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Birthday of Detective Jason with Lamborghini Cake

Jun 30, 2024
Hello, today is Detective Jason's


now I bought him a Lamborghini


let's see where he is Detective Jason Detective Jason I'm waiting for you in the car come right now yes DET Alex I'm coming I'm coming okay, he's coming let's hide Alex Alex I can't see you where are you Alex he's gone I don't know where he is 1 2 3 happy


Jason oh thank you very much here you go Happy birthday to you We wish we could eat this, let's eat Right now it's okay, I'll bring the forks, yeah, wow,


, says Detective Jason and Detective Alex, yay, delicious, I have two cupcakes, I have aie and I'm going to start eating them, delicious cupcakes, ha, I don't need this.
birthday of detective jason with lamborghini cake
Cupin Who are you? What are you doing? Get up, come back here Jason Jason, go. I need to eat this one first. He comes back here, he comes back here. I like to see someone. Runs. Go find her. Cup. Come here. I have you. Come with me right now. Are you going to pick up that cupcake Alex, I found it, no, my hands will be dirty, consequent action, no, oh, this cupcake is so good, no, I don't want to do this, go pick it up now, no, but it's on a track, OK? Okay, sorry, here we go and I don't want to see you again.
birthday of detective jason with lamborghini cake

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birthday of detective jason with lamborghini cake...

I will not do. The streets are clean, everything is clear Alex, oh it's so good Alex, why didn't you help me right? Jason. I wanted to help you but the cupcakes are so good look this is Bugatti here go enjoy Now understand it's a good time enjoy my cupcake uh-oh I dropped my cupcake oh no, now I have nothing to eat, let's see what the


s are doing the cupcakes are so good wo big cake H I know how to find time to distract them hello oh a phone call hello there is a w CER in the playground come help me this is going to work perfectly oh W tiger in the park Jason we have to go now okay , okay, let me put the cake here, okay, come on, run, run, run, run, hhh, right, we have to protect the Gibs, oh, there's the playground.
birthday of detective jason with lamborghini cake
Jason, yes, you have to be serious, but one last bite, hurry up, Jason, we don't have time to eat. Hurry, Jason, full speed ahead, tigers, tigers ready for you, where are you? Tigers, there are so many Tigers here, there are no Tigers, Jason, we have been fooled, let's go back, okay, I'll be right back, yeah, let's go back, come on, come on, we have to hurry, come on. in uhoh I have them and there is no one on the cake W it looks so beautiful wow W and there is a Lamborghini on top hey I have my cupcake back the one I dropped I'm so happy let's say bye yum yum I can't wait to eat my cake Alex, You see it?
birthday of detective jason with lamborghini cake
What does it let me see? Yes, the girl is eating our cake, let's go find her, but we have to be okay, she's okay, she's okay, I'll follow you, come on, come here quickly, is that her? Yes, she sees that car. I should try this cake instead, it's much bigger oh you really like that cake, you got me, we got you, we got you, that's our cake because it's Jason's birthday, really, yeah, happy birthday, thank you, but that's not enough, no, you go. to jail because you took my birthday cake and why you said there was a tiger in the park.
Sorry, I was hungry again, but happy birthday too, Jason, happy your day, really late for that. You come with me, you can't stand it. this cake but that's it go to jail go to jail the worst excuse I know because I was hungry we're here Jason let me check this environment it looks safe come on Jason h h I'm Detective Jason and I'm Detective Alex the Today's mission is to bring the money to the bank. We have a lot of money. Millions, yeah, that's right, let me show you the gold that's mine, the gold, hey, this is mine, no, it's mine, it's mine, not mine, no, no, no, no, it's, wait, that's a . a lot of money I know, I see money, wow, that's a lot of money, teamwork, teamwork, let's open, it's a money delivery, hurry up now, okay, the door is open, come in, come in, let's go there, come on M, that's mine, okay, come on. on closing the door yeah, we're almost there, we're almost there, come in, okay, write on the way, Jason, come on, hello, hello, it's 159, remember, I'll remember 59 W, okay, okay, it's time to unload the money, load it, load it, come.
Come on, you gotta be quick, come on Alex, the last bill, yeah, it's done for me too and it's time for a donut break, that's right, come on, yeah, come on, come on, it's time for a donut break. I have strawberry and chocolate chips. 59 yes, more money, more, okay. Let's get back to work, okay, come on, they're coming, where did I go here? Hurry up, okay, let's check the safe. Great idea Jason, wait a second, they took the money. There is a lot of money missing. I think someone took it Jason. Let's investigate, okay, come on, come on, they're not here, open the door, quick, sit down, hold it, wait, I need to drive, yeah, we're rich, bye.
Let's go to the


car. Great idea, wait a minute, the car is missing, where is the detective car? Jason I don't know, we have to look for him, oh no, look at that Jason, a money trail, come on, okay, we have to go this way, keep going, keep following him, come on, come on, yeah, let's hide, but where are we? Will we hide in the park? go, follow me, we find the detective court and there are the girls, Jason, let's go find them, come on, yes, we did it, this for you, and the rest is for me, just one, that's unfair, it's mine, no , it's mine.
I work not to prepare. I'm ready Jason no, come on, I don't have you, he got you, you're going to jail for you, ping the money that wasn't allowed, we don't want to go to jail, come on, no, we don't care, leave now, I want . I want to be ready, don't rush, get it, no, this is what happens when you take something that's not yours, which is right now, let's go and take the money to the bank, yes, it's your fault, no, it's your fault, No, it's your fault, no, your fault, I want to go. Where are the detectives who aren't here? whoopsie whoopsie yes bye bye Freedom yes time for my FL Jason is this the right place let me check yes this is H I'm Detective Jason and I'm Detective Alex today we bring Diamond student safe let's go to work okay let's go on time to Get out, come on, Jason, we have to be careful, uhoh, the detective, look, I need to find a plan this way, okay, open up, come in, okay, enter the Cod, now it's time to load the diamonds, that's it an expensive shave, take all the diamonds, yeah, it looks perfect, main police colors, blue and purple, very expensive, detectives, help my Jew, it's unlocked, hey Jason, see, let's see it , come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.
Go, go, detectives, what a wrong prisoner, the Jew, is unlocked, Alex, how is that possible? I don't know, we gotta fix it, let's get out of there prisoner, let's get out, yeah, you better wait there, check it out Jason and I'll check the other prison, yeah. I don't see the way this happened now I'm going to go to the safe have a good day don't go don't go look she goes to the safe they just left it open wow yeah one two let's not forget the diamonds money I'm rich she He's keeping all the money oh we don't have to go out wait don't you have the keys?
M yes, I have the keys Alex How could you forget? Oh, my bad, but I'll get us out now. Come on, come on, okay, we have another uh-oh, I think they'll come, she's very happy, but it's worth it, I need to get out of here quickly, wow, nice car, but I have to go, where is she? Let's go find Lambo. on Jason, okay, I'm ready to catch her, I escaped too and I have my diamond, let's get in here before they see me, uh-oh, it looks like the detectives are coming, where is she? Jason, I have an idea, tell me, great. idea, come on, we have the money trap, we are going to throw this bill and the Prisoner is going to try to get it, throw it Jason, yeah, now we just have to wait, what is that, more money, uhoh, there is a rope that they think are? smart, but they don't have good luck with your rope.
I'll take the money, huh, Jason, look, where's the money? She got it, but I have a new plan, okay, okay, come on, we have the side of the car for free and we're going to put it on. here now the prisoner will think that the Lamborghinis were free but then we will catch her yes, great idea, come on, let's hide yes, it's my lucky day, we don't need this anymore, we have it, I wanted to get in the car, you Let's go to jail Come on, but he wants a free car. Who cares? Get him, I'll bring him back to jail, buddy.
Yes, at least you can sit in the Lamborghini. Mhm, get out of here. I don't want to go to jail. I don't care, move, I don't want to relax any faster this time, instead of one lock, we'll put two locks, now I can't get out with two locks, and a third, no, good job, Detective Jason. good job detective To bad job prisoner Sarah I agree with that we are coming, let's bring the money I'm Detective Alex I'm Detective Jason today we'll take the money to the safe come on hello we're here to bring the money open the door, open the door quick, okay, it's open, Jason, come on, Jason, come on, there's the safe, okay, Jason, open the safe, yeah, what, oh no, it's too big, money doesn't fit in a safe , Alex, I have an idea what. let's eat something good idea come on yeah time for lunch eh what are these apples of course where's my donut?
I'm trying to get in shape Jason, I'm not well, I'll bring you donuts next time, but for now all apples. Right now look at my money. I'm so happy with him. A lot of money. This is small. I want a lot of money. I'm getting closer. I should hide my shopping cart. Okay, let's continue there. The door is still open. A lot of money. I found it and. There are no officers here let's check the construction come on yes, let's get out of here where is the money I don't know someone took it right who took it I don't know let's look for the first thing come on let's go h b b Where are you boss?
Hey, can I use the shopping C again, it doesn't fit right, this is fine, here we go oh no, I dropped it, it needs to fit here quickly and let's go Jason Jason, I see her, come on, come here, where there. to the guard who pushed him, come on, okay, come on, come on, Jason, hurry up, oh no, she's not here, come on in, I'll take the money, I've got the money, bring her, get her, no, come here, I've got you, right? Did you do it, yeah, did I catch you? You're okay, it's okay, Jason, did you get it?
Call me right now oh yes I came let's take her to jail now. Can I have my money? No, it's okay, I'm not going to jail number two. I don't want to be in jail. Enters. there and stay there get at least have money with me oh you want your money Alex put the money in jail number three your money will be here in jail two I want my money uh good job Jason good job Alex until next time bye

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