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Bob Odenkirk | Senses Working Overtime with David Cross | Headgum

Apr 29, 2024
absolute and then he was very much that guy and uh, for me, it would be disingenuous to say that I didn't like music at some point. The point would be, but because he would go and dance and uh uh but the thing for me was that it was a very safe place to do drugs and I love to travel, right? I love taking acid and mushrooms and um and It was fun, you'd go, you'd hang out, uh, but it was never really about the music, but it was when I was tripping, it wasn't about the music for the dead either, clearly, yeah, but I also feel like not.
bob odenkirk senses working overtime with david cross headgum
I don't like his music at the same time. I don't think his lyrics are stupid and childish and I know I'm going to piss off a lot of people. Uh, I know a lot of people who love the dead, they love them, yeah. Of course I also like people who I think are very smart, yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, people I like, uh, but I find their lyrics to be something you can do about it, like cheesy and simplistic, living with it, um, it's um, yeah, I've tried to get it. of those things in life just where you're going I'm going to give it a real college try today we're going to play something dead I'm going to play a whole album wow and or something like that and You just say no, it's not Landing, that's what What does it seem like to me, yes, I have strong feelings towards him, but I did it again.
bob odenkirk senses working overtime with david cross headgum

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bob odenkirk senses working overtime with david cross headgum...

There was a period when he was 20 years old. I get the vibe of everything that makes sense to me. It was nice and you went and everyone was friendly and it was a great place to hang out for two three days it makes sense to me, yeah, and it was fun, it really was and I, that was fun and, um, uh, speaking of good music. uh, I saw that it stopped making sense last night, oh yeah, the Talking Heads movie, yeah, cool, re-released, so good, never seen it, uh, never seen it. Should, should go, it has so much energy and it's hard to capture the comedy. or real music, that was Jonathan Demi, right, yeah, yeah, it's hard to capture high energy comedy or music, um, and that movie does a fantastic job, great, yeah, I'll do it.
bob odenkirk senses working overtime with david cross headgum
I'll definitely see him, um, I heard his Broadway show was amazing. Amber was You saw it, oh you saw it too, yeah you said it was great too, yeah I mean it was great, it's a little strange to tell that story, but you know it's the story of AEL DeMar Marcos and in the end you know that you think well He must be trying to make her look like a hero. I guess maybe I don't know her story well and she was a really amazing person, but no, no, they just tell her story and she's not a hero and it's a story to tell. you just let it be what it is and they let the different parts of that event have their feelings and sing them and perform them for you and you sit there and say, well, she's wrong, you know, and this person is right. and they Don't try it, if it does something, size up the people in it and you can, I guess you have some empathy either way, but in the end I want to say it's a good thing to do, it's interesting, it's interesting. what to do, yeah, um, and the music is great, yeah, have you by chance seen the documentary Elephant 6?
bob odenkirk senses working overtime with david cross headgum
No, it's really good, what's it called? Elephant 6 is the record, it's the collective and a record label, you know the band, I mean. are oh uh those various bands yeah Olivia Tremor control of Montreal baa uh uh Milk Hotel apples and stereo um it's basically a couple of guys um uh it's their story Lance uh uh Lance bangs had a major role in the production and filming that and those stuff and Robert Schneider is everywhere and uh he's an incredibly awesome guy but uh I loved it um and I was really into that stuff uh and I'm in it briefly uh but I found it really inspiring tremendously inspiring part of it is because these guys were the Southern weirdos, they grew up in Louisiana, then some immigrated to Georgia and some went to Denver, but you know, they were like the weirdo kids from a small southern town and it's and I was inspired.
I wrote this and told Amber I'll do it. I'll do it when she gets a little older. I'm going to get Marlo for the track, oh yeah, yeah, because I think she'll have fun with it. and it's, and Marlo is a great singer, yeah, yeah, she's pretty good, but you should check her out. I was really inspired by her and I think it will be inspiring for other people to come back to who we are. We talked before in a place where I grew up and I felt like a weird person and like I didn't belong here and I was weird, you know, and water finds its own level.
You'll find like-minded creative people whether it's comedy or music or writing or theater um and uh it's me and I'm also a fan of what's her name um Emma seriously it's what is the Elephant 6 Co record right the record company Elephant 6 um, what's the title? Yes Oh yes, where is it available? Don't know. It's probably in theaters. But probably not for long by the time it comes out. But definitely check it out. Really. I loved it and felt very. I was inspired and it made me, like I said, have what I want. I just want to buy thousands of four tracks and send them to kids and, you know, yeah, shitty places, yeah, um, Bob, thank you so much for coming here and uh, um.
I am very excited to walk through Machu Picchu, yes, let's make it happen. And what is your schedule like? I have to go from here from the studio. I'm going to get in a car and go up and put on a show. Doing things this weekend, but are you around? I'm going out today and then I'm hitting the road on our big book tour, tell everyone, yeah I wrote a book, well I wrote poems with my kids when they were little. as part of reading time, after literally a few years of reading a ton of books, you know, I thought I'd show these kids that they can write too and how old they were at the time, like they were two years apart, so I'm going to guess that they were four and six when I started well, so I had been reading denate for five years at this point and it occurred to me to show him that you know that you too can write and be part of the world of making books and things , and I say that because I feel like a fool for taking five years to realize that you can do something so simple and help a child that you know your child sees themselves that way and I think that's a good thing. to see that children learn that they will help make the world, yes, just to be clear to everyone, uh, you refused to have them be schooled or homeschooled, so this was part of and there are no facts.
I don't want you to hear a fact. right, it's not a fact, that kid will never hear a fact MH okay, if someone said one, okay, I'd say: how dare you talk to my kid like that? The 19th century school speaks to my son with fact and truth, yes, and, uh, this is when you lived there, you know the Baseball Almanac with all the data in it, you know what the baseball helmet is called, The Baseball Almanac with What's It's Name, The Grill, The Bill James Bill James, that book wasn't allowed in my house, oh my God, okay, God, now you dare, okay.
I, I, I didn't do it. I was giving you the name of. You came in here with those lies. By the way, that's my biggest conspiracy. The James Baseball Almanac Bill. None. It's true. The names of the the players are not well written, they have crazy names, uh, you know who is in first and what in second and I don't know, in third. I mean, it's crazy, that's the biggest conspiracy, that's the top one of all time. Abid in the Costello sketch was a conspiracy, oh that never happened, that never happened, don't you dare, oh my God, okay, lesson learned, well it wasn't a comedy bit, it's my plot, right, no , it happened, everything in it happened well. oh, everything they talk about who comes out first is true the fact that people laugh at it and laugh it's impuri it's a comedy it's not a comedy part that's my problem boy trying to explain that's the lie in the center of this is probably Well, back to reality, I wrote these poems with my kids and then they got older and then my daughter had become an artist from drawing all the time.
Well, she was great from the beginning. I remember that horse she made when she was like. How old was she, like five or six or something? I remember seeing that when at that time what Aaron did, yeah, that's really good, she always had a skill and inclination and we, we just wrote the poems, we arranged them because they were not cool, they were clumsy and sloppy and we arranged them. and she made drawings and the book came out called zilet, which is z i l o t, which is the name my son invented for a blanket fort, although yesterday we learned that the name of a tent in German is zelt z l t so no.
We speak German in my house. I no longer live in Los Angeles since the war, but maybe a teacher used the word zelt in his school. He was six years old when he started using it. That's pretty interesting, isn't it? Zill is the word he used for a blanket fort and we all use it in the house, so since the book is about language on a submarine, he grew up in a blanket fort, well, I wouldn't let him in the house. Yes, of course, no, for a long time he can shave. You let your children live in the house.
You let your kids shave. They live in the house. Shave. I mean, they make a mess of the place. Have you been in a house where people with children live? the house is noisy oh there's water on the floor yeah so it's called Zill because the book is about language and the use of words and we use a lot of big words in there and we make up words and also it's just very silly and it's out now and we're going to do our big promotional tour for a week and a half uh, we're going to go to all kinds of bookstores, schools, read poems, write poems, people, yeah, cool, and uh, so it's going to be a fun two weeks after me, a good dad, daughter, something amazing to share with your kids and then of course when we're in Chicago, Nate will be a part of it too.
Nate actually wrote like 10 of the poems that are in this book. the best, some of the best, sure, yes, yes, I think all, all, are the best, yes, and where can people get them? Oh, any bookstore has Zill and other big rhymes, there you go, so go to a borders bookstore and pick it up, uh, yeah, borders, I sure love borders, are they still there? They're not there, That's the joke, okay, so Bob, uh, I asked Marlo to come up with some questions to ask my guests. the hard part and uh, I'll pick one of the questions at random, she's got some stuff here, okay, okay, let me get a good one here, oh, here's my note to buy Marlo a clue, oh, okay, here it is fine, the other day.
Her, her question to Janine was: Wipe the sweat, pennies, but I'm going to give you this one. Bob, if the sidewalk was clean, could you lick it? Marlo, yes, if the sidewalk was clean, absolutely antiseptic clean, you could lick it and have nothing. detrimental effect, so that will never happen, so you shouldn't lick the sidewalk, but if it had been really cleaned, wiped, washed, maybe even sprayed, I'm sure you know what, there wouldn't be chemicals in That, what was cleaning the sidewalk? yes, there would be and probably this is this dream of yours it's not going to happen it's not going to happen it's just a question it's not necessarily good every question is a dream oh I've seen that Walt Disney t-shirt yeah every question is a dream every question it's a dream uh Walt Disney wasn't a very good singer he was in Snow White that song every question is a dream yeah okay I missed it uh but I probably haven't seen Snow White I think so how? says every question is a dream every statement is a lie this sounds like you're probably going back to your conspiracy theory what are we on a podcast what am I supposed to do right um Bob, thank you so much for coming uh I'll see you uh uh well, Will you return to New York again later?
Yeah, okay, oh oh, yeah, I'm in November, okay, I'll be here. My tour ends on the 30th for about a week and then I'll be there. I'm going to do a USO tour oh really, yeah, oh that's amazing, that's great, yeah, I don't know where I'm going to go, but I'm going to do my best Bob Hope impression, lots of jokes about Chang Kai Sheek. Sh, that was a



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