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Body Facts and Rare Features You May Not Know About Yourself

Apr 23, 2024
Now, if you don't want to sneeze, press the skin on the bridge of your nose with your fingers. When you do this, your brain receives an alarm signal very quickly and stops all other processes, including the sneeze reflex, by the way, the longest. A sneezing attack was recorded in 1981. Sorry, it lasted 976 days. During this time, a woman in the United Kingdom sneezed more than a million times. The part of the brain responsible for vision is in the back of the head, interestingly on the right side of the brain. control vision on the left side and vice versa if you are in a noisy place, for example in a club or at a concert, close your ears to better hear your friends push the tragus, the pointy skin-covered cartilage in front of the ear canal. your ear then turn this ear towards your friend feel anxious press your fingers into a fist with the thumb outwards and blow slowly on this finger if you can't stop the hiccups put an ice cube on your tongue or you can close your ears with your palms and drinking a glass of water with a straw in one go, pulling the tip of the tongue or raising your arms to the ceiling can also be helpful.
body facts and rare features you may not know about yourself
On average, when a person snores, the sound does not exceed 60 decibels, i.e. as loud as normal conversation, but sometimes noise levels can reach 80 decibels, which is as loud as a running food blender. If you want to wake up faster, hold your breath for a while. When you do this, your heart begins to beat faster and your


activates. mode but don't overdo it if you wake up too abruptly you will put unnecessary stress on your heart if you feel like Moody is holding a pencil between your teeth the muscles involved in smiling will go to work this will send special impulses to your brain and you will start producing endorphins in no time over time your smile will become much more sincere right-handed people tend to chew most of the food with the right side of their mouth and left-handed people use the left side more the smell of rosemary can help you activate your super memory every time If you need to learn something by heart, do it lying in bed with a sprig of rosemary nearby, it will help you memorize the information more effectively and quickly if your leg is falling asleep.
body facts and rare features you may not know about yourself

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body facts and rare features you may not know about yourself...

He shakes his head. In about a minute you will notice that your muscles have relaxed and the tingling sensation has shifted to the muscles that help your eyes focus. Do about a hundred thousand movements a day if you want your leg muscles to move as much as you can. You need to walk 50 miles Deja Vu could actually be something like a delay in brain processing. There is a theory that it could happen when your brain is moving information from one part to another. If there is even the slightest delay in that process, your brain will get the same information. twice in this case it will process it as an event that happened before of all those people who can move their ears, only 30 percent can move only one ear.
body facts and rare features you may not know about yourself
Your mouth burns when you eat pineapple because while you eat this. The fruit is eating you. Pineapple is the only food


n to contain bromelang, which is an enzyme that breaks down proteins. Luckily, your stomach acid


s how to deal with the offending enzyme. If your throat is ticklish, scratch your ear, this stimulates a nerve, which results. in a muscle spasm in your throat and in no time the tickling disappears surprisingly you burn more calories when you sleep than when you watch TV ask your friend to sit on a chair and put your index finger on their forehead and then tell them to stand up Without using their hands, they won't be able to do it.
body facts and rare features you may not know about yourself
Just as salamanders regrow their tails, humans could regenerate cartilage, which is a rubber-like substance that surrounds joints. Scientists have recently discovered that cartilage could repair itself in this process. It is likely to be most effective on the ankle, not as effective on the knee, and least effective on the hip if you are lying in bed and suddenly experience vertigo. Place one of your feet on the ground, your brain will receive the information that you are standing on something firm and the unpleasant sensation will pass. Only 30 percent of people can flare their nostrils if someone touches your back while you're hugging.
They non-verbally ask you to let go. People with only one Palmer. The palm crease has only one line on the palm. These people are very


. Only 1.5 percent of the world's population. Most people have two folds in the palm. They are more likely to have an even fold. only than women. In most cases, it is hereditary. Your taste buds have one. very short life cycle they live no more than 10 to 14 days your lips are hundreds of times more sensitive than the tips of your fingers your skin wrinkles when you stay in water for a long time but it doesn't happen because it absorbs water it is actually wrinkled fingers and toes give you a better grip Studies have shown that sneezing is the nose's way of resetting a sneeze resets the cells that line the inside of the nose are called cilia if a person has anosmia, which is also called smell blindness, no You do not distinguish or detect smells the amount of food you consume throughout your life will weigh as much as eight Asian elephants it is not surprising that people spend almost four years of their life eating your skin analyzes 1 million bits of data per second your ears and your nose process one hundred thousand bits each and your tongue is the least productive it analyzes only 1000 bits multitasking is impossible what we consider multitasking is actually just our brain switching between different tasks very quickly unfortunately in In this case, people tend to make mistakes much more often.
In addition, you may need twice as much time as usual to complete a task; On the other hand, when you do some physical activity that you have done many times before you can perform a mental task as well, that is why you can jog or take a walk easily. Take a shower and think about problems at work, if you see someone constantly fixing their sleeves, they are probably feeling very nervous and fiddling with something is a self-soothing technique. You can check how unique you are by chewing a sprig of cilantro, for some people this herb may taste similar to soap because the plant contains a chemical that is used in soap making, but only between four and fourteen percent. of the world's population have special genes that can detect it.
Are you one of them? An adult uses around 200 muscles to take a single step. Your eyes never stop moving while taking in visual information, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see the full image. These movements go unnoticed because your brain is an excellent video editor, stabilizing images and connecting tons of fragments into one. Fluid video that your stomach gets. a completely new lining every three or four days this is how your


prevents the stomach from digesting itself when a person finds the temperature around the nose and in the inner corners of the eyes increases this phenomenon is known as the effect Pinocchio hmm, the liver is the only human organ that can completely regenerate, even if it is only 25 percent of the original weight of the liver, the organ can return to its full size.
Synesis is an unusual and


ability. People who have it can taste music or hear colors, but only one in two. Thousands of people suffer from it today. Fingernails and toenails grow faster than they did half a century ago. It may be because people eat more protein these days. You start to feel thirsty once your water loss reaches one percent of your body weight, more than five percent. Even a slight loss of water that exceeds 10 percent of your body weight, let's just say it doesn't end well, your brain can generate more than 48 thoughts in less than a minute, that's almost 3,000 thoughts per hour and more than seventy thousand per hour. hour.
Every day, each person has about 150,000 hairs on their head, on average, each strand grows about half an inch per month. If you combined the growth of each hair, you would measure the distance of 10 miles per year. If you have a leg cramp, pull your big toe towards


this will stretch your muscles and reduce the spasm people have bacteria that can produce electricity living in their intestines these bacteria emit electrons which create small electrical currents this could be the way bacteria generate energy maybe turn on some lights hey, it's dark There, at the end of their life, the average person can remember up to 150 trillion pieces of information.
Let's see how many rare


of the body. You or your friends have elf ears. They are quite rare. They are different because of the pointed part on the outside. There is an additional fold of cartilage in the middle area around the part we know as the scaffa. Most people are right-handed, while about 10 percent are left-handed, but there are those who do not prefer to use their left or right hand and can play. the guitar uses scissors writes and performs all other activities with any hand you want only one percent of them can do it and we know them as ambidextrous and if you can talk with both sides of your mouth you can have a future in politics less than one - a third of the population can open their nostrils on command, the muscle in charge of this is weak because we have nothing to use it, that's why most people can't do those things with their nostrils when told. orders, people living in Nepal and Tibet have a specific gene that allows them to breathe at such high altitudes that most people feel sick in such conditions, but they are unique in that they can breathe normally.
It's a super athlete gene they have there. It can be traced back to the development of a group that lived in the mountains. In areas around Asia about 40,000 years ago, this gene gives them a higher level of oxygen carrying hemoglobin, this is why the body can distribute oxygen more efficiently, so unlike us, they won't feel deprived of oxygen when performing certain tasks at such altitudes. Arcus Salinas is also pretty. Rare is a white or gray arc that can be seen above and below the outer region of the cornea, in other words, the clear dome-shaped thing that covers the front of the eye.
It is common in older people, this arch can become a complete ring around it. the iris, the colored part of the eye, some people naturally don't need too much sleep, most of us can't handle a couple of sleepless nights without consequences, but a small percentage have this special gene that allows them to escape by sleeping six hours or even less, about two hours less than the average, one to three percent of the population has this so-called clock gene, they can be more productive because they don't feel tired like we feel when we sleep less Leonardo. da Vinci Thomas Jefferson and some other famous historical figures were some of them now most people have three cones in their eyes so we can see a wide spectrum of colors but some have an unusual fourth column we call them tetrachromats and because Due to this feature they can see up to 100 million colors the rest of us, the average people, see around 1 million colors.
It is a rare body feature that can be found mainly in women. Have you heard of heterochromia? It is a rare condition in which people have different colored eyes or different colored sections in each eye. Sometimes this condition can cause color differences in other parts of the body, such as hair or skin, or can cause irises with two different shades. Heterochromia is a condition that occurs because, due to genetics, some people have melanin distributed unevenly in their bodies and only one percent of the population suffers from it. Chimerism is a rare genetic condition in which a person has two completely different sets of DNA, which we call genomes, in their body.
One genome predominates in an organ or, generally, in an area of ​​the person's body, while the other. in other tissues or organs even animals can have this condition both animals and humans with chimerism can even have two different types of blood in their body simultaneously and we can be talking about different amounts of each of those types it would be great to have bones so dense almost nothing could break them some people have them thanks to an lrp5g mutation people with these rock bones have bones eight times denser than most when someone says there is something called golden blood, it is easy to imagine small particles of blood running through the veins of some people, but it is not like that nor does it have a golden color, it is called that because we are talking about a rather rare blood group, only about 40 people in the world have it, people do not have all the RH blood cell antigens , which in simple terms means anyone.
Whoever has another rare RH group can have this type as a blood donor, whichit is very useful. Check this out, it's something called the palmaris longus muscle and it was much more important to our ancestors than it was to us. Some of them were big fans of climbing trees. So they developed a specific muscle and ligament to do that over time and some people still have it even today to check if you have it. Simply place the back of your palm on a flat surface now touch your thumb and little finger together and lift them slightly if you see your ligament coming off yes you have a long palmar muscle our short term memory works like a blackboard you can get information but sooner or later you run out of space to check your working memory capacity try this test ask a friend to write a list of 10 words and read it to you.
Most people remember seven or fewer items on that list. Your RAM or working memory is an essential thing we need to perform almost any daily activity, including basic conversations, navigating debt, and even petting your dog. Our strongest and most emotional memories are often falsified. Central memory gives us the confidence to believe that we remember everything, even though most of the details are made up in our heads. Not only does your brain shrink as you age, you also shrink dramatically, your bones getting bigger. brittle the spine is compressed something similar happens when you rest at night if your bones also relax because of this you wake up taller in the morning than at the end of the dayamong mammals, only humans can walk on two legs throughout their lives .
You might think that kangaroos or gorillas move the same way, but kangaroos use their tail as a third leg and gorillas use their long arms for balance. Your bones also participate in metabolism. Since they consist mainly of calcium, when there is not enough of this element in the blood, the bones begin to eliminate it into the bloodstream, which balances the body. The same reaction also works in reverse, when there is too much calcium in the blood, it goes to the bones to be stored. Later, the only bone in your body that has a sense of humor is inside your upper arm, which is why it's called the humerus.
Okay, I made that one up moving along. The only bones that never grow are in our ears. We can listen thanks to these little ones. bones because they have adapted to transmit sound vibrations doctors call them oscular chain one of these auditory bones the stapes is the smallest bone in the entire body it is no larger than a grain of rice our height, the shape of our body and the Skin color depends a lot depends on where our ancestors lived, but we can adapt to new conditions even within our own life, for example, if you move from the plains to the mountains, you will eventually develop more red blood cells to compensate for the lack of oxygen. and, of course, if you move. from a colder climate to a warmer and sunnier one your skin will darken to adapt our lifespan is programmed within ourselves they renew and divide constantly but they have a kind of internal timer that stops at some point some cells also stop reproduce earlier than others The average cell stops dividing when we reach the age of 100, that means that if we could find a way to trick ourselves into turning off the timer, we could live forever.
Body fat is not just a nuisance, it acts as an insulating material, energy reserve and shock. The absorbent that your body sends most of the fat to the waste region because that is where your internal organs are. If something happens to you, this layer of fat could protect your vital signs from irreparable damage. The head up, your skull, is not a single arch, it actually consists of 28 different ones. Bones, many of which are fused to protect the brain. The mandible or lower jaw is the only bone in the skull that is not attached to the surrounding bone.
It is joined with connective tissues and muscles. This is what makes it so mobile that you can move it. In any direction you want, you will see that the strongest muscles in your body are not in your arms or your legs, they are in your head. The masseter is the main muscle responsible for chewing and it must be the strongest so that you can eat normally and know those muscles that allow you to move your ears those are temporary located above the temples they also help you chew food now we really have two muscles Fast muscles control the closing of the eyelid.
In fact, they are the fastest muscles in our body. Eyes are fragile and need protection, so the reflex that protects them must be as fast as lightning. These muscles can close the eyelids in less than a tenth of a second. People with double-jointed thumbs may bend them backwards. It seems very unusual and very few people can do it. Do it still, it's totally fine, even though it may seem painful, it actually doesn't hurt at all for someone with a double-jointed thumb. Now we only recognize the colors violet, blue, green, yellow and yellow-red. Everything else is a combination of these three, it is impossible to calculate. how many of these combinations does the human eye see because each person has slight differences in vision, but on average you see about a million combinations, that's all for today, so if you appeased your curiosity, like the video and share it with your friends. friends. or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the positive side

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