do it.
Adam worked hard enough. Hey, Dad. I was thinking that since you have to go to town anyway, well, maybe you could talk to Tdy and tell him to stay with Shiva. We can go with you to see. how you treat the business It will be something that only you are capable of so We will learn yes I think they would learn maybe but if you do what is left here without doing that will be a great lesson Adam take them there I will show them the way but I will not work with them They will do it alone.
Hey, you're going to go talk to him about all this. Please tell me the truth. That elephant is tame, as you say, clear as a Lamb. Don't have any doubt about it. Give me that, Dad. It's formidable. The diligence arrives today. Look at that to present. his own c elephant the ponderosa would never have believed such a thing if he had not seen it as now up up up Roy is still here yes he is leaving Soon that's what I heard him say he's here uh soon he's going to have to turn this animal into 400 come on shiva s come on shiv you are very smart you didn't pay those two for their work in the circus and you gave it to the old goat making them sign before taking it they will have to bring it to you part of your family is coming here sh old lady sh you don't know I missed you Since you left, it's so nice, Mr.
Car, the boys are taking good care of the old shiv. If you mean by that, she has eaten like Teng, yes, I miss my old friend terribly. So why don't you send the 400 to the boys and you can stay with your shiva from now on, that's what I would like, yes, Mr. Car, but I don't have any money. The boys will have already told you. Well, Mr. T, tell me how much money you have of what you should give them. I don't want to. go back to her Well, I would like to see Shiva again in the circus But I admit that the food is already there, well, Mr.
Car, I thought that she was never as good as she is now, she should stay with you there at your ranch, don't you think, here she would have to work for eat, I can't force you to return here since you have every right to be happy one day and you already are. You have a heart of gold, it's not true, but you can't fool me like you did with my children and I don't think you'll get away. with yours let's go sh ch go to sleep now shiva Stay here Anderson if you buy shiva more customers will come to your store it will be an attraction and they will come from other neighboring towns don't you think I'm not interested you think about it look at this you make a sign and put it on shiva that a sign and on it you write you Anderson Virginia City store and warehouse and shiva will advertise as far as you want Hey, I'm not interested in selling it cheap and you're even more interested in how much at $400 400 I thought I would sell it for 50 or 6 I don't know how Do you dare, listen, I'm sorry for what happened, sialo, for you, you have to pay for that.
Man, I have a complaint against you, the elephant. You mean, when you came to the city yesterday, a horse got scared and ran away. I don't have the same right to the street as the others. else Hey, I don't want to argue with you but I came to ask you to sell or give away the elephant and he's going to pay me for the peanut butter, I'll put it in his account in Von's account, let's do what he has to do and noeu cof will accompany me like seaweed that you are sa see your sir, my deal with Mr.
Car's children was honest, there was no deception, they signed a paper and you knew that all this was going to happen to us, sir, you speak to me as if I were a scammer, there was no mistake in that, something like this man has right to sue me no you don't have any come I'm sorry to tell you that he's right yes I think you're in luck t stay with her with her I told him I don't want that elephant she's getting old remember okay he asks for her and she stays with you Well, I think I'm asking to do him a favor 200 you heard him say 200 Roy you said you would make him money listen, he can't ask me for 200 it's an abuse a robbery he can now ask for whatever he wants come Roy I would think he betrayed me if he didn't give you I knew very well I'm just trying to be Impartial Impartial Roy I campaigned for your election I won't do it again wait a minute I'm just trying to be fair Well I'm not going to pay anyone what he asks for to get rid of it say what you want Well, but I do warn you that you should get out of it by selling it or watering it before it gets dark today, I understand, wow, what a beautiful afternoon, right?
Hey, how are things going, Papo, he's doing the best business of his life. I wish I were half the businessman that he is. but I was the one who invited him to do that. I have put all my salary into making a perfect business. Hey Joe, if he brings what he owes us, I'll settle for it. I won't ask for anything more. Yes, yes. Amen. Although who knows, yes. It can't be said Adam, you can't stand us earning a little extra money right mm it seems like dad doesn't either abo down now up shiva up hey dad What happened will come Search then for sh you took her to like you promised us right you gave her orders to That someone would come for her later, no.
Then what happened is that you got attached to Shiv, you don't want to. Now see that they take her. Well, I have decided that since Shiva is not my problem, I am not going to take away any kind of responsibilities from my children now, a good excuse. what did you say Oh I think you're very right Ah but dad You promised to talk to us we counted on your help and we believed that you would get more out of it I have other more important things to do than get on that elephant and play a clown I warn you that they will not vote for and in the elections I work here r wants us to deliver the sleepers soon okay what can we do Adam Tell them what to do Fu with the two of them and they are all cut well load them to the river and let them float we can't Hey I'm not in the mood don't argue now Like this Let them go, that's right, you can't pour out the river And why not, eh, well, the river dried up, the river dried up.
Yes, that's how it is, oh oh, even the gods are against me. Listen, the three of you, we'll have to do something tonight. Think about how you can get down. The logs for the sleepers from the mountain and deliver them when we have agreed to Mr. Ramsey. Don't worry, don't worry, I'll set the alarm clock. And when we get up, we'll start thinking about something. I had almost forgotten. The four of us take turns taking care of Shiva all day and the night starting tomorrow from tonight J shiva is tame you know it yes it is but it still has to be done I have to sleep if you want me to bring that wood from the mountain early tomorrow Jose you don't argue with me about an order Yes dad stop playing shiva I'm not joking, the only thing you've donefact is bother we should never have brought you here it's time to come and relieve me Stay still Don't move Jo will come soon to take care of you stay still Don't move Stay there shiva yes Stay there Wait shiva shiva You heard me stay in the stable don't follow me shiva sha I don't know why You have to be like this I'm just going to wake me up and he will come here you're afraid no sh please you're going to destroy the house shiv Ob come on let's lar des here don't move What are you doing you're going to wake up our father for him to scold us I thought you were asleep asleep I can't stop thinking anymore But I think I have a good idea Dad came home in such a bad mood, make up your mind, Berat boys and I are leaving today.
Really, how are you going to manage without shiva easily? Last night I made enough money playing poker and I was able to buy a mule. I don't need the old shiva. But if I stay with her she will pull the cart and draw the attention of the public I don't need her for anything else so that's what she thinks s to cooperate with you and bring me the money if someone tells me this I don't believe it Jos Uh-huh yes In bad weather good Well, we'll do that too, the two of us from today, eh. How can I explain it?
I have a very good idea that I'll tell you. Both Jos and I decided last night to set up a circus like yours. And why can't it be even better? We already have Shiva and J. It will be the biggest attraction you have ever seen. You can do that to me. Oh, that's what we are going to work on. From city to city and from town to town, we will do the same thing that you do with your Circus and also I. I will fight against merka. You choose the town and then you your clients will come to our Circus I will fight against those who want they will not Oh live and learn sir we learned from you you are a great teacher okay I give up I will stay with shiv but wait a moment sir there is still a pending matter of 00 with the interests He has to pay us today I don't have a cent I paid for the mule with what I earned last night m sold it's in Barn's stable Come on Shiva we would have liked to stay with you but our father would have ended up killing you the first time they beat you What are you saying I got Shiva for him circus J fought for us without charging anything and they only took that old and stupid mule out of me That I won playing last night they didn't win the game I won it on my own I just have to be very smart not to be fooled these days J yes it's true we knew how to handle to tdy like experts Ah we lied to him as well as he did and he believed us both and I believe it so Hey, you know what I'm thinking that we didn't see the mule before accepting the business that he proposed to us I have no doubt and why He knows a lot and he's smart.
If I accept it last night, it must be for a reason. Hey dad, Joe, I'm tired. It was a very long trip for you. Hello, where were you? Wait until we tell you ig. First, I have our problem already solved, but let you know about sh, don't wait. Hey, I need someone strong who can carry those heavy sleepers. Elo has dried up and we will have to lower them with RAM and I won't have to use horses on rocky terrain. Tell me what is the greatest strength we have on the Ponderosa with us now no don't think think no You know you still have to solve a problem sometimes with another problem what other problem to sha Of course Shiva has forgotten the elephants in India that work raising entire forests that's what I thought we put an RNA from a caret and fill it with the sleepers to place the r but in state and vonos it happens well it is that it speaks speaks now intelligent trainer Yes there is something that you do not know shiva is not there we took her to the town and and we let you and dise take her that was your plan we did not use all our intelligence in this How do we not leave empty-handed no no There is the There is the exchange of a magnificent elephant that superb animal for that that mule It was the only thing of value ten for weeks I have worked so that the railway company could run the train through the ponderosa I finally managed to sell them the logs that they will use in the construction of the entire Line during that week you two were walking away enjoying and not working while you entertained yourself Adam cut the sleepers you have to take them down from the mountain in a week a week one week that's what he said let's go Hey J we're here You're home I've never been so tired in my life Yes I am too j and well we did it all the sleepers that were on the mountain were made we took them down intelligence never fails me how I confess that I didn't think they would do it, they did a great job, it wasn't the perfect combination of intelligence and brute force.
Well, your intelligence. Maybe it wouldn't be of much use to you if it weren't for Jos's brute force, which did the strongest work, true, but I gave him the training that got him in shape and to that he owes everything it must rain like never before up in the mountain the r is going to overflow in a few hours we cannot win them all That's what you think the river will rise Soon there will be so much water that if you don't know how to swim you will have to learn now water there is water in the river that is what we expected he would have water you know what it means you can enter the contest of the canoes that go down the Jos river it is $1,000 per 000 000 Wow and what you need is a good coach Aha and a very big canua yes 000 Wow and Hey what I'll do with you Now you go

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