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Apr 13, 2024
the view right now. and then we will learn to fly. It's okay, I'm really enjoying the view. It's pretty nice down there. I only enjoy the view when I look in the mirror. Really Mia, that's not a show I'd like to see. what, oh no, oh it looks like one of these icicles fell, how do we get rid of this, oh geez, wait, I have this, don't worry, I have fire abilities. W oh wow, that did it dead, that didn't work as well as I wanted. Well, go ahead, I'll try again. Someone else uses their ability.
birth to death of an elemental dragon in minecraft
Wow, money, should this thing explode? I got this boom, huh, okay, you know what not. I think my skills are working too, oh, there we go, Shady, how come Shady can do it so easily? Come on, Shady, it's just because I can blow up rocks and stuff. I wanted to get rid of the icicle. There will be more icicles later that you can try. Well, Shady can do it first. Try it. Well, I'll tell Shady not to do it. It already exploded once. Yes, I can do the next one. Alright. Not if I blow it up first.
birth to death of an elemental dragon in minecraft

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birth to death of an elemental dragon in minecraft...

You will not do it. I'm going to blow it up first because the teacher is going to stop you and let me blow it up later. Yeah, I don't want to get hit with the back scratcher again. The back scratcher, well yeah, he spanked me once because I did it. something bad what you heard that cash so don't do anything stupid I'm not going to do anything stupid jeez I don't want the back scratcher the back scratcher is scary yeah that sounds scary it has like spikes what oh my god I think he got it out I'm running, he's following us with him, run oh no oh, I'm warning you master, they said there was going to be another icicle but we're already at the top and there are no more, so what?
birth to death of an elemental dragon in minecraft
Am I supposed to explode now? I thought there was going to be, but I guess not. Well, what are we doing here anyway? You're just going to take a leap of faith. What was it really? No. I'm just playing, let me read. the script, oh okay, what does it tell you to do right? The script actually says that you guys are going to take a leap of faith, so wait, why do teachers have scripts to give us? Can't they teach us themselves because they have? follow a strict curriculum listen, okay, if I were a


, I wouldn't need a script, but I'm a human, okay, that's right, okay, anyway, everyone, uh, just go ahead and head over that edge of the mountain over there, okay, okay, okay, this Edge.
birth to death of an elemental dragon in minecraft
Wait, let me see, no, I think it has to be more this way, right here, I don't know where I'm going, oh, here guys, come this way, I told you, oh, this is better, now everyone stands on one of these blocks I'm not going to jump down there, that's crazy, you're a


, okay, you'll learn to fly this way, yeah, but my parents said I'd probably break a wing or something if I tried to do it alone. Well, your parents were probably just trying to keep you safe when you were a kid, but now you're a little older, so I believe in you, wouldn't it be better to jump off something a little less high because you know then we would?
I don't have to worry about breaking a leg, no, you need to learn this way, buddy, okay, I think I'll stay on this side of the mountain because I don't want to jump off that side, oh, this side it is. actually it's steeper wait what's steeper here oh boy why did I choose this side perfect I like your decision making skills this is the best place to jump from oh boy I'm taking off from Nico I don't know if it's a safe idea to do that I told them they really did it yeah Shady fell to the ground I think Shady failed his flight no guys I'm fine are you sure he noticed?
I got a little scratched up guys, I'm chilling out. Okay C. your turn, bye, no, Mia, no, no, Mia, Mia, wo, wo, wo, wo, I'm doing it, look at me, we're flying, we're flying, wait, that was actually really easy. I guess you just needed a mountain steep enough to jump off. of guys land on this tree which tree this tree right here look at us brother we're at the top of the Kingdom oh yeah I knew I could make it one day I'm the big boss, it's actually the three of us, yeah, where's M? and Zoe, we're here, I'm under you.
I think the five of us are the great bosses. Look, we all made it to the top of the tree, except Zoe, she's the mini boss. Hey, damn, I'm not going to lie to you, bro. a mini boss i'm a big boss too it's definitely mini now that you all can fly go ahead and go back to the top of the mountain oh okay guys come on it's easy just fly all the way back like this . Why do they want us to be up here? Okay, everyone, now that you know how to fly, you need to do different tasks to train yourself, what kind of tasks?
Well, it's all in this book, so you'll just have to read. It's okay, says number one, to deliver a pile of potatoes to a couple on the air islands, where we're supposed to get the potatoes from. Oh, I got them here, okay, cool, number two is escorting a dragon from the air islands to the Fire Kingdom and then number three is putting out a grass fire on the Plains, we could do that easily, you're all a team, so I believe in you, easy, I've been tight, well I've never been to the A Islands, I don't really know how to get there though oh, it's super cute just follow me, I'll take us there, okay, follow Mia, Let's go okay Mia, these aerial islands are kind of nice, thanks, this is where I was born, I think I see them, wait, you see the couple.
They are kissing? I see you down there. Look, hand a stack of potatoes to a couple of guys. I heard someone needed some potatoes. No, hello, yes, we needed them. Potatoes, please give them to me and my wife. Please, why does your wife bite? She looks at me like that although I can't help it, don't worry that's how she plays oh my god no that's a big bite. I don't want him to do that to me. It used to be a pet. I was in that. movie called How to Train Your Dragon, don't worry, she's friendly, it's okay, she just doesn't know it hurts you yet, you need to back off, I'm sorry, back off what kid, oh what are you trying to say, oh god , do not do it.
Worry, that's how she plays. I don't think she's playing. That's not playing. Oh no, hey, don't worry, she's friendly. She's fine, no harm. here buddy, oh well, thank you kindly, I'll see you guys later, okay, no, you'll never see us again, we're going to do task number two, which is to escort a dragon from the air islands to the Kingdom of Fire, wait for grandma. Still angry, look why she follows me. Oh, I'm fine, wait guys, we can complete task number two right here. We have to escort her to the Kingdom of Fire. Just have him follow us there.
Hey, follow me, big lady, she runs this way. We're almost there I see it oh guys oh guys is she still following us? yes, she still follows us and she is biting. she's behind us oh god she's okay bring her here. What do we do? What do we do? How do we get her to stay here? I don't know, I don't know Shady, can you do something? She's got me trapped Shady, take her, this thing is so big, oh he's carrying her, oh Shady, how am I going to do that to leave him in the tunnel?
Wait, wait, that's my house, Shady. I don't think you want to leave her there, she'll go there for now oh oh God okay well what just happened to Shady? I don't know, I think I broke down. Well, well, grandma is still here, so please stay. Thank you so much. Well, we completed the first two tasks. What is the last? The latest is to put out a fire on the grass planes and help them rebuild. Wait, there's a fire on the grass planes. We better hurry. Why didn't we do that first? Why is that the third task?
We have a bucket in the grass. Please, we will need you for this. I know I have it. Wait, the grasslands are where our school is. We've been here all the time. Look, there's only a little. There are fires here guys, help burn them, wait, I see the biggest fire, it's over here, oh God, I have to put it out or put it out with your water skills, buddy, I'm doing it, I'm doing it. I'll try to hit as many as I can, ok me too, I'm going crazy right now Shady, where are you? Wait look at this look at this look at this ready okay looking boom wo how are you that friend?
I don't even know. I'm just talking about it wait that's really sick here we go that's good thanks guys there are also small fires near the school oh god I have a feeling the dark dragons did this they really believe wouldn't they have been fire dragons? Well, I mean, dark. dragons can shoot fire too, oh wait how come they have all the elements combined? Are you serious? We don't have to worry about them now we put out the fire because we are goats. How about we go back to the aerial islands where Mia and Zoe are from because that place seems relaxing, yes, that's right, you guys don't like grasslands, this place is so peaceful, uh, okay, but it reminds me too much of School, yeah, I guess that's a real word, yeah, I agree, I say let's go.
Back to the air Islands let's do it now we have the four elements we have fire that's behind me earth air and water look at us let's go I can't believe we also have our own statues it's a little bad that Zoe and I have to share one yeah but it's Well, brother, did I cook? Although I told them that the grasslands were quiet, brother said that he knew a place, yes, this is a pretty good place. I am not going to lie. I also like the little fires around here. my kind of vibe, yeah, this is pretty chill.
I know it's quite a vibe guys, there's something coming in behind the tree, what do you mean you're the ones that have been ruining my plans, what the fuck, what the hell is that thing, stop ruining yourselves? my plans what plans wow what are you doing oh I'm going to destroy everything hey calm down this is our friend Chill Spot what's exploiting him oh no, I don't care if it's your Chill Spot enough is enough friend, he's breaking things I'll do it destroy everything so you worked hard, no you're not, this is our Sanctuary, you can't do anything starting with you, red boy, whoo, whoo, what do you mean leave my friend alone, leave my friend alone, brother, stay away from my friend, oh?
No, come here, boom, get it, boom, did I kill him? I think you did, yeah I think they exterminated him, we disintegrated that guy who was just my first dark dragon too, just wait until more come. I'm going to use more fire skills. I told you Shady, don't play with me, let's smoke, you damn fools, that's what I'm saying, we got the combo going, come on and like that, kids, that's how I defeated my first dark dragon. The W ending, did you ever get your own? bedroom uh no, I forgot to ask my parents that. Have you ever been to UU Java?
No, I never did anything like that. Will you get a pony? You will never grow up to kill a dragon like me. What I am going to do? Do it right now no, no, guys, don't go do it now. Hey, I'll kill whoever is using a water skill. There is an imposter. If you want to see more of our videos, click one on your screen right now and don't forget it either. to subscribe subscribe bye bye guys

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