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Bob Ross - One Hour Special - The Grandeur of Summer

May 10, 2020
hmm hello, I'm bob


and I would like to welcome you to the joy of painting. This is a one-


instructional tape designed to take you step by step through a beautiful painting project. In this film we will paint a picture that has never been done before. I have watched the television series The Joy of Painting and will have enough time to demonstrate in detail the various steps and procedures used to create individual effects. Consider this tape a private lesson in my studio and I have reserved this front row seat just for To get started, I suggest you grab a tall glass of iced tea and watch the tape in its entirety before you start painting.
bob ross   one hour special   the grandeur of summer
This way you will have a preconceived idea in your mind of how the painting progresses and how individual effects are achieved. If any procedure is not clear to you, you can rerun the tape and watch it again to see exactly how a particular effect was realized. . Pay close attention to the way tools are loaded to achieve certain effects. Much of the magic happens right here on the palette. your time and work at your own pace speed will come with practice this is the project we will paint today I think you will find this painting fun and a great learning experience.
bob ross   one hour special   the grandeur of summer

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bob ross one hour special the grandeur of summer...

I strongly suggest you use this paint as a guide only. and add your own ideas we each see nature through different eyes and your painting should reflect your visions your personality spend some time practicing and familiarizing yourself with each piece of equipment and very soon you too will experience the pleasure of painting before you Let's get started, let's put a full supply list on the screen, listing all the materials you need to paint this fantastic scene with me. Then I'll be back in just a second, welcome. I have all your materials ready to make a fantastic painting with me.
bob ross   one hour special   the grandeur of summer
Well, tell us. What do you think before you start? Let me take a moment of your time and talk a little bit about the equipment we're going to use today. First of all, the two main brushes that we will use, we have two here. a one-inch, one-inch natural bristle brush. I know they may look like house painting brushes, but they are high quality artist brushes and designed specifically for this technique. Don't confuse them with synthetic brushes like nylon polyester etc, they won't work at all. The painting knives that we will use we will use two different knives.
bob ross   one hour special   the grandeur of summer
We have a number 10 knife which is the larger of the two and a number five knife. It's basically the same knife only smaller and allows you to get into the smaller ones. areas and do detailed work with these knives you can create incredible effects you can paint mountains and trees and roads and stones rocks houses it's unreal what you can do with those guns we will use a fan brush this is a fan number six brush here now this is a brush of fan-shaped bristles, it is quite firm, it has a lot of elasticity, it is not a soft brush, small and delicate, it is quite rigid with which you can do things like clouds, trees, waterfalls, a multitude of beautiful effects just by using a Fan brush also as brushes, we will use a number two dash liner brush.
Now this is the brush we use to do fine details and most importantly this is the brush we use to sign our completed painting. things we will use liquid white liquid white is a thin base layer of oil with this we cover the canvas to wet it, we make it slippery, it allows us to literally mix the color directly on the canvas instead of working to death on the palette. paints we use the paints we use are designed specifically for this painting technique, they are much firmer and drier than normal paint, if you use a loose and slippery paint you will end up being a mud mixer and you are going to be mad at me buy a paint that is designed for this specific technique, it must be firm and dry, I can't say that there is enough other equipment that will make your job easier, the palette you use, I like it. a plexiglass palette and you need a palette that's big enough to give you enough work area when you use big brushes because with a brush that big you need a nice area to work with if you have a small palette. you're going to kill yourself trying to stay in this small area get a nice big palette it will really work well the plexiglass is a good palette now it's usually very clear I've scraped this one off so it doesn't shine on the tv but they're usually very clear okay too Another thing that will help you because if you have seen the television series, you know that I hit the paintbrush against the leg of the easel and the paint thinner goes everywhere and it can ruin a happy marriage in a heartbeat this is called a mixer rack of brushes and it's just a little wire rack that goes in the bottom of a trash can and you shake the brush around in the basket and then you beat the hell out of it right on these right on these little wire things here right on the other side of this shelf and contains the entire brush cleaning procedure inside the bucket, it will prevent you from covering your entire room and everyone from getting covered in paint thinner.
I really think it's a good investment, a very cheap little thing, so I'll tell you. you, we're going to take off and start here today, as we mentioned earlier, normally the first thing we always do is cover the entire canvas with a thin, even layer of white liquid, so we're just going to dip the old two inch brush to the right. in the white liquid sort of like this and we can go up here and start covering the canvas, all we're looking for is just a thin, even layer, let's just work, just cover the canvas with it, cover the entire canvas, probably the The most common mistake made is applying too much liquid white.
All you want is enough to cover the entire canvas. If you think you may have too much liquid white, one of the easiest ways to make sure is to clean and dry your brush and then. Go over the entire canvas again with a clean, dry brush that will pick up the excess white liquid and your canvas will be perfect at that point, okay just rub that on, there we go, okay, now one thing that will help me use a canvas. that's very smooth some people like the canvas, it has a little more teeth, a little more hair, I like a smooth canvas, but I also use a canvas that has a gray primer and that way you can tell exactly where is your liquid white now if If you don't have a canvas, it has a gray primer, it's just a white primer.
A little trick you can do is take some liquid black and just put a little bit on your liquid white and I'll give it a gray tone and then when you paint your white canvas, you'll be able to tell exactly where it's covered, with long horizontal and vertical strokes. just to make sure that you have a nice even coat of liquid white over the entire surface and you're ready to go go and we wash our brush now we wash our brushes with odorless paint thinner and I really recommend that you use odorless paint thinner it's a screen down here on the bottom of this bucket rub the bristles against the screen the solid materials settle to the bottom and you Paint thinner, stay relatively clean, then shake off the excess and that's the fun part of this whole technique.
I'll tell you what we're going to make a little happy sky and for that I'm going to use a touch of phthalo blue just a little bit, just pull. a little bit of color and then tap the bristles of the brush firmly into the color, this will ensure a nice even distribution of the paint along the bristles, it doesn't require a lot of color, just a little bit, okay, let's go up here now, so just using small crissc


strokes start laying on a basic sky and start at the top and work your way down that way your brush will pick up the white liquid and automatically your color will become lighter towards the horizon let the canvas work, let the liquid be white. work let your brush work just enjoy just enjoy because painting should make you happy it should be a fun experience and you can always add a little more color start with very little color you can always go back and add a little more that's very simple it's the center of a gun to try to take it off, although you can do it, but it's very difficult, okay, and that's how quickly we're in a happy little heaven, it's that easy, okay, now while we have this dirty brush, let's have some.
Touch of water in this painting I love water and it's always fun to do so I'm going to go back to my phthalo blue and come over here and take a touch, just a touch of phthalo green, I don't need much. of that is very strong just touch the little blue and green phthalo and just hit it on the bristles again, okay, now decide where you want the water to be and pull from the outside, start from the outside, pull in, start from the bottom, work your way up so it gets lighter and clearer towards the horizon now see if you start here and go through leave a very distinct line that's hard to blend there we go but you can do it if you forget but blend from the outside in and let's a little open area of ​​air right here, it looks like a little shimmer of light coming across the water when we're done, we start from the bottom, we work our way up, we let it get lighter and lighter towards the top, lighter and lighter, like this , there we are.
Go see how easy it is, that's all and then I have multiple brushes and you'll see that saves you a lot of time and a lot of money and waste paint if you have multiple brushes. one for the dark color and one for the light color, otherwise your good paint will end up here in this washing machine bucket. Okay, clean the brush and I'm going to blend it here very lightly. I don't want to lose this clear area, but I just want to put it all together like this, okay and that's it, everything fixed. If you only have a little bit of paint on your brush, you can wrap it like this and it will take the paint off, okay? use the fan brush today we will build a little happy cloud let's go straight to the titanium white I'm going to reach down here I'll be right back to give it the slightest touch a little more of the bright red I want to put a little sunlight on these clouds today I'll make a little happy cloud , happy little cloud, okay, decide where your cloud lives, maybe he lives right here, take the corner of the brush and make little circles, little circles, going around and around and around, don't stay. in one place and keep working, if you stay in one place here and keep grinding the paint, you will end up with big cotton balls in the sky.
You can also do this just as well with an inch or two brush. Two Inch Brush The two inch brush creates fantastic clouds. Now, with a clean, dry two inch brush, use the top corner of the brush and you want to blend just the base of these clouds without touching the top, but just blending. See very lightly, very, slightly like this just barely blending well now we're going to fluff it and this we're going to make a big circular pattern just grab it gently and fluff it up just fluff it up and you're going to lift up some stringy things when you do that don't worry about them because when you cross they just disappear and just like that you have a beautiful little cloud maybe we maybe put another happy little cloud here maybe this other cloud maybe he lives right here, same thing, little circles and just leave him where you think he should live , he lives right there and in your world you put a cloud where you want, you don't necessarily need to put a cloud where I put him where you think if you think he lives somewhere else, then that's where he should be, let's gently lift him up, lift him up and very slightly, just go through it, it's not that easy, we've got another happy little cloud right there, no problem.
Okay, I'm going to clean the old fan brush. Okay, I just have some paper towels here that I cleaned the brushes on. Clean it up and we're in business. We are going to build. Maybe we'll come back here. There is only one small mountain that lives. so let's take a little touch of Prussian blue, a little bit of midnight black, let's give it a little touch of Lisbon crimson, so we've got black blue, lizard crimson, maybe even little Van Dyke brown, what the heck, what the hell, just leave it there? dark colors, okay, get the paint out as flat as you can, just smash it down hard and take your knife and cut, look, take that little roll of paint, this knife has a straight edge and having a straight edge is very easy to carry, he's going to go up here, okay, and then maybe our little mountain, yeah, I have a big decision to make here, maybe he lives here, he just floats on the clouds, he pushes very firmly, very firmly, we're trying to push this color right. on the fabric and you just decide where you want the little bumps to live, you see there is one wherever you want them, maybe there is a happy little thing that lives right there, scrape off all the excess paint, just get in there and scrape it hard you can't hurt. this just take it off, the only thing we're worried about is this nice outside edge here that we don't care about right now, so with the two inch brush I want to grab this and because of the white liquid the canvas is wet, you can take this out. and move it and just move it, remember that if you can see the whole mountain, it is alwaysof land, we don't want all these bushes to fall into the water. give them a little we'll give them something for their little feet to stand on here they go dyke brown like this and we can use a little bit of brown a little touch of blue even there have a good time brown white touch of blue just let that kind of bounce Along, it makes make it nice how it looks like dirt and rock stones.
Okay, if you want it to shine a little bit brighter, you can take a little bit lighter color and just brush it here and there, just barely, that will make it jump right at you. Now with the one inch brush, look, this is a very straight edge, here you can take and just put a little bush, look there and that pushes it back here and there, just a happy little bush where you think it should live. okay, let's go back to our color and put one or two little bushes over here, all over here, let's look around the wrong place.
One thing I would like to mention if you have enjoyed painting with me on this instructional video tape, we have numerous other tapes made by me and many other fantastic painters and almost every medium you can think of. If you would like a free color brochure showing many of the ribbons we have, write to me. I'd be happy to send you one to give you an idea of ​​some of the beautiful and beautiful projects you can do in the comfort of your home with video tape. Well, now I'm just going to grab a clean knife and come up here. and here and there I'm going to scratch just some sticks and some twigs where you think they should live wherever you want, okay, a little bit of white liquid and we can go under this area here of dirt and soil and just cut into a water line of the same way we did it in the back maintaining it. basically straight basically straight so like that you can go wherever you want to go here but you want to keep these lines as straight as possible there okay maybe there's a little happy wave out here this should be straight too okay tell you what let's go I'll take the eyeliner brush I'll go let's put paint thinner on it paint then let's go up here in the brown you want this to be as fine as ink this is paint thinner a little bit of brown van dyke twist that brush twist it bring it to a nice sharp point, look, okay let's go up here now this is a thin thin paint maybe a stick or a twig lives right here and this paint is thin it will flow it will literally flow right off your brush if your paint doesn't flow then it's probably not thin enough, add a little more paint thinner.
Sometimes I use a diluted oil which will also work quite well. Look, you have an old stick who lives there and he has a friend who lives here. They are always old sticks in the forest and they add little details to your painting. Okay, I have to have the eyeliner brush. I'm going to jump right into the paint thinner and bright red and now we'll do the most important part. then painting the paint one more time until it has the consistency of ink, load the brush completely and let's come down here and sign our painting like this and this fine paint will flow, look, here we go and I hope you enjoyed this painting, it's a Es very fun, it will teach you how to use the equipment and it is very, very rewarding and I look forward to painting with you again in other instructional videos and until then, from all of us here, happy painting and God bless you.

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