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Blippi Learns Colors At The Indoor Play Place! | Educational Videos for Kids

May 24, 2024
Yes, there you have it. Hey, look, this is a turtle. Wow, turtle shells are very hard. It goes right there, oh, a hare. Where is the hare going? Yes, look at these little bushes. Yes, he likes to hide around them for cover, there you go, very smart. interesting toad, yeah, it goes right here, next to the water and the land, so you can get some nice water, yum, yum, yum, I love water, okay, what is this? This is a giant dragonfly, oh let's put it up there because it's flying in the sky, oh, an owl goes up the tree and then the bird goes up the branch, good job, okay, let's keep moving, this area is called touch, feel good , let's do the first one, you have to guess what it is, what it feels like, whoa, yeah. it's a little scaly but not scaly it's a rattlesnake you feel it this is very soft i like to feel things yes that's the hare it feels like wool it's soft but also very firm that's the sheep whoa and this is hard yes you I bet you know what that is, yeah, a turtle, okay, let's hear how these animals sound, okay, I'll press this button and then you have to guess what it sounds like ready, yeah, that's the toad, let's do the next one, the great horned owl Hey, I guess this one is. you know what animal that is, yes, that's the hare, what animal is this, yes, the blue mountain bird, let's act like birds together, okay, let's do the next one, ready, it sounds a little scary, oh yes, If you hear that, you should be very careful.
blippi learns colors at the indoor play place educational videos for kids
It's a rattlesnake, okay, the last one is done, you know what this is, yes, I knew it, I promised, that was that sheep, so much fun learning about those animals, look at this


, you can color with crayons or markers, It seems funny, strange, this is a spiral. Pretty clever, yes, a spiral goes around and around, a circle gets bigger or smaller depending on the direction, wow, what an interesting shape it goes up. 90 degree turn, 90 degree turn, 90 degree turn, 90 degree turn, 90 degree turn, 90 degree turn, 90 degree turn, 90 degree turn and a curved line looks like a snake, yeah, do you hear that, yeah, like a rattlesnake, another sensory area, oh, this bucket is changed every week, so the time I was here is this, it has very soft feathers, wow, and it has interesting foam. pieces that have different shapes, interesting and different


, and it feels so good, oh welcome, this is the children's hospital, come on, this is where all the doctors and nurses work and there are many babies, but first we have to scan our body.
blippi learns colors at the indoor play place educational videos for kids

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blippi learns colors at the indoor play place educational videos for kids...

Here, so the it lights up from behind wow look that's my spine and my hip bones right there wow that's really cool here we go let's check my hand let's inspect it hmm yeah that's my hand hey are there any broken bones? No, I think I'm fine, okay? let's keep it up oh sh the babies are sleeping they're so cute hi oh ok let's see this is the patient's chart and this is damon washington 7 month old african american male 18 pounds oh and he has a cough he's well, hey, damon, how? are you friend, how are you?
blippi learns colors at the indoor play place educational videos for kids
This is damon, hey, damon, okay, let's give damon a checkup, okay, we'll be right back, damon, okay, first we need to get this table nice and comfortable for damon, put this right here, okay, damon, here we go, hey, damon. Okay, how are you? Okay, let's put Damon on this comfy pad here. Perfect. Okay, Damon, it's going to be a little cold. I have to get this blanket off so we can use this stethoscope on Damon. Come on, a stethoscope is used to check the heartbeat. Ready. here you go damon here you go listen to that good job take a deep breath your heart is nice and healthy damon okay what else do we have ooh?
blippi learns colors at the indoor play place educational videos for kids
A thermometer this will help tell Damon's temperature, so let's


this thermometer on David's. mouth, okay, stay still, cool, 98.6 degrees, you're nice and healthy, damon, okay, oh, we have a comb, let's brush his hair, oh, how handsome, there you go, buddy, there you go, cool , perfect, okay, let's see what else there is and, oh, a bottle, I bet. Damon is really hungry, okay, Damon, here you go, eat, how does he know that? Mmm, okay, okay, it was so much fun taking care of the babies and getting our expert x-ray at the doctor's office. Oh hey I was sitting here thinking about life what is the purpose of life hmm I don't know but I could really use a smoothie I love smoothies have you ever tried a smoothie before?
Yes, they are so tasty and cold so refreshing. Perfect organic coffee. Let's make a smoothie. Wow, so. Have some blenders and some fruit here. Wow, this is going to be so much fun. Well, the first thing is to put this around us so we don't get dirty, so tie it in the back. Well, let's take this green plate and put some fruits on it. and vegetables, okay, how about two red strawberries, mmm, let's make a yellow lemon, mmm, and let's make two green apples, perfect, doesn't that look delicious? Let's put them in the blender, an apple in the blender and let's make a strawberry in the blender, okay, let's blend it perfect, now it's all blended, I need to have a cup, okay, here we go, let's pour it into the cup, mmm, okay . here's a cup full of smoothie, now let's make some juice, let's go to this juicer and then let's put them in there, the yellow lemon, the green apple and the red strawberry, let's put the lid on and here we go, perfect, here we go. mmm how healthy and tasty, good job, all this simple and learning is making me hungry, let's go shopping, take one of these baskets, look at this place, this is a grocery store and today's goal is to find good healthy food , so let's see here, oh. hey look wow a potato a potato is a vegetable is it that healthy or not healthy yes a potato the vegetables are healthy put it in the basket let's see what else we have yes broccoli is a vegetable the vegetables are healthy in orange the oranges are orange and oranges are fruits and fruits are healthy, let's put it there, okay, a pear, another fruit that is healthy, okay, let's see what else we can find hello, okay, what's in this aisle?
Okay, so we have some vanilla frosting and we have up here. have some bran flakes which one of these is healthy, yes, bran flakes are healthy, let's put the bran flakes in there and put the vanilla frosting back in, okay, let's try another one, let's see, oh, we have oats for the oatmeal and we have, oh, some cola. healthy cola no we'll return it it's healthy oatmeal yes oatmeal is healthy let's put that in our basket good job ok we have a few more items to choose from ok let's see we have milk oh and we have whipped cream ok which one of them? these are healthy, yes, milk is pretty healthy, whipped cream, lots of sugar, not so healthy, let's put that back and move on, oh, another aisle, mmm, okay, we have some rice and some brownies, which one is healthy, yes, rice is healthy, let's put that. in our basket and for the brownies that are not very healthy, I really like brownies, but we need to get some healthy things.
Very good job with all these healthy purchases, so for doing such a good job, I think you and I should get a gift, check out cupcakes. I love cupcakes, what's down here, and donuts, so for doing such a good job shopping healthy, let's pick a cupcake or a donut. Hmm, I have an idea. How about we both get one? Let's have a cupcake and a donut. Let's put them right there and we'll save them. Those for later Good job Okay, here we go, let's see, we have to buy all these items. Okay, here we go. Alright.
You have to scan them and then buy them. It was so much fun shopping with you. I love shopping. healthy stuff oh hey I was working on this vehicle and what I'm doing is making sure it's green with this green checklist and what that means is I'm making sure everything in this vehicle is actually working. efficiently like here this is the brake disc and there is no wheel or tire around it hmm let's put one on so these are the nuts put them in my pocket and then this is a pretty heavy wheel and tire okay there come on, oh okay, let's line up these bolts with ah, there we go perfect and then let's take these nuts and put them on Oops, it fell off, okay, let's turn this on, turn it clockwise like this, okay, now that They're a little tight, let's take the gun and make a perfect star shape, awesome, okay, now let's check the engine compartment, okay, the cylinder is working great, the battery looks amazing, oh, this air filter looks like It could be clean, let me go here, okay, take it off, okay, nice and clean. let's put it back in there, okay, now we have to do the fluids, the oil, the coolant, the antifreeze and the windshield wiper fluid here first, let's start with the oil, okay, unscrew the cap from there, perfect, okay, and then let's do that anti-freeze and coolant, what this does is make sure that the vehicle doesn't freeze during the winter and stays cold during the summer, put it in there, perfect, okay, and then this is the windshield washer fluid and this is what sprays the windshield and cleans the windshield so you can see let's put it there ah perfect and the brake fluid looks good and the power steering fluid looks good wow this vehicle is running so efficiently good job this area is called young art oh let's make some art, look at this This is a round cylindrical blackboard.
I have an idea. Let's take some chalk. Wow, that's amazing. Let's take more chalk. Here we go. It was fun. What else is there around here? A microscope. Wow, look at this. Do you see these? different types of materials, like cardboard paint, ooh, we even have a dollar bill right here, bubble wrap, wow, and then this microscope right here then gets really close to them, let's see, let's see, look, this is a dollar bill, very close up, look at that. number one right there, how interesting, oh, and then let's see that there is bubble wrap very close to what we can see with our normal eyes, look at that blue fabric, it looks like there is a lot of space there, but when I look down here it seems a t-shirt, and then, look at that, that's cardboard, yes, like cardboard, like a cardboard box, but it's very close.
Microscopes are cool, okay, let's see what else is around here. a place where you can draw


and write things, so today let's take the color orange and write my name in these six boxes, okay, ready, b l i p p i flippy, good job, okay, we'll leave it there, look at this, wow, what so big green table. It's got some holes in it, hey, I have an idea, let's build something. Art doesn't have to be just pieces of paper that you draw or color on, it could even be something interesting like this. Wow, okay, we're going perfect, so let's try to connect. all these wow look at that oh I have an idea yeah look at that wow oh what a masterpiece this is whoa whoa oh how silly whoa this room back here is so interesting list it's a little dark but don't be scared, this is the fluorescent room look at everything what you draw here lights up glows in the dark look this done let's spell my name again b l i p p i yeah good job flippy wow yeah and we'll do a nice little underline that was amazing what an interesting room it was It was so much fun to


and learn at the Discovery Children's Museum in Las Vegas, Nevada.
If you want to see more of my


, all you have to do is search my name. Can you spell my name with me? B-l-i-p-p-i flippy, good job, see you soon. Goodbye, let's go everyone. So much learning about this will make you want to do it.

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