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Blippi Builds A Rocketship! Learn About The Solar System | Science Videos For Kids!

Jun 04, 2021
Hey, it's me, Flippy, and I was just hanging out in this cardboard box. Look at him, he's like a bird. Oh, I have so many cardboard boxes lying around. What are we going to do with them? I have an idea why don't we take some of these cardboard boxes and make something with them. This is going to be fun. Hey, how are you? I'm just making a rocket out of these cardboard boxes. I'm using these scissors nice and safe to cut out a giant window. Look at that, now I can sit inside later and then we can explore outer space.
blippi builds a rocketship learn about the solar system science videos for kids
I'm really excited, okay, here we go. Now that I have my window, I can put the cardboard box. Before it was a box. Now it's a rocket. above and you see this is a square, yes, but we actually need to turn it into a triangle, so let's grab our scissors, yes, with some adult supervision from your parents, you can cut this carefully and nice, okay, one side is ready, now we have to do it. the other side here we go look it used to be a square but now it's a triangle okay now we need some duct tape to then tape it together to make the top of the rocket okay here we go let's take the tape and Let's take out a big piece. of tape, wait, okay, let's take the small portion, okay, here we go, wait, there I love making things with cardboard boxes.
blippi builds a rocketship learn about the solar system science videos for kids

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blippi builds a rocketship learn about the solar system science videos for kids...

You can do so many things today, we are making a rocket, but once I made a monster truck, another time I made it. a dolphin and I named that dolphin uh what was that name I think it was dolphie oh sometimes the tape gets stuck but it's okay we have it all there we go we give it a little piece and then we tape the other side wow, here we go I'm so excited to go to outer space Have you ever seen the stars at night? Yes, they are so bright and the moon. I love the moon.
blippi builds a rocketship learn about the solar system science videos for kids
Have you noticed that the moon is sometimes a full moon? Yes, sometimes it's a half moon and sometimes it's a new moon, yes, okay, let's give this a little twist, now it's time to design our rocket. I'm so excited, this is one of my favorite parts, so the first step to designing is to have a plan, let's get this piece of white paper right. here and let's draw the rocket so the first thing you need to do is plan what the rocket is going to look like so let's draw the rocket so we have a trapezoid here and then we have a big rectangle for the body of the rocket and then we have a triangle for the rocket cone and obviously I want a lot of color so first let's take some orange perfect I love orange and then let's take some blue so color it.
blippi builds a rocketship learn about the solar system science videos for kids
I have a plan. I'm going to use colored paper for that, so I'm actually going to use this black marker to symbolize that these are pieces of paper and we'll do that later, okay, oh, there's a lot of stars here, so let's actually make some. stars. right here, yeah, yeah, I love stars 'cause you see them at night when you look up in the sky and they shine, yeah, kind of like a little star that shines, shines, how I wonder what you are, you know that song, me too I like that song, oh, and yellow. Yes, it is a beautiful color.
Wow, our rocket looks great. I think I have a very good idea. Let's take the color red because it is pretty and bright. Spell my name. Can you spell my name with me? Ready. I am perfect. that's the plan it looks like this triangle the top of the rocket yeah we could color it how about we color it yeah blue I like blue and we actually have a lot of blue paint here so we can use blue paint for this part wow, perfect wow, I think if we can make this rocket in real life, it will be very cool, here we go, okay, like I said, the first thing we have to do is use the blue and orange color paper to put it. the side like this, so let's take the glue stick, yeah, yeah, put a lot of glue right on the back, like this, okay, there's two pieces, okay, there's one and here's the second piece, okay, there's one, two pieces of paper and we have to do it. two more, yes, which will make one, two, three, four pieces of paper.
I'm going to put glue on them right here. Okay, now we have four pieces, one, two, three, four, so let me finish the rest and then we'll see how many we have. I have in total after it's done okay it's falling apart sometimes if things fall apart you just have to fix it okay here we go and after we fix this we can count all the colors so Let's take our tape. now the rocket booster is all set up yes, here we go, okay, now let's count all the colored pieces, yes, the blue and orange pieces, those are my two favorite colors, okay, there's one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, eight pieces of paper, good job, okay.
What else did we have here on our paper from our initial plans for our rocket to go to outer space? We had stars, yes, remember we had yellow stars, yellow star, another yellow star, wow, they are so bright and they twinkle the same. The real thing, okay and let's put some blue stars in there. Can you think of something that is the blue color of my shirt? What about the big blue ocean? Yes, here is another blue star. Here we go. How about a purple star? Yes, I like the color purple. there and last but not least another purple star, perfect, that looks great, so as you remember, we have to spell my name because that's what was on the plans, but before we do that, let's do the part top of the rocket.
Remember what color I said I was going to paint it, yes, the color blue, okay, let's take some blue paint and my painter's palette. I'm an artist and let's take a brush. I love painting. Okay, let's squeeze some blue paint right on top. Wow, that's so fun, okay, let's give it some paint, here we go, wow, this is such a pretty blue. Whoa, whoa, there we go, have you ever used paints before they were so fun? You can use a brush and you can even use your fingers sometimes we won't do that today, but that artistic technique is called finger painting, here we go, what does it look like?
Do you like it? Yes me too. Okay, let's save this. You have to stay nice, clean and organized. here we go and remember the last thing we had to do we need to dispel someone's name oh yeah my name


will you spell it with me b-l-i p-p-i flippy good job and do you remember what color yes the color red okay so let's use a new? brush, yeah, and then we have to make sure that we don't mix the red and the blue because then it won't be red anymore and it won't be blue, do you know what color you get when you mix blue and red, yeah, violet? but we'll keep them separate, so let's take this lid off.
There is so much paint here and I like to use a lot of paint. Wow, there we go, wow, a little more, okay, there we go, okay, let's go, before. paint it, we should probably put it on its side because we need to write my name, which is on its side, yeah, there we go, that's how we write on its side, okay, let's take our brush and put the letter b right here, now that we have the letter b the second letter is the letter l yes, well, the third letter is an i ready, okay, here we go b-l-i you know the next letter a p yes b-l-i-p okay b l i p p yes here we go, okay one last letter b good job there Come on, we just complete the rocket, so now we have to enter.
Oh no, see what I did? We are so stupid. Look at this out the window. Is there. Yes, that means we have to turn it this way. Look, and now my name is backwards. Down, okay, though we're going to fly through outer space in this new cardboard rocket. I'm so excited about my name backwards, so silly, are you ready? because I'm sure here, come on, hey, I love outer space. Good job building the rocket. Ship with me Now that we are in outer space I think we should explore our





everything about it, well here we go, look, that is our sun and its name is called sun, how original our sun provides all the light in our



and it takes eight minutes for that light to go from the sun to our planet earth and the sun is so big that there are 1.3 million earths that can fit inside it, that's a lot of earths here we go, outer space is so much fun oh , look at that planet, that planet is mercury, wow, that planet is very rocky and has so many craters and in fact, since it is the closest planet to the sun, a rotation around the sun is super fast, it only lasts about 88 days in the earth, mercury is incredible.
Now we are on another planet, look at that planet, that planet is the planet Venus and it is so hot that it is the hottest planet, it is getting hotter here, the planet has so many volcanoes and it is actually very bright if you look up. the sky of our planet earth, you can actually see it without a telescope, here we go, this has been incredible, you are there, I think I see you, hey, that's planet earth, that's where you and I live, what beautiful planet there is. a lot of water there and then there are a lot of trees and mountains whoa and our planet earth, yes we have a moon, let's go there now hey moon, thank you very much for lighting us up at night, yes that planet is the planet Mars, whoa, it has two moons .
Wow, what a lucky planet, well we have actually sent robots and rovers to Mars, that's amazing, we humans have yet to land on Mars, but maybe one day soon, maybe you will be that astronaut, yeah here we go, the asteroid belt was so intense. Look, that's our planet Jupiter, it's the largest planet in our solar system and do you see that big red dot that's a storm? Wow, that's a big storm and Jupiter actually has 79 moons. That's crazy, see you later Jupiter, hello Saturn, check this out. It's our planet Saturn whoa what are those those are the rings of Saturn wow there is so much dust, ice and rocks that form them to form those rings wow what an attractive planet okay Saturn see you later oh look at another planet that is uranus yes what a great planet , wow, it looks blue, um, yeah, that's because it has a lot of ice.
It is known as the great ice planet. It has 13 rings and 27 moons. Well, see you later, Uranus, it's been a lot of fun. Look at that planet. The planet is the planet Neptune, it is so dark, cold and windy on that planet, oh let's get out of here, the last planet in our solar system, look at it, it is very small, it is Pluto, it is so small, it is a dwarf planet, wow, and it's so cold, I love it. Pluto is very cold out here, even if we go around and count all the planets, but now look at my name, it was so much fun


ing together about all the planets in our solar system.
Hey, I think we should count them all, okay? The sun. It's not a planet so let's count the planets one two three four five six seven eight nine oh oh wait a second eight nine ah who knows some people say that Pluto is not a planet but I don't know, right now it's all in the air or the outer space so silly eight or nine we'll keep it like this okay now let's name the planets ready mercury venus earth mars jupiter saturn uranus neptune pluto wow good job okay I should probably go now maybe we'll go explore another solar system someday , okay, see you later, bye, wow.

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