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Blippi and Layla Have Tea Time at Mochas & Minis! | 1 HOUR OF BLIPPI TOYS!

Apr 04, 2024
yellow slide Oh, and it's shaped like a circle. Oh, and me. You should go down, slide down and then when I'm down there you can come down after me, that's it, okay, bye, wait, wait. good job going down the slide okay, it was a lot of fun going down the slide now I think we should roll whoa I love roll oh hey what's this hello hello okay how are you now? I'm inside this house Reddit read it oh hey frog what else is here bye frog hello hello okay let's go this way check out this contraption wait wait wait I'm balancing hey oh that was awesome now Let's ride a little more, look at this yellow car, here it comes, yes, there is another one.
blippi and layla have tea time at mochas minis 1 hour of blippi toys
This is the color purple, get ready, here we go, yeah, okay, look at this, this is a pink carriage with a horse, bye, yeah, in the red car with a yellow hood, oh, look out, and a police car black, here we go and one more, a red fire truck, here we go, bye fire truck, whoa, whoa, here we go, we're going this way, oh, look at all these colored blocks. So many colors, okay, I think we should leave them to see what's behind them, whoa, yeah, do it. You see this, this here, this is a whiteboard and you can ride on it, so let's go over what we did today.
blippi and layla have tea time at mochas minis 1 hour of blippi toys

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blippi and layla have tea time at mochas minis 1 hour of blippi toys...

The first thing is we jumped, jumped, jumped, yes, we jumped, then we crawled, crawled, crawled and then we ran, ran, ran, and then what did we do? We slid down the slide and then we just rolled, rolled, rolled, well it was so much fun doing these active things with you in this Play Place. Well, this is the end of this video, but if you want to see more of my videos, What I


to do is ask for my name, yes, my name is


, let's spell it together ready B l I p p i


good job see you again foreigner look where we are we're in the Fun past the clay thorium in Bellevue Washington come on


fun hey hey look at this place trampoline what is this is a piano wow I just did a full loop-de-loop let's see more fun stuff in the fantastic creporium oh I love this wow you put balls right here Yeah okay stay here ready foreigner it's a little airsoft gun oh my god thank you this is a big gun let's put a lot of balls Here, try again, are you ready?
blippi and layla have tea time at mochas minis 1 hour of blippi toys
Countdown to three, three, two, one, yeah, okay, let's go. come over here whoa oh it's so colorful whoa oh cube is blue this cube is yellow and this cube is red whoa look at this I'm going to spin whoa whoa foreign look come here you have to stay on the blocks there are alligators and crocodiles at the bottom wow, I'll come back to you whoa whoa okay this cylinder has a couple of colors it has blue green and orange blue beans and orange whoa there's something really pointy here thanks whoa whoa okay let's go up that way yeah oh look there's some stairs, let's say the colors, green, yellow, green, yellow, whoa, this is very bouncy, oh, go up, look, it's a slide, okay, I'll go down first and then you'll fall, okay, whoa, oh yeah, good job.
blippi and layla have tea time at mochas minis 1 hour of blippi toys
Hey, stay there, I'll do it one more


. Wow, that slide is really fun. Let's see what else is here. Okay, now we'll go this way. They are like pyramids. Look, wow, it's a blue pyramid. Yellow pyramid. Green pyramid and orange dot. Look. in this pointy balloon it's pink and white oh wow wow red nose and the clown is blue like me whoa that's a little scary foreigners oh yellow and red yellow red yellow red oh and what is this here whoa whoa this is like a spider web, my legs are stuck, I can't get out, okay, I'll try to get out really hard now oh ah whoa oh whoa whoa oh I made it go that way I'll see you on the other side whoa walk backwards again this is very colorful wow , look, relax, look at another pointy ball, yes, wait, you hit me, okay, look at this, you want to go first, yes, it's a tunnel, you can go first, good job, okay, here I come, thanks, you made it, look .
Yeah, there's a bunch of green webbing right here and then a bunch of colorful water lilies stay in the green. Wait, Wait, I'm stuck, I can't get out now. Okay, you stay there and I'll take the lead to the slide. There's a slide here, I'm going to go first, okay, okay, it's a big blue slide, here I go, okay, your turn, come on, yeah, good job foreigner with all the balls, it was a lot of fun, look, these are the weapons here, so press the button here. Whoa, yeah, come out here, we gotta put the balls back here, yeah, go right there and then look up, I'll push your balls, come this way, let the ball fall on you, yeah, whoa, that was very funny in the whoa in The.
Funtastic playtorium in Bellevue Washington, let's all go.

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