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Blippi and Meekah Make Rainbow Color Fruit Popsicles! | Blippi - Learn Colors and Science

May 23, 2024
There's a lot to


about this, it'll


you want to scream


, yeah, hey, it's me,


, today we're at Ranch at the pier in Malibu, California, yeah, they have a lot of


s and vegetables here, yeah, look, oh, yeah They look really delicious, yes. look at a very small watermelon, yes, and here is a very small lemon, very pretty, and some very hot, very hot peppers, wow, all these products are making me a little hungry, yes, me too, oh, look


, hello, blippi. Nice to see you again. Nice to see you. Hi Amica Hi Mika, nice to meet you, nice to meet you too, what is the mom and pop shop?
blippi and meekah make rainbow color fruit popsicles blippi   learn colors and science
We sell all-natural


made with fresh


s and vegetables, oh that sounds good. Do you want to try one? Yes, oh no, I'm so happy. Sorry we ran out of them, they are so popular today. Oh, what do we do now? Let me think. I have an idea. How about we go to the ranch and pick fresh fruits and vegetables and you guys


your own popsicles? Yeah, that sounds like a lot of fun. See you up there come on oh wow yeah I'm so glad you guys made it yeah yeah buddy this is a beautiful ranch isn't it?
blippi and meekah make rainbow color fruit popsicles blippi   learn colors and science

More Interesting Facts About,

blippi and meekah make rainbow color fruit popsicles blippi learn colors and science...

It's extraordinary. Did you know that they rescued 150 animals and it is environmentally friendly? Wow, 150 animals, that's a lot. of animals, yes, I'm sure that's what environmentally friendly means, well, nothing is wasted on the ranch, so all the vegetables sold at the dock, if there are any leftovers, are fed to the animals and then the animals nourish the soil and then the Plants grow in the earth. Wow, cool, really cool, wait, so this ranch has fruits and vegetables. Hey, that's what we can use for popsicles. So I have some baskets here where you can explore the ranch and get some fruits and vegetables.
blippi and meekah make rainbow color fruit popsicles blippi   learn colors and science
Yes, but would you do it? You know who else loves vegetables oh horses while you're here there are some really fun horses I'm really excited to feed the animals well beautiful horses wow hello friend how are you? my name is flippy would you like an apple oh are they nice? and a healthy snack, okay, there you go, there's one behind you, there you go, wow, do you like carrots?, oh yeah, there you go, I think that's a yes, wow, hey Mika, look, even They have alpacas, hey, how cute, oh, there you go, those carrots are delicious, oh.
blippi and meekah make rainbow color fruit popsicles blippi   learn colors and science
Wow, they eat very healthy, yes, there you go, oh, you should probably chew and then swallow the whole food before the next bite. Wow, how delicious, yes, I guess it was a lot of fun feeding those animals. Yes, now I think I think so. can I find some ingredients to make popsicles oh yes, yes and vegetables, oh yes, flippy, I have a great idea, Mika, what if we made popsicles for each other?, oh, that's a great idea, yes, I can choose ingredients that I know you'll like and everyone choose ingredients that you probably like oh okay let me do it see you later horse wow look how beautiful this ranch is look at this plant this is Rosemary ah , and it smells great, and rosemary is actually edible, that means you can eat it, but I don't think rosemary tastes very good on a popsicle, so I'm not going to pick it up.
Look, yeah, wow, a lemon tree, cool, come on, wait, yeah, these are like the ones Mika saw on the dock oh, maybe I should pick one up and maybe add it to the palette oh, okay, let's see, come on a little pull, so cute and little, and these are Meyer lemons, yes, they have a little bit of sweetness. Okay, I'll put that one right there and then let's see how this one over there is. Wow, I love this beautiful garden, look at all these plants and trees. Hmm, I wonder if I can find a fruit tree so I can pick some. fruit for a popsicle for blippi wait a second there is one right here this is a strawberry guava tree there are different types of guava but this is strawberry guava which is really delicious take a look look it is round and a little red oh this is so delicious it will be the perfect ingredient for a popsicle for blippi I can't wait to find more fruits and vegetables, let's go to the garden, it's so amazing, oh and do you see this net up here and on the sides?
Yes, that keeps all the bugs and birds from eating everything. this delicious food wait and see this, do you know what this is? This is spinach and it's very good for you. Hey, maybe this would be really good on a palette. Yes, spinach is often found in salads. Delicious stuff like that, but popsicles can too. It's got spinach which is great okay that's probably enough let's see what else is around here oh check it out yeah this is kale oh have you ever had a kale chip before? Yeah, just take these leaves, yeah, look, that's a kale leaf. and then you put it in the oven, wow, and then it gets crispy, it's like a regular chip, but with kale it's so healthy and delicious.
Hey, I bet this palette will be green, yeah, so we should aim for that, then you. We're going to have a delicious, healthy, delicious popsicle, okay, one more sheet, here we go, look at this fabulous garden, we're going to find some really good ingredients for blippi's popsicle. Hey, these are beet plants. Beets are really great because they're super healthy and They're delicious and they're really good for you, they're especially good for your heart and they're a bright reddish pinkish


that will look great on a palette now that they're tubers so they're underground. , you have to Hold the leaves and pull to remove them.
Oh look, a delicious Flippies Popsicle Foreign beetroot. There are so many different plants here and it's really cool that you can eat them all like this. Hmm, oh look, one of my favorite fruits. strawberries of all time, let's see if I can find one so I can show you, oh, here we go, a delicious red strawberry. Strawberries are a very popular popsicle and ice cream flavor because they are very, very sweet. Make sure it's sweet enough for a pop. sicle is perfect, let's pick some for blippi here's a good one, oh this one is really good, it will be delicious on the popsicle, let's make some delicious treats Julia, look what I have, tell me all about it, well I have spinach. perfect, I have some kale, yes, and I have a lemon, oh what a pretty lemon, yes, I really want to make Mika a green popsicle that sounds amazing, there aren't that many green popsicles out there so I think you're in something, yeah, here we go. you, an apron, oh, great, yes, look at my apron, oh, mom and dad, buy, okay, do you know any recipes we can make with a green palette?
Yes, I have one in mind. I don't think we need the lemon yet, okay, but I think we could use some green apples, hmmm, I can see, yeah, check it out: green apple, its apple


is cool, amazing and some green grapes, green, sauce gray, okay, and to add a little, Ness, I'm going to say a ripe banana, ooh. a ripe banana, but wait a second, it's brown, yes, that means it's super sweet and that's what you want in a popsicle. Oh great, so if your banana has a little bit of brown in it, that's okay, it will be sweeter and more delicious, yes, I think.
It's awesome that you want to do vegetables on your palette, thank you so I'm going to go ahead and grab the blender, okay, and then we can put all the fruits and vegetables in there, just throw them all in, it's a very powerful blender, great, okay ? here we go and then I'm going to add a little bit of liquid so every time you use a blender you're going to need a little bit of liquid okay or it's not going to mix properly okay and what kind of liquid is it? I have some organic apple juice here, oh, mmm. right, very excited, I wonder if these are really green, okay, it will be quite loud, so are you ready, are you ready, I'm ready, three two, one, whoa, that's it, it's done, wow, It looks green, good, you're going to love it.
Yeah, oh, do you smell that sweet smell? Yeah, okay, now we're going to put the mixture in this jug so it's easier to pour into the molds. Okay, check it out, oh, delicious, and here are our molds, oh the moles. Yes, I remember these molds, yes, yes, that's what we use in our kitchen. Remember it's a big machine, but today we're just making some homemade popsicles, so we're going to use our Nifty molds for home, oh cool puppies at home, here we go. Do you want to count how many popsicles we can make with this with me ready one two three four five six seven eight nine ten wow that's a lot of popsicles okay and then we just pour them in there yeah would you or me like to do that? okay, I'll do five and you do five, okay, can we get a little frothy?
Okay, yeah, now I'll serve five too, here we go, perfect, are you so excited to have such nutritious popsicles? Yeah, okay, that's the cover, that's the cover. We put it in and then we just put some sticks in it, yes, the sticks cool down, so you put a stick in each of these, yes, that's fine, and the best thing is that when you're done with your popsicle, you can keep your sticks . and maybe make a birdhouse or any kind of craft, yes, or a marble machine, cool down, it's ready, it's all ready, put it in the freezer, okay, hey Julia, welcome to the kitchen, oh, many thanks, what did you find? some really delicious ingredients for blippi's popsicle.
I picked some perfect strawberries and I have some pretty guava and I have beets, yes, that's a very interesting ingredient. What do you think you're going to do? Surpasses me. I don't know, I just thought about everything. of these ingredients would look really cool, they could be a bright red or pink popsicle at the end, yeah, they'll look amazing, so beets are really interesting ingredients, so I think we're going to have to do an original here, okay , the first paddle rhythm. oh great so first let's grab your apron okay thanks and let's start opening them up okay I think what we're going to have to do is use our juicer for this recipe oh a juicer have you ever seen the inside of a bee? so yeah let's see it's a tuber, yeah I love that color so go ahead and smell it, check it out, it's really cool, it smells a little bit earthy but also a little sweet, yeah, it will squeeze out really well, so we'll just turn it on. and you could throw the fruit in, okay, and see some like blades spinning there in the middle, yeah, the blades move in the middle and they just crush everything and there's a strainer that keeps all the fibers in, look, you can see. it's pushing all the juice from the berries straight into the jug, that's great and let's see what happens when we add the beets, it smells delicious, thank you, okay, there you have the beans, look how dark it gets, yeah, what a pretty color.
It smells really good, I could already smell it, it does and last but not least, we have our guava, you can just throw it all in there, wow, okay, there it goes, this one is going to be delicious, yes, that's a lot of juice, now it's time for the molds okay they're here wow so these are the molds we use at home so lots of popsicles yeah lippy will love it oh yeah okay can I pig? Okay, try it, make it messy, that's all the fun, okay? to the freezer and once they're done freezing, you know what we could use, we use compostable packaging, what does that mean?
These bags are compostable, so here at the ranch you know everything is sustainable, we don't want to leave trash behind, so they break down. easily throw them in the trash, that's amazing, you're being so good to the Earth that we tried, okay, I'm going to put them in the freezer, thanks Julia for your help, yes, that was amazing, yes, I'm very excited to show you the palette I made for you I'm excited to show you the palette I made for you oh okay let's see here we go oh cool color yeah I really like that green yeah what's in yours?
Well I made you a Beast guava and strawberry popsicle oh mmm yeah well I added spinach, kale, apple, grapes and bananas wow that sounds delicious yeah I bet you'll love it yeah let's try it all here you have, you're welcome, okay, let's see, here we go, mmm, that's really delicious, delicious. Mmm, good job Mika, yes, thank you very much, thank you very much, wow, wasn't it so much fun making popsicles with mom and pop's store? Yes, this is the end of this video, but if you want to see more of my videos, all you have to do is search my name, yes, will you spell my name with me?
Will you spell my name with us? Great, m-e-e-k-a-h Mika, okay, see you soon, thanks for coming.

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