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Blind Man Teaches Girl To See | @LoveBusterShow

Jun 16, 2024
thank you and how did you do it you run here every morning from 9:00 to 10:00 this car passes by here every day exactly at 9:24 wow while your husband cheats on you at home with a redhead I'm at home, where are you , dear? Mhm, why are you wearing a rope? I'm getting ready to take a shower. Yes, look at one. Okay, where is she, honey, what are you talking about here, honey, what Joseph, oh, there she is? No no no no no no. No, wasn't it supposed to be a surprise? A Halloween costume. Damn


joker. I'm sorry.
blind man teaches girl to see lovebustershow
I thought you were cheating on me. Do you imagine that maybe I'm just yours, baby? Yeah, then I'll go running again. Yes, get something. fresh air, clear, clear my mind, I'm waiting for you, yeah, bye, sorry, yeah, he's gone, yeah, so you think this is funny, you could have ruined my family, I just showed you the truth that you can see or choose not to see, you know? what the hell you and your truth from now on you won't be able to escape the truth and you will always see it in people's eyes we are death you don't like the past now your eyes are fine everything is fine the bus is great I decided to throw a given, say 2 + 2 = 5, what say it, okay, 2 + 2 = 5 while I go for a run every morning, are you fooling me with a red hat?
blind man teaches girl to see lovebustershow

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blind man teaches girl to see lovebustershow...

You have a funny way with my brother Maria, of course not. Are you making lies? I can see lies in your eyes. I'm not cheating on you. Hey, are you crazy? Okay, okay, guilty is charged. I'll be sure to reveal that you found out that I should have left here a long time ago. That? Are you saying that after everything we've been through I loved you my whole life? Jack, your eyes, what do you say it again? I loved you all my life. Looks like I'm not the only liar here, which is why I'm a big fan of B fiction.
blind man teaches girl to see lovebustershow
No way that's my favorite M, listen, how about we go to s m? Sometimes I'm free tomorrow, yeah, well, if you have a serious intention, the most serious one, okay, then, hey, Jack, I see you've become friends with my wife, ex-wife, I'm almost there. I'm not divorced yet Jack, get out of here, by the way, do you know why our marriage fell apart? Jack, get out of here. She lies constantly, she lies and that makes your eyes ready. Stone, can you imagine teaching him? Hey, take your hands off her, okay? well, well, well, well, prove that Amon, no, it's not true, it's true, tell me one more thing please, do you just want this word for fun after our break? ​​No, Gary, it's not like that.
blind man teaches girl to see lovebustershow
Have a good night, love birds, listen up. I can explain it no thanks I don't want to hear more lies underneath everything I'm sorry but it's for life listen and what should I do no one will build a relationship with me the truth is thirst with yourself stop lying to yourself and you I will stop lying to others . Can you stand that I lied to you? I didn't watch B fiction. That's true, but I like you and I had a great time with you and I would love to get to know you better. if they do it sincerely

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