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BKFC In Focus: Toughest Fights Vol. 1

May 07, 2024
This is fight number four in


for Christian Torres and his career in Pro Combat Sports. He also had one in mixed martial arts, one in boxing. This is the Bear Knuckle and actually the


promotional debut for Cory Madden. Six and one in his professional boxing career. Five of those six wins by knockout both fighters went up to the number one scratch round black trucks to pour M red blue trucks for Christian Torres jab from Torres St JB right behind M just off the mark entry into the right hand now in the clinch B right hands in the clinch from Torres, see Dan mot's patience at work, there's a separation up, right, right hand and down, Cory m and M just came in a little wild right there, first fight with bare knuckles and Torres He told him why you can do it.
bkfc in focus toughest fights vol 1
Don't come in like that, okay, let's go. Ready look. Torres is now advancing, you don't see any rush for Torres again. He talked about finding that balance between being offensive and defensive, without recklessness on Torres' part after reporting the fall and it's always surprising how much. The best people understand that by having a couple of


here at dkfc, they just adapt, they understand the sport a little more and that right there just shows the opposite that he would have rushed before another big right hand, another now Torres to the body in the M on the turn putting Torres's back against the ropes causes the separation of Dan mlot 40 seconds remaining in round number one and he cannot land that ja to show patience exploding on the left hand he lands now the right hand knocks down number two and that was some great clinch work right there cut the head push the head down land that good mandatory right hand eight from M we will continue with 15 seconds left round number one in the clinch again another right hand Big Shots now to the body goes Christian Torres those R I feel like we almost fell well, two knockdowns recorded by Christian Torres in the first round, our main event against Mike Richmond, which concludes our bkfc 31 night, our first time at Verle Fighting Championship in the great state of Colorado, in the round Number two, let's go big, right? for Christian Torres looking like Torres while Matt had his back to him gets the ammo from D Merlot Matt now coming for M Hur again in the clinch big body shots landed by m back against he was hit once again there I think it was falling Torres showing the patience showing explosiveness another right hand M keeps coming in and exposing his chin keeps attacking with open punches Torres has to make his account of these things and the 6 and 1 professional boxer is still trying to find his offense and this is baruck debuts now he's on return against FES overhook taken away by Christian Torres on the turn man there is a pop jab 55 seconds left in the second round and you see the boxer's stance against the one you can see right now Torres just looking to counterattack all the time Torres again inside important shots in the pocket now in the clinch comes Christian Torres big blows clean guys let's go with our hands up ready Knuckle Up by Dan Mot and again he comes in a defensive clinch for Cory M takes the break to slide, there is the chb leads the left hook there is the counterattack of the right hand Torres' right hand seems tired at this moment the right hand at the entrance to the clinch you see the hook taken by Torres straight to the body another right hand from Torres to the body we move on to the third round the beginning of round number three mman's snapchat here is Tes's chb entry big left hand in the right hand TOS in the pocket this is where he has done his best work in the fight that through the clitch he stings right hands to Christian's head T Good job, so cool, so cool, the rest of Dan Mleo and looking for the jab entry.
bkfc in focus toughest fights vol 1

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Good body pain from Cory M. CV over under snatched by Christian Torres with both hands closed causing the overtime separation. There are 80 seconds left in the third round. Right hand off the left hand and another left hand to the body and hook from Torres end up doing a good job of starting this fight in the clinch and again this is someone with no MMA experience, Pro or Amy turning Torres to deny the clinch and get the mot separation now in the pocket comes Cory Matt trying to throw from that right hook to the body back starting to aim for the body of Christian Torres there is a big hook to the sternum just before the break 35 seconds left in the third round once Again, Torres looks extremely tired right now, I don't know if it's the altitude or he's just fighting right here, pushing, something is wearing him down.
bkfc in focus toughest fights vol 1
Short left hand from Torres, inactive clinch that gets Oana to rest. There are 15 seconds left in the third round. that Jack from Torres suddenly a lurking pressure from Cory Mt right hand step from Torres Forres short left hands Tes continually Chris grabbing that side hook that is illegal under this set of rules that causes the break and that's the end of the third round Chris unable to a to fight one of my favorite guys to see round number four there is the Jack of cor M Jack book of M there is the right hand slowly angry Cory is gaining momentum in this fight corz like I said there very Tired right now he's going to have to find a way to get the next speed, he can't just keep tying up, he's got to land some, there he goes, he's got to throw some punches there back to the opponent, now with the underhook, throwing to the body a big angry exhale. he comes to the center circle ha from Torres Torres Now is the time to get on your bike, move if you are tired, that is when you regain victory, when you are able to move and stay away, choose the right moment to be aggressive to the body va Cory Madden into the clinch Torres' double defensive clinch big hook to the body counter right hand from Torres after a crazy landing Torres' punches just don't seem to have the heat in them anymore like they did in the first two rounds Fighters throwing to the body in this clinch active left hand to the Head of Cory mden half a tie Club Now snacked by Christian Torres takes care of the body continuing to throw good referee here from the Auto when seeing the inactivity that broke in the activity allowed the


to allow the fight to continue the punches to land from both fighters jab again from Christen Torres from the one who is in ENT Torres is taking a break at this time his opponent is letting him stand in the middle of the Ring SP until zero round number five underway Cory Madden is his debut with knuckles against Christian Torres his fourth fight with knuckles good left hand in the clitch from M right hand and another great right hand Tierra de Torres G who suddenly seem revitalized these guys know that this is the last round I have to let everything be There, son, little cuts under Mad's eyes, this jab, three jabs from Matt Cor, is exploding forward again, where the short right hand is straight to the body, now half tied Plum and there are hooks from Cory M with the right hand down. from Torres down, crossed, this is a dirty and gray fight.
bkfc in focus toughest fights vol 1
Sean goes back to what Christian Torres said. I have to make this a tough, tough fight which is my key to victory. I will definitely do it now. Nobody has won anything yet. A great start to this. fight for Torres dropping M twice in round number one. M, although he had very good rounds three and four, good 45 seconds left in this fight jab from Torres jab from Mad Torres landed first first now Madden again from which Tes backed up to jab there are the two on Christian Torres' step leading to Madden vs. the RNG RS lefts to Torres' body right and landing both punches may not be difficult, but those are cumulative punches and Colorado's three assigned judges notice them in Torres' stretch now. in the clinch Short right hands from Tes who continue to throw the man with a right hand to the body and a right hand to the head by unanimous decision Christian the Terminator to JAMA and W Reed, born in South Florida, now ready to make his debut in bkfc. of KFC's Biggest Personalities Tony Sto Goes 3 and 0 in Bar Knuckle Fighting Championship W Reed told us that he respects Tony Sto's power.
I'll negate that power with my very fast counterpunches in round number one R gold trucks for Tony Sto white pink truncks for w Reed the body jab to come in strong with big swings from that entry, left hook, coming out well. I know he said he wants to let this mom come, but it seems like he's throwing hard punches to try to get it done. it happens that misses can intervene with Reed's right hand, he resets the double jab of the punch to the inside SoDo Stiff jab two hits there from RE here is the left hand big refresh changes unbalancing immediately resets it just putting everything on his P, he has You have to be careful when coming, they will hit you with the punch as you enter with so much force that you will hurt yourself.
Tony continues rolls to punch with an open hand, but there is no punch from Reed on the back foot of him. SoDo explodes. with the left hook now he grabs the step back of the hook, separation requested by referee Andrew Glenn, he steps again with the bare right hand of W Reed, he is loading that right hand from Chris and that bare right hand is a tough shot to see come because it is not very common. It's definitely a hit from time to time, you can't cast it too many times past Sono and down Tony's pressure.
Stto now steps back trying to set up that late arriving long range jab here in round number one. Here's the 10. second rigid watch CH who landed from bre to the clinch SoDo's left hand hook to the bell we move on to the second round he's fired up ready to keep fighting little Touch of Hands F is bouncing now he's coming to scratch the round so again I wanted to explode from the outside to the mid range 9% of the time FS tells us to explode from the outside into the pocket left hand more bench shots from soda right back of Reed has a very long range jab right hand big for one two from the Jamaican Mar Again I'm looking for the entrance which is Sly, so by andw and that's what I'm talking about, he continues to put so much forward pressure right there, he's off balance, I think the punches need to be seconded, two, he just wants to land those hard shots so hard he put in too much, he needs to take his own advice right there and let the knockout happen.
You see Reed playing with that long jab that came from stto jab not there for green. Right hook from stto again moving forward with 45 seconds left in the second round. I'd like to see more of those right hands thrown, one really there, it's there, no, that's a good left hand, a little refresher, just more significant punches at this stage of the fight, now on his back foot, so slightly, Tony tries to raise the level. temp here late stages of round number two RE's Jack isn't there, but he's moving away from his punching line, so again I look for the entrance the duck under Reed left hand SoDo's left hook next stop third round kindly by Tony soda graciously received by W Reed round number three cheer city it's rare in this promotion Chris so much camaraderie, yes, just like the Knuckl Man promotion, unlike other organizations I've commented on, we don't manufacture heat when it's real, we embrace it, really we create heat, there is no need. for Sean, it's just organic here there are 80 seconds left in the third round which was OCTA from W Reed, right back hook, he threw it naked, he missed, that allows the entrance of that blow for this to the clinch fighter who seems active in the separation from the clinch, clean and no.
Many of you can see here the attempts from the last round that almost beat their opponent by the way, I never believed in manufactured heat, that's why I stop commenting on two chess mistakes by W Reed, you can really see what it looks like right now. The car is really starting to take control, it feels refreshing, it seems like he's actually starting to step up his M and his performance, squeezing the attacking guard hard throughout the jab. There are 20 seconds left to complete round number three of this welterweight fight to the clinch. Soo on the overh lands left hand, good referee from Andrew Glenn, allowing this to continue now, the downtime, which is the break, the last few seconds of round number three.
Soo to the body again, good sequence for Tony with power to the body towards the bell as we move into the round. four with the Judes Tony sto was so eager to get up to start round four that he almost forgot his mouthpiece, good job on the fourth, or they had round number four going on, so he felt pretty good about how the round ended number three with the body. there's a right hook to the body and that drops W re, that's the continuation of the body shots from the third round here into the early stages of the fourth round and by looking closely at his corner you can tell he doesn't want to to be here. called now by referee Andrew Glenn, so it's the fall score, the mandatory eight and now the medical timeout called by Glenn, the fight is over and there is the victory for Tony stto now 4 and 0 in bkfc, let sto pko and still undefeated Tony Loco Salto.
This is the bkfc debut of Drew Angel Core 1 and 0 in boxingprofessional 20 and 5 in a very good amateur boxing career Timmy Mason one and 0 with bare knuckles and now he is making his debut in bkfc, so he also had four professional boxing fights Mason said he had at least 70 boxing matches from Amer, perhaps more. I never kept my feet apart in round one, fast start for Timmy Mason and down below, Drew Angel, with the core in the black trunks, taking the mandatory eight count from Nick Barrett, what a start right there Timmy Mason came out . A hard blow.
I love it. Mason in the red truns gets the immediate knockdown. He now moves forward looking for the quick end. The great right hand is Angel Cour. He shoots down with his left hand. Mason Lands. A phenomenal start to this fight. BL half tight and there's the right one. hand land for Angel Cour in the clinch these guys are doing it they're going to have to burn some of this off they need to calm down a little this moving step with Timmy Mason's left hand squarely in Tak downobviously illegal wow, neither fighter has experience in MMA, but it was a magnificent takedown just illegal on Clin St.
Look at the Blood stain on Timmy Mason's face. The fights throw a great half draw. PL. Short headlock position on the left side. You see the hand fighting MC. Baron is allowing this to continue properly, so this is an active cut in the center of Drew Angel cor's forehead and you have to watch when these guys come in and we start tying up, they're wasting a lot of energy. I'm not used to being able to do this from boxing, so it's totally new for them. 30 seconds left in a fierce and furious round number one, as he recorded the only knockdown at least so far.
He also hit the only one. It was also a beautiful side fall. entering the pocket again short right hand from Angel Corp them starting this clinch separation separation again from Nick baren La Campana the end of round number one Timmy Mason's step see if Mason tries to come with that straight left to right again yes , he ran forward immediately from the scratch line emulating what he did to start round number one good left hand right hand again Angel Court ducking, I mean, and Timmy Mason isn't really being subtle, although I'm going to come forward and throw hard left hands During the entire At that point, Angel Cor will have to swing back and continue throwing hooks or continue throwing his Rock back and come back with strong punches, he will have to do something or they will just attack him.
Mason has a cut inside his left forehead that's why you see the blood stain on his left cheek big right hand to the body another right hand to the body for Drew Angel or God body block that's intentional on Mason's part that's smart get the separation from Nick Baron walking forward this is with that fun fight with the left hand against Chris straight to the body in the clinch from Drew Angel cor with a left cut to the body of Timmy Mason Angel continues to throw at Timmy Mason just holding on but no prevents Angel cor from hitting, that is why the referee is allowing it to enter with the left hand and another left hand against the left and the right knocks down a piece while Mason is on the canvas Mason is injured he will still have to be very careful Right now he's wobbly if he's not careful he's just going to keep throwing punches they'll knock him out.
Angel core restarting with 30 seconds left in the second round. Angelore misses with the back hook on the right hand now short. Landing that short left hand in the clinch, you can see Jimmy nearly falling over right there with his legs. They are not under him yet, he just relaxes his round, tries to move a little, he is moving forward, he cannot continue to land one more blow and he may be out in the last seconds of round number two, both Timmy Mason, Drew, Angel's core , doing everything possible. down in the first round Mason down here in round number two, next stop and 108 across the board for Angel's core, so 1818 we know, the fighters know what his corners are.
They know it in real time, scoring bkfc 24 in the clinch, he hit the side knockdown in round one. Angel Core almost hits the standing guillotine on Mason's entrance 35 round left number three phenomenal fight up to this point a big left hand right to the back short left counter left hand from Mason after Angel Core through huge swings from Timmy Mason's Returning to the clinch he separates, separates and slows down a little, but how could he not? Chris hits Bonnie from Angel Corp Mason blocking Bonnie from trying to get the breakup. Here's the discussion with referee Nick Baren saying you have to throw Mason. active clinch good right hand NE brings right hand then left hand counters right hand now 40 seconds left in round 3 both men Landing Big T Mason is really slowing down right now it looks like he's getting tired of throwing all those punches strong and those side drops that's Tyrant on the inside sha left hook by Drew Angel Core Blood coming out of Angel Cor's mouth blood coming out of Mason's nose Mason has to stop throwing those hooks, he has to spin them under the hook or punches to the body that you can't dodge with a big exhale from Timmy Mason, right hand and left counter, last seconds of round number three, see the blood on both men's faces, more rights to the body from the core from Angel just before the arc that ends round number three, making it 2827 across the board for Drew Angel cor. as we start round number four, fast start from Timmy Mason early pressure on the grappling hook snatched by Angel cor cross actually cross from Timmy Mason good left hand on Mason's entry left hook he just keeps throwing that over the left hand is just overdoing it a little bit, he needs to turn that down, be perfect for him, cor, circling off the jab, turning to the right hand, little confusion, right there he turned it and pushed him to the ground and then he threw punches and He was Angel cor. saying his hands are pointing to the ground, that's a takedown, a good right hand from Angel Court, it's not a takedown because Mason had turned and was an illegal target.
MMA is a 360° sport, knuckle like boxing loved 180, it's the front Your opponent's goal is the back and I think if Mason isn't able to adapt and can stop throwing that overhand left, he'll pass. over the head every time AG cor if it doesn't solve that problem, I don't know if it will. In order to win this fight, he's wasted, he's there, his entire core has to duck, he knows what punch is coming, he can get into the clitch, more short shots to the body, landing from Drew Angel now on the head, that's why he's outclassing his opponent on the inside continues to throw small punches 25 seconds left round number four good flurry from Angel Corp right hand lands from Mason doubling the jab then the right hand 112 from Drew Angel Court left hook from Mason back to the clinch we came up short with the hand Right hand from Drew Angel Court, you can see at this point that Mason is really slowing down, he continues to hold on the inside without offering anything on this on the jab from Angel Court, forward pressure from Timmy Mason to start the fifth. and the last round of this lightweight fight, there are the scores, once again, we're right, it's going to be two points down, Tim Mason and cor up by two.
Wow, he just rocked Mason trying to restart Angel Cor trying to finish in the fifth round. It really is him. up by two big points on the scorecard and he's up even further now that Mason went down for the second time in this fight after taking the mandatory eight from Nick Baren in the second round here in the fifth round telling Baren that he wants to continue with His face is a mess right now 105 left Fifth and final route big left hand from Drew Angel Court. I mean, you have to appreciate Mason's heart, but they're tearing it apart right now, that's SLP Mason taking himself to the mat and not on purpose.
He's got about 45 seconds if he wants to win this, but he's going to have to get a left-handed knockout and that's ruled and knocked down by Nick Bar and Timmy Mason, ready to get back into this fight, so two knockdowns a piece, no matter how it goes. . having to take another hit two more knockdowns I don't think I can without winning after being knocked down in this round that totally changes things in the last second leg Driving big right hand another right hand from Angel cor right hand from Timmy Mason this has been phen The 155 lb. in the final seconds with the nozzle on both fighters looking for a more significant blow with the right hand a few more after Bel True Angel's car.
This is fight number two in bkfc for Drik Finley, he is still active in a really successful achievement. Professional boxing career that Spann has 63 fights 34 wins is a Pro boxing 24 of those 34 wins by knockout of Jake Lindsay one and 0 in bkfc and of those 26 Pro MMA limits three were in the UFC it's not as simple as that but it's kind de es MMA versus boxing round number one black and white briefs for Jake Lindsay black and gold briefs for Derrick end even though there is great height The advantage at this time for Lindsay does not have the range Open punch guard advantage for Jake Lindsay You I can see right away, even if you didn't know anything about these two fighters, that Lindsay comes out of MMA and Finley comes out of boxing just with the stances, the position of the hands.
Lindsay feels like he's a much faster fighter, he's not showing it yet, but he definitely wants to use it. that in and out move lands those punches and lands one, two to the body for Derek Finley, straight right hand from Lindsay, three him naked now the jab and that's a move right there where you feel like you're the fastest fighter of that leading right hand. very difficult if you are not the fastest fighter counter right hand LS color by Jake Lindsay beautiful right hand counter again count counters again is what Jake Lindsay told us that is exactly what he did right there he waited for his opponent threw a punch and then Finley's counterattack did not launch restart the center circle 45 seconds left in round one of our main fight at 165 pounds jab to the body of Derek Finley double jab by Finley not achieving the double jab again not achieving it Finley he gets so low with that boxer that you're going to think L is going to have to use that hook to land which will be a key blow for him.
I think a hard jab from Jake Lindsay slowly walks down from Lindsay straight to the body from Finley with 15 seconds left in the first round in the clinch again. Finley told us that he's been working on stopping the clinch for me, gentlemen, stop some of Lindsay's game, there's the bell, the end of round one and round two and the main thing with Lindsay right now. feels like he has a down time from Finley, sees the duck under the roll for Derek Finley der Finley has a really good under roll, that's why I feel like Jake Lind could use that hook and throw that punch that really hurt his opponent.
Finley keeps punching. the body now in the middle tie Plum held by J clean break clean break stop for me if you've never fought in MMA if you've never fought J Jitsu D Judo fought it's very hard to get clinch credit for Derek Finley in 37 years for committing to the clinch, but again it's not that easy to learn a good right hand from Jake Lindsay full draw Plum Now from Lindsay interesting now for the over Hooks and I feel like that's a good tactic you just used your opponent is very strong, but that muscle you use oxygen and every time you make him use more oxygen, that's going to get those arms into the clinch more.
Look at Jake Lindsay's hard hook, very undereffective, absolutely hook to Finley's body. There are 40 seconds left in the second and third rounds. combination of punches from Lindsay back to jab right jab back from Derrik Finley overhand right Lindsay walks through him throws a right of his own another right hand from Jake Lindsay as thr Lindsay actually straight punches his opponent is right now with right flippers over the right him with straight rights Shad, the double, the double body shot, absolutely five people understood that reference to the five, good left hand, missed that time by Finley, right hand on the counter from Lindsay just before the and that's a great job by L, he's waiting until D finally misses with the crazy left hand and then he jumps around the number three Lindsay starting with the double jab from the right hand of Jake Lindsay walking through of that once again, that's where Jake feels like he's the fastest fighter you can throw with that bare right hand.
I could throw a couple Jabs out there but I was really just waiting to set up that right hand, got it in there, good job, Finley to the body after the jab, do it with the right hand again from Lindsay and that's the thing, the more quickly you push the pace. This way, you can always land the first punch left by H from Finley back into the clinch. He sees Lindsay in the doubled hook now by Jake Lindsay causing Nick Bar to immediately rest. I think he feels he won't be able to connect. anything meaningful why waste time let's get back to where I'm goingto win that was tactical by Jake Lindsay the doubles knew that would take the break from Barons and wanted to get out of the clinch Bley did a good job of trying to work the body here Bley trying to start the clinch this time separation activity cleans the bar requires a clean separation he receives the jab again There are 45 seconds left about three that time in the two Lindy Chris continues to throw the one who works with that Long straight jab with the right hand he throws that one but it is those two that land well another left hand B suddenly playing a lot of defense good left hand hook to the body big shots to the body counter right hand to the body from Finley low pressure again from Jake Lindsay needs to throw that hook.
I really like that good ground, but he needs to continue throwing that hook. There's the bell next in the fourth round as he opens the fourth round with this sff jab. I mean, most people think starting 3 feet away is Crazy Lindsay Wants to Start One Foot Away. Linds again tactically in the body clinch to gain separation. Lindsy leans a little a little weight before parting. Her corner tells her to pour it and I think that's it. What he wants to do right here, punching Lance, something Finley probably hasn't seen much of in his 63 professional boxing fights, isn't very common in boxing.
I'm not sure doubles will make you see the complete tie. Plum and the doubles, Chris. he's really tactical, he wants to make his opponent carry his weight, use his arms, he doesn't want to catch H with those big bombs, he slows him down enough to make it faster than a big hook to the body with the left hand, the right hand straight right. by Jake Lindsay there are those double points on the body that you talked about before, clean, clean and I love that clean right hand that Liz can have. to throw there an uppercut to the body of Lindsay Lindsay has another great round Finley looking at the counter to the body now off the jab 40 seconds left in the fourth round another left hook to the body just having his with him right now on the upper body from the middle draw Plum by Jake Lindsay Finley taking a lot of shots here in the fourth round and Lindsay doesn't let the RO out she's mirroring her hips good job Lindsay rights bigger rights one way traffic right now in favor of Jake Lindsay Finley just isn't hitting back very impressed with her ability to take these punches right here and not fall, although this is an MMA round, you could be scoring it. 10 ended up stopped in the corner.
I don't know if Finley surrendered or his corner was removed. the plug but that's a win for Jake Lindsay this is the bkfc debut for Bryce Henry Henry is 5 and 0 and professional boxing four of those five wins by knockout Brandon Shavers enters 1 and 0 in the bare knuckle fighting championship has had 10 Pro mix martial art jets including three in LFA Shavers, also 1 and 0 in pro boxing, small transfer of time and speed to my debut round with bare knuckles, pass number one, start from the scratch line to Brandon Shavers, he's in the white boxers, red boxers for Bryce Henry in the clinch shaver. he just came right in pushing his opponent back and again you see in the clinch Shavers, veteran of 10 professional MMA fights, Henry with no MMA experience, fresh out of boxing.
Amy's then professional referee, Bobby Wacher, comes back to it and Sean, the thing is when you get into Henry. He may be used to saving and training with this Cliff, but it's Tyron who's there, who he's not used to. That left hand just misses from Henry Shavers on the restart. Paul's stance moves forward is Brandon Shavers. Henry circles the outside to the new tall tight guard. Bryce Henry in the clinch once again, if Shavers wants to keep that clinch there and wear down his opponent, he needs to start throwing some punches he's taking there and hold the duck under Henri Shavers' right hand counter to make this happen. a hard. fight it's a tough fight so far with 60 seconds left round number one pressure forward again from Brandon Shavers one2 from Henry isn't there he's not going to stay long trying to be patient throwing a Miss with the left hook from Shavers CL those singers Sean You have to feel both these guys, this is a different fight for both of them.
Both fighters are 6'4 and 165 pounds. Now 25 seconds left in the round, left hand step, tight under Henry, right to the body, naked, left, right, back to the body, from Shavers, coming to the clinch stop stop break stopped on the break Bobby Wakeker just took the 10 second clap seconds final round number one right hand foul counter left to the body of Shavers just before the bell that ends the opening round I don't even know who We're still fighting in round number two and I like the The way Shav is right now, his mirror of his opponent's hips standing right in front of him all the time, he's not following him, he's not chasing him, he's mirroring his hips, a strong pressure inside with his head.
Shavers are smart and legal, those aren't headbutts just press in again, see arm control, almost a shoulder strike that was illegal, that wasn't Henry's intention in MMA, it's not legal under this set of rules with bare knuckles, are taps on the shoulder. PL from Shavers, you see a lot more punches thrown right now for Shavers and landing a long jab from Henry, that's what he wants to start with and from this distance Javers has been weaving in and out with his range so far Henry again off the jab Henry. you just saw him pointing with his right hand, that's a distraction tactic, it didn't work on Shavers, now we're talking to Shavers shaking his head, no counterattack, Henry backed away alluding to that blow.
There are 55 seconds left in the second round. Henry suddenly Chris looks a lot more comfortable in this is bkfc Debut here in the second round, you can say Shavers is much better when he is aggressive, he is picking up the pace if he is backing up and waiting for Henry to shoot, he doesn't He's doing so well, he has to get into the rhythm first. The fighters keep their hands up in a disciplined manner, a little more open, hitting the guard for Brandon Shavers B with the jab so that Henry gets with the jab a slight walk down, pressure with the left hand from the South B STS towards body inward, counterattack with Henry's right hand. it was fast and that's a precise punch, we're talking Henry in with a big jab with the right hand Shavers with his back against the ropes Henry with the right hand chavers looking at the counter left to the body big right to the body take down the number one of those B shots from Henry and when you get hit in the body with the B unless it really goes deep and that's what happened with ja right there, he's hurt from that body shot and well, Henry up at seven , there's the bell, we move. into round three, round number three and you could hear sh's trainer saying that if you don't stay off the ropes you're not going to win this fight, he has to be here, this is where he has to be if he wants to. wants to have a chance to win to push to start the third round for Brandon Shavers after a great round number two for Bryce Henry who, as you saw a few moments ago, knocked down Brandon Shavers closing seconds with those two body shots, look at those fingers walk down the pressure. of Henry trying to position Shavers with his back against the ropes.
Good result from Shavers and here is this quote in quotes denying the clinch in which Bryce Henry told us that he has worked diligently training for this bkfc debut with the left hand that fails to pass definitively blocked by Henry re. shaking his head without referring to that right hand 60 seconds left in round three, jab to the body and if he just sits here he's in trouble, he can't sit on the ropes right there, he has to push his opponent back, restart, get off the one who will otherwise shave. just waiting for some counter hook or right hand to land the right hand in the clinch the hook held by Shavers but he didn't throw that is the separation of Bobby Wacher L go from Bryce Henry on the way forward pressure now Henry's jab Henry double jab to the body here's the Big Shots flurry again from Bryce Henry Red Hook against Shavers left hand throwing with his back against the ropes Shavers on the left hook we thought it would be a fun fight Chris this is a really fun fight two radically different styles Brandon Shavers with his Pro MMA base Bryce Henry with his undefeated pro boxing base next stop fourth round to the scratch line Round number four underway small jab from the scratch line for Shavers shoulders in shoulders towards the body counter in the right hand for Bryce Henry Yeah, for Shavers, really trying to target the body hard to hit the head, sometimes they can duck and move, the body can't move.
Shavers' good left hand in the clitch goes back to what Brandon Shavers said, one of his keys to victory. Make this a tough fight, he did it in round number one. I'm willing to do it here in round number four. Out of the room. Enter it. Enter it. Enter it. Come on. It's new for Bryce Henry coming from professional boxing. Put yours. mouthpiece back without histrionics like in professional boxing both boys lose the mouthpiece now professional boxing is the corner the water time and you can put the knuckle of the bar back inside yourself 60 seconds left in the fourth round the separation again mouthpiece still coming out right now gotta keep actually, SP, his own m p, put it back on Shavers to the inside, he was heavy on the lead shoulder, heavy in the clinch, but he wasn't an active observer of the clinch in separation again.
Shavers to the body looking at the counter with the left hand off the The ropes are Henry now circling in a better round for Brandon Shavers after Bryce Henry had two strong rounds, rounds two and three, sh comes in really looking to work the body, I love that exactly what he needs to do right now, take down the number two, the big shot, closing. seconds of round number four and here is Bobby Wacher's count, it is the flow of the round, Wacher stops his fight and the victory in his debut in the Bical Fighting Championship for Bryce Henry and that was that precision right there for his winner by k o Bryce babayaga Henry this is fight number four in B KFC for Chancey Wilson.
He has also had nine fights in his Pro MMA career, including two at LFA Bor in the Philippines based at Clearwater Florida Jr Ridge. This is fight number four for R and B KFC, a star referee at the bar. knuckle to rising stars 125 lbs in bkfc Jr Ridge chy Wilson round number one black and gold truns for Ridge bling right truns for Wilson counter on the left hook there are quick switches from both left rear hands now from the south b stand for Wilson on the clinch on the underhooks is Chris Young's separation The 35ers are fast The 25ers always seem so much faster you're not a kid these guys are throwing lightning true to the knuckles as is true in MMA came from J.R rge I feel like that early flow came out J.R Ridge got a little excited, he moved a little faster than I thought.
Ridge missed with a right hand, good pull by Wilson. Wilson stayed out and missed the counterattack. He landed that left hook and missed with the right to follow with 60 seconds left in round one, both fighters proved to be quite elusive here in the early stages of this flyweight fight in the clinch and the right lands against the right hand, a Big left hook from Ridge's entry into Wilson's left hand, each punch landing even as the other lands. The person fights back so quickly that it doesn't seem like it hurts, but it's not Hur. They are landing good clean shots.
Snap Jaat from the Southpaw stands for Chancey Wilson, slammed into the body with a right hand from Ridge and was partially blocked by Wilson White. to the hard body to the St covering is Wilson uning is JR Ridge setting up shots Wilson surrounds Rich surprisingly letting him walk through the open door Ridge through Wilson did not come down Wilson made a circle and Ridge allowed him to make it very difficult look how many punches were thrown how many were blocked it's the end of the first round it was on us both fighters until scratch chy Wilson's head movement jab from the south boss dance see Ridge in the ortho stance again to the clinch over the right from Jr Ridge to Wilson's Gable SM grip does it to get the brake, it's part of the evolution we're seeing in the modern reboot of the barbell knuckle.
Chris Fighters switch to the es hold or the Gable hold when they want to get out. the clinch is safe right there, if you want the ref to break it just grab those G G Going up Bridge coming forward hard with front shoulder over and right R circling taking this fight back to the Center Circle B with the right jab back on Fain and Wilson's shot Wilson looking at Parry restoring some joy now from chy Wilson sticking out his chin coming downhands quick one two bridge back inside 50 seconds left second round CH is still having trouble with the two going overhead right now Brid, if you can turn that down, maybe throw an uppercut.
I think he'll be very lucky if he throws that one and then that hook right there, Wison circling on the outside, there was this with that paddle on top and it definitely took J Rich out of his line of punch looking to hook to the body both FS restarting the center circle, both can see absolutely respecting each other's speed and precision final seconds round number two very close very competitive Jr Ridge versus chany Wilson next stop round three almost always You have to turn that under that hook, you'll steal it, the coach top class in both boxing, and you'll knuckle Ryan Perez in Chancey Wilson's corner, round number three, short ground with the left hand to bridge Wilson's back jab and into the right hand. on Wilson's exit Wilson in the Jack from the south ball position Wilson again lowering his hands sticking his chin out trying to bait J or rich rich staying out do it with the left hand Wilson now talking to Rich wison got some confidence right there he lands a good shot, he continues to talk his opponent into the clinch, you see the baseball hold that time by Wilson and he has nine fights that some may experience, he understands the holds, the holds are getting him out of those clinches that he clearly doesn't want . to be Qui one two of Ridge 65 seconds left around number three of this flyweight fight Wilson actually puts his hands together it's a distraction tactic against Jr Ridge now smiles at Ridge change of stances straight to Rich's sternum Wilson advances with the one two which almost gives way to Jr Ridge's naked right, now Wilson moves forward, quickly separates from Chris Young again with 30 seconds left, in the third round, the double jab is not there for Wilson definitely backed off.
J.R shook off Rich trying to maintain his composure during a big exhale. from getting rid of dropping his hands, reset it, it's very difficult to finish this fight every time one guy lands a good punch, the other one lands a punch to round four, we immediately go forward, pressure from Wilson, we withdraw the right hand, quick, one, two from Wilson, staying. Jr Ridge's outside left hook with the long right CH can be noticed right now J R is still upset, his left eye still having trouble with his hands open now for Rich looking at Parry, turning up the volume here in round number four he still has someone to land that left hook here's Rich's counter again you see Wilson taking aim trying to get rich to look away that rarely works also he's trying to show the crowd the judges he's going around, is dictating the winning pace this fight is on happens to be Wilson moving forward again, make the left hand from the South B position on the right hand miss by Wilson.
Would you see Perry Southpaw's open hand against Ortho in the clinch? Modified Superman punch there by Chancey Wilson with his left hand raising his knee, but it went straight to the body of the winner with 30 seconds left and back, we return to the distraction, the pointer Chris Young telling Chance Wilson not to extend his finger, there is the extended middle finger he told him not to do that either the mailman's blood punch by JR Ridge but it wasn't in the last seconds of chy Wilson, the fourth round, an extremely even fight against Jr Ridge against chany Wilson, two of Bon be KFC in the flyweight division, and we move on to the fifth and final round five, underway, against the right hand, last of Jr Ridge. look at these two guys still oh so much Pep directing his pace right now Wilson coming forward with left hook BL flowing freely from Jr. right nostril calling nose now it's Ridge all Chancey Wilson's forward pressure ch really throws those hooks Now, to your previous point, Chris, both fighters have to approach this fifth round and finish like it's two rounds a piece, you can tell right now.
Wilson definitely does that or maybe like he's more droopy than he seems going for The Knockout R. Now there's no stretch. To the imagination, this row of fury could be two rounds a piece from the three Florida judges, the briefest moments in which Wilson is in the orthodox stance. his opponent so he can execute those wicked hooks and wild punches. 55 seconds left in this fight now forward pressure from Jr rich rich on the right overhand du under from chane Wilson Wilson back to the jab that was skillful from Wilson seems to be in a danger point showing the skill he shows the duck under the skill freeing himself from a bad situation, but now he takes a big right hand R advancing another right hand, the best offensive secret of the fight for Jr Ridge to the body, Ridge Wilson Circle comes out and Wilson choosing a terrible moment to take a break R, oh, he's tired, he's hurt, his body hurts, what's going on Final seconds Jesse Wilson has almost stopped fighting on this show, watching the last few seconds of this fight very closely Mo from Jr Ridge, they are the ones to get rid of the lion

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