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Blippi Visits The Aquarium of The Pacific | Fun and Educational Videos for Kids

Mar 05, 2024
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, look. In all that water and those fish down there, okay, follow me, look at this room, oh, there's a lot of scuba gear in here. tanks, wetsuits, okay, we have to get this fish to the sharks, I bet they're really hungry, come on, wow, okay, look at whoever it is. draw, it's a good artist, it shows the different parts of the shark, yes, like the gills, okay, we did it, here you go, oh, thanks, you're welcome, what's your name, my name is danny, oh, this is danny , and what are you doing here?
blippi visits the aquarium of the pacific fun and educational videos for kids
We're here with Cassie and she's feeding our big sharks right now. Oh look, I see a fish down there. Look, why is she holding a fish on a rod? This is how we get food to our sharks because they. They're already in the water, you need to be able to have a very long tool to get them in your mouth, okay, so they hold the rod that has a fish on the end and then the sharks come up and eat dinner, those fish are visible. How big is that fish she's feeding to the sharks? About this big.
blippi visits the aquarium of the pacific fun and educational videos for kids

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blippi visits the aquarium of the pacific fun and educational videos for kids...

It is called blue fish because it has a kind of blue tint. Okay, it's a blue fish. It's that big. So what kind of fish did I raise and you brought in? Catch some perda, which is a big fish here, okay, and then some Caitlyn, which is the small fish here, okay, interesting, oh well, it's cool to see someone else do it, but hey, what? Can I feed some sharks? Yeah, absolutely fine, just make sure you put your gloves on, so give me some stinky odor, okay, let's put the gloves on so my hands don't smell like fish for weeks, okay, I put the gloves on, uh, oh, here we go, one glove, two gloves, okay.
blippi visits the aquarium of the pacific fun and educational videos for kids
And now what do I do? We'll take this bucket of fish you brought from our kitchen and head here. Alright. I'm on the platform. Oh look, there are no barriers between me and the fish. I'm going to start. Just kidding, here we go, can I grow one at a time? Yes, whatever you want, one at a time or all at once, okay, enjoy, look at them, they are really enjoying this food, oh. Look at all of them, they're climbing to the top because they know I'm throwing all this delicious food at them, here you go, is it that tasty, fresh or is it that tasty?
blippi visits the aquarium of the pacific fun and educational videos for kids
Okay, just a little bit left, here we go, oh, that was it. How funny, she is feeding a turtle. Come on, there are so many interesting things here. Ok, let's go here. Oh, okay, what are you doing? I'm looking at Bretta, our green sea turtle. She is feeding Greta. She is a pretty name. And this is Greta. You see it? greta hey greta hey oh, what does greta like to eat? She loves lettuce, but she also likes cucumbers, peppers and even sometimes carrots, lettuce, peppers, cucumbers and carrots. It seems that Greta is very healthy. Can I try to feed Greta?
Yes, she's fine, how do I do it? a little bit yeah, if you look at everything, leave it, just open that right there, there you go, bretta whoa, hey, what are you doing? I can do it? Here we go, here you go, oh, Greta is so big, do you know how much Grenda weighs? a little over a hundred pounds, oh wow, a hundred pounds, wow, here you go, okay, let's make a big chunk, let's see how the granite eats a whole chunk, here you go, oh, it's there, yeah, it's a big chunk of lettuce, hello, hello, come on, since I just touched some animals, I think we should use this bathroom and wash our hands, come on, okay, welcome to the bathroom, look, this bathroom is under water and this bathroom is actually won best bathroom in America, oh you can wash your hands right here and watch the shark. sharks and fish this is amazing, great, okay, I washed my hands now I'll go dry them you enjoy the view, okay, let's go down the escalator into the depths of the ocean, come on, look, now it's like we're underwater, look this way, ah.
That's amazing, I present to you an exhibit in the depths of the ocean Hey, what are you doing up there? come down here hey look hello hey so this is a sea lion there's another one here oh it's so big so cool oh look look look oh hi wow there's actually a seal here too, let's try to find it, oh, let's see, oh, here it is, Hello, look, there's a seal right here, hello, so there are three sea lions here and one seal, and the easiest way to tell the difference is this. I'll show you, so if you're a sea lion, you use your front flippers to basically walk like that, but seals don't do that, seals, oh, hi, oh, are you curious, uh, so curious.
Wow, that's a sea lion. it walks with its flippers, they are actually very intelligent animals, look how it follows me, I'll try to change direction, okay, and seals don't walk like that, you know, this is a sea lion, a sea lion and a seal, they don't walk like that . They have so much power here and it's a bit short and stubby so this is what they do so they just wiggle around oh that's nonsense what magnificent creatures look at them some more penguins yeah we're behind scene at the


and we're going to meet some penguins, come on, okay, let's walk slowly and we'll be very calm too hey, who are you?
Oh, it's Hutch, hey, what are you doing here? I work with penguins, penguins and reptiles. oh, do you see the penguins in the back? These are your only two penguins here. Oh no, we have more friends coming. Would you like to grab a toy? In fact, let's play with them. Sure, okay, let's grab a toy. Let's see more penguins. they look over there they really like a lot of movement with their toys, so we have Violet who already came over to say hello, it seems like she's enjoying my shadow, huh, that happens, so the penguins really like contrasting colors, too They can see colors very well and they have rods and I felt in their eyes just like we do, okay, even though they are birds, they act like kittens, um, just a little bit, they like to play with many different types of toys and just like kittens. , they tell us when they want us to touch them, okay, come on, it's interesting, it's cool, look closer, penguins are so dumb, where are these penguins?
These penguins are from South Africa and we have 32 of them here at the aquarium. wow, 32 penguins here, these are from South Africa, not Antarctica, they are actually one of several species of penguins that prefer warm weather, oh okay that's cool, interesting, warm weather and penguins I guess You learn something every day, okay, let's sit down. over here and then hutch will bring a penguin. I'm so excited I'm getting a penguin touch. Hello, okay, then I will gently touch the penguin's back with two fingers. Hey, are you ready? It felt so soft. Did you know? Penguins have 70 feathers per square inch Yes, they are very small and very dense.
Can I touch them again? Yes you can, yes, does it feel good? Do you like that she is shelling for you? What does that mean when she shakes her head? That means she's very happy uh and you might be your boyfriend I hope she doesn't want to kiss you hello this is a little blue penguin it's quite small this board has the sizes of different penguins oh like the penguin I met today an African penguin whoa and they go on getting bigger, look how big they're getting, look how big this penguin is, four feet tall, 1.3 meters tall, wow, look how big it is, oh that's a really big penguin, look at a toucan , You see it?
He talks like he's in the shape of a banana, a very colorful banana, there's another bird over here, come on, hello, a colorful parrot, hey, how are you? It looks like it's yellow, blue and on its head it's green, hey, hey, there's another animal right above it. Here I want to show you, come on, look, look at this animal, it's moving very slowly, do you know what animal it is? Yes, this is a sloth, let's act like a sloth together. Hey, that's funny, okay. Hello, wait, these are otters and they are. How cute, watch them dive underwater.
I bet they can hold their breath for a long time. They are so fast that they look like water cats, but they are not kittens. Hello, hello, oh, another one. Wow, great, that was it. It's so much fun learning about all of these creatures with you at Odyssey in Scottsdale, Arizona. Well, this is the end of this video, but if you want to see more of my


, all you have to do is search my name. Can you spell my name with me? Ready p b-l-i-p-p i flippy good job well see you soon very much

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