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BLM Camping Rules That You Need To Know!

Mar 24, 2024
Hello what's up? Welcome to small car camp. If you are curious about dispersed



when it comes to the Bureau of Land Management, also


n as BLM, then you have come to the right place in this video. talk about all the






and follow when


on BLM land. The rules are really simple and all fit on one page that can be found on the BLM website. Luckily for you, I don't have to go find that document because I'm going to tell you everything you


to know when it comes to the rules for camping on BLM lands.
blm camping rules that you need to know
BLM lands are publicly owned lands and are, in fact, an incredible natural resource for outdoor enthusiasts. Now you're looking at some really cool pictures I took while walking through the desert. I wouldn't be able to explore some of these beautiful places like this if it weren't for the BLM land that allows me to camp nearby. If this beautiful scenery hasn't convinced you yet that you should go dispersed camping on BLM land, then honestly, no. I know if anything good, I took the video selfie style so it's a little shaky but the information is good so if you want to know everything.
blm camping rules that you need to know

More Interesting Facts About,

blm camping rules that you need to know...

There are rules for dispersed camping on BLM lands and sit back, relax and watch this BLM camping rules video, so the first thing you need to know is your state boundaries and whether you are in a developed campground or dispersed camping with the BLM, then you will have a state limit of generally around 14 days, it can vary a little but for the most part it is 14 days, once those 14 days are up then you will have to go at least 25 miles away if you want. continue camping after you move, you won't be able to return to your original area until at least 28 consecutive days have passed, so about a month, even when you're dispersed camping, they want you to choose sites that are already established and it's pretty easy to tell . which sites are already established versus sites that are not established because detecting human activity and past presents should be very easy because it looks very different than a natural environment it usually just means it's a clear space where you can tell that a vehicle has been.
blm camping rules that you need to know
The next thing you need to know is that when you are camping you should be at least 200 feet from any water source, that's the minimum, at least 200 feet from any water source. the further away the better and that's just to protect the water source because we can contaminate it whether intentionally or not we can contaminate water sources so saying a safe distance like 200 feet from the water source is one of the best ways to prevent pollution and then you should never build any fire rings, if fire rings are provided then you can use them but you should not build anything else.
blm camping rules that you need to know
Campfires already leave an impact on the environment and if everyone keeps building more campfires or campfire rings then it may be necessary. It takes a long time for that damage to wear off, so use existing fire rings or bring a portable one. Sometimes there are fire conditions in certain areas that prevent you from even having a campfire, so you should be aware of the current ones. fire conditions where you are camping on BLM land, so try doing a search online, which is usually the best way to find out, but sometimes they will also have signs posted in the area and if you see any fire effects current fire, no Don't go against them because they are there for a reason which means wildfires are very likely to occur so do your part and stay aware of fire conditions, where you are camping and when you are scattered.
Camping and disposing of human waste is something you need to be aware of, so you need to dispose of human waste properly and that usually means digging a hole at least six inches deep and six inches wide and then standing it like this . I don't just leave it. leave it outdoors, alternatively you can pack it away which is even better and never use the toilet near a water source so at least 200 feet away from the water source, just like the distance to the If you are camping, of course, you must follow all instructions. No Trace principles to minimize your impact on the environment, whether you are dispersed camping or in a developed campground.
Thank you very much for watching. I hope this video has informed you enough so that you are confident enough to get out there and get out there. To encourage camping on BLM lands, the rules really are that simple and really fit on one page. There are plenty of public lands waiting for you to explore. I wish you the best on your next camping adventure and stay tuned. My quick proposal for you to like and subscribe. That Like button really helps me and only takes a second of your time. I'm here trying to help you, so I would really appreciate it if you like this video at the same time. time, go a little to the right and press the subscribe button and while you're down there press that little bell that activates notifications every time I upload a new video.
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