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Blind Bacon Taste Test

Feb 27, 2020
Are all


s the same? Let's talk about that Mythical Good Morning! Bacon is made from pigs, right? MISTAKEN! Bacon is made from all kinds of things, I'm told, it's made from all kinds of animals and plants, plants make


from plants too, man the world is your bacon oyster and a side note, if the oyster doesn't come in bacon form, should memo to everyone, OK, we'll make it work in the meantime we're going to try everything the bacon world has to offer and we'll do it the best way we know how... it's time to play? What meat found its creator when he made this miraculous bacon?
blind bacon taste test
As you can see, we can't, that's how this will work. They'll bring us different types of bacon on the patent pending bacon bar we wanted to call BIC, but apparently it's pins and razors, that's already taken, so what we're going to do comes on the BIC, oh sorry, on the bar of bacon, we eat it and then we have to say where it comes from, what animal, plant or whatever oyster it came from, that's it, I mean, we just have to say whatever it comes from, let's do it! Feed me bacon! crunchy really crunchy greasy tasty woah, I just got a little hint of something, a little hint of something? a touch of no pork still


s great I'm really excited about this whole game is this what this is all going to be like?
blind bacon taste test

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blind bacon taste test...

Do you know anything that's definitely not pork? I mean... it's a game, there's a definite game, are you ready? yes 3 2 1 pork/turkey I said turkey you're calling a bluff and saying pork


d just like regular bacon. I was following suit. I didn't think it was spicy either but it's not pork and the answer is chicken, I see. I was very close to you, we are from the poultry family. I understand something? Do I receive a bird point? Can I stop the presses for a second? Is there chicken and bacon? Whaaaat?/Holy what? What part of the chicken? the belly? the pork part that was amazing yeah sign me up for bacon chicken that's a revelation man yeah it sure is I don't even know why bring home the bacon bring it right to my mouth it's big it's wide, it's crunchy, it's not great, it's You've got this manufactured fatness, do you think so? wow, wow, wow, that meat, THAT MEAT!
blind bacon taste test
I KNOW THAT MEAT! You're talking nonsense now, aren't you? You know, it feels like real fat to me This is from a big animal Yeah, I have an idea what this animal eats This makes me a little sick because it's like... This is so gross I can't even tell you why what tastes like... a twisted form of jerky. I think you are on the right track. That's what I feel. Can I have your answers in 3 2 1 buffalo/bison oooh Rhett! In the same family we said the same thing, well it's beef bacon so I feel obligated to give you some kind of points, but we both knew it was from a large grazing animal.
blind bacon taste test
Now it tastes like beef stew and I know it as I chew it. It looks like a cow, but it doesn't matter because we both did it well, so let's say zero, you know, let's give ourselves a point for it, just for the fun of it, yeah, just because we... to feel good. of pride for us, a point each, okay let's keep that bacon train rolling the thickness I'm getting, yeah there's not much fat in this one oh my gosh I don't want to say what it tastes like because that'll be my guess . I have a little more I don't want more I have an answer it's too thick to be bacon 3, 2, 1 Boar/Pig Haha I called your bluff I said boar It's duck bacon AHHHHHHH oh it shines here ahh it was duck Hey, listen, hey, I helped duck one too soon.
Hey, I said duck in another round. I'm looking for some duck bacon. Now I would like to be crowned with the crown of bacon. I will, ladies and gentlemen, he earned it honestly. Wear the bacon crown. with pride oh steve hardy is about to walk in (Fake laughs) Thanks for liking, subscribing and sharing your love of bacon with all your friends and family, you know what time it is.

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